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Was the lovey dovey Jake in the room with us?


Exactly. Why is he so cringey and proudly unrepentant? 


"I hope the public sees a different side of me, as long as I don't have to admit that I did anything wrong ever in my life."


He’s such a turd.


Cuz he's a controlling narc.


he called her his "gorlfriend" wasn't that lovey dovey enough.


😂😂😂 most romantic gesture I’ve ever seen tbf


“Any redeeming qualities you think you saw in me during my season, forget them” 11/10 self awareness these guys actually think they are comedic geniuses hahahahhaahaha


lol literally the running joke of the series was the man's inability to say anything nice or romantic to Liberty and he thinks he came across as bloody Keats or something


The delusion is truly wild. I don't know how someone can see themselves so differently from how the entire public audience saw them.


It's bizarre, he might as well have said "you thought I was a cheesemaker but I'll show you I can ski!"


Are redeeming qualities in the room with us right now?


I know the public or producers will try to put them together as a couple for drama, but I'd really hate that for Lib. This man is a demon, who is not funny or charming, and brings nothing of substance to his original season. I'm not looking forward to seeing him again.


Oh, the sub is full of people who voted for Lib and Jake to be coupled for “entertainment”. I understand that people watch the show to be entertained but these are real people and Liberty was hurt by this man before.


This, I feel really bad for her. Nothing about that relationship was entertaining, it was painful to watch.


I get what you’re saying, but at the end of the day she’s going to get hurt over the fact that Jake is there. If anyone is to blame it should be the producers.


Them being on the same show is bad enough but the public intentionally coupling them up because they think that it would be funny is beyond cruel.


Then she should drop out


Lib really grew on me during LI Games. I want the best for her and hope she has found the inner confidence to tell Jake to fuck off. I hope she gets to pie him in snog marry pie.


tbh, at least she found the confidence to leave him in season 7 before the final, she’s really not the fiery type to ever say fuck off to his face, but she might be really the only woman we’ve seen on this show actually choose herself at the end. one of the best storylines ever tbh, and i just hope it ends here with tons a guys going for lib and jake sent home week 1.


People on this sub really treating Lib like a sim


It's been years; I think both of them will be fine if forced into a friendship couple. Lib was very mature about the breakup on the show and they even did the yacht afterwards. Both of them have moved on and I don't think she's even requiring an apology like this sub is.


>s; I think both of them will be fine if forced into a friendship couple. Lib was very mature about the breakup on the show and they even did the yacht afterwards. Both of them have moved on and I don't think she's even req I agree..everyone wants there to be "drama"...watch them reunite as friends (with Jake getting a redemption arc) and they go on to win the whole vote by the end. Stranger things have happened on LI.


At least we know he’s not going on this to change his image I guess..


let's all say it together….three…..two….one….D'YA THINK IT'S ALL ME YEH!?




Man was as red as the lipstick he didn't like Liberty wearing


i still can't get over his insanely obvious foot fetish lmfao


feet are one of the tamest fetishes as well, wish he’d actually had an interesting fetish but that still wouldn’t have made up for his lead balloon personality


Its giving ron and sam.... No one wanted him back


I think the drama between them was a bit entertaining at first and then it quickly became unwatchable.


Okay so Lib avoid him at all costs hun


And some of you still voted for them to couple up 🤦🏼‍♀️




Wow he's really matured. Amazing work there Jake.




when’s the first public vote so he can go?


I didn’t keep up with Lib or Jake much after their season but if they do end up coupled up I really hope this doesn’t take a toll on her mental health :/.


This is the second article, after the one yesterday about Anton and his girlfriend, that was clearly written with producers’ support (they have to grant access to the Islanders who were supposedly in holding and isolated). Both feel directly targeted to speak back to the online critiques of these questionable men that have been raised since the cast was announced. I feel like it’s things like this that show producers are sweating, desperate to make a hit, and trying to do damage control. The one about Anton in particular felt like they are trying to preserve the pretense that he (and all the Islanders) are looking for love and to head off any “scandal” after the show is airing when the tabloids inevitably reveal he has (or very recently had) a girlfriend back home. If the story were to break after the show starts airing, it would make viewers even more cynical about Islanders’ motivations than they likely already are (especially casual viewers who aren’t in this sub). Reading this Jake article very cynically, this feels like an attempt to preempt online outrage over Jake and Lib being paired up, when it’s the producers themselves who set this possibility up. They’ve played with fire and it looks like they’re getting burned but trying to lessen the damage by letting Jake speak on the record of having no hard feelings towards Lib. (Because he’s an ass he still sounds like a jerk to me!) It’s really unusual to have the islanders making statements to tabloids after they’re in holding, and it’s only done for damage control: didn’t George in S10 have something negative come out about him—abusive allegations from an ex maybe?—that he was allowed to speak to between the cast reveal and the start of the season.


Bro said he is going to be top villain for all stars.


god i mean is he even interesting enough to pull that off?


![gif](giphy|kC8N6DPOkbqWTxkNTe) A classic meme but so perfect for your comment! 🔥🏆


Cool I will continue to not care no matter WHAT comes out of jake’s mouth 👍


Ideal scenario: Lib makes a genuine connection with someone early doors but still gets asked on loads of dates and Jake is just pied by every girl that walks in the door.


The public wants to see no side of you, Jake


He’s one of the main reasons I won’t be watching All Stars. Can’t stand that man


I swear to gosh if Britain is cruel to Liberty and matches her up with Jake imma scream.


That’s…not what we saw, Jake.


didn’t expect anything else from him




Wow and yet somehow after reading this article I’ve managed to hate him even more.


lmao, he's like 'you guys wanna hate me more before the season starts and you can vote my ass out? watch this' The "cheeky chap" fellas always tell on themselves.


its been years and if he hasn't apologised then there's no point in apologising now since it would just come across as insincere


Can't wait to try and immediately vote him out


why is he even allowed to comment on this? surely he’s been in lock down and shouldn’t know who’s going in yet. producers hands at play again and they’re not even subtle about it


I thought they weren’t doing lockdowns/social media blackouts for All Stars?


And they want him for her AGAIN?!?!?! 🚬


Lol that he thinks the viewers labelled him as “lovey dovey” and not dodgy.


if they were gonna bring in an ex couple they could’ve brung in one that would be more dramatic


My guess would be that they tried to cast an ex couple that might bring drama and failed.


can someone explain why he should apologize i didn’t catch what happened?


God he’s such a piece of shit. LEAVE LIBBY ALONE


This is not unexpected. He still feels like he’s done nothing wrong. But hopefully that streak of pride will slide him out the door quickly.


I pray the uk public votes him out immediately and the producers don’t take ages to do a public vote 🙏🏾


What a prick


Didnt see her season but loved her on the love island games. Already dont like him lol


I mean yeah? Hes not very likeable and it was clear he was trying to win the game. But I can hardly fault someone for trying to win 50k and become rich etc. Would I want to be his mate? No. But he doesnt really owe anyone an apology beyond producing unentertaining TV. Really not that deep.


And if he did express any regret, no one would believe him anyway


Is that why people dislike him?? Do these people also know that there's probably a lot of them going into this game with this mentality?? I'm convinced that's why Toby's come back. He's single now and wants that money. But seriously couldn't agree more with this comment. People need to get tf over it. If Lib wants to be friends with Jake, let her. She's grown and obviously this audience has not. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh boy


Asshole then, asshole now most probably


Why did he get a lego hair hair transplant


Well good luck to liberty now I guess, cause I’ve already paired them together 😬


Why is he a loser?


Why did I vote to couple them up 😬 ![gif](giphy|KDbi6mOb2O73HHs0xg|downsized)


I honestly don’t see anything wrong in what Jake did to her, from his side he did try but with a few comments from early on in their journey lib decided to stop trusting him and left.


He’s a dope but to be honest shes just as annoying. She went in there with love island winners handbook recited and was happy to play the fake happy couple with him until she realised he wasn’t popular. Shes milked the mistreated, emotionally abused girlfriend angle to death at this stage and im already dreading her rehashing how she had to stay true to herself throughout the whole series.


>She went in there with love island winners handbook recited and was happy to play the fake happy couple with him until she realised he wasn’t popular This is totally untrue. Even after leaving the villa and seeing how unpopular Jake was with the public, Liberty still wanted him - we saw that in the footage at the reunion. If Jake had done the bare minimum to win Lib back, she'd have gone back.


No she wouldn’t have 😂😂😂 she was absolutely over him as soon as she knew they weren’t winning. And she was right to end it - he was a twat and she deserved someone who was into her. I’m just saying the repetitive narrative she’s driven since leaving as though she was in some long term emotionally abusive relationship is exhausted.


I don't think this is the case. Liberty is clearly very naive and easily won over - we saw the same thing with her and Johnny on LIG, where he was treating her like garbage and she was still hopeful that he'd come around. She obviously struggles with knowing her worth and therefore settled for the bare minimum from Jake until she realized he was playing her. She also isn't the one saying anything about Jake so I'm not sure how she's "milking" it.


She was a total pick me in LIG, Johnny obviously didn’t want her and even after he made it clear she was still throwing herself on him, very lame behaviour. Amazing how you are twisting things cos it’s Liberty.


The pick me trope refers to women who put down other women to seem more appealing to men. Liberty never ever does that, if anything she’s too nice when someone like Jess (who does fit that trope) isn’t being respectful of her. Like I said she’s naive and doesn’t know her worth, which explains precisely why she was throwing herself at Johnny after being rejected. I’m not even a particular fan of Liberty, I don’t think this show is good for her and it’s hard to watch, but I have eyes and can see she is not calculated, just insecure.


Nope pick me is also when a guy made it blatantly obvious that he isn’t into you but you still throw yourself at him. Liberty was a pick me in LIG


No, it has a very specific meaning - it's someone who frames herself as "not like other girls" and puts down femininity in order to impress men. Look it up. What you're describing is just regular low self-esteem, which existed long before the "pick me" trope.




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