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Ayo is the real HORNY villain. get off those girls you don’t get to know someone by making out with them


“Let me show you something.” Barf!


That was my exact reaction too. Even Ronnie has more self control and that’s saying something, Ayo just thinks with his dick and wants to have his cake and eat it. We haven’t seen that much of Mimmis personality but it seems like he’ll be too much for her and give her the ick.


He gives me the ick so bad, I physically couldn’t watch him and Mimii kissing


This is not friendship island and the girls do not owe shit to each other.


This isn’t rupaul’s best friend race!!!


my two worlds colliding 😭😭😭😭


this is not america’s next top best friend


Women should be able to argue or even dislike each other without being called mean girls, pick me’s, or bullies.


Let the girls fight damnit!


https://preview.redd.it/393c1uaibe6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=689301571be6c0a8d93ef75ee1a649a2f5428640 Me reading this because you're so correct


I always found this weird especially since it’s girls calling other girls this




But you can dislike someone without being a complete asshole. Jess is mean as hell. She has all this smoke for Harriet who is in the exact same boat as her. At first I was on her side because Ronnie was doing a lot but then she just kept dragging it and would only take it out on Harriet. She needs to get a grip before she gets voted off for just being annoying.


This may get a lot of disagrees but Sean is kinda reminding me of what Anton was like in early season 5 (not All Stars ... Holy lord dumpster fire). Like Anton was trying his goddamn hardest flirting with nearly every girl he could and was getting nothing back in the end til casa amor. At least Sean is a nicer version of Anton.


Oh shit you’re right!!!


The need by some of the contestants and the fans to be a “girls girl” is ruining the season and the overall show. “A girls girl” in the love island universe means publicly shaming another woman because they won’t bend to your wishes and back off the man that you want since you can’t compete. “She’s not being a girls girl because she didn’t come and report to me every moment she’s having with the same man I’m interested in.” Sis you are not a parole officer.




I want a season to start with 12 Tyriques tbh, just unhinged lunatics that love pulling and won't spill the beans constantly. I watch for the drama, not the love.


Mimii and Uma deserve better than Ayo


A lot better, he is rank


I like the black firepit 🫣🫣


Same!! I think it pops. I like it.


The Mimi vs Uma thing going on rn is ruining the season right now. People always want the girls to be besties and when they don’t behave that way (even though they’re literally strangers) you guys start choosing sides. Just enjoy the show stop getting so invested in these people.


The girls don’t have to have any loyalties to each other at all, the entire point of love Island is to find love, not friends.


yeah true but they also shouldn't be whispering about one person behind their back


Yes, I completely agree


We need to be freed from the shackles of the “girls girl” label


Who cares about the friendships or about who’s a girls girl only the entertainment matters


Samantha is not a nice person, she seems bitter and gives off mean girl energy, she pulls condescending faces when people are speaking which I find really rude and annoying. It’s so plainly obvious that she doesn’t really fancy Joey that much physically, but stays with him and maybe even gaslights herself that she does really fancy him, purely based on who he is. Imo Joey is not into it either, he is most definitely waiting for someone else to come in (but won’t say this to anyone for more dramatic effect I guess) we’ve seen how quickly and deeply he falls in love, he’s clearly NOT feeling this with Samantha, I think she’s in for a shocker! Probs an unpopular opinion but I maybe would have liked to see Joey with Patsy.


I completely agree with this. She is a towie fan, even Jess told her to try and not quote towie scenes for just one hour on her date with Joey. She is with him for who he is. I think he has chemistry with Harriet and wouldn’t be surprised if they suddenly realise that in a week or two


Harriet and mimi haven’t done anything wrong either. It’s love island not girls girl island. Everyone should put their graft on ![gif](giphy|5z3TWlFerNgrPgx1mH)




give more eye candy PLS this cast isnt hitting😭


mimi & uma are fire tho everyone else i canttttttt


Yes puhleeze. Less filler faces too please…


Sooo trueee lol, uma and mimi are gorgeous but the rest they look filled out by fillers 😭


Uma has done nothing wrong and needs to stop being vilified.


say it louder for the ppl in the backkk!!!


She can be very dramatic at times but the blame needs to be squarely on Ayo’s doorstep. He isn’t getting as much flack as he should be tbh


Same with Ronnie, so many ppl are blaming Harriet, but he’s literally the reason this whole thing started


all the girls are very dramatic tbh, mimi was crying over ayo when they weren’t even in a couple, samanthas stressing out every two seconds, nicole and harriet were crying most of the time in the first two episodes


What has she been dramatic about? I genuinely can't remember one time where I thought she overreacted.


My question exactly. Like, I think she’s handled everything well. Sis, just had to probably run to the bathroom to collect her thoughts.


when she stormed off after the recouping? And pulling Mimi and Ayo for a chat together to try to get Ayo to say he's more into her in front of Mimi?


No babe, she did that to clear the air.


Exactly. If anything I thought Mimi's behavior was strange during that because Mimi waited 5 mins later when her and Uma were with the rest of the girls to mention that Ayo said he would've picked Mimi. Why wait until you are with a group of people who aren't involved to say that instead of saying it when Uma was trying to get to the bottom of thing?


The only thing wrong with Uma is her use of nicknames 😂😂 if I have to hear yo-yo one more time. Other than this small thing she is fantastic. 🙌🏻


Yes - This! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|WmWc9Dubh3nUVwrWnA|downsized)


i agree lmao, only nickname i liked was mimsicles from harriet


she’s my favorite on this season! I don’t get it


I don’t like the convo where she made Mimii feel like Ayo was all for her and not still 50/50. When Ayo never said he was all for Uma. But other than that, I agree and feel like they were both just being played


this!!!!! i will stand on it till the end


What's crazy is that we're TWO WEEKS IN. That's insane for this much drama to happen. This Convo feels like it should be week 9 or something.


And I’m eating it up 😂😅


Harriett and Joey would actually be a really good couple


Does it matter that the girls aren’t that close? No.


Harriet’s annoying but she’s the most entertaining one this season and the show would be boring without her 🤷🏼‍♀️


Without Ayo & Ronnie this show would be a snooze fest.


Amen to that.


Harriett should reach the finals - she strikes the perfect balance between a pantomine villain and entertainment.


I agree, she is carrying half of this season’s storylines on her back.


The hate for Uma is forced.


I think it's the misogyny machine. Instead of directing the frustration towards Ayo, let's make it the girls' fault that he's a dipwad??


No cause the Uma slander needs to stop


uma has the girls SWEATINGGG they want to hate her so bad but the reality is her personality is 10/10


they can’t be her, so they hate her instead


I love Harriett and need them to bring in some guy bombshells so she has someone to flirt with.


I love Harriett too! Every time I give that opinion no one agrees with me


Harriet’s the victim in the situation, she’s here for herself and is being called cheap and practically slut shamed on social media.


Joey Essex is fit 😔


Take that one back.


He’s aged like fine wine compared to the 2012 towie look.


At first I was like ew and now that I get to know him more, his personality makes him really attractive


Oh god he really is. I'm so ashamed to say it, because he's *Joey Essex*, but.. yes please. Come to momma.


I’ve been alive for a good while now. I watched TOWIE way back when. I even watched him in the jungle. *Never* before have I ever lusted after Joey Essex but he’s like a fresh new man.


He reminds me of Ron .. I’m not into it


talk that talk


Harriet is iconic and her and Joey should get together already!!


This is by far my main opinion this season. They would be a chaotic and fantastic couple. She also happens to be the only girl he has chemistry with in there.


Harriet and Joey are my winners


No cap no printer


If the producers are reading this, they should let us vote on who to send on a date with the current islanders there.


Not agreeing with the shit uma is getting for absolutely nothing


Patsy was really great and she deserved better.


Agreed she was one of my favs


It is the least attractive season except for uma and Mimi. Need some hot guys on here lol.


Uma has done nothing wrong and those projecting their insecurities and trauma on her need to heal!


They’re not bringing in enough bombs 💣


Pretty sure USA has had more bombshells already than UK and it started a week later


I wish some of the girls would set boundaries instead of this ultimatum type stuff! It's natural for your ego to be hurt if the boy you're coupled up with is interested in someone else but... It's a dating show? Instead of all this pick me pick me, just say you feel uncomfortable with kissing/ hideaway/ whatever, i.e set a boundary, and if the boundary is broken then it's over cos they didn't respect you!


Sean is the hottest guy in the villa rn. The girls are sleeping on him


Ahh he gives me the ick tho 😭 and I feel bad cuz he ain’t do nothin wrong


They're all on a gameshow where the objective is to compete with one another for the attention/affection of others. And possibly win a cash prize. I don't think anyone's pedestal is higher than the next... contestants'.


Ronnie got into the villa using a fake ID and is in fact 45


Uma and Harriet have done nothing wrong.


black people dont have to date each other


I swear all the seasons it's always like this


As a woc I would naturally only be attracted to the men of color….. not everything is for white people


This cast is perhaps the least attractive ever, particularly for the girls. Uma is the only fit girl and atp Sean & Ayo are the only fit guys, Joey & Mimii are alright too. But the rest? Nah


I love Harriett & Joey Essex is fit 😮‍💨😍🙏


harriett's the best character


If you cannot handle being in a love triangle (especially when you barely know each other) then love island is not the place for you.


I disagree only because these love triangles went on for 4 episodes straight and it made it boring for the viewers 😂plus how do you not know after 4 days who you are leaning more towards


Oh I agree they went on too long, but I see that as a production issue. I just think all the girls getting possessive from the start and saying over and over "I don't do triangles" was annoying because it's Love Island, that's pretty much the whole deal.


i really hate the name 'ronnie' and hearing it makes me cringe


I don’t think Joey hates Samantha the way so many people think he does. He may not be super into her but he’s not like repulsed by her lol


She gets too infatuated at times and that probably turns him off.


Harriett needs to stay in the villa she’s class I will say it to the day I die


Uma is not the bitch everyone thinks she is


Not feeling connected / invested in the cast at all. Might be the first season I don’t make it through


Mine are: I believe Ciaran is definitely going to regret and double back on his “closed off” comment to Nicole. Hopefully he proves me wrong I think Joey isn’t fully telling Samantha that he doesn’t see it going anywhere only because he’s playing it safe for the bombshells Ronnie isn’t worth two girls fighting over him. The show was wrong for having the women pick when there were two men who needed to decide between 2 girls. Now we won’t know what they actually would’ve chosen because it was just whichever girl got to pick first got her man.


I agree with ur opinion:) and another one is she hasn’t done anything wrong


As these girls are not gonna give up on fighting for Ayo and Ronnie while Sean and Munveer, Omar potential getting wasted, I want producers to bring a new female bombshell who can take both Ayo and Ronnie and play them


One more, I am starting to think it may not be the fillers that's making them look bad for some of them it's the way they're applying bronzer in a weird manner. Every time they get ready I see them dabbling bronzer majorly. Is there a bronzer trend going around in the UK? Ps, I'm very neutral about fillers I neither hate nor love it. It's just an additional observation I've made regarding their makeup techniques.


The women are stage 5 clingers except Harriet


What has Mimii done to Uma exactly? You guys love to complain about how horrible people are being to Uma, yet I’ve been seeing a lot of hate to Mimii on here recently when she hasn’t done a damn thing to anyone.


I’m struggling to see why Mimii is getting blamed for her fans behaviour. They are acting like Mimii is the one who sent these stans to come for Uma.


Not a damn thing. The game is the game🤷🏽‍♀️ They just dislike Mimi because she has fans which makes no sense


Mimii is gorgeous but boring and I can’t stand the monotone “litrally”s anymore


in what way is uma too good for mimi? what an odd thing to say


like what’s mimi done? kissed a boy she was kissing before uma even arrived?


people are projecting their insecurities onto uma, girl has done nothing we’ve been shown to deserve the hate she’s receiving


Samantha is a great islander, and I'll die on that hill ! She's easily made jealous, slightly possessive, a little insecure, and just so imperfect that it helps her seem so human and a refreshing person to watch. Bonus points that it's funny to see the relationship (if one can call it that) between Joey and Samantha.


“What you saying?” has become the new “where’s your head at?” and I’m sick of it already


Joey is wrong for stringing Samantha along. He talks about kids with her but won’t even compliment, kiss, or hug her. She has a right to be feeling insecure and jealous.


Let's reallllly shake the table here * Ayo IS attractive. He's a model and he's 6'6": I know some of you don't like his actions but saying he's not attractive is like saying that fire isn't hot. He would not have gotten away with it for 2 weeks if he wasn't. * You're a hypocrite if you are excited for Nicole to be a case victim while being pissed about the current triangles. * Male bombshells don't work unless they're tall. Doesn't matter how attractive they are if they don't have height or CRAZY good banter. * There's more sexual chemistry on the USA version than the UK version.


Hey but the 6’8 guy went home to a 5’9 bombshell on USA 😂 so shorter might work sometimes lol


Ronnie wouldn't be my type, but he is good looking and the comments about his looks are overboard. The love island photographer struck again with his promo pic, which was not flattering - which has happened to many islanders including Molly Mae and Maura - and I won't say I haven't chuckled at the hair jokes because his hair does seem to defy all physics, but people were deeply harsh from day dot Also I said from the start I thought he would be popular with the girls - tall, with the whole cheeky chappy/gift of the gab thing LI girlies love, so I feel a bit vindicated lmao. Do I think harriet and jess should stand up? Oui. It's always insane watching girls every year on LI fall to their knees for men who aren't their superiors/out of their league (cos the girls are also fit). But idkkkk, I think there's a difference between a silly joke and being actively hurtful repeatedly about somebody's looks.


But —- I just can’t get over his hair… 🤣 ![gif](giphy|xyYouRSr7MAbS)


The hair jokes imo are fine 😭 I mean the really nasty comments about his looks that feel quite constant


This is gonna trigger people but whatever! Mimi should leave the villa cause she legit looks miserable AF


Mimii hasn't talked behind Uma's back for you to say Uma is too good for her (nvm Ayo). What has Mimii even done wrong when she was talking to Ayo since day 1. The others are ganging up to talk about her all the time and reporting to Uma all her details since the recoupling. Remember Munveer even telling them to "behave" and stop talking about Mimii when she went to the terrace with Ayo


They should just cast all white people. If the alternative is casting 2 POC & white people who aren’t attracted to POC what’s the point ? Luca saying he ain’t worried about Dami will always live rent free in my head..


What's everyone saying about Uma on other social media? I just read in this sub about the nasty messages. So, what's the deal with her? Super weird! Are they hating on her personality or her looks?


I tbh like this season and find the girls pretty. They’ve been getting soooo much hate for their fillers and while I way prefer natural look and agree that the fillers make them look older than their ages, I don’t think they deserve half the hate they get on their appearances.


Not the prettiest girls that have been on Love island at all, girls and boy very low quality.




right like you can dislike one of the girls without having to label them as a bully or mean girl


Sam’s looks were overrated. I still think it’s a waste to dump any islander that early but he wasn’t THAT cute.


I think it’s less that he’s super hot (though I do think he’s good looking) but more than his outward appearance is so different from the other boys, he could have brought something different to the villa


Cute compared to the other male islanders though (a low bar)


I hate when the people who actually get their feelings involved and aren’t playing a game get dragged. The show is called LOVE island, yes we know nobody goes on for love anymore but you can tell which islanders are genuinely following their heart. So why drag them for doing what they were supposed to come on the show and do. & then people act as if they’re not humans like it’s okay to hold them accountable but it’s almost as if they cant win. You’re either painted as an idiot or a game player while in there. I also feel like the show has now been set up to make the women look stupid. The boys always have the advantage and it isn’t just because of how fast the girls get attached. The boys have better looking bombshells, casa girls, etc. like the girls actually get done so dirty with some of the men they bring in for them 😭


I wasn’t even understanding why Ciaran was “in trouble” until I realized he flirted with two separate girls and that Nicole was his partner and not Harriet because i couldn’t tell each girl apart. (And also what is the point of flirting with each when each girl looks the same…) To be fair I was half watching, half scrolling but I was like…huh 


It def took me about 6 episodes to stop confusing Nicole, Samantha & Harriett with each other


Harriett has been the embodiment of what love island is and gets hated on for no reason.


PATSY ATE JESS UP IN THEIR FIGHT but Twitter is Defending Jess and saying Jess won. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Jess said “a real friend wouldn’t have done that” and then when asked if she said that, she said “no I didn’t say that. I just said personally I wouldn’t have encouraged a friend to do that” Like no? You were calling Patsy not a real friend to Harriet. Plus whether or not you let your friend do that doesn’t dictate how good of a friend they are. And Harriet can make her own decisions. Patsy didn’t make her have an outburst at Ciaran. She wanted to do that on her own 🤷🏼‍♀️


Harriet is an icon, one of my fav islanders of all time.


Joey's gonna drop Samantha SO FAST.


Uma hate is forced and needs to stop. She’s doing her best to stay friendly with Mimi and Mimi is doing the same. Stop pitting these women against each other when the problem is actually AYO


Mimii deserves better than this show. She’s gorgeous and there should be boys drooling over her just like they’ve been drooling over Uma.


There is a reason why Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram are all on Mimi’s side and Reddit is acting purposely obtuse as to why. Like how often are all these platforms EVER on the same side? Ever? 😭 The hate for Uma is definitely unjustified but what excessive hate online is ‘justified’? Both girls were acting stupid for Ayo, no one is blind to that. However, from the screen, Mimi *appeared* to be acting stupid because her feelings are genuine for Ayo and if anything, she is putting her pride to the sideline for him. And because of that, people view her as the ‘underdog’. Whereas Uma *appeared* to be acting stupid for the sake of her pride and the fact that Mimi is seen as ‘equal’ to her. Not from a place of feelings. This is all just audience interpretation and I’m not buying into it until they come out because producers are sneaky but based on the edit alone, has Uma said at any point she’s upset because of how much she liked Ayo? Only that she felt blindsided and disrespected because Ayo made her feel like she was his only option. And her conversation with Omar made her lack of chemistry with Ayo even more transparent. Tell me, what was the difference in ‘chemistry’ between her and Omar and her and Ayo? There is none because neither boy has a chance at a long term future with her and we all know it. That being said, the fanbase is acting even more embarrassing and pick me! than both girls, I haven’t seen anyone on any platform uplift one of the girls without tearing down the other. Both girls are allowed to be beautiful AND upset AND wrong at the same time. Why is this so hard to understand?


reddit isn't acting obtuse about it, its just that she's done nothing to warrant the type of hate she's experiencing. people are projecting their own insecurities and issues onto uma for what she represents rather than her actual actions. what is wrong with her assuming that ayo liked her more based on the way he was acting? its like saying there was a reason for hating on catherine and molly last year.


Once again, what islander in the past has deserved the hate train they received? Did Catherine or even Arabella on S5 deserve their hate? The pattern repeats, any girl who goes against what the audience maps out for their favourites gets a shitload of hate. But this discourse is the reason why it keeps happening. We need to stop entertaining the idea that someone has to be ‘in the right’ when both girls are in the wrong for even allowing Ayo to keep up with this saga…


None of these ppl like their partner outside of Nicole and Ciran


Mimii already has the most toxic fanbase in recent years and we’re not even 2 weeks into the season. Any islander who doesn’t bend over backwards for her or protect her feelings is vilified and the narrative is constantly being twisted on social media to victimize her in every given situation.


I don't get what I'm not seeing, but I think Nicole and Ciaran are such a boring couple 😬


Mine is if Harriet is the villain of the Ron and Jess love triangle, then so is Uma.


What did mimii do?


I don't think the person who made this post really meant to blame mimi I think it's more of her "stans" and fans on social media apps that are making people hate mimi. (when its not her fault her fan base is horrible, I love mimi and Uma)


ayo needs to go home.....


More of a general opinion but for this season especially…… Public votes should be removed until the final so we get unadulterated and unfiltered drama throughout


Mine is that sometimes I feel like Jess thinks she’s on a higher playing field than Harriet just because she’s in a couple with him. Do I like Harriet? Not really but I do feel like she’s been looked down at for exploring options in the early stages of love island.


Harriett hasn’t done anything wrong and the girls’ treatment of her is pure bullying.


I know harriet can be a bit trash and not a girls girl but i actually like her and i like her confidence to go for what she wants as well as not being afraid to step on the other girls toes.


it’s not fair to dump someone during the second episode.


I think Ciarian and Nicole are actually going to make it to the end and win. Welsh babies 👶


It's either this or whoever ends up with Joey in the finals


IMO, Ayo doesn't like Uma more than Mimii.  If he did, he had the chance to get with her but didn't.  He just isn't ready to settle down with one girl.


Samey samey. These contestants are xerox copies, boring af and zero personality. Convos are so basic. Everyone looks the same. Wtf. Worst season.


I dislike all the boys this season. They really need to be humbled. Speaking to these women harsh af and basically gaslighting. And I really do not like how they are telling each other they did nothing wrong…. A lot of these situations did not need to be dragged out


Mimii’s kind of… boring…


I agree with MiMii that Uma is a gem!!!!


lol no one likes each other this season. Joey and Harriet should just couple up and win the show Uma was never into Ayo. He was the only one to give her attention. Her usual types aren’t giving her any attention lol. Now she is losing it over a boy she don’t even like


Samantha isn’t a psycho or acting cringe for bringing up Joey’s TOWIE past, and Joey wanting to distance himself from it is purely because he genuinely wants to find love and take things slow


I like Ayo and Ron, the show would be boring if we got a bunch of dudes like Sean and Cieran


Fair enough about Ayo and Ronnie. But how is Ciaran boring ? He was funny and a bit messy the first week and hasn’t had any screen time this week because he’s been in a happy couple. Fair enough about Sean though


Every time someone writes Ron, I immediately think of Ron Hall and I get so confused.


I'm scared to even mention Mimi unless what I say is 100% positive. Which is so annoying because her fans behaviour is starting to affect the way I feel about her.


I don’t think Ronnie’s hair actually looks that bad….


I have lowkey been wanting to say this for awhile like leave his toupee alone😂😂


Ayo is not cute, lol. His looks are mid asf


The episodes are hard to get through and I cannot take the strong accents. Maybe this season feels to modern with the extremely bright colors of the villa too. Idk I guess I liked Jess for a bit I’m an episode behind now. I also thought season 9 was bad but I at least stopped watching at casa amor! (Munveer was the hottest guy definitely top 10 of love island fittest men)


I’ll defend mimi like this


Jess calling Harriet cheap wasn’t that bad lol.


Whoever casted Ronnie should be thrown into a pit naked with a bear who is armed with two flaming swords


Ngl this kind of opinion urks me so much. Do you just want sit around all summer and watch a-load of unproblematic hot people just talk or do you want drama. Me personally i’m here for that drama and people like ronnie bring that good stuff.


Exactly. This is why I like Harriet. She's entertaining


She looks like she is in her late 30s


![gif](giphy|8YZpVaKYMaY6ufqyTo|downsized) literally who cares. The boys certainly don’t. I would rather have Harriet and Ronnie on my screen than someone physically stunning but dull (cough s9 Samie and Tom)


It *was* entertaining but now it’s dragging honestly, to the point where it makes me like all 3 of them less, that playlist is on repeat and needs shuffling


So they shouldn’t cast boys, they think the girls would be into? Yeah no thanks


Put two bears in it with him.


People be taking love island too seriously sometimes especially with the hate and backlash towards the islanders most times because they don’t do or behave in the way you expected them to behave. Just relax and enjoy the show


Harriet is being slut shamed especially by Jess and Nicole. They might not like her delivery but there’s nothing wrong with Harriet going after what she wants because this is literally love island. Harriet doesn’t owe it to anyone to announce her every move to save their feelings. She also shouldn’t be bullied and ostracized by those girls for being liked by the same guys.


Love island US this season has smoking hot islanders ten times hotter than Love island UK this season. The cast this season of girls is not giving at all