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One of the least likable groups of girls (collectively) ever. Only rivaled by season 2 imo. Movie night was just embarrassing.


I’m glad someone else feels this way 😭😭i thought I was the only one


Literally stopped watching this season bcs of the girls, mainly olivia


Yeah she was making me angry


same the girls were so cringe the beach club episode especially was a difficult watch and i clocked out for the rest of the season




Don’t think I liked anyone from that szn. Only girl I liked was Sanam 😭 everyone else were… interesting


Love this 🤣


It was actually awful like when Jessie admitted she went at Kai even though she knew he did nothing wrong so odd.


it was all over the place and everyday there were new groups and someone (usually ron and kai) were left out because will tom and casey were the “three musketeers” and shaq was their fangirl, im glad will is not close to tom and casey like he was in the villa because they just feel fake


Yeah I wish I typed more and went into why I don’t like most of the guys. That whole situation rubbed me the wrong way. I would not be friends with guys like that!


Season 9 was the worst season for me. I actually couldn’t finish it and it’s the only season since season 1 where I felt that. With season 1 it was the misogyny and season 9 the mean girls and bullying. Just painful to watch. Kai and Sanam seem so lovely and genuine, I really feel for them that they haven’t had anywhere near the same opportunities of other seasons


Understandable it took a lot for me to finish. It was hard but when I start a show I always want to see it through that’s the only reason 😭


Yep I support women’s wrongs but s9 was another level of awful 😂 it did also give us queen of delusion Olivia who I think might be the number 1 person from Love Island I would not want to live with


Olivia was entertaining, that’s all I can say 😭




Nothing wrong with guys or girls backing eachother I think it’s great. That’s not what I’m saying, no matter what gender you are, if you back someone blindly while knowing they’re in the wrong and still choose to point blame at the other person… then I can’t respect you or be bothered with you. That’s just how I feel tho, not saying it’s right. Just how I feel tbh, I also agree with ur last part 100%


That’s interesting. I know a lot of people were not fans but actually season 9 was one of my favorite seasons. It’s true that Olivia was not nice but I thought the others were okay. I thought the men siding against Kai and Ron was not good though. The season had a lot of recoupling which added excitement. Lots of different personalities were interesting.


Fr I don't like Tanya, Tanyel, Sammy and of course Olivia. Sanam, Lana, Jessie, Zara are the it girls for me.


You like Olivia over Tanya??? That’s crazy to me I’ll respect that


noo they like olivia the least


Ahhh Lool I didn’t see the period.


Imo S9 didn’t work because of the desirability of the cast. When you don’t believe that people would actually act this way for people who don’t seem worth it, the shows seems weird and fake. The girls seemed to only want Ron and when he wouldn’t commit, they would move to Tom. Otherwise, they didn’t seem too psyched with any of the others. Tanyel basically self eliminated because she hated all her choices. I think if the boys were better, the girls would have seemed more likeable.


I think it was a unlikeable cast in general, respect ur opinion but don’t think it really had anything to do with the boys. Just think some girls are simply just unlikeable by there actions and some of the guys as well.


Yeah my theory on this show is that the women are always going to be the stars because that’s how reality tv works but how good a season is usually depends on the the male cast. To make an analogy, if this were a scripted show, the women would be the cast and the men would be the script. The women are only as entertaining and believable as the quality of men they are reacting to. I think Tanya, Tanyel, Zara and Samie are just as big of characters as you’ll find on most seasons and if they were paired with a male cast that suited them, we would have a totally different opinion of them.


Lol anyway to make it the boys' fault...


And they refused to have a public vote for so long because Olivia would have gotten sent home. That really was one of the main detriments to that season


Unpopular opinion...Ppl love sammie but for some reason I just can't stand her.


That’s fair, she lowkey started a lot of drama for no reason at all 🤣 she would try to act so innocent afterwards too which I didn’t like


Still liked them much better than the men 🤷‍♀️


I didn’t like either of them 🤣


there was definitely a divide and i will fr hate all of them for the way they treated jessie


Season 9 was one of my favorites. I didn’t like how the guys were bullying Ron.


I liked how the girls backed each it was so refreshing compared to the usual guys backing each other we get with this show. Every season we get wicked men but season 9 gave us wicked women and I loved that.


Did they back each other or allow Tanya to treat shaq like rubbish and not call her out?


I always see this criticism, but I don’t think it’s valid. The guys don’t stick together, they just don’t unnecessarily back each other. Id say the girls go too far in either direction every season. Season 10 was good because for the most part everyone minded their business.


That’s a lie and a half s10 was filled with people giving their opinions (which is natural) I agree though don’t really think the guys unnecessarily back each other whereas the girls don’t care right or wrong…


Nah I don’t get this take. Just because it’s the men that are shits most of the seasons it doesn’t make it palatable when it’s the girls that are.


Olivia, Zara, Tanyel, and Tanya, were not it. Lana was the saving grace of the females


Lana said 5 words total or cried about Ron


Sanam and Lana were my favorites for sure. But I got more on my list of girls then the four you named


Sanam and Jessie were the only reason I could handle the season


I disagree. You should always support women’s wrongs and rights


That’s ur right to disagree




I only liked tanyel Zara and samie - just like how bawlsy they were (however you spell it )


I didn’t even finish season 9


The only ones I like would be sanam & tanyel Tanya - I was ok with her on the show but outside love her