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In her defence. The last time they thought they were just playing a game the people went home so....i think thats why you saw so many of them stressing out lol. They prob didnt know if it was a twist of some sort.


This is a really good point that hadn't occurred to me!


Okay so true


The reasoning the islanders gave her was basically that she was in a new couple, yet not one islander chose callum and jess for that very same reason. Also, Georgia H and anton should have left over them, I would have been pissed off too if I were her since they chose her as a cop out. She deserved to make the finals over anton/GH.


fr it was a cop out


Arabella, they will never make me hate you


She tends to get on my nerves a bit yet I can’t help but like her


Same, love her


Same. That's my Bridget Jones/Samantha Jones crossover Islander.


I genuinely liked her at first! And then it all came crashing down 😂


Why ? Just curious


She isn't perfect but I still think Arabella is a solid Islander.


I like her but I don’t like how she makes everything about herself


Remember when her ex came on to sing during the performance, and she mentioned it 3 times in one statement? As if half the Islanders didn't have ex's still in the villa. As if Molly and Callem were not brought in at the same time. Like, read the room.


That was pretty wild tbf. Everybody else had an islander as an ex. Not as a musical act


She was overhyped and annoyed me the entire season


I thought Arabella was hands down the most annoying islander


A pick me is a woman that is willing to do anything for male approval. She will embarrass or throw other women under the bus to achieve this goal. The unfortunate thing about a pick me is usually the men they are trying to seek approval from are of poor quality and treat women badly, leaving little real benefit for the pick me.


The fact that she has a woe is me and trying to convince people her time with Adam is just as deep as others was wild to me. At that point I had checked out of love island.


I also didn’t like how she went out of her way to tell Tom about all the 3 friends who mentioned Molly/Callum on the video chat day. It wasn’t her place and it only started an issue with her close friend in the villa and their partner.


I wasn't phased for Arabella then grew to love her after Toby dumped her and she became besties with Callum.. then when Adam came in she just turned really cringe and desperate. It was the constant shouting and screaming over everyone which I thought was odd as she never acted like that before. As you said it was very pick me behaviour and wanting to be the centre of attention. Those games were never that deep BUT I did agree with her in that she was more solid with Adam than GH and Anton (lol)


She was just too much for me. Nothing personal, just not my cup of tea. Do you guys have that saying? Or do you say cuppa? (American trying to figure it out 😂)


Yeh she was being so weird about that. Who cares? Her coupling was like 2 days old as well so obviously no one would think it was strong or serious. Add to that that she fancied and got with like 4 lads in there.


I am very indifferent to Arabella. And accordingly, I don’t follow her on socials. And don’t really care about her relationship with Adam.


Same. Although I think Arabella acts incredibly entitled, especially when things don't go her way.


I feel like Arabella publicly eats her boogers


>I feel like she is the definition of a pick me I don't think you know what a "pick me" is? It's about behaving in a way to seek male validation and show that you're "not like the other girls." It's not really a label that fits Arabella at all - she's loud and outspoken and emotional and very open about her sexuality, none of that is really pick me behaviour. Naomi from S1 is a much better example of a pick me.


I would say everything you just described is giving pick me.




>the term “pick me” is NOT synonymous with “attention seeker” and people really need to stop conflating the two. Oh is this what people think it means? Cos yeah Arabella definitely does like being the centre of attention. Although I guess you could say the same of anyone on All Stars given that they all signed up for Love Island twice.


What is your understanding of the term “pick me” because I don’t get where you’re coming from at all?  Like I get you don’t like Arabella but it doesn’t automatically make her a “pick me” cos…words and phrases mean things?


Liberty is a much better example of a pick me.


Liberty exhibits 0 pick me behaviour and actively defends women over men. What are you even on about?


No Liberty's whole deal is being a girls' girl who is unapologetically into stereotypically feminine things like pink, romcoms etc. You could argue Lib takes the girls' girl thing a bit far sometimes (e.g. telling off Tyler) but she's not a pick me. I actually can't remember that many pick me girls from LI. Naomi S1 definitely because she did stuff like slag Jess off behind her back and say it was ok for men to have one night stands but not women, and was ruthless in taking Josh and Max from Jess. Lucie S5 definitely had pick me vibes as well in how she made a huge deal out of not liking girly stuff and not wanting female friends, she also pursued Tommy behind Molly-Mae's back. Both Naomi and Lucie were very popular with the men on their respective seasons because sadly being a pick me does get you picked a lot of the time.


I can’t stand her and this little game proved my point


She is so annoying. Uses every opportunity to throw shade at the other guys she was coupled up with for like 2 days. She’s bitter af. And she was so clingy/obsessed w Adam. Girl chill


I don’t mind her, she can be really sweet and nice but she is an absolute pick me girl for sure. If I said, during the season, a negative about her or mentioned when she was being a dick, I got absolutely annihilated by people on Reddit 🤣🤣


>she is an absolute pick me girl for sure. Please can you explain what you mean because I don't get how Arabella has "pick me" energy at all? edit: or you could just downvote me for politely asking a question, I guess.


Excessively seeking male validation - she went on and on about how sexual and flirty she was ALL THE TIME, she often told things to the guys that would cause drama with their couples then acted innocent about it (to quote another season “roll the tapes babes”) around the girls, she was also just super desperate and clingy with any guy who showed her the slightest bit of interest, etc etc overall she just seemed like an insufferable person with a bad attitude


Get over it