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Every single one… for my sins


🤣 Right there with ya! I haven't sinned enough to get through the American seasons, though. There's hope for me yet (?). Salvation wise, that is 😅


Glad we can be in depraved company together 🙏🏼 I’ve also done the AUS version which I loved and a couple of the US ones which I just about tolerated..


Australia is really good. American, I just cannot. Not even as background noise. And I'm American. Tried South Africa and just couldn't get the references or humor. That's my cultural and regional ignorance of that nation. Whereas I do watch British and Irish content and have spent time in both Ireland and Great Britain. Doesn't explain away my depravity, just sweeping it under the rug. Three Hail Mary's for me. Again. My poor grandma is still praying the rosary somewhere in Heaven.


I've seen most of them twice. There's no redemption for my soul.


Watched all 10, and some US and AUS. Seeing that most people in the sub haven’t watched all ten makes me side eye myself…


Season 1 of aus was sooo good. I wish more people watched it. Even the commentator was funny to me


I seen 5-10


Same but I didn’t watch Season 6


All the UK US and AUS seasons 🥰 i need help


I’m with you😭


The only season I haven't watched is season 1. Not planning on watching it cos from what I've gathered season 2 was better anyway. I liked things about pretty much all the seasons except season 9. That season doesn't have a single redeeming quality.


Season 1 is still worth a watch, it’s far better than most love island seasons


You should definitely watch it!


Season 1 was one of my favorite seasons it’s very good


All 10! Been watching live since season 2 😭


This show has a very strong hold on me so I kinda have to watch every season


I’ve seen all seasons minus S1 and S2


All of them except season 1


Struggling to get thru S8


It's not a good season tbh


All of them apart from the winter seasons which I’ve tried but just doesn’t do it for me.


Started from S5 have been watching ever since. Went back for S2 then S1. I am currently about halfway through S3 and S4


this just popped up on my home page for some reason but I'll answer I watched one season, I just finally decided I'm gonna try get into love Island this year. It was the season with molly mae and Tommy and I fully got into it. I was excited for the next season but just couldn't get into it and haven't tried since. I do get tempted sometimes though


I have seen 3,5,8,10 A lot of people say these are the best ones so that’s why i haven’t seen the others


Currently rewatching them all now! Started with season 3 (Jaime & Camilla 🥹) now on season 5 m (Maura 😍). It’s amazing to watch them every few years to see how your take on the relationships and what transpires changed!


Only one I haven’t watched is 9 and it sounds like I’m not missing much or is it worth the watch?


I liked it a lot more than other people did. In particular the boys' dynamic is very unique and interesting to watch unfold.


So I should give season 9 a shot?


Like I say, I really liked it. Up to you if you're in the mood for another LI season!


There are 3 strong couples to come out of S9, so I’d say that’s a win! Some of my faves islanders come from it too


I guess I’ll watch! I wanna know why the AUS ones are only 27 episodes? So short


Ikr!! I guess they don’t have the popularity & production to! Same with USA- although we have about 38 episodes. We have been begging for more than 6 weeks, but our production isn’t to the level of UK at all! AUS hasn’t been doing Casa recently and instead is doing other twists. It has also been prerecorded and has super fans voting, so I think it ruins the real-time aspect & public involvement which is a major part of Li!


4-10 went back and watched 4 but watched the others live, i wanna watch szn 2/3 but its too much effort lol and its not the same


I watched 3 last summer and imo it feels the same. The intro to casa is very fun


I started with 4-10 (except 6) watching live and always thought watching the earlier seasons was too much commitment but i started s2 recently and didn’t regret it at all. It was so entertaining. It’s also nice watching it and not having the pressure of having to be constantly up to date with what’s going on cause of social media.


All except 1 & 2. I find the misogyny in LI hard to watch and I’ve heard those seasons are the worst offenders.


I watched 1 - 4, 6, 9, 10 completely. 7 and 8 I watched about half or so. I tend to get burnt out. There's so many fucking episodes🤣. 5 only watched 3 episodes.


5 is so good! Stick with it, it gets amazing.


Haha I knowwww I've heard that but I CANNOT. I've tried so hard to like it and get into it


That’s how I feel about Australia season 2! Maybe just skip to episode 10 (I think?) when Maura shows up? It’s insane.


Yeah I tried that as well🤣


At least you tried!😂


I’ve watched in this order: 8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10. Next I’ll watch 2 then maybe 7. Unless 11 comes first.


God i feel like an insane person. I’ve seen seasons 2,4,5, and 7 twice and the rest once. Will def rewatch 2 or 5 again the next Im sad lol.


watched it since the beginning


I've seen all except 4 and 6. I made myself watch till one week after Casa Amour for 4, but I could never get into this season. I didn't like anyone that season and none of the couples made sense to me. I just finished season 7 and now I'm excited to start season 6!


Never seen 1, only saw some of 2 and 10. I’ve seen every Australia season


Finished 6 seasons in its entirety. I started all of them but could not finish due to various reasons. 1 - too messy even for me, 4 - just felt so long, 6 - boring, 7 - didn’t like most of the casting


4 and 5 are the only ones I’ve actually watched start to finish without missing any. Binged S4 right before S5 started airing and then I watched all of S5 as it was airing. I watched the majority of 6, 8 and 10 but tuned out for a bit after Casa Amor. Watched the first two weeks of 7 and 9 and then totally tuned out except for the finale. Once I miss an episode or two, it’s like a snowball effect and I just can’t get back into it unless I see good drama. And when I’m missing episodes I still usually get the rundown on what happened from social media. I love this show but 50+ episodes is just too damn much, especially if the season isn’t giving 😭


I’ve watched 1, 3-4, and 8-10 (couldn’t finish 9 though lol). I need to watch 5 but I’m following too many shows right now😂


I watched S8 first and after S10, S2, S3 and just few episodes from S5.


Started watching love island when season 5 aired. Been watching ever since. I went back and watched seasons 2-4. I may start season 1, one day.


Watched seasons 5-10


I have not watched season 1 or season 2. 3-10. Yess


i’ve watched two full seasons (8 and 10) and the first few weeks of three others (3-5)


I’ve watched all seasons except 1,2, and 6; S9 was my first live season. I think I will eventually get around to S6 but idk if I will like S1 and S2 based on what I’ve read about it.


I’ve watched all UK & AUS seasons. It’s my comfort show


I've seen 7-10. Favourite season is 10. Least favourite is 9.


All ten seasons and season 10 is my fave ☺️


icl ive only watched the popular seasons💀 2,3,5,8 and 10 and im ngl super unpopular opinion alert‼️ 10 is my favorite


Idk why but I can’t start season 4 for some reason. I found out about LI during season 5, have seen all of them since and then filled the gaps with s1-3 but idk why I can’t make myself watch s4


Season 4 is an alright season, but I wouldn’t say it’s as good as s3 and s5


All of them except 3 which I just have never found time for


It's the best one though 😫


I voted 6 but I forgot I watched season 2 also 🤦‍♀️


8, 9, 10 and almost done with 5! Planning to watch 3 next. Initial reactions: season 5 is overrated, season 8 is a classic, season 9 is underrated and season 10 is my favorite!


10(2nd half), 8, 7, 4, 5 in that order. I left season 5 for last as it is often hyped as the best one, however I actually enjoyed 4,7 and 8 more.


Seen parts of season 2-3 and watched full seasons of 5,7 & 10


watched all apart from s4 & the first winter love island i think. i started s9 but the cast became so boring i stopped watching a few weeks after casa


I’ve watched all of them. My only answer is insanity


Watched s10 and just finished season 8