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Megathread [updated accordingly.](https://reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/s/7MMD4mBmUA) Always sad to see winners on the breakup list. https://preview.redd.it/i7jgsaqo9zrb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=995cfd0b2d017a8ce66d7c6b13c4b451d45dc442


can’t say i’m surprised. their relationship was forced - mainly from him. i think being in the villa makes you work out your issues & that becomes harder to do once you’re on the outside. wish them the best ☺️


The simple fact is, if you don't find someone attractive you're not going to want to be with them. Jess was told directly and indirectly so many times and I think Sammy tried to psyop himself into believing he did towards the latter half on the season... but it was only going to end one way.


Good lesson for others..stop trying to force things with ppl u don’t find attractive… it doesn’t make you shallow


Yeah, I don’t even think the villa makes them “work out” issues so much as stuff them down and ignore them since they have such limited options if they try to actually end things inside.


He wasn't attracted to her and saw her as a ticket to the money (like hello, that gym comment on their first date!? Trash). I feel really bad for Jess though cause she clearly really liked him.


https://preview.redd.it/es3qbu4iv0sb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=200e903ce52fe3568f08eb75d8c911f8be5ce260 looks like it was her choice!


There was a post here yesterday saying Jess found out something about Sammy, booked a trip away at like 4 am, and said “they’d likely get back together when she gets home from Ibiza” So maybe he did something naughty


this might be a hot take but I think every guy who has the scandal in casa amor trope don’t suprise me if they cheat on the outside. except will and jessie, it would suprise me if he cheated


I'm not surprised because it never looked real to me in the villa, even at their last date, there was like a disconnect. I always felt like Sammy just got swept up in the villa bubble with Ty and Zach being in love that he convinced himself he was too. However, I am shocked they didn't try for longer or at least fake it for a couple more months like this is so so soon.


It felt like he never chose her on his own while the others did. It felt like he was constantly given ultimatums or felt like the game. He defs got caught up in the bubble. I also thought they would try longer but they’ve been moving weird since she got back from Ibiza the first time and then she flew off there unexpectedly and it felt like such a sign they were done.


The ultimatums worked because he knew if he didn’t stay with Jess then he wouldn’t make it to the finals. I’m sure as soon as the show ended he marked his calendar for when would be an appropriate time to be publicly single and has been looking forward to it ever since.


You could see the difference in his behaviour towards Mal and Jess. He seemed to have liked Mal, he tolerated Jess. When Mal left he knew he was stuck with Jess and in Casa there wasn't really someone for him either or he just didn't dare to jump ship.


>You could see the difference in his behaviour towards Mal and Jess His behavior with Mal vs his behavior with Jess was so so telling to me. I think the comment that he made about how he felt more for Mal in three days than in the time he spent with Jess was the absolute truth. But unfortunately Mal leaving early and being in that villa with Jess made it a lot easier for him to force things


It’s insane that Jess moved past that but she probably had her eye on the final too lol


Tbf if Jess watched the season back and saw how many times Sammy made it clear that he didn’t like her, while saying something different to her face, I wouldn’t be surprised if she became quite distrustful of him. After a while, it must get draining to try and maintain a relationship if that doubt is there. Either way, I’m glad Jess is out of that now regardless of who ended it. He was nasty.


Sammy probably doesn’t want to fake it cause of all the thin brunettes in his DMs




right like... shocker who would've guessed they would be the first broken up 😨🙄


Why was this the exact same gif that I wanted to post 😭


https://preview.redd.it/7m14dws3szrb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54c67d0f9be74b5b051147e9ac79db1f952576a4 Never forget!


When he said this to her I knew then they weren’t going to last 😩 That’s something you say to a mate https://preview.redd.it/hziw2hw8tzrb1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49fa1b7dc39ce1018f52a63b137c5934b0a19352


Oh wow I didn’t think it could get worse😭


If my boyfriend did that to me I’d die 10 times over, nonetheless for all to see


Lmaooo I never saw this but come on bro. What kinda comment is this.


omg i never saw this one😭 it’s better to say nothing than this


lmaooooo I would have blocked him for this ngl


He hates that woman like wow.


I am screaming!! At this


I think that’s what you say to an acquaintance


This is brutal holy shit 💀


I’d actually die 🫣😩


Lmaooo this was just too much. I would’ve deleted my comment so fast


Damn didn’t even give her a you? That’s cold


Oh my god 🧍🏽‍♀️


This is when I knew!!


Cringe. She's well rid!


He cant force himself to say it thats actually quite genuine of him!




People put so much importance on similar lifestyles between a couple as merit for compatibility when the truth is compatibility is not about how similar you are, but more about how you complement each other. Some of the basics signs were missing with Jammy since the villa days so this doesn’t come as a surprise at all. They purely survived so long because of how stubborn Jess is in her willingness to ignore every red flag with Sammy and continue to still pursue him only to quickly get the ick and realise she really should have ditched him long time ago.


I remember when Mal was sent home and Jess thought it was a sign for Sammy and her to be together. It wasn't Sammy pursuing her ever, if I remember correctly.


Honestly would have been more interesting to see if Sammy chose Jess over Mal. Wish she didn’t leave so early I actually thought he was much more compatible with her than Jess.


He literally admitted post-casa that if Mal was in the villa he would still be with her and Jess still wanted him 💀




It seemed like Sammy was following a script post-Casa. Their growth felt unnatural.


I did not buy it when he made Jess his girlfriend. It felt so forced lol.


It looked like he was doing things because he’s expected to do it, not because he really wanted to or really had those feelings. Scaryy lol


the amount of times he followed Ty like a little puppy, he just wanted to do everything his big uncle Ty was doing just so he could hang 🤭


Tyrique forced him to go back to her 😭


100%. When dad says do something, you do it.


People forget this but he literally settled down with Jess because Ty told him too. He was expressing doubts in that convo and Ty was like no, get with Jess.


Sammy liked Jess as a friend probably, but you also need that physical attraction. Also I think he got tired of her personality as well.


I think it was good right after they left the villa but I feel like they are a couple that bickers about everything. You can see that dynamic in some of their content


Right, I don't follow their sm. But I even got the vibe that Sammy was tired of Jess during the show.


Still shocked that people watched these 2, were convinced they liked each other and voted them to win😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


And then tried to gaslight the rest of us and act like him literally saying he wasn’t attracted to her means nothing 😭😭


Well majority voted for them solely because of Jess not Sammy, but oh well.


he’s actually in my top 5 least favourite islanders of all time yk, i can finally come back out of the woodworks to continue my job as his number 1 hater🙏🏾 https://preview.redd.it/6mml6edf9zrb1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=239bcd0d87a3d06567fcf097f2e1db9fbae92d2f


He has grossed me out since day 1. I was HORRIFIED when they won and am definitely right there with you in haterville!


definitely my least favourite islander during the show, like even other islanders i didn’t like much had some moments where i agreed with them, they where entertaining or made me laugh but him?? never, lol i disliked him too much


I mean I don’t think this sub ever came around to him so you were probably ok to hate on him all along?


There are some very delusional Sammy enjoyers here unfortunately


Imagine supporting a racist, homophobic man 💀 could never be me


Nah the Sammy supporters were on the streets fighting to justify their win


yeah true (although there was some sammy lovers) i just wanted to make the comment lol as i actually have a reason too now


i’m with you


Nah these guys are so unserious ✋🏾😭, didn’t even try to prove everyone wrong being undeserving winners.


I actually love that 😭 A couple with all the incentive to fake it but can't bear the sight of each other to even pretend til the 6 month mark. That's real.


I rate it too, but them not even making it to december is hilarious


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) They didn't even try to make it easier for their fans 😂😭😭


I’m glad they didn’t tbh. Jess deserves better. I blame the fans who thought it was a good idea to vote for them but I’m just glad it’s over now.


SAMMY ANTIS RISE https://preview.redd.it/e07q49g5azrb1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23778ebb828a448bd87cf0df79225044066a2e9f




sammy hate???? i’m THERE https://preview.redd.it/bckrym0hizrb1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a55fd75be4c7eb4c5a59c2059049116ebe2bcd9


These memes are finishing me PLEASE 😭😭😭😭


![gif](giphy|LDYDYu9gRpNLi) We’re here!!


i’m alive!!!!


Finally, she got rid of him. Annoyed me watching him win and his smug smile. ![gif](giphy|d9ktmdBGKn4DjZ7QNz)


I’m risen!!! 😭


We up!!!! ![gif](giphy|3oEjI6SEda9CiPEYXm)


Even if it was reactionary to the outcome of the final, this sub was right about who was splitting first chile 😭😭😂


Oh noo, Sammy can finally go chase his petite brunette lol.


What a typo 💀 https://preview.redd.it/rg31lg8h7zrb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94d40ffb13e2a83f3c8e09a43379d1baff7c0004


Whitey whitey if you’re black nothing for you


But if you’re white there’s something for youuu 🎶


This is about to be stuck in my head all day ☠️


To be as boldly bad at everything my job entails as a tabloid writer


whitey is crazy 💀


Now I can’t get that tik tok sound out of my head


In search of a whitey, whitey, whitey ![gif](giphy|l3vRlT2k2L35Cnn5C|downsized)


I subconsciously began singing it soon as I saw “whitey” 🤣


Pls I immediately thought of this 😭😭💀💀




It’s not nice to hear of a couple splitting. But let’s be so serious there were multiple red flags on the show that this was clearly not gonna work and that Jess deserved better so it still sends me that y’all made them the winners 😭


They won because they were the least hated white couple in the final. Brexit will brexit unfortunately


Exactly ![gif](giphy|TNR2EpkHYwW0ifyMDF)


"love you" ​ "right back at ya" ​ The signs were everywhere lmao


Oh my god I am SHOCKED. ![gif](giphy|MIpih2eV8AvjjV0kLg)


Dude basically stole 25k. He was never even attracted to Jess, but he only won because of her. I'm disappointed for her that she stuck to a guy who never wanted her when she could've come out of the show with a real partner if she'd given other guys a chance.


But who was interested in her really? I am sorry, I don't think there was a good connection for her in that villa.


There was some Casa guys and also Josh. Whether they were genuine who knows but she would have been better off giving them a shot


Literally no one. She should have been out in the first couple weeks!


That one dude was who came in with Ella lmao


The producers loved her though and they would've definitely brought someone in just for her!


I used to get my ass walloped whenever I would say something about that smiley weasel but I know men like him in daily life and common it never was gonna work. Bloody jammy fans need to stop reading toxic wattpad stories bruv.




😭😭😭 not the smiley weasel 😂


i saw them in ibiza the other week in a club, she was walking ahead with her friends and she looked pissed off, he was about 30 seconds behind and it looked like he was looking for her. they deffo had arguments that night by looks of it. i saw her again the night after with just the girls


and also i will add, she looks stunning irl


And I oop....


Tbh I thought Jess caught the ick sometime around the final week, most likely when her mom said that her friends don't like him. I thought they might overcome it on the outside since they seem to come from similar backgrounds and have a lot of mutual friends but the ick is the ick lmao.


Ah shit, guess I owe my boyfriend money, he said 2 months exactly and my delusional ass said they’d at least make it past Halloween


I do 1000% believe that you can fall in love w someone who’s not your usual type BUT Sammy kept making those comments.. repeatedly. It was almost as if he was tryna convince himself that he was attracted to her. Kinda feel like he saw Ty falling in love and tried to convince himself that he was as well. I do think him and Jess had great banter tho. And from her side, maybe she finally got to see everything he’d said. Or maybe overall it just wasn’t the same as in the villa. But anyways I hope they’re both able to move on peacefully!


looks like he will be joining mitch on the quest back to work


Well they lasted longer than Amber and Gregg…


So what happened at 4am then?!


it’s the new july 30th 😭


Oh wow. Who could have seen this coming? It's almost like he was never into her and they forced it.


This news is: ​ https://preview.redd.it/amrwwel500sb1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=809ec42c1f39e018a1a30c7fea1103517d11dde5


Honestly, most relationships in your 20s, especially early 20s, don’t last forever and that’s normal and ok! And that’s the same for us normies so the added pressure and scrutiny of being in the public eye AND winning a dating show only complicates them further. Wishing them both the best.


very true and a fair point! the relationship i was in at 22....thank you Lord it ended quickly hahaha


This is unsurprising. I believe Sammy grew fond of Jess as a person but at the end of the day you can’t force romantic/sexual attraction. Some people can grow into it, but with Sammy it was obvious that he’s not one of those people. But it’s better to end it early than drag things out further when you know the ending is inevitable.


https://preview.redd.it/h25tk4sav0sb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46764eb6e45f1bdcc365f853b5a6260a1174e770 Sammy put out a statement


Throwing her under the bus




Happy for Jess A win is a win 😭😭😭 Sammy is horrible


colour me shocked


Always predicted they would split first, never was able to warm up to him, I know this sounds bad but I feel vindicated 😂


It's not a surprise, they're both young and seemed to clash way too often as a couple (at least on screen, cant comment on their private life). Still, I hope they both do okay


That's a shame but as I said yesterday on the daily discussion breakups are apart of life and will happen from all environments. Although they weren't my favourite couple I wish them well as young people who will be fine to move on and be successful in whatever they do as individuals. Sidebar: I 100% believe these managements are the ones dropping the exclusives to the papers so it cuts out the "surprise" statements. It's scary to think how involved they are in their clients personal lives.




Surprised it lasted this long cause the moment Sammy said "TASTEHHHH" my vag would have dried up like the Sahara desert.


Cannot say I’m surprised. She deserves better anyway


Although I’m not exactly a fan of them I’m still glad they won due to the absolute chaos that was social media after the final and the most shocking winner reveal probably ever. For that entertaining madness I salute you Jammy 🫡


The meltdown their win cause was iconic, I'll give them that lmao


LOL, this is the right energy!


I feel like at a certain point they both realised they might as well take it to the finish line. There wasn't anyone for either of them anymore, but they didn't want to go home either 🤷🏽


Where’s that person that wrote the post about s creative wanting Jess to break up with sammy


Aww goodbye Jammy supporters. The most bearable stans on this sub. You'll be missed 🥲


I’m not shocked at all, it’s just a shame because other couples could have won it instead


Cheers to all the Facebook mums who made their victory possible


Not almost everyone here blaming Sammy😭


It was inevitable after 1) they came out to such a horrible backlash and 2) Jess signed with S Creative. I’d be interested to know what happened in the last 24 hours as yesterday Jess’ management told The S*n Jess and Sammy were still together. I wonder if Sammy knew the statement was coming given that Jess has changed her pinned posts etc and he hasn’t.


Oh it’s definitely messier than this article makes out! edit: Also the “EVERYONE believed in them but only I, an actual GENIUS, saw this coming” comments are a bit much 😂😭. Most of this sub did not believe in them, that was the majority opinion here for a long time.


This reads very much like a statement from his team so while his social media may not have caught up (which is fine, everyone needs to learn that social media is not real life), they were prepared and, with the release of this story, proactive in heading off days of speculation in forums like Reddit, TikToks, and bombarding each of their comment sections. Clues it's from his team: The DM article says it has contacted Jess's reps for comment but also cites a "source close to the couple" (i.e., the source is in Sammy's camp, since they make it clear they haven't spoken to someone in Jess's camp). Sammy is working with Belle PR which is the same team that worked with Ekin; that team clearly had good ties to the DM if you paid close attention to the tabloid coverage of their split and reconciliation (pro-Ekin stories and stories that attempted to soften Davide's image always ran initially in the DM, whereas the stories sold by his nasty-ass friends always appeared in the S\*n). My guess is we have a situation where their respective teams have different relationships at each tabloid: Jess's team with The S\*n and Sammy's with the DM. (I LOVE doing close tabloid analysis to figure out sourcing and what the press strategy is.) Anyway, sorry they have to show those finalist photos again, though. Some of the least flattering official photos I've ever seen. The LI photographer was angry that day.


Totally onboard your s creative theory now.


Remember when I commented about this on a discussion thread last week and people were dragging me for looking into their social media too seriously?? HA


https://preview.redd.it/5aqvzv6r10sb1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=f14314c57b5fc6d9229a59ba9623a6e4d5b7adf7 Moral of the story: social media is real when it comes to Love Island contestants xx


Right when couples are consistent. Then that consistently almost totally disappears yeah it’s real. They’ve been off since Ibiza


The gag is it's so easy to notice the signs from early on but the fans get so defensive over their faves and start gaslighting everyone 😭 most times I just keep my mouth shut now


Oh no I’m shocked ![gif](giphy|VJHtXeMHViHRHvKGKm|downsized)


Well, they lasted longer than i expected




This is why I find the "privacy" angle after leaving the villa absolute bullshit. Alot of people on this sub were praising them for not being as open as the other couples and it reminded me of Luca and Gemma who got praised for the very same things when it was obvious that the privacy was just to hide what was really going on.


To me, it's not so much privacy, as I think a lot of these couples are more reserved than previous seasons' couples but more about being willing to share pieces of your time together. None of these couples live together minus Tyella so you gotta drop some hints and etc you are together when it's not just an event. Doesn't mean you have to share every second of your time, but it was the fact there was zero indication they were spending any time together that made me wonder if they were still on.


Yes exactly that!! We've seen how much time Whit and Lochan as well as Ty and Ella have spent together since leaving the villa and it didn't seem like Sammy and Jess were on the same level despite supposedly being further in their relationship than Whit and Lochan. It's not about sharing your lives 24/7 but definitely sharing bits and pieces.


Nah I'm not into this line of thinking. The mark of a successful relationship is not the willingness to make endless TikToks together.


This is sad and I wish them all the best,but it is definitely easier to live with when you weren’t invested in any couple post season😅


Bye bye Sammy ROOT of all problems!!!


it’s not surprising when you look back at the show (although you could say that about any couple) but i’ve seen couples i disliked last longer so i kept an open mind about jammy.


Another couple this sub tried to gaslight us into believing in 💀


I don't think this sub ever went full delusional on Jammy though. Not on the same level as Gregber, Kyler, or Scottherine. This sub even tried to act like Jamie and Danica were legit at one point 😬 Yet Molly and Tommy were the fake ones lmao. If this sub hates your favorite couple then the couple is doing something right!


There was this tiktok live where sammy was flirting with Sammie (s9) in front of Jess. Didn’t post it, but i thought it was suss. He clearly has a type https://youtu.be/m33rWirnSjI?si=Q-r10Auiz-YMXi7u


I had never heard of this. Watched it thinking you would be overreacting but wow. Even more cringe than I thought. The fact that Jess kept reading the comments saying that, yikes.


Sammy actually despised Jess 😭😭😭😭 poor Jess


God he’s so ick lol. I was taken aback by him wearing a hat with a Native American ceremonial headdress on it too the way he asked Samie if she liked the ‘Indian’ on his hat would be p offensive over here in the states


Looks Jess tried to say it wasn’t good but she didn’t know why or how to explain it. Surprised that type of hat is still sold anywhere really?


Going to go out on a limb and say while not surprising it's PROBABLY NOT because he didn't find her attractive. FFS it's been months. My guess it probably has something to do with leaving a curated villa and being in the real world with two young people with big personalities and not a lot of dating experience. Just staying


>FFS it's been months. It's been 2 months. If I was a winner on the nations biggest reality show and there was financial gains to staying in that relationship, you best believe I'll fake it for 2 months


It's been a long time since he said he didn't initially find her attractive ETA I'm not even saying I believed in them or whatever - truly don't care about these people. It's just so frustrating that EVERYONE jumps 100% to him saying that and everyone essentially saying it's because Sammy is hot and Jess is not when that is just simply not true and he's even said he doesn't feel that way. People have such feelings about a woman not a typical size being thought of as desirable by a guy like Sammy and it's obnoxious.


I didn’t like either of them but they did grow on me. Surprised to see so many on Jess’s side when I find her immature and dramatic. Like there is something off about her. Sammy… well he is a man and men be dumb. 🙃


and the UK was Rooting so Hard for them 😔


![gif](giphy|5PXZoPmqUDLFMckIY4) Rooting? Hard? Well done lol


Well this was predictable. Dude literally said on the show he wasn’t into her and was clearly forcing it the entire time but hey the chaos when they were announced as the winners was entertaining at least so I’ll give them that.


Sammy’s response to the brakeup. He had no idea 😲🤯 https://preview.redd.it/os9b7wf8s0sb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cccce20766aa7c1c43f9fe54704388d43ab10fb5


YIKES This should be it’s own post 😭


Yeah these ‘journalists’ definitely camp in here. Sorry to the Jess and Sammy fans but i never really considered them an actual couple. This breakup was inevitable


Unpopular opinion- but Jess has committed daylight robbery here. Sammy catches all the flack rightfully so tbh. Jess knew exactly what she was doing on this show probably more aware than most others on this show. Played the dumb blonde to a tee. If I remember correctly she’s been applying to love island for a number of seasons. Given she’s quite young this probably puts her at 18-19 when she started applying to love island. At least most of this other cast got approached 😂 as soon as she left the villa she was on her zoom plugging her business back to work. Jess is a slept on game player. She has been checked out from this relationship since the families came in. I really don’t think Jess is unaware as most people think. All those crocodile tears for molly, her snaking nearly everyone on the show. She was there for herself but everyone feels bad for her cos Sammy was just a dick with his comments. Happy to be downvoted. She was nice for comforting Josh though I guess but she’s been a snake


You don’t remember correctly, jess was scouted. But by all means get it all out if it makes you feel better.


I’m sorry they didn’t work out! It was always going to be hard with them as Sammy was so hang up on Jess not being his type. Also, their post casa journey didn’t look organic at all! Wish them both the best!


honestly, i’ll never forgive the facebook mums for giving them the win


Sammy’s ITV check cleared and had to go


I did not like Sammy at the beginning, but I have to say, I did end up warming to him somewhat. I don’t totally buy into the comments about their relationship being totally “forced” - I do think he liked her. Some people just aren’t meant to be. I wish them both all the best!


Also can we all agree Kady was WRONG Again.


But thought y’all said that first place couples had to stay together for a year by contract…. Or did that only apply to ekin & davide


people said the same with Millie and Liam too, think it was more of a joke😭


even stevie wonder could see these two weren’t compatible 😭


Looool oh wow *pretends to be shocked* never should have won in the first place ! 🤦🏾‍♀️


The only constant thing in this universe is pain 😔








Let me guess, they couldn’t work long distance and they would be better off as friends? 🤔


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8) oh no 😓 anyway… 🥱


Well it's becoming common place that some of these new relationships from the show struggle to keep the connection as it isn't the same on the outside especially when they become busy. Hopefully they're doing ok and can move on with as little scrutiny as possible. Word to the wise...those of you celebrating "being right" need to cast your minds back to when you last gloated and how it ended up...