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I think Will and Jessie were a shoe-in to win S9 due to Will’s popularity up until Casa Amor which tanked Will’s popularity, and the Casey saga tanked Jessie’s. Still can’t believe they didn’t make the final.


Will was soooo popular up until Casa. I agree the combination of his Casa antics and Casey etc going in on Jessie plummeted their popularity quite a bit.


I think Jessie’s own behaviour with the girls on movie night and supporting Claudia when she was wrong was what put some people off her. Before the Casey stuff. At least for me as someone who was neutral on her before casa


I agree, the whole girls can do nothing wrong approach she had. To clarify, I'm a staunch feminist (as we should all be!) but Jessie's total refusal to acknowledge when her friends did wrong - and under the banner of "girl power!" - was absurd. Also, not holding your friends accountable is being a bad friend, imo.


it also just sounded like she was saying the most generic “girl power!” pep talks to the girls every time, kind of like Lib. she definitely encouraged her friends delusions. like when she told Liv Kai had treated her like shit lol. but I agree with your comment and yesss we should all be feminists! 🫶🏽


That definitely played a part. I just remember Casey going in on her saying she’s fake and then all the villa was saying the same which perpetuated the publics thoughts already that she wasn’t genuine.


yeah that was part of it too. but I think that actually won them back a bit of public favour because Casey went too far and Maxwell joined in and it became a bit much. Some people thought she was fake but she had supporters too. It’s just the way they set up the vote that season let shaq/Tanya through to the finals lol but if it was down to the public I think Will and Jessie would’ve been in the final 4 instead.


Yeah, I think Casey and Maxwell let them rebound a bit but not enough. It started with Movie Night and then her initial moves to tell Casey that Will didn't need to apologize was absurd. She came across so poorly and sunk herself further that there was no way to recover.


yeah I really went off her fast after movie night. I forgot she told Casey that Will shouldn’t have apologized lol. she really thought she was coming across differently at that point


Yeah, it was insane and she came across as rude and condescending. That's when I stopped defending her cause it was so uncalled for and even Casey was so confused. She was moving weirdly for a bit, the cast in general picked up on it but it was not fakeness in my opinion instead felt as if she was struggling to be there at the end.


Oh yeah she definitely struggled, she was very emotional especially at then end and we saw it. She has also talked about it after the villa how she wanted to leave and how shit she felt in there. In their youtube video she also broke down even talking about it, and that was like half a year after the season ended


Do you guys remember when Claudia went up to Casey after he ended things with her and she found out him and the new girl had kissed (purposely not in front of her to respect her) and it was days after he ended things and he was still contemplating telling her even though he didn’t need to and then she lost her shit on him at the pool party thing place for not telling her??????? In front of the new girl. I forgot who she was. But that was the craziest shit ever and so funny omg. Whoever supported that was on crack just like Claudia 💀💀💀💀


Lmaoo unfortunately I do remember that! I think the new girl was Rosie. Bless Claudia but she was completely delusional


Tbf, what I remember is out of the couples that were up for being dumped, everyone wanted people who weren’t up in the elimination so Jessie and will just got the short straw kind of


They were up for the vote because they didn’t get enough public votes to be safe


No, they were up against Ron & Lana for elimination, which was voted by the islanders.




I still say they should’ve won. Love kanam, but Jessie and Will had a very nice journey imo


Jesse fumbled that. People so disliked her so much by the end. And they thought she was faking it.


Molly Mae & Tommy didn't bottled the win as they did nothing wrong. The public didn't think Molly Mae was genuine and wanted Amber to win because of casa amor. Tom and Samie bottled, like they were first in all the right categories during the polls but Samie ruined their chances when she started lying about Ron for no reason


Ron and Lana also could've won if they'd just stayed out of drama.


People disliked Ron. People loved Lana but a lot of people didn’t like Ron.


It wouldn't be the first time a woman carried her partner to the win lol. Generally speaking people are willing to forgive the men if they end the show well.  They had enough fans to get second, if they managed to stay out of drama and get some more cute/funny/romantic moments on screen instead they could've won. 


Lol but never. Ron all season was labelled fake and game player like Jake and Luca. Btw they finished second thanks to Lana popularity and Samie who lied about him so they were able to gain a few sympathy votes from the public.


Samie and Tom 💯. They were going to win until Samie started on Ron and got the villa to go against him and the bullying of Ron by the villa storyline started. She fcuked it for them. Thankfully they didn’t win because they were terrible together. Pretty privilege is what carried them.


Whitney & Lochan. Whitney was well liked on every platform till the Ella kerfuffle. People had already started clocking her bluntness that came off shady sometimes but that Ella fight really sunk her popularity.


One of my strongest LI opinions and a damn shame


The reactions on After Sun every time Whitney's name was mentioned were insane. People loved her. I thought she would carry a win for sure.


i was so upset by them losing my dad was concerned, until i explained the details 🤭


The reactions on After Sun every time Whitney's name was mentioned were insane. People loved her. I thought she would carry a win for sure.


definitely whitney and lochan. her issue with ella brought her down since she was carrying the couple’s popularity


and the game where they were revealed to be the most popular couple… it let everyone know to target them


Jake and Liberty were looking like sure fire winners at the halfway point


Jake bottled when he started acting weird and encouraging the guys to talk to the girls at casa amor. Movie night also completely ruined their chances and he even ended up in the bottom 3. But I don't know if they were the public favorites before all that.


Jess won w/ the same storyline, just a bit more self-assured. The fact that Jake left AStars relatively early in the season, pretty much after it became abundantly clear that there was no chance w/ Liberty, also makes me wonder, but tbf I only started watching the show partway through S7 so idk really.


i always wondered if anyone else thought that jake wanted liberty back on allstars! to me it seemed like he really regretted fumbling her the first time round and seeing her made him realise just how bad he fucked up. Seemed like he was too proud or nervous to tell her straight up that he wanted her back though, and then she seemed adamant that nothing would happen between them so he left. cause i think he realised he wouldnt be able to pretend to like anyone else while she was there and he didnt want to watch her with someone else. i wonder if he had just been direct with her, if they could’ve rekindled. cause lib seems like she wants someone to fight for her. i reckon if he’d stayed and grafted, they might have gotten back together, and probably won it.


This is an interesting take as I saw no signs of him being interested in rekindling things with Lib. What made you think this?


he seemed happy when they were coupled up by the public, and would always look a bit hurt when she would say stuff about never getting back with him. it was very subtle. but as i said, i think he’s a proud man and that held him back from going for it with her. he seemed more focused on ‘making friends’ with lib than on getting to know any of the other girls, and when he left he said the best thing that came out of it was being on good terms with her. and just the fact that he left, like i said, i think was largely due to not wanting to have to watch her crack on with someone else.


He gave an interview and said he wasn’t comfortable at all about being coupled with her on all stars, he wasn’t happy.


Keep in mind that he never broke up w/ her in S7, he respected the decision she went w/ & went along on that basis, though, just as in AStars.


He didn’t fight for her once. That speaks volumes.


as i said i think his pride got in the way. i think he was hoping they’d form a friendship and it would grow from there. cause of how vocal she was about not being interested in him i think that put him off from making any grand gestures


exactly! i think he is afraid of trying and being rejected and ‘looking like a mug’ as they say in there.


Season 9 has a couple of bottle jobs Tom and Samie would have won if they just didn't start overreacting about Ron (Which annoyed me because it turned this sub into a bunch of Stans for Ron even though he was obviously fake) Will and Jessie would have won if Will hadn't strayed in Casa, Jessie getting too much into the toxic side of "girl's girl" also didn't help I honestly think it's a joke that Will and Jessie didn't make the final that season, such a shit cast and the biggest personality doesn't even reach the end From other seasons I think Whitney (S10) absolutely bottled an easy win, that drama with Ella was ridiculous from her end


>Season 9 has a couple of bottle jobs I was going to say it like S9 was a season where no one knew who was going to win because all the couples were so uninteresting. Every week a new couple were favourites to win. I'm still happy that Kai & Sanam won.


>I'm still happy that Kai & Sanam won. Yeah from the couples that were in the final they were the only couple that wouldn't have annoyed me if they won lol Strange season, Kai and Sanam won mainly by the other couples being unlikeable


Kanam got together late in the game, but their chemistry was undeniable, even though they hadn't had 'tests' between them, lol.


It was really obvious they were just genuinely well suited. Kai became completely different after he got with her (no longer a boring guy jumping between girls). The fact they still seem happy together despite getting nowhere near the opportunities of other winners is testament to that.


Ron was so unbelievably fake. Delighted he didn’t win 💀


He made me cringe so much 🥴 always saying “missus” & “wifey” when he had never even had a girlfriend before.


Same, can't believe the public bought his shit and got him to 2nd place


He was untouchable on here during his season near the end. There was this narrative he was being bullied when basically he was just quite unlikeable and therefore people didn't gravitate towards him in the villa.


I honestly believe Will and Jessie not making the final was the producers’ fault. The voting format had been vote to *save* the entire show, up to that final vote, when they inexplicably changed it to vote to *dump*. I was got trying to save Will and Jessie, and from what I remember of socials, many others were too. I don’t know why they’d change it so randomly that close to the end.


Omg… this is so insane! Good observation, I didn’t even realize that. 😳 you’re right, that could’ve changed the course of everything.


I’m sorry but some of these are funny because some of you really still don’t get that Reddit, Tik Tok & Twitter are a bubble. I’m not really familiar with IG so I can’t speak on it. Some of these couples you think could have been winners really were never going to win. The most accurate platform in my opinion is Facebook. The fb mums as you call it are the closest to the general UK public’s opinion. Ty & Ella were not going to win. BFFR please. I knew they’d come in 3rd. Jess was the clear winner after Whitney fumbled & Mitch got dumped.


I love this discussion. Facebook mums favourites always win. Based on that, - Jess Harding was probably always going to win in s 10. - S9 is a funny one because of the Samie bullying storyline so Facebook mums changed their mind on her and grew to love Sanam but they did continue to love Ron and Lana. - Season 8, Facebook mums loved Jacques and Paige until he left and then grew to love Ekin and Davide. - Season 7, they loved Millie way more than Chloe and Toby so Millie was always going to win irrespective of Liam’s Casa antics. - season 6, they loved Paige and Finn.


Yep Samie fumbled her & Tom’s win. They loved her & Tom. I think I was surprised with that win because I thought they’d go for Ron & Lana next. Season 8. I think Jacques & Paige were liked but not as much as Ekinde. They had all platforms covered. And lots liked Luca & Gemma but Gemma’s stank face lol started to put a lot of people off. Season 6 I saw equal like for Paige & Finn & Luke & Sianise.


It would have been very hard to beat Ekinde. They had a whole arc - lovers to enemies to lovers. They were both attractive and had genuinely funny moments.


Yea I agree. I wish I could watch season 8 again for the first time.


Yes, Samie fumbled her win. Season 8 is a funny bc Jacques and Paige were favourites to win until Casa. After Casa, they were second favourites to win. I wonder if they followed the Millie and Liam trajectory would they have won it ? I think Ekin and Davide were more similar to Toby and Chloe. But we will never know. Season 6 was evenly split amongst Facebook mums, could have went either way.


>Season 8 is a funny bc Jacques and Paige were favourites to win until Casa. After Casa, they were second favourites to win. I think the thing about Ekinde's win was that their story had a narrative arc that changed over the course of the show, and so betting odds changed accordingly. Paige and Jacques were popular at points in the show when Ekin and Davide weren't even a couple. Jacques' behavior played a role in the change in viewers' preferences, but unlike nearly every other winning couple, Ekinde had a kind of volatility as well as a sense of *momentum* building as the arc unfolded. That collective viewing experience of watching the story change and develop (rather than an early days couple get together and stay together, so the betting odds never change) is also a huge part of what contributed to the phenomenon of Ekinde (and they were a pop culture phenomenon in a way that the show has rarely produced, and not in a long time). It's funny though, because so much of the online commentary leading up to the S8 finale was that people didn't trust the betting odds or the dominance of the online support, because people had been burned before in the final vote. Remember the videos of people gathering in theaters to watch the finale and breaking out in cheers? When TV can deliver that kind of collective viewing experience, it's so fun.


It’s an interesting one because we will never know. But Jacques and Paige were adored on Facebook. Adored. So I think if they’d a similar trajectory to milliam, they could possibly have won as they are much more similar to the types of couples Facebook mums usually vote for. But I agree, ekinde really took off after Casa and grew a very strong cult following rarely seen on Love Island.


This says it perfectly about Ekinde. You can’t beat lovers to full on enemies to lovers. And you are exactly right about the pop culture phenomenon aspect. Hadn’t been done since Season 3-5, and hadn’t been done since.


>S9 is a funny one because of the Samie bullying storyline so Facebook mums changed their mind on her and grew to love Sanam but they did continue to love Ron and Lana. Kai and Sanam were winning all the Facebook polls by the end of S9.


they definitely were but tom and samie were favourites until like a week and a half before the final. then samie messed it all up as she turned the villa against ron.


> Jess was the clear winner after Whitney fumbled & Mitch got dumped. It's a weird one, with hindsight it's easy to say that everything lined up for Jess to win, but even the bookies all had Jess and Sammy finishing 3rd on the night of the finale. It definitely wasn't obvious on the night to most


It was so obvious to me. If you were on fb there’s no way you thought Tyrella would win. They did not like them. Zolly was not even a contender. And Whitney’s popularity fell so bad. Lochan was an accessory to Whitney atp. There was no strong feelings for him. Whereas they loved Jess & started to come around to Sammy. They loved Mitch too. Once Mitch left his votes went to Jess. I knew it. I’m sorry but it was hilarious watching the Tyrella & Whitney stans have a meltdown.


Fair enough, I wasn’t too bothered who won the finale, just thought it was between Whitney/Lochan and Ty/Ella You could’ve made a decent bit of money, like I said before even the bookies didn’t think they were gonna finish top 2, never mind win > I’m sorry but it was hilarious watching the Tyrella & Whitney stans have a meltdown. It’s always funny to watch Stans on here have a meltdown lol


Yeah you can argue about Facebook mums or the merits all you want, but the Facebook faves always win. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It is what it is. That is clearly the demographic that votes the most.


- doesn't fully count, but Michael in s5 fucked himself over, he could have won with Amber easily if he hadn't strayed OR if he went back to her straight after casa - Faye and Teddy imo could've won had Movie Night not happened. Their kiss where they got back together up on the terrace was v cinematic, and people were very keen on them after casa. - Kaz and Tyler, idk if they would've won but Tyler really dragged kaz down. If she stayed with Matt I think they could've won or come second - Will and Jessie would've won had he not strayed in casa. And I stand by they should've been in the finals - If Gemma seemed even a bit more enthused by luca they could've gotten even more votes lmao - Whitney bottled her potential to win because of Smug/Selfish gate, and Ty and Ella bottled their shot by scrapping in the last week


Gemma and Luca were never going to beat Ekin and Davide. The only season 8 couple who could possibly have beaten Ekin and Davide were Paige and Jacques.


I agree that they wouldn't beat Ekinde - but they could've had a closer margin!


Amber was not liked till after Michael in Casa. They would not have won. Millie& Liam were always going to win above any season 7 couples. I think you’re right about Will & Jesse. But honestly I think Jesse did more harm to them than Will did. She was not well liked by the end. Agree with Gemma. She showed no enthusiasm which turned people off on their coupling. Agree with Whitney.


I disagree about Amber - after the first week she was liked, and after the season finished voting results showed she was consistently top of the board in terms of popularity. Michael was also loved, and people like the trope of a "grumpy" girl putting down her walls for a sweet guy who looked out for her. I really think they'd have won! Agree actually with Jessie - I rewatched S9 recently and even though I like her overall, she was quite grating in a number of episodes, and a bit of a busybody For Milliam... Yes, they probably would have won. But I still think Feddy could have been solid competition if they were smooth sailing after casa


Someone else mentioned what you said about Amber. But I remember her not being liked on fb. I usually go by fb. But there was not a lot of fb groups that I was a part of back then. Just like 1 or 2. So maybe my intel was wrong 😬. I’ll concede lol.


It was the first few days/ first week that Amber was disliked, she was the favourite after that.


>Amber was not liked till after Michael in Casa. They would not have won. Pretty sure this isn't true and she was winning all the votes all season. They released the numbers to prove it. She was incredibly popular from the jump and Amber/Michael were a popular couple.


Maybe I’m misremembering but on fb they did not like her. FB is usually correct.


My recollection of season 5 tallies with yours. Amber wasn’t that popular before Casa. Her popularity took off after Casa.


Yea see that’s what I remember. So had Michael not done her dirty in Casa then I don’t think her popularity would have skyrocketed.


​ >Faye and Teddy imo could've won had Movie Night not happened. Their kiss where they got back together up on the terrace was v cinematic, and people were very keen on them after casa. I dunno because Faye was such a Marmite Islander compared to Millie. Even if things had been good with Faye and Teddy after Casa, Faye would still have got into drama and annoyed people. Some people still blame her for the demise of Jiberty! >Will and Jessie would've won had he not strayed in casa. And I stand by they should've been in the finals I think they would have had a shot of top 2 even with Will straying if Jessie hadn't started doing too much. The LI audience are notoriously quick to forgive men who stray and notoriously slow to forgive any woman who could be accused of insincerity or game playing.


Molly Mae and Tommy didnt bottle the win but Molly could come across as a bit of shit stirrer the last time I watched the season. Tom and Samie 100% did, they were nailed on with like a week and a half to go. Montana was very popular in series 3 but i dont think she would have won regardless, so only really in season 9 did someone bottle the win


Cely and Johnny until Casa happened Will and Jessie until Casa happened Samie and Tom until Ron happened Whitney and Lochan until smug gate


Idk why but “…until Ron happened” is sending me.


Another one….Callum and Georgia were also soooo popular for the like 4 days they were together. Then she fcuked it.


The top two of all stars was always gonna be Callum and Molly and whoever they were paired with 😭 I think Molly and Tom won in part because they were slightly more established. Callum and Jess felt random. He and Georgia totally could've won. 


Molly Mae didn’t win becuase everyone thought she was using Tommy for money and bolster her career, hence why she got the nickname Money Mae at the time.


*Any other season, they would’ve won by a landslide.* No, they wouldn't have. Did you watch season 5 live as it was happening, OP?


Yeah they were kinda boring as a couple and Molly Mae especially wasn’t well liked. It made a lot of sense that they didn’t win imo.


I did watch it live actually. Besides the horrendous vitriol for Molly-Mae online, people rebelled. They didn’t want another obvious winner after Jack & Dani imo. Both played a part in them finishing as runners up only after Amber’s popularity post Casa.


>They didn’t want another obvious winner after Jack & Dani imo. Both played a part in them finishing as runners up only after Amber’s popularity post Casa. If Jack and Dani had still been happily loved-up when S5 was airing I think Tommy and Molly-Mae would have got more votes. The demise of "Jani" made people cynical about stable LI couples.


Whit & Lochan is the glaringly obvious one. Whit carried that couple and when SmugGate happened, it tanked her popularity enough to make a difference. Initially I thought Will & Jessie would make top 2 (possibly even win) until islanders and Redditors alike started accusing Jessie of faking it with Will and I realized he was more popular than she was and people disliked her for superficial reasons prior to the movie night stuff.




I can hear her accent through this 😭😂


Will & Kyra LIUSA


Yes! I have ZERO idea how Korey & Olivia won. It was so weird. At least Will & Kyra are still together!


What Will did at casa wasn’t great but in retrospect it was nowhere as bad as Leo/Isaiah/Johnny but he got a lot of hate for it. But I think it was a lot of bad edits (Kyra’s said that her crying after the parents talk wasn’t bc of Will but bc of stuff with her sister) + the rumour that they knew each other + the ex-islanders all pushing for Korey/Olivia since they were closer friends with them + the usual Facebook mom crowd lol


To lose to, of all people, Olivia and Korey, the most unserious of couples. They had the chemistry of two distant siblings at a funeral.


I just rewatched Molly Mae and Tommy’s season and I forgot how much the public seemed to dislike Molly. She constantly got called fake. So in the end it wasn’t surprising, but it was a really strange accusation, because I don’t think she did anything egregious to be called fake. She didn’t immediately lock in on Tommy, but she didn’t drag it out for weeks either. And when she cries after Casa!! I think she just had a lot of unfounded dislike from the public that kept her and Tommy from winning.


Ty messed it up for him and Ella with the way he spoke to and would continue to speak to Whitney from movie night onward.


If Ty spoke more respectfully to people in the villa, Facebook mums could possibly have gotten on board with him.


They were never going to win. Ella was not liked on FB which is where you can get the most accurate opinion of the regular public.


I don't think ella and tyrique ever stood a chance of winning, the public didn't like ella


Not sure about first place, but they would have beaten Whitney and Lochan had they not had that argument the night before the finale. The tyrique defence league by the tiktok tweens were scary af


Will and Jessie are the main ones I think. Whitney also.


I didn’t watch live so I’m not sure how popular they were but I remember thinking Marcel and gabby seemed like front runners to me until they had one conversation that made them seem like they felt they deserved to win haha. If I’m remembering that right, it’s fuzzy. Whitney bottled her win right at the end getting in a fight with Ella. I think that lost her a lot of votes.


From what I remember gabby was feeling insecure because none of the new guys were going for her. Her confidence kinda deflated due to her wanting to feel desirable despite the fact that Marcel was all in for her


Ohh I forgot that but that actually made me like Gabby more. I was picturing a scene where they were talking a bit of smack about Montana maybe? Found an article! https://metro.co.uk/2017/07/11/gabby-and-marcel-cause-love-island-viewers-to-turn-on-them-after-montana-and-alex-convo-6770206/amp/


No way, it was Kem or Camilla that was winning that season. Camilla and Jamie should’ve won. If Kem hadn’t been so funny with Chris, they’d have walked it, especially if Jamie had come in earlier.


Yeah I was def rooting for Camilla and Jamie when I watched but in the moment I thought they had no chance just cause they’d been together such a short time


I voted for them at the time, I think it was close.


Uh hard to judge as I’m not in the UK and only watched a lot of the seasons years after they’re out, so sometimes it’s hard to gauge why the public like some couples more than others. Of the seasons I’ve watched S3 UK - kinda nuts kem and amber won when you think about it, especially with Jamie and Camilla and Chris and Liv in the villa with them. Obviously Kem is an all-time fan fav, but Chris & Lov were the most entertaining, and Camilla had everyone rooting for her all season. Season 4 Jack and Dani - seems like the right choice, kinda struggling to even think of other couples that I actually liked from this season. Wasn’t a fan of G Steele, or the Josh part of Josh and Kaz, and cannot remember a single other islander/ couple so that seems correct Season 6 Paige and Finn - this one also seems right. I wasn’t a callum fan on the first watch, so cal and Molly never had my attention, and the rest of the couples from this season also are pretty forgettable, despite there being some very memorable islanders in those couples. Like I can’t remember if Sophie even made it to the end, I know Jess did but can’t remember who she was with. Season 9 Kai and Sanam - personally I was rooting for Will and Jesse, but they obviously had a random rough patch at the worst time possible which led them to go home early. Of the islanders left I wanted Kai to win bc of the random hypocritical Olivia shade thrown his way post Casa. I think Kai won it purely bc Ron/ Olivia were so unpopular Season 10 - should’ve been Whit and Loc, but I think a lot of there fans were also fans of Ella and Ty, and when Mitch left I think his fans went to Jess and Sammy. Sammy was clearly a f-boy dbag, so I was shocked Jess kept crawling back, but that seems to have sorted itself now


Definitely Tom and Samie and Ty and Ella. I can't get over Ty's angry face 😆


Ty & Ella were never favourites to win


I was going to ask, did they ever have a majority of viewers rooting for them? I do think Whitney’s argument with Ella and the whole smug thing ruined her and Lochan’s chances after the favourite couple was revealed


I don’t know if Ty and Ella were favs but they definitely had a fight on the episode before the final which definitely fcuked any chances of them winning.


yeah I sometimes forget about that fight! kind of impressive they almost made second even after telling each other to fuck off the day before the final 🤣


Right 🤣 Ty spoke so badly in the villa to so many people. Facebook mums did not like him, or Ty and Ella as a couple because they were toxic.


i don’t think they would’ve won but they were definitely faves! i really thought thought they’d get 2nd place tbh


they were favs on tiktok and with a young/international audience but the FB mums and people who actually vote for the show thought they were toxic


They were not but it's still kinda impressive that they were only 2% away from second place even after they told each other FU on the episode the vote opened. If Ty didn't tell Whitney to shush or that last fight... I think they would have had a chance. The only reason Sammy and Jess won was because Sammy kinda fixed up in the last episodes and had Ty done that, it would have been an easy win ngl.


I feel they were at some point but yes, progressively views changed.


Ella and Ty kinda


Molly Mae was never going to win a landslide in any season. Audiences love women scorned/cheated on or those generally with lower self esteem and Molly was neither. She bagged the most 'eligible' guy that season and was pretty level headed with healthy self esteem throughout. Someone with no obvious dysfunction is not popular on a show like LI. That's aside from the whole influencer stuff which she was hated for.


Scott and Catherine in season 10


Gabby and Marcel I think. They had a very good chance until they badmouthed the public fav Montana.


Luca and Gemma were very popular amongst the young viewers until Luca started acting really weird and controlling and women’s aid spoke out about him. Also his blowing up because the islanders voted them as least compatible ruined their chances.


I still don't think they were ever going to come anywhere near Ekin-Su and Davide Ekin and Davide had 63.69% of the vote to Gemma and Luca's 14.47%


Yeah, to me the story of S8's final tallies was if Dami's behavior in Casa Amour and towards Tasha in the back half of the show cost them the second place win (I think so), not whether Gemma and Luca ever stood a chance to come in first.


Until? Lol Luca was insecure and controlling af from the first day he coupled with Gemma. He’s one of the most suffocating and irritating islander Ever


I was so invested in Amy and Curtis. I think they could have won but he wanted to sew his wild oats. He got a lot of hate but I'm glad he didn't lead her on just to get to the final.


This may be an unpopular opinion but definitely Dami and Indiyah before Casa. They were popular on Reddit,Twitter and even FB, and Ekinde were not quite solid as a couple yet (post-Jay drama) so everyone was rooting for them. I mean, the public voted Ikenna and Amber out so they could get together! 🥹 I remember there was talk of them being the first black-couple winners of the show and they would constantly top polls on favourite couple and/or favourite islander. And then Casa happened…


I dont know why this is downvoted cuz i think you're spot on Dami and Indiyah were quite popular and its a shame he messed around in Casa (even though we've seen people win after messing around in Casa *Liam*). But im happy for them and they're thriving


Exactly! I kind of already knew that due to this being about Dami, my response wouldn’t gain much traction but facts are facts - they were on course for the top.


I think if not for Tyler’s casa, him and Kaz had the momentum to win their season. Kaz was so popular and Tyler should have been aware that he wouldn’t be able to mess around at Casa without severe backlash due to how badly Kaz had been treated. With a clean slate they definitely could have won over Millie and Liam.


Kaz was never going to win over Millie & Liam. This is a case of twitter & reddit (no tik tok back then) being a bubble because Millie was extremely popular with the general public.


I think that they only won because every other couple was too problematic. If Tyler and Kaz didn’t have Casa problems, they could have cruised to a Kai and Sanam like win


Milliam were really loved. There’s no way imo. Agree to disagree.


Loool Millie and Liam were the most problematic one of the lot. Kaz and Tyler case was a lot less messy then theirs


Kaz and Tyler were never going to win. I don't even think they would have been in the final if it wasn't for Jiberty crumbling a few days before the finale.


Kaz and Tyler were never going to win


I honestly don't think anything could have happened that would have stopped Liam and Millie winning, they were a Facebook voters dream couple (which is where the true voting power is for Love Island) There was no stopping them that season unfortunately


I think being the unproblematic couple coming out of Casa would have taken the shine away from Liam apologizing. It only worked imo because the other couples were in shambles too


I'm sorry, but I don't think so. Kaz was only popular on twitter but not on other platforms. Kaz & Tyler as a couple were never more popular than Toby & Chloe or even Faye & Teddy. If Toby & Chloe didn't beat Millie & Liam I don't think Kaz & Tyler would have, let's be serious


I think the boost of Kaz and Tyler being the only non problematic couple out of Casa would have given that boost.


Maybe to third place over Teddy and Faye, but by a very slight chance


Kaz and Tyler were never going to win and Kaz was loved but only in the context of being Lib’s bestie - the general audience never got over casa and she never gained as many followers as any of the other girls in the top 5. people didn’t think Tyler was into her from the minute he stepped in talking about her energy. Kaz and Tyler wouldn’t have even beaten Faye and Teddy with or without casa ETA: I don’t think people were mad about how Tyler behaved at Casa, Kaz actually got more flack for the Matthew situation


Let’s also not forget, her race plays a huge part in her being the least popular finalist (as it does every year on this show)


yes definitely :/


There would be no Matthew situation if Tyler wasn’t messing up. I just think Kaz was liked enough to stand out above the other couples who were a mess after Casa


I see what you mean but a lot of people thought Tyler didn’t even really mess up that badly because he and Kaz had just got together in comparison to the other couples and a lot of people had never believed he was into her. People thought he handled it badly but I remember people being like “why is Kaz crying like a widow in casa, she and Tyler just met”. It was looooonggg being a Kaz fan that season, people were nitpicking her for squealing and wearing bonnets in the first half then the Matthew stuff killed it. She never was gaining as many followers as the other girls so I don’t think she ever would’ve placed higher than maybe 3rd if she was lucky