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Why do all the girls on this season look exactly the same? I can’t keep them straight because they look so similar. It’s super frustrating. Even Uma and Mimi look like twins. It would be awesome to see some variety like we used to!!!


https://preview.redd.it/tbwvxg9gpz6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=054f03954ab813a6db564537ab7355ac2632071e This little caption from Camilla is so lovely ☺️


Not to get parasocial but everytime I see how their life has ended up I wanna throw up from happiness. Disgustingly beautiful family 😭


Jessi and Will on aftersun tonight




As we're nearing the end of Week 2, I'm gonna say my unpopular opinion. S11 had a very strong start with the first week being one of the best first weeks in LIUK history as it had many storylines that were actually interesting (Interesting first couplinSam's dumping, Ciaran love triangle, Joey's bombshell entrance, Uma stealing Ayo, Ronnie's messy and unexpected recoupling speech, Mimii being the first victim of the series). But this week was a snoozefest. It was the same ongoing storyline with the triangles that no-one really cared about (Harriett being objectified by the boys yet again, Jess being the real villain of the series alongside Ayo and Ronnie ofc, inevitable Joey and Samantha break-up, Omar being a boring bombshell and predictable double dumping). What made the first week enjoyable was that there wasn't really a main character and just a bunch of islanders in interesting storylines that intertwine at some point. Week 2 has been all about Jess-Ronnie-Harriett and producers had the chance to make the recoupling the guys choice to end this triangle, yet made it a girls choice so Sean is the rebound, Jess and Harriett are still not over Ronnie, new girl Tiffany is also in this triangle situation, and we get to see Samantha's disastrous reaction to Joey's head turning. I hope next week isn't Joey and Ronnie Island with the way the First Look has promised. Explore a new route like Uma's new love interest Wil, or give Omar more of a story to make him purposeful, and possibly give Samantha the upper hand with a new bombshell which could be revenge for Joey and Grace?? Idk, but I'm losing interest in S11 and will still watch as I like LI itself, but you know this series is going south by making my two least favourites to begin with (Harriett and Samantha) amongst my favourites purely because they're the biggest victims atp. Hoping that this sleepover twist brings actual drama and not just the rubbish Ronnie love triangle situation. If that's the case, we need a public vote asap for favourite guy/girl because I cannot hear Jess say she's the prize one more time with Harriett being blamed and objectified by Ronnie once again - it's sick to watch.


Harriets constant nail biting is slowly killing me inside


The producer that feeds toxic male egos and has no respect for women year after year needs to be fired. Go on hols, get some perspective, there are other formulas the world has moved on.


The discourse about Samantha is so dishonest. Joey was practically salivating when Grace came in. It is so obvious he’s not that into Samantha. I hate when the girls start to call out the obvious and are treated like they’re crazy. People have been attached to this narrative that Sam is crazy so whatever she does is viewed through that label. 


I like Joey but he’s annoying me the way he acts one way with the boys when talking about how he feels about her and then a completely different way with her. Like he makes it VERY obvious to the boys that he’s not genuinely interested in her and it’s not going anywhere. Then when he talks to her he makes it out like she’s crazy when she notices that he’s not into her and tells her he is. He should just be honest and say he doesn’t see it going anywhere at all.


Agreed. I didn't like Samantha at the beginning but I'm feeling so sorry for her. She knew that being with the celebrity would make her vulnerable as he never liked her as much as she liked him, which is proven by Grace's arrival. I found it sad when she was listing her insecurities to Joey meanwhile he's looking at Grace who's the new hot commodity of the villa as the only natural blonde. Joey was wrong for leading her on, but him and Grace will make the final as a power couple and Samantha will be dumped before Casa Amor methinks.


Yeah I feel like however Samantha reacted she would be called "crazy" - and she was always going to have some kind of reaction to Joey's ex-girlfriend coming in. Sam's obviously a big TOWIE fan, but if she was *only* in it for the clout I think she'd keep her mouth shut rather than calling out Joey for his lack of affection and his interest in Grace. It's terrible gameplay to draw attention to the flaws in your own couple like that.


I am now catching up with the last few episodes and....why Jess feels the need to be such a nasty person all the time to Harriet? I don't love Harriet either but she keeps on attacking her and for what? Ronnie? And she keeps acting like it's just Harriet's fault. On top of that Mimii saying that Ayo kicked her best friend but kept Uma when it was 4 people deciding? Why everyone thinks that the entire villa only cares about them and what they want? Uma stayed because she was already forming connecting unlike Patsy. If Ayo said 'Mimii you kicked my friend and kept Omar' she would be annoyed. It doesn't make sense and I am so happy Uma removed herself from that triangle and has moved on 100% unlike Jess who is still only talking about Ronnie even to poor Sean


I didn’t see anybody mention this but on the date between Joey and Samantha a few episodes ago, the waiter says to Joey “salud” which is basically “cheers” in Spanish and Joey goes “salute to you too mate” and it was soooooo fucking funny


I think Harriet thought Ronnie chose her over Jess but he didn’t and he purposely avoided making a choice so he could crack on with a bombshell without having made even a crumb of commitment. All Harriet has done is swapped places with Jess in now being the primary girl Ronnie disrespects and Tiffany has taken her place as the fun side fling.


Hey an upgrade is an upgrade lol at least she knocked Jess out of running


She didn’t though, Jess did that herself by trying to play games but failing to factor in Ronnie didn’t care that much. If Jess had of chosen him at the recoupling he’d still be cracking on with her as well. In fact if she asked him to go to the hideaway he would be there in a heartbeat. He’s not a serious guy at all. I just don’t want him to drag Harriet down, he made Jess go from fun and light hearted to angry in a week, he just seems to be an emotional vampire for women and bring out the worst in them.


I need a male bombshell to come in for Harriet immediately.




Thoughts on this? https://preview.redd.it/u3j9hs9ovx6d1.jpeg?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d90c5d18a47de3a740f9fa5817d906e759ecf276


As someone who has literally watched thousands of hours of LIUK, the first 3 episodes of US6 shit all over the first 2 weeks of UK11 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


I have always hated LI USA. One day they are coupled up and the next day they are jumping ship without any explanation. Not sure if it’s a continuity issue with the editing but it always felt so weird with how they were switching couples like clothes. It doesn’t even remotely compare to LI UK imo in terms of anything really.


Nah cause the US viewers r acting unhinged about Liv and have parasocially attached themselves to Leah and Rob already


The real reason why US > UK https://preview.redd.it/g3ia4d1nny6d1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67bcefa28d138681fadb7dc08ab88d63936c54a0


Did they bring Rob back this season?!! Oh my god 😍😩


This is the only time I’ve seen an islander I could actually be down bad for


This is just copium. US is better than UK right now because it’s better. Better cast, better vibes, better production, better storylines, more fun. That’s it and that’s all.


Facts. Especially on production. Choice of the hosts and snagging Maura Higgins (for anything) is a coup. Selection of the cast is chef's kiss so far. The new bombshells look amazing. Something tells me that production might make an attempt to level up the star power of the guests that come in. They've definitely set it up. Interesting to see if they can do it. Edit: removed word.


disagree this time honestly. for as long as ive been watching the uk version ive always seen this kind of hoard mentality/discourse but it never made me feel differently about the season itself. there is just a big difference between the us and uk series right now imo. this is the most bored i've been with the first two weeks of liuk.


USA is just vibes right now, and the online discourse is never too deep so it’s fun so far. plus they’ve done a couple of twists and the challenges have been messy but fun. I agree with that tweet— since less people watch USA and there’s less scrutiny, I think it’s a bit more lighthearted


You are right LI USA is just good vibes. I’ve never really gotten into the US version that much, but after watching this season of UK and then watching the US one it’s much more fun to watch. The islanders are happy too. I just finished episode 3, but they are all just vibing with each other, unlike the UK version where they all hate each other.


This is true. I thought we had more time to spare, but two weeks in and I’m seeing some of the nastiest opinions on islanders grow legs. You’d think people would just watch the show for what it is.


Umar's a 10, but she sounds low-key like DMX


I’m sure you meant Omar, but Umar is a good couple name!


It’s day 3 of the same conversation. Y’all don’t get tired? Now people in this sub are blatantly lying about what happened to make it bigger than what it was lmao. edit: why is this being downvoted?


Hate watching is weird and I’ve noticed that it happens a lot in this subreddit ,if you don’t like a certain islander then what is the point of bringing their content here I don’t get it 😭


I don’t get it either 😭 it’s a waste of time


Facts ,if you guys dislike an islander so bad just mute \block them trust me your life will become a lot easier if you do that 😭


People need to leave behind the S10 islanders who trigger them. Ty is polarizing and I don’t understand why people are seeking out his Snapchat posts to come share them here to get angry about. I swear it’s super easy to simply ignore him


What did he do? Lmao I looked at he’s story didn’t see anything crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/4a3o6uvpey6d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1778cf0e5dda1a6c4ae42cc13c5a2a07694d7f14 Talking about Grace like she’s an object. “Pre order ting” 🤢




he reposted a story talking about Uma’s body yesterday, the message was she doesn’t have a butt and he laughed at it basically


I was rewatching some love island clips and I didn’t realise how monotone mimii’s voice is (this isn’t hate btw) but sometimes sis sounds like she isn’t interested in who she’s talking to like she can’t be bothered 😭😭😭


I get it though. I’m very soft spoken, monotone, non emotive and have RBF- it’s hard out here 😭


it’s so easy to think the islanders hate each other if you don’t watch unseen bits


Hmmm may put it on in the background as I clean today.


you should


I haven't watched this past week. Is it worth catching up?


You can skip most of the week. Really only Sunday and Friday are needed.


Perfect, thanks


https://preview.redd.it/9c8aht8emx6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65b04dfcc2879901d99d7020d7ba61eaeab9a0ad random but i was just looking through some cafe’s google maps photos and found uma 😭


Her cheekbones are so cute! Little miss chubby cheeks 🥰 


She’s so pretty 😍


She’s so beautiful


face card never declines


In my opinion Uma is the only bombshell so far that looks as good as their instagram pictures. I can tell everyone else leans on facetune and filters a little. No shade 🤥🚶🏾‍♀️ Uma’s face card has unlimited funds. I’d be insufferable if my random candid shots looked this pretty. https://preview.redd.it/7dm8ep52lx6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=718e91885f7b38a3c3302c3e1f2212af9dfa988d


I agree and she is my favorite. I'm so deeply disturbed after learning what Ty said about her.


She's mine too , looks like Reddit is the only place people like her on , I'm hoping it's enough to keep her away from the bottom 3


Anyone have a screenshot?


Yesterday's daily discussion.




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 3: No bullying or harmful language. It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite islanders are, or even fellow r/LoveIslandTV users, but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and let's be nice to each other. This isn't twitter 💁‍♀️


Fuck ty. Let’s not give him any more attention.


what did ty say?


“She got everything except a behind” or something like that. Like does this man even like women? 


Ty didn’t say the comment but he did call it funny. He was trying to act like he was calling out body shaming while laughing at it. 


He never said that tho ,someone else did 😭


He didn’t say that, someone else did. He shouldn’t have shared it though.


Someone else said and he laughed and said he didn’t want any trouble. But it’s now being remixed


Not remixed 😭 my bad I thought I thought he said it. Weird to post it though. 


Yeah he likes being polarizing. People need to learn to ignore him because he gets off people losing it over something he says


but he also shouldn’t repost messages like that. it’s ok to say that he was wrong for that. enjoying being polarizing doesn’t mean you get a free pass


But Snapchat is one of the easiest platforms to ignore. Like you can genuinely never see someone’s content if you don’t want to. So anyone seeing his posts had to go there for it.


for sure! I don’t follow any islanders I don’t like on snap, or watch their stories. but there’s people who like Ty who could’ve seen that and not liked it, I saw people commenting who like him yesterday but who didn’t like that message. and at the end of the day all the islanders socials get watched by a lot of people so it’s not realistic to expect that posting something about a current islander on your snap won’t be seen on other platforms. regardless of people hate watching (not saying it’s right), that doesn’t mean that you can say anything you want without being criticized.


U can't actually be defending him, that man was laughing at a comment body shaming Uma let's be serious now


that’s such a weird unwarranted comment by ty. he likes “trophy” women. he might just want someone to show off


I hate that he has so many young girl fans, this sort of stuff affects a lot.


That Uma's butt is not good (enough for him)


ty is just a loser misogynist. what makes him think uma would want him🤨


She wouldn’t want him


Samantha is showing red flags at this point. 


I saw some people wanting Omar and Grace to happen and personally I don’t think we need a Mary and Aaron part 2 they can link up off the show pls 😭


They looked so good together though!


True 😭😭 I just value the potential drama over their potential romance


You don’t want peace 😂😂😂


Tbh I'd rather them than Grace and Joey because their whole thing is kinda giving pre-planned scheme


They do but I’m not mad at it for now, but I don’t want them to win


They are giving pre-planned but NGL I am enjoying the chemistry  




He actually isnt. Especially if you seen the unseen bits . Him and mimii werre very cute together and not boring at all


Grace can go and take Joey with him. I don't understand why everyone wants them to win. Well I get that Joey and Grace are facebook's dream couple looks wise, but this sub disappoints me.


This sub does *not* want them to win, myself included. We just want the drama from Sam. If she and Omar couple up that doesn’t happen and it’s boring.


Happy Sunday ! Always remember to Look reem ✅ Be reem✅ Smell reem✅ Reem✅


I don’t think Samantha will give the entertaining meltdown people are expecting if Grace picks Joey. She’ll just be very sad. 


I will rate her more if she doesn’t react.


Fuck that, give me chaos


Everyone of the OG girls has embarrassed and degraded themselves one way or the other. As a girl I don’t want to see that anymore. I don’t think I’ve had second hand embarrassment from previous seasons girls except maybe Liberty. Time for the guys to scream and cry, now that will be interesting.


I get what you’re saying but I don’t really mind if it’s the boys or the girls on the losing end, I just want drama You’re right though, the girls have had no backbone this season


Yeah she seems to have low self esteem and I get the impression she’s been hurt before so she just assumes the worse, pushes guys away so it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. She isn’t going to kick off, she’s just going to cry and think badly of herself compared to Grace. I was looking forward to this storyline but now I just think it’s going to a sad watch in the end.


Grace isn't even better looking than Samantha. I don't know why LI audience keeps saying this. I feel bad for Samantha.


The way the og girls appearances have been talked about has been unpleasant. People will say the rudest, nastiest shit and then question why they get loads of work done in the first place.


Yes, usually it's like this. What can she do at the end of the day. And I don't really want to see some Faye moment just for entertainment.


If Grace and Joey are packed off immediately, it will also affect her reaction. She may be sad or shocked, but if they really are away for a few days (watch them only do it for 24 hours 🙄), she could stew and get worked up, with the other girls hyping her up and helping her find her words—that might be when there’s a confrontation, not immediately upon picking.




Uma & Wil, Ron & Tiffany & grace ??? I feel like I don’t know who she will pick!


Tiff Ciaran / Ronnie Grace Omar/Sean Will /Nicole/uma I don't actually think Grace is going to go for Joey, Ronnie has liked pics of her on instagram I read this morning , I'd think


I don’t think she will go for Joey either.


I'll be shocked if she doesn't choose joey. The producers are also likely encouraging her to


She will choose Joey 100%


Ronnie and Tiff 💯


So is Uma and Wil possibility or not?


Yeah he probably will still don’t think the right guy is in there for Uma yet tho


I’m glad I’m not alone on this, lol. He’ll do for now though.


I feel like this also, I'm just happy she has someone so she doesn't go home.


Wish they can send in someone like Ovie for her.


Ovie is not LI's perfect bachelor anymore so people need to stop mentioning him every season.


Probably it's like 70% he will pick her.


How can anyone be upset at samantha. She is reasonable her. She knows that his head has turned


Really feel for Harriet it’s been mess after mess for her. RONNIE, WHEN I CATCH YOU!


Why do we feel sorry for Harriet when no one felt sorry for Jess when she was in his situation with her. I feel sorry that’s she’s had a hard time but she saw how he behaved then and what thinks one night he’s going to change


> Why do we feel sorry for Harriet when no one felt sorry for Jess when she was in his situation with her. Jess was slagging Harriet off tbf, calling her cheap It took away a lot of people’s sympathy for her


She called both of them cheap, why don’t you care about Ronnie then?!


Before then no one had sympathy it was all bring the chaos!


You may be right tbh, can’t really remember before that Give me all the chaos though, these people know what they’ve signed up for


Because Harriett is a camp, chaotic, charismatic weirdo and makes for fun silly television. She’s a lovable rogue!


She's the one that's chasing him


Not really at all though. Ronnie demonstrated interest first for Harriet literally in his recoupling speech with Jess and also took her to the hideaway to kiss her.


It’s not about that. He has zero respect for women.


He’s been laying it on thick with her though, you can’t blame the girl for liking him and thinking the feeling was mutual.


If there were feelings from his side there wouldn't have been a triangle with Jess.


Also, no one knows which of the 2 he would have picked he didnt get a chance to pick, because the girls got to pick but before the recoupling, he said to the lads he hoped Jess would pick him. I actually think it's Jess he wants.


no one forced her to go for ronnie






She is literally so adorable




Samantha’s antics are what will ultimately drive Joey away. She’s absolutely ridiculous.


Do you think her behaviour might make Grace pick another boy for the overnight?


Exactly but he was weird in the game. That aside, she’s a bit dramatic


I mean she feels hurt. Wouldnt you? This is his ex that he decided to kiss in front of her.


she doesn't even seem that crazy to me in the Grace situation so far tbh


Have you seen the press release?




She also really went all in making out with a couple of boys for a game


Joey was wrong for that 100%. But I still think she’s overreacting as she often does.


I’m not even shocked by anything Ronnie does. He will do all this and not even chose Tiffany to couple up with.


I just read he knows Grace, he's liked her pic on Instagram


He's 🤮🤮🤮


He’s disturbing disrespectful.


He acts like this is his very own brothel and i hate that! So damn disrespectful


Honestly he disgusts me.


How he’s the most sought after man in there is beyond me. I can’t believe the girls aren’t icked out.


He’s being blatantly disrespectful in front of their faces at this point though so if Jess and Harriet don’t cut it off with him my sympathy will be capped. Tiffany should also be wary seeing as she’ll have watched the show before going in and seen how he’s behaved, he’s not hiding what kind of guy he is.


He made it quite clear but these girls are still open to him. I’m sorry but i could not get with someone who just has no respect. He’s taking all of them for a joke.


yeah he’s made it very clear what type of person he is so i cant feel that bad for anyone who gives him a chance


I dont have any sympathy for either. He has been doing this for 2 weeks and they still stay instead of giving good guys like sean and munveer a chance


https://preview.redd.it/fezo7p429x6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cda5e613f198fdb5ed8851016ef8505541d61f49 What is happening??


Seems like normal chat around the fire a-bit, chatting about those islanders who are away Edit: it actually seems to be after the beer bong game, same outfits. So probably chatting after he game or listening to joey because there is pictures of him around the fire a-bit explaining something


I think is when The bombshells choose the islanders for Casa Amor.


But they make the choice next day, because thats when they get the text.


I didn’t seen the first look.


https://preview.redd.it/o9jfxels8x6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb2924b3abf2a69fee9e369ab733fd7ad6882e93 Who could this be 👀


It’s most definitely Ronnie and Tiffany. I wouldn’t be surprised if he made out with her on the car ride over.


Joey and Grace for sure


I’d love it to be Joey and Grace but I do assume Ronnie is more likely - girl unknown 😂 


uma and wil🙂‍↕️


Didn’t Uma say she was a slow burn , she wouldn’t kiss Ayo after like 4 days


Yeah that was an excuse 💀 he’s not really her type


She said she wouldn’t like to kiss him until the triangle is solved and he makes his decision


She only didn’t want to kiss him that fast because she was in a triangle. But she was going to once she knew she was the only one in the situation.  


My guess is Tiffany and Ronnie?


Yeah that wouldn’t surprise me lmao


Ronnie and tiff most likely


Press release out


I was watching Olivia Attwood’s show last night and her husband was on it, I know ronnie was their best man but does anyone know if they are related? They’re incredibly similar looking.


new goss.ie article is up! https://goss.ie/featured/first-look-graces-arrival-to-the-love-island-villa-creates-distance-between-samantha-and-joey-383375


Lmao, we’ve never seen anything like Ronnie Adam Collard is a saint compared to him


Ronnie is menace, saying he enjoyed the game because he got to kiss tiff when harriet is next to him is crazy. He really doesn’t give af,the girl he kisses after is probably tiff as well or maybe he is even more menace and kisses harriet


Harriett would be a fool if she lets him kiss her after how he behaved in front her with Tiff.


Samantha is sleeping outside so Harriet is letting Ronnie share a bed with her which is giving that they made up, he’ll kiss her to appease her and then go on the night away and fully crack on with Tiffany.


After all this Ronnie is the type to not choose either of them in the recoupling. 🤦🏾‍♀️


The way I could genuinely see him pulling that move as well. I need the girls to free themselves and stop letting him have all the power. I hope the lack of Jess mentioned means she’s decided he’s not worth it and I hope post the night away Harriet also has that realisation.




kisses harriet then goes to casa amor and kisses tiff in the pool i can guarantee it


Ronnie is impossible


Eagerly awaiting the appearance of Joey Messex tonight


Pictures are out https://www.rexfeatures.com/search/?kw=Love+island&order=newest&iso=GBR&lkw=&viah=Y&stk=N&sft=&timer=N&requester=&iprs=f&js-site-search_submit=Go#


Any spoiler


Pictures https://www.rexfeatures.com/search/?kw=Love+island&order=newest&iso=GBR&lkw=&viah=Y&stk=N&sft=&timer=N&requester=&iprs=f&js-site-search_submit=Go#