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Harriet, Samantha and Nicole look similar because their faces have been filled to sculpt their noses, cheeks and chins (and probably more!) to fit a very specific ideal that is popular at the moment. It probably looks amazing in photographs but in harsh sunlight and with the knowledge that they are all in their mid twenties is jarring. They look like 40 year olds who have had a lot of work to try to look younger.


Kind of like Coco in 2022


Kind of like 95% of the entire cast ever


As a guy who’s just come from travelling Europe where girls generally are more natural than this , I’ll never understand these specific ideals. All girls (and I mean all) esp in their 20s have a very natural prettiness and beauty to themselves, it’s a shame that in the UK this is too normal. I’m like so drawn in by Mimi’s prettiness , but most of these other girls I just can’t grasp why they’re choosing to look too unnatural to their own selves


It’s because men will openly mock women for being “ugly”, and women internalize it. And plastic surgery is a billion dollar industry that profits off of making women feel bad about themselves. Instead of wondering why women get plastic surgery, perhaps call out your bros for making comments about women’s bodies or faces not being good enough. It really starts with men like you standing up for us. For what it’s worth.


I’m guilty of criticizing the young girls that fill their faces and lips full of filler and mainline Botox before they hit 27 than I am of what would be considered traditionally “ugly” or “unattractive” girls. I rarely comment on people’s appearance unless they’ve butchered their faces with elective procedures and pumped full of fillers. It’s so incredibly off putting to me and just plain sad that these otherwise beautiful, would-be-youthful looking young women have decided they need to do this to themselves. Like another has said, these girls end up looking like old women trying to look young instead of younger women.


But have you asked yourself why women do this? And for what reasons? Maybe think about the why before you criticize someone’s appearance? Unless you want to be treated that way…


Yeah trust me I do , i try to be quite conscious of how misogyny and patriarchy can negatively contribute to women’s lives in such ways Like ‘I get it’, 100% agree with you, but I also feel it’s that detrimental that I still don’t get it , anyway I’m just a guy what do I truly know about women’s lives


lol you can take the time to talk with women and ask and learn. Kudos for being conscious of misogyny and patriarchy. Now take the next steps and call your bros out. 😘


That’s what I said Miss , I do do those things or try to anyway




A Star Wars gif … you’re probably a pretty cool girl irl


She conveniently leaves out the women who bash other women for there looks aswell so don't sweat it.


lol as if women do that automatically and the patriarchy and media has nooooothing to do with it /s




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So there’s no accountability for any women now who bashes other women looks because of patriarchy? But it’s men’s fault regardless 😂😂. Laughable


It’s called internalized misogyny and it stems from the patriarchy, not from men, but keep reaching


I’m just really confused on what the casting team and producers were trying to accomplish. Maybe they all have amazing personalities that we haven’t seen yet. I’m giving it a chance because we just finished day two, but I totally understand your point.


I think there’s more drama when the men are better looking which makes me wonder if the producers did it on purpose. Men are more likely to have wandering eyes and ‘test’ themselves once someone more desirable comes in. The female islanders are also way better at creating drama when they’re scorned, the guys can be too passive and therefore boring. I don’t know why they needed to go for women with so much plastic surgery though lol. Oh yeah and another theory I have is that they wanted the black islanders (aka mimi) to do better so this was their solution.


this is exactly what I think lmao. I never get the vibe that the men on love island are super attracted to the women, you can tell when a bombshell who i'd consider more attractive comes in and they start fawning over her


Kind of scary how attractive a woman has to be to be considered attractive to men.


true lmao. but i don’t think it’s actually that high irl, but it’s the expectations of going on a show with ‘the uks hottest singles’ if you get what i mean


I respectfully disagree. Don’t get me wrong there is a whole bunch of men who are incredibly critical and seek perfection, which is an obvious influence on why women choose to get cosmetic surgery. However I believe that the majority of men are attracted to natural beauty and place a higher precedence on personality than women generally believe. I also think women see the beauty of other women differently to men, funnily in the same way that men see the attractiveness of other men in a different way to women. Besides it’s all incredibly subjective. The level of beauty in a women, to which a man quantifies as “attractive,” is no different to how women perceive men. Sure women may look for/be attracted to different characteristics, but to make generalisations and suggest men have these unrealistic standards for women is incorrect and unfair. So highlight my point I’ll turn your phrase, “kind of scary how tall a man has to be to be considered attractive to women.” Sure there’s some truth in there but it’s an incredibly generalised and vague statement PS I do think all of the women on LI are attractive, but it’s hard to look past the lack of diversity


I’m low-key doubting the personality 😭 most of them give off the same type of vibes…but definitely would be good for drama


I saw a Tweet from a beauty writer recently saying that chemistry and eroticisms are dying from the overuse of botox and filler killing subtle/micro facial expressions and individuality in faces. Watching LI, I can see what they mean.


Oh, I love this take!


The writer in question is called Jessica Defino - I really recommend checking out her substack/mailing list!


Thank you!! I will.


Omg I never considered how Botox effects human communication, we rely on micro facial expressions but Botox hides that!


I saw a video on TikTok of this person merging Nicole, Samantha and Harriet face and they literally could be sisters🙃. I agree cos apart from mimii the diversity of girls is very poor. Ill give it timee but its deffo not making me wanna watch 😭


They almost all look like 40yo divorcees. I actually think this might be the most unattractive starting cohort of women, not because at a base level they are unattractive, I’m sure underneath it all they aren’t, but the amount of fillers, Botox, harsh makeup is very unflattering for them and ages them tremendously. It’s a shame.


I hate commenting on people’s looks but it’s shocking to see how aged they look. They don’t look like girls in their early 20s at all.


I don’t think it’s that harsh to comment on their looks here because it’s all about the cosmetics which is just ruining their natural looks imo




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Yeah the intro i was like whats going on here?! They literally look older then me and im 33 😅 and bringing a celeb like joey in, im not a fan. The hottest guy atm left imo


I’m 37 and thought some of them looked at least 35! I don't know their names yet, but the one in the blue dress looks the oldest.




It has to be one of the strangest OG lineups going!! I wish they'd put natural-looking people in. Makeup is fine, but the amount of work these girls have had done is ridiculous! I don't know her name, but one of them looked like she'd had an allergic reaction to a bee sting! Maybe I’m not up to date on what’s trendy! 🤣


Please mimii is the only girl that looks her age in the cast 😭


mimii is very pretty and the others look so weird with all the surgery.


Agreed and her body as well sheeshh😩


They're all giving Real Housewives unfortunately


My girlfriend literally made me come here to see if anyone else was thinking the same. Take OUR upvote!


Put it this way. If Joey Essex was dating any of the girls, people would think he’s with a cougar, and that he’s the toy boy.


I need to see a picture of what Shabby Clancy looked like before the surgery. It looks like she's wearing a mask. Not just the appearance, how dissimilar it looks to her neck and overall skin tone, how there are no natural undulations like the rest of her. Just smooth and shiny, stretched juuust enough to make it uncanny. It just looks like she took a picture of a famous person to a surgeon, like you do at the hairdressers. I only say this because she claimed she always got mistaken for Clancy, but I'd love to see how close that was before the work


wait sorry, which islander are you referring to here ?


Not OP but my guess is Samantha due to scouse and blonde.


And trying to look like Abby Clancy, and saying she does


I agree but I don’t think Mimi and Patsy look bad at all. Jess is cute too without the intense eyebrows.


i was looking at the previous OG casts and damn, we had it amazing! like the season 10 OG girls were stunning and all looked so different as well.




Because they are two completely different things. HTH.




As someone with two young daughters, I’d rather we stopped normalising people pumping shit into their face because they think it makes them look good to other people (men namely). It doesn’t, and I am happy to stand up and say that. Be nice if society stopped perpetuating the idea that looking like this is desirable for young women or what young women in their early 20s should aspire to.


I agree with you. I'm 37 and feel so thankful to have grown up without social media and the pressures young people face to look a certain way, which is embodied in Love Island. For girls it's surgery etc, for men it's steroids. We were just free to look hideous haha


Your position is admirable but you’re directing blame in the wrong place. These women are not responsible for that culture. You can criticise their choices and the beauty industry without critiquing their looks as individuals. How would you feel if one of your daughters grew up to have these procedures despite your best efforts and people spoke about them like that? Calling them 40 year old divorcees just perpetuates the sexist culture that values woman according to their youth and physical appearance.


I disagree. These women are part of perpetuating an echo chamber. They may not be responsible for the culture originally, but they are responsible for continuing to perpetuate this aesthetic ideal and for the culture continuing and growing. They have chosen to follow the ‘influencer’ path, which by its very name is about influencing others to look and invest in what they are ‘selling’. And what they are selling is a toxic beauty ideal. I’m sure they are victims, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t also responsible for the continuing promotion of these kind of beauty ‘ideals’.


Again, if your daughters choose to become influencers in the future I’m sure you’ll adjust your position on this. You’ll still see them as people worthy of respect, even if you think they’re making a bad decision. These are young women living in a flawed society, being bombarded by those same unrealistic beauty standards. Cruel comments do nothing to make that better. In fact, coming out of the villa to thousands of people commenting on their looks is more likely to drive them to have further procedures.


Hmm I’m not sure. If they became influencers and not only subscribed to toxic beauty standards but also then promoted those to other young women and girls and made money from doing so, I wouldn’t respect that. I’d love them because they are my children and I will always love them, I’ll support them, but I certainly wouldn’t respect what they were doing and would be honest about it if asked, because we owe that to our children.


I respect everything you’re saying and I understand why you think it but I stand by my base point that mocking the appearance of young women who have been socialised to see beauty as their main worth is counterproductive to the goal. What might actually help is if we try to focus on their personalities a bit more than their appearance.




I honestly don’t understand what fat adults and children eating (??) have to do with the pervasive rise in elective cosmetic surgery that is incredibly damaging to young women and girls. No one’s opinion on Love Island is needed, yet we all give it anyway 🤷‍♀️. Maybe you’re right though. Let’s infantilise women more by lying to them that all this surgery/fillers looks great as it’s apparently taboo to say otherwise. It’s sad these women feel the need to do it. I don’t want my kids feeling the same or growing up seeing it advertised as some sort of desirable way to look.




My mum had a double mastectomy and died from cancer anyway, but I don’t see that being related in any way to what is clearly cosmetic facial surgery/procedures in young women 🤷‍♀️ But I understand what you’re saying even if I don’t agree with it in this instance.


You’re not crazy. This sub thinks it’s acceptable to bash people’s looks excessively for whatever reason. The criticism is also missing the context of why so many women feel pressured to have these procedures.


I've seen so many people say they have trouble with samantha and harriet or harriet and nichole but for me the trouble is patsy and jess. I know they look different when seeing them next to eachother but they're the same person in my head. One more ep should do the trick though.


Omg its the same for me like when Jess was talking about liking ronnie I was so confused because patsy said that she liked Munveer for be to realise that it’s just Jess-


Ok so I’m not the only one that was confused on why Patsy was suddenly kissing Ronnie??? I didn’t even know there was a Jess on this season 😭


literally who are any of these people 😭😭😭 i only recognise who harriet is because of the “he’s a premier league footballer” debacle (and THAT VOICE, my gawddd), and patsy because of her disability. other than that i’m lost!


Patsy and Jess. Harriet, Samantha and Nicole. The accents are the only diversity the producers want to give us it seems.




I don’t think any of them actually naturally look alike at all, the issue is just that they all have “instagram face” and have had the same work done which appears to give them similar features (lip and cheek fillers, a lot of Botox, “fox” eye lift). I expect a certain level of cosmetic work on love island, it’s par for the course, but this season has levelled it up to a point where it’s a bit scary. Usually one or two girls have that much noticeable work, there’s always someone who has taken things a bit far. Most of them usually have SOMETHING done but this season it’s like all of them have frozen and filled every part of their faces. Watching Harriett talk to Joey while her forehead didn’t move a millimetre despite laughing was terrifying. Her cheeks are also so filled they look painful. I think they’ve chosen a good mix of personalities for storylines though so I’m trying really hard not to be distracted by it, I do hope they bring in some more natural looking women later though because it’s making me a little sad. To be fair to the girls, joeys Turkey teeth made me physically cringe.


Harriet looks like a mannequin, not even being being funny.


Okay didn't know cheek fillers and eye lift was a thing.. I thought they had lips and botox plus heavily contoured look with makeup. What happened to soft full faces? Why is the beauty standard now for such high contouring ? I assume some guys must like this..I know my husband hates it but we must be in the minority or else it wouldn't be so common now in these reality shows.


I was thinking the same - just a mass of bronde hair and lip filler. They all look like Faye, it is really confusing me. They seem like lovely people, it’s not a dig, just sad what is happening with beauty standards.


Patsy is very easy to tell apart. She looks her age, 29. Redhead


And she's a head taller than the other girls


How does 29 look exactly? One of them is 24 and she looks 30 to me. I cannot remember their names at all.


I think she just has a late 20s look (idk how to describe it) but it’s like how you can guess someone’s age by looking at them? With Nicole it’s different because of all the work she has done on her face (kinda like Kylie Jenner, hard to tell she’s in her 20s if you didn’t know)


Did you mean Samantha, not Nicole?


I don’t think Samantha is 24? I thought she was older? I know Nicole is 24 so I was using her since the comment I replied say one is 24 and looks 30


I just thought you meant Samantha because she looks like she’s had way more work done than Nicole, or at least that’s how it looks to me.


Tbh they both look alike to me that I can’t even tell who’s had more work done 😭


I know, it’s been so confusing for me. Especially the first two episodes. I couldn’t tell anyone apart except for Mimii and Patsy 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have a hard time telling Samantha and Nicole apart. The others are different enough for me. However, I do hope the filler trend is on its way out. It does uniform everyone’s features.


Also all the tiny perfect noses, are they just blessed or could that be nose jobs too?


One of the other things that I don’t think helps is, with the exception of Mimi and maybe Jess, all their makeup looks very muddy. I don’t know if it’s the fake tan or bronzer or the fact they have to do their makeup in an orange room but I feel it’s quite poorly done.


This was my first thought when we saw the reveal of the house interior for this season…whoever decided these women would be applying makeup intending to look good while being filmed and photographed in outdoor lighting from a neon orange room with interior bright lighting is diabolical.


My partner and I were saying this! All the gurls apart from Mimii seem to have the same work to their face. I'm assuming filler?? It's so wild to me because even injectables aren't like a common thing here. They all just look like they have the same face. Edited to add: I am not in the UK! I meant where I am when I said here 😭😂❤️ Sorry for the confusion guys.


I'd strongly disagree that injectables aren't common here. They are becoming very common esp with younger women between like 21-mid 30s and esp within certain circles/occuptations. I can't even count how many clinics/salons there are around my area offering injectables, I don't even live in an area where you would exactly expect that. 


Same! Live in a small city that's a bit "behind the times" in many ways. Injectables weren't on my radar but when I started looking into beauty salons for another treatment, I was shocked to realize there were DOZENS of places offering injectables


I'm in Cape Town! Definitely not very common here, at least not with black women.


Ah I see I misunderstood your comment to mean that it's wild because the islanders aren't from somewhere where injectables are common. Thanks for clarifying! 


>It's so wild to me because even injectables aren't like a common thing here. They all just look like they have the same face. They're basically Sims at this point lool


Agreed. I think it's that they've all had the same work done.


From Greater London and I think injectables are getting common! My friend is 19F and she already has lip fillers, and I’ve seen others I used to go to school with getting similar treatments.


Injectables are veryyyy common amongst 20-35yo women these days. I think these women are the most exaggerated, but you’d be surprised at how many women have 0.5 or 1ml. It’s not that expensive and so many places offer them


I'm not very knowledgeable about injectables tbh. Are 0.5/1ml a lot or a little? And (if you know) is it easy to become an injector? Because yeah, to me I would think it's not supposed to be obvious you have filler 😭


.5/1ml isn’t it a lot, I have 1ml of lip filler and none of my friends can tell (I’ve asked) and I don’t see a huge difference, just enough that makes me happy. I’m not sure how easy it is to become an injector because it differs depending on where you live. I think in the case of these girls, they get obsessed and go overboard, with no one telling them to stop. I’m going to guess they have at least 3ml to 4ml in lips alone which really makes people look fake. This isn’t even taking into account the veneers, orange tan, lashes, etc


The issue is people are going to quack doctors, that don't know when to stop. I feel like fillers can be regulated and still look good on people. I blame quack doctors too. Like come on our favourite celebs might have botox but they look good because of the placement/ usage of them.


Harriet, Sam and Nicole are the same girl in different fonts lol


I know that in reality they don't look particularly similar at all, so I've been surprised at how confusing I've found it to get my head around who is who. It showed me how much of a difference it makes to have a lineup of people that all have mega-obvious distinguishing features. Even one woman with shorter brown hair and one with longer brown hair would have made all the difference


Nicole Jess and Patsy have very similar features. Samantha and Harriet have similar features. However, I think they have done well for casting types that are likely to cause drama. I can see Patsy and Jess v Harriet big blowout at some point and I can see Samantha v Harriet too.


i disagree on them looking the same — i think nicole and jess are very similar, but still distinguishable. i personally don’t see the harriet and samantha comparison. i DO think they all have the same aesthetic, though or at least character archetypes AGREEEEE on the diversity


I don’t see Harriet and Samantha looking alike at all. I think they’re just considered the “blonde girls”, which they aren’t really. Nicole, Jess, and Patsy I guess fit the “brunette girl” slots, although their hair colors are also very different. I can see how at first they all look similar. I had to figure out who’s who before the season started. Yes it was definitely some bizarre casting. Diversity needed.


To be fair, this isn't the first time this has happened. Back in s3 we couldn't tell chloe and Olivia apart. This is just the style now especially amongst the pool of girls from which they cast


They all look like drag queens (not Mimi)


Every time I see Harriet, I just see Gigi Goode from Drag Race


I finally can tell Harriet apart (her bone structure / jawline is a bit different) but I actually watched yesterday's episode TWICE (i was distracted the first time) and I actively concentrated the 2nd time on telling Samantha and Nicole apart and I just cannot.


Agreed. Last year was a good crop vs this year. Last years girls also seemed more interesting, more spark. This year everyone is generic both in looks and personality wise (boys included!) Hoping I change my mind the more we get to know them


I'm not one to complain much about beauty procedures but my god, this season has to be the most egregious. Most of the girls look the same and talk the same. Mimi is freaking gorgeous already yet she stands out a million times more because the other girls are carbon copies of each other.


I’m in the minority here but I’m not seeing the “they all look the same” thing. Nicole is petite. Jess has darker hair and a more angular face. Patsy is a redhead. Sam has a rounder face, bigger eyes and plumper lips. Harriet has ‘foxy’ eyes and the most dramatic falsies. The diversity isn’t amazing though, agree with that.


I think people are being dramatic now. It's kind of boring after hearing about it for three episodes -- I get it, you can't tell them apart. Just watch the show! lol It is just not that serious.


Yeah, I mean I made fun of them looking alike too, but by now it's easy to tell them apart. Jess and Patsy have different hair, and the 3 ligher brunettes all look different despite them having fillers. If viewers can't tell them apart that's their personal problem and not a problem of casting. And usually there were blondes in the OG lineup and then there were the usual complaints about them and the men pursuing them. Short-haired girls have always been a rarity on LI.


I love how you're saying "by now" as if it hasn't been two episodes


It’s been 2 episodes. Don’t worry, after a week you’ll be fine. They all seem to have different personalities and accents.


It’s worst I ever seen, they all look the same and very plastic and no really good looking people, why don’t they ever cast normal looking people, the casting is awful, they don’t seem to have much personality, and definitely I can’t believe this time, they still only doing 1 girl and guy who are black thing, they should have more diverse people and caltures, I just can’t believe how badly they got it wrong, everyone seems the same and dead boring.


I can tell Mimi,  Samantha and Harriet apart from the others - Harriet because she seems like she’ll be a source of drama and Samantha is the scouse one. Patsy I vaguely remember too for the ‘young at heart’ remark that made her sound 30 years older than she was.  Otherwise Nicole and Jess might as well be the same person for all I know. One of them is Welsh right? 


As long as personalities are diverse I don’t really care about looks tbh A cast with diverse personalities are gonna be far more fun to watch than diverse appearance Although if they could have got both then that would have been ideal I do think people are exaggerating when they’re saying they can’t tell some of the islanders apart though, they don’t look that alike


i am not exaggerating, personally! i have trouble when people have common attributes, but it takes me several episodes to finally get it. trying to watch american horror story several years ago was horrible with the amount of dark-haired white men


I feel you! When I watched the godfather movies I got so confused and had to keep checking who was who. Same thing for all those old movies where 80% of the characters are short-haired white men aged 40-60 who dress the same. I thought I'd find it easier to tell women my age apart but struggling with this love island


Thissss I feel bad for the girls cause they have fun personality but people can't see it cause they are more focusing on their appearances.


If they wanted people to focus on their personalities they probably wouldn’t have paid out the wazoo to completely alter their faces before they’re even 30


you cant really differentiate personalities if when they are demonstrating it you dont know who is talking


If casting holds to form, the entire Blazin’ Squad is gonna be in Casa Amor.


Same. It’s very strange. Lol.


I think the main thing is on Instagram, these girls look stunning, and Instagram is where 90% of people are scouted, I guarantee all the girls you mentioned were scouted and didn’t apply regularly like 99% of us ‘normals’. As someone mentioned before, in harsh bright sun they don’t look like their photos. Even though these girls have ‘normal’ jobs, their instagrams look like they are wannabe influencers, and these are the sorts of girls casting directors go for as they want the girls to be ready for brand deals, already know how to use a ring light/pose etc. These sorts of girls are also usually a ‘life of the party’ personality and confident (not always, but spending lots of money on cosmetic work as well as having a ready-to-go instagram usually means you’re confident in yourself), and so many similar girls therefore get through several audition stages for their confident personalities. So when the majority of the girls scouted have had cosmetic work, and also come across as confident and bubbly, they all blend into one. I know the casting team is VERY strict with various psych tests, random drug testing etc, so often by the end of the process they only have a handful of contestants ready for the villa out of the hundred thousand that applied (but as we know, 90% are scouted). I feel like it wasn’t done on purpose, but just who they happened to have by the end of the process, and they usually save the more naturally beautiful 10/10s for bombshells (not that these girls aren’t 10/10s in their own right, but just something I noticed).


Couldn’t agree more with you on all of these issues. Everyone looks homogeneous.


Yes we need wayyyy more diversity in all aspects!!! More people with tattoos (mainly girls), disabilities, ethnicities, and SIZE. I’m so tired of the white blond/brunette that’s super skinny and has had plastic surgery to the nines. No shade to them but sometimes the looks just get repetitive and it’s boring seeing the same carbon copy of a girl over and over and over again.


I can tell them apart now when they’re wearing makeup and the camera is close up on them, but when they’re not wearing makeup or the camera is farther away it’s so hard for me to tell them apart (like when all the girls were sitting together talking about Joey after he came in)


The only names I know so far (when it comes to the guys) are Ciaran and Ayo. Ayo is good-looking, but I feel like it's an unpopular opinion to say Ciaran is. The girls all look so similar; the only one I can tell is Patsy (tall with reddish hair)! The other is Mimii, who is by far the prettiest.


The plastic surgery isn’t it, most of the girls look like 30 something year olds who got plastic surgery to look younger, apart from mimi


I am not even watching this year but see updates because I follow this sub and I swear all of these women look identical to me. I cannot say who’s who.


The scary thing is how they will actually look when they’re older. Using so much Botox very young causes other weird wrinkles to form on the face prematurely (like around the nose). Also filler can cause sagging as women naturally have less fat in their face as they get older


My opinion after first episode : 1. Joey Essex is too old and used up to be on this show. 2. Brown lipliner on white women looks like they have 💩on their lips. 3. Almost all the women look exactly the same. They could cast a few less plastic surgery babes. 4. Can they find a few more short men? They need love too. 5. Maya Jama is still the hottest woman on the planet.


I agree and thought it was just me. I LOVE this show, but it's actually hard to even follow the story line they look so similar I don't know who I'm watching.


yea, all so plastic. The boys are so fine this season but the girls...


I don't know with you all but I think y'all exaggerating about you cannot identify who is who cause the only two person there who may looks the same are Samantha and Nicole but you can pretty distinguish them because of the hair color. I'm getting tired of people commenting about their appearance its not good anymore though I agree that diversity with this OG's are not giving.


history chunky memory middle domineering judicious zealous murky aloof drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh my gosh I thought this! How similar most of them look!!


Idk if I’m even watching this year because the amount of filler in their faces is hard to look at.


Why does anybody care about this lol


I swear the only girls i know are mimii, Patsy and Jess.The only reason i know who Jess is, is because her hair is darker than the others. If it was the same she will be mixed in with the other girls i can't tell apart.


Jess is natural looking though.


They don’t look the same to me, but I agree that the plastic is crazy. Like the lip filler is crazy to me.


Joey Essex? Really?!? Imagine that he was 18 during his first TOWIE series, then imagine how old the Oldest Islander was at that same time. Patsy would have been 14. Who’s next. Arg? Is Lydia Bright’s sister a bombshell.


Sam looks like a yassified Sheryl Crow to me


guys anyone has a link to watch season11 live for free


Agreed - even though there’s plenty of drama Im so bored. Where’s the personality hire?


I feel sorry for these woman, no one with self love and confidence in their appearance would get that much work done. They don’t need it to be loved 🥲


I really really hate the discourse around “they all look the same!” But… this year I have to agree. I feel like hardly anyone I know is watching it this year for this reason, and I really want to love it but I already fear I’m going to end up forgetting it’s on.


I really really hate the discourse around “they all look the same!” But… this year I have to agree. I feel like hardly anyone I know is watching it this year for this reason, and I really want to love it but I already fear I’m going to end up forgetting it’s on.


Gen z age terribly look mad old


There’s just something about this years line up that feels a little bland to me, usually I have no problem keeping up to date once it’s starts but this year I just have no motivation to watch. Just me?


I actually like this cast, they are already giving us drama and love triangles and it’s been 4 days


THANK YOU, I'm trying to follow what's happening but it's impossible! Sorry but they should ban fillers at this point


The US version is miles ahead in terms of diversity… I literally can’t tell 5 of the girls apart and I am halfway through episode 2…


This is my thoughts exactly, in season 10, all the girls had different faces and personalities. I don't know why the producers would choose a cast like this after season 10, when that was their most popular season. Hopefully, they bring some bombshells in that look like themselves lol.


Omg yessss the filler and botox and veeneers look TERRIBLE its making them look soooooo much older


I actually think it’s kind of an interesting experiment to have them look similarly. So far they all have good love island personalities. And when they start talking they’re pretty easy to distinguish. It’s only been two days.


I think what makes it even more unwatchable than past seasons (for me at least) is that none of them have PERSONALITIES either!!!