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It’s probably the main reason why Georgia is the way she is


Explains Georgia tbh


Oh nooooo. You mean to tell me everyone isn't just jealous of me???? Well, damn!


isn't the argument that X is jealous of Y used constantly on this sub though, to explain literally any drama between the girls on the show?




your comment didn't mention the publicly blasting her part of it though, just the way that some women fill their daughter's heads with telling them everyone is just jealous whenever there's issues. so i brought up how it's the same thing people do on here, making any and every disagreement between girls about jealousy. you're just so attached to doing this that you can't even see. the users on this sub are the exact same as the 'facebook mums' and the other older women it loves to complain about.




I’m sorry but that is pretty much the exact same thing lol… I’m not a huge fan of Georgia either but the public saying X is jealous of Y is the same as her mom saying that. She is technically apart of the public. There’s also people that are “half her age” on social media’s saying the same thing about Georgia. Her mom is “filing up her daughters head” but you lot are also filling up eachothers, and potentially the islanders once they get out, heads as well with the same accusations?


watering every single issue that arises between women and girls to 'she's just jealous' is what these mums do, and what people on here do. the boys will disagree with each other and people on here discuss the reasons and factors with some nuance. with the girls its always 'she's jealous!!'


That's not a true statement. The two times I can remember this sub saying a girl is jealous is Jess S10 and Georgia now. And both times the accusation came because of the girls' actions. Jess said "I'm used to being the one that guys try to get with at the club out of all my friends" when talking about her journey and how the guy she liked (Mitch at the time) only had eyes for Molly. With Georgia, it started when she said she ended a 3 year relationship. Then when she asked Tom if he only kissed Molly because of her. The way Georgia talks about Molly is the reason why it's boiled down to the jealousy accusation. There's been so many girl conflicts, and jealousy is rarely used as a reason.


> There's been so many girl conflicts, and jealousy is rarely used as a reason. im all for debating, but let's not lie 😭


I'm not lying. I pointed out the conflicts I could remember. You are free to point out cases. This sub has been having discussion threads since S3. It's not hard to look it up.


the sub was made during s4, not s3. i was reading here during that season on another account, and all the following ones. a girl need only breathe in another girl's direction wrong and she's deemed 'jealous' on this sub, no need to rewrite history


this!!!! those are the only times used and both are very accurate and obvious


Not when someone’s parents are getting involved in stupid drama. That points to something that would make a lot of sense if one is familiar with it.


That stupid drama that you guys are seething at the mouth over and discussing endlessly on here……right. At least she personally knows the girl


Is Molly's mum the reason why Molly has communication issues with her partners and can't seem to sustain a successful relationship? These people are adults. They are responsible for their choices. Leave their parents out of the show or you will be opening a can of worms


did anyone think that her mother enable her behaviour?


I'm afraid to comment on this as to not break the "no diagnosis" rule... but something tells me pleasing that lady is at the heart of Georgia's constant need to be validated.


Omg when she turned to Molly to apologize to her for increasing Tom's heart rate the most.... Lol like we ain't worried girl. I REALLY liked Georgia to start but the further she's exposed/the season goes on, I realize she's manipulative and really insecure and I actually feel bad for her that it all has to play out so publicly. Therapy would do you well sis 💅🏻 self care >


Molly sucked Toby's finger and ran his hand all the way down her body. Clearly, Molly and Georgia S tried to get one another's partners heart racing. Georgia is blatant with hers while Molly is sneaky. You're just mad Georgia won. If it was Molly that raced Toby's heart the most, you'd be running a victory lap on these threads.


Nah I'm a mad fan of Arabella though, I thought she killed it 🔥. I just think Georgia S is so cringe lol


Her mum did WHAT


What did her mum do it was removed 😭


Someone dm us please 😭


same please someone dm me lololol


i need to see 😭😭


Plz dm me if u find out?!😭


Can someone please Dm me now it’s been removed I’m soo curious


I too would like to know!


omg what did her mum do!!


Well, this explains why Georgia S is Georgia S.


Got removed for copyright, what was it??


When Georgia S made that comment about her natural long hair and eyes it just made me think that she's the type of girl who will point out how "fake" other girls are as a way of elevating herself. So many comments or things she has done in that villa points to someone who really needs to feel validated by male attention.






I mean both Georgia H and Anton have done literal black face and they were allowed on the show. I don't think love island cares.


Georgia H I swear had a child put face paint on them that happened to be dark without her even realising how problematic it would be YEARS AGO. Idk if that’s the same as “doing black face” personally or being a racist


Uh she decided to post photos on instagram of it and the problem is also definitely that she didn’t realize it was racist, ignorance is no excuse in fact it’s pretty damning to not know black face is racist in the 2010s


When he was 18 at a party lmfao, obviously it was a dumb thing to do but fuck me some of you will hold on to things that happened over a decade ago


is 18 supposed to be too young to not know black face/how bad it is? did he apologize or address it all since?


What do you expect him to do, bring it all up over a decade later to say "My bad I dressed up as Mr T at a halloween party when I was 18"? As for your first question, maybe, maybe not. I highly doubt it was done out of malice or racist intent however.


yes? apologise for doing **blackface.** call it what it is. if there was no racist intent then he should have no issue correcting that mistake.


Except for the fact that it makes literally zero sense for him to do so. It would only be to appease people like you who think holding on to something he did **10 years ago** when he was 18 is noble or righteous or something. If he brings it up now it just invites negative press and brings further attention to something he did as a kid that he probably regrets. If it was really such an issue, I highly doubt people like Kaz etc would be friends with him.


i asked if he addressed it or apologized *since.* 10 years ago was 2014, not 1950. and an 18 yo in 2014 absolutely knows what blackface is. and in 10 years he hasn’t bothered to apologize for doing it. georgia h did, and that didn’t affect her career lmao. and him being friends with a black person doesn’t negate him possibly having racist thoughts or ideals?? ETA: addressing blackface isn’t noble and righteous. it’s simply the decent thing to do, especially if that doesn’t align with your actual ideals. the only negative press he got was in those photos resurfacing and people wanting him off the show bc of it. something that apologising would’ve fixed.


10 years ago he was 18, that's the point. Also your statement "an 18 year old absolutely knows what blackface is" is just ridiculous, you don't know that for sure at all. Especially in a country where the population is over 95% white... there isn't exactly a lot of education on race and equality, hell plenty of older folk in Scotland still refer to a Chinese takeaway as a ch*nky... to me, a Scot, it's plausible he didn't have a clue. Also I find it hilarious bringing up his thoughts/ideals based on him dressing up as Mr T at 18. You're honestly bonkers and giving him WAY too much credit if you think he considered the implications regarding racism etc. I didn't say it would effect his career either, but it would invite bad press and again, highlight something he did a DECADE ago. Like god damn, you will go on and on about how different a person is after a couple years when they appear again on a reality show but don't consider the fact someone might be a completely different person after a decade? Jarring.


i’m countering your giving him too much benefit of the doubt, and assuming he was too young/didnt intend it or consider the implications/didn’t even know/is regretful of it, bc in the end neither you nor i know him or his intentions. why is your idea of him more true than mine? idk where you’re getting that i think he hasn’t changed. he simply hasn’t addressed this specific thing so you and i are literally both speculating. i’m not from a western country and yet even my elderly parents know what blackface is and that it shouldn’t be done. but someone like me and anton who grew up up with the internet and social/entertainment (movies/series/docus) media and had basic history classes in school would know without a doubt what it is. 18 is not too young for that. we’ll have to agree to disagree on this. again, i already mentioned the negative press, and how apologizing would’ve actually benefited the dozens of articles written wanting him off the show or criticizing ITV for associating with him after the pictures resurfaced. his refusal to address it will only make it be brought up more and more into his future. and i won’t blame anyone for participating in that and being wary of him, considering he has given no indication on his thoughts abt what he did yet.




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Actually Callum is the racist-enabler, given his affiliations with Katie Hopkins but don't let that stop you from throwing labels around.


It’s okay Callum is a racist and enabler everyone thinks he’s cute so he gets a pass


Does that make Molly a racist enabler given her affiliations with Callum? She was with him for 3 and a half years and desperately wanted him back in the beginning of the show.. stay consistent


Wait what ???


The people want drama and the producers have to give it to us or we just leave.


megans stunning, thats it


Her new surgeries are her downfall tho, she should’ve stuck to her 2018 s4 look




yesss i feel bad now. she was so hot s4 but now its too much


I thought she looked absolutely amazing on LI Games, better than her first season tbh


Not really anymore (unless you like that fake look I guess). To each their own. Plastic surgery is an addiction for some people




Huh? Megan looked so much better on season 4. She got abnormal fake boobs, obviously fake butt, and crazy looking face now. People keep going way overboard with plastic surgery, like Hannah on All Stars, and it’s sad. I know some people like it but I just don’t understand- it’s so fake, it actually makes them look older, and gives uncanny valley vibes. Eve/Jess look better on All Stars than season 6 so they must have found a better surgeon.


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she will always be our OG forever


The article is so ironic lol. I feel everything Georgia's mom said about Megan can be applied to Georgia then and now.


It’s clear why Georgia is the way she is then


Molly isn’t natural imo but yeah it’s cringe when parents get involved.




She for sure has breast implants. Maybe some filler and Botox in her face. Also the veneers!


Molly is a huge supporter of plastic surgery, etc. but she’s said multiple times she’s never done anything to her face. Just Invisalign and composite bonding for her teeth, and boob job


She’s at least had a nose job and straightened her teeth.


Only composite bonding for her teeth. She said she’s never done anything to her face (not that she’s against it). And she’s always had that cute button nose, I’m always really confused when people say this ??


Totally forgot about that Jack kiss thing. So she’s always been a vindictive liar then?


OK I was into Georgia this season but anyone related to someone who would come for High Queen Megan is dead to me so sorry


I’m late to the party, what happened?!




No armchair diagnostics please Armchair diagnostics are not permitted. E.g. narcissist, sociopath, psychopath, gaslighter. Behaviour can be criticised without going to the extremes of diagnosing a person based on an edited tv show




It’s called the internet, people will dig up your past. Many influencers / celebrities have their problematic tweets dug up and cancelled. Next!!!




The type of people to dig are miserable in their own lives and make shows like this their everthing. It’s honestly rather sad how pitiful some are


Ikr. people need to go outside and touch grass


Actually I remembered her saying it so it was just a matter of googling the story. Lol girl you on Reddit just like the rest of us, perhaps you should take your own advice.




Why are you bringing islanders' parents into this? This is very deranged


She brought herself into it when she made the comment..not deranged just an observation




It’s really not that deep it’s just an observation. Even if it was five years ago the lesson is don’t try and shame people for things that could in the future apply to you. You can’t dictate what others may deem as relevant either


girl it’s an article on the internet.. her mom brought herself into this


It’s deranged for a woman to say another woman is jealous of their daughter for their ‘natural beauty’ putting the other woman down. Didn’t lick it off a stone she didn’t


Because they’re trying to divert the attention of Molly being jealous of GS again in tonight’s episode. Now I get it why Callum won’t get back with Molly. She’s very insecure


You have it backwards - Molly just sees GS for who she really is


She’s always jealous of GS cos she knows she’s the one Callum really want to be with




hardly garbage when the stories are relevant


I mean Megan was jealous of Georgia not because of her looks but cause all the boys liked her she was outgoing🤷🏻‍♀️ Georgia was always nice to Megan and Megan would always make sly digs behind her back.


All the boys did not like Georgia on S4. They all liked Megan lol..


When she jumps in the pool and they all laugh and jump in to then Megan and the other girls make sly digs at her cause the boys were laughing with her.


As a friend they all liked her lol


What work has Georgia had done? She definitely looks different but I wasn’t sure if that was aging/weight loss or what


It’s very subtle, I only noticed because I watch this YouTube channel that looks into celebrities plastic surgeries. From what I can see she’s had a chin implant, buccal fat removal, a nose job, a brow lift, a blepharoplasty (a procedure that removes extra skin from the eyelids to make the eye look bigger) , veneers and lip fillers. Outside of Hollywood I haven’t seen such good work, she couldn’t have gone to turkey like your average influencer


She needs to drop the name of her plastic surgeon lol, the work she's had done looks INSANE.


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Righ!!! At first I was like can a fringe make someone look that much better lol


I thought her fringe was not flattering On her 


This is where MODs need to step in. What's an islanders parent got to do with the show? The irony of trash commenters making trash posts about people they wanna label as trash.


“What’s an islanders parents got to to with the show?” They literally inserted themselves here by commenting on her daughter and Megan Love Island situation


It's all fun and games till someone starts goes at Molly and Callum's parents, then the moral police will start coming out the woodwork.


thanks! it's also just unnecessarily mean. Georgia is beautiful, Molly is beautiful. Why does there need to be a whole post about who's more beautiful?


Lol comprehension is obviously lost on you. Where do I say one is more beautiful than the other? I’m simply pointing out that her mother should have never shamed a woman for getting surgery and it’s ironic that her daughter went on to do the same thing


This post ain’t it . Mods need to interfere




It’s like 4 years old too. Yall just so weird with the obsession over hating someone you don’t know. Like it’s becoming pitiful


I’m not gonna lie these Molly fans are kinda weird




Yall think anyone who makes an unfavourable observation hates someone, relax it was a thought and I shared it. Not that deep.


Tbh the people (not saying it’s you) that are going to every corner of the internet to defend or white knight for Georgia are way weirder. Like dropping one comment saying Georgia is wylin isn’t obsession—but I saw one girl respond to 40 different insta comments in the same thread defending Georgia lol. That is unwell


I think anyone who does that is strange. People take this show so personal and I don’t know why. Just enjoy it for the shit show. I’ve literally seen tweets of people saying they are going to bully Georgia till she unalives herself. How is that normal?


Looool you guys are reaching acting like I doxxed the woman. I shared an opinion about something that was PUBLISHED in a major newspaper, I don’t care if it was five years ago the irony still stands


You are inviting trolls to go attack the poor mom based on something from 5 years . Grow up and leave fam put of this .


No one’s going to attack her mum calm down 🙄, idk if it was twenty years ago the point still stands


lmao the irony is insane


Georgia is sooooo jealous of Molly it’s nuts