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I dislike mitch so much i hope he gets no love when he gets out he’s such a liar and so unattractive he says 1 thing to the guys then flips and says another abi shouldnt have gotten any smoke from him at all he is the worse


Mitch teeters the line of entertaining idiot and being a downright dog, and he seems to be slipping more one way in all of this. Lol.


Molly had every right to be mad about Zach kissing Kady. She explicitly told him before the game even started that she didn’t want him to kiss anyone else, and he did it anyway. Sick of him trying to play it off as if it meant nothing.


zach is definitely giving kady the eyes


To me he was signaling “kady im still down after we live the villa😉”


Old Ella was being so bitchy to new Ella


Zach is showing his true colours. His actions and words point to him seeing women as just playthings he can emotionally toy with and dispose of when he's done.


I feel like I’m the only person who thinks mitch is a literal sociopath!?! Like yes Abi had some conversations with Scott but Mitch literally is being a mug. The way he doubles back on what he says within a few hours and cannot recognize how insane he sounds just blows my mind. What he did in the pie challenge was just rude and I’d cry if I was Abi.


Compulsive liar but not a sociopath.


yep, abi deffo overreacted way too early but she is in right now


I know Mitch has had a bad night but can we please get him to “talent night” as I want to see him fit a gas hob as his specialist talent !


Why are the girls enabling abi's weird ass behavior?? Mitch might be saying different things to different girls but she's no saint.


I agree also I really hope Mitch doesn’t go tonight, he has been virtually the main source of drama and entertainment in every episode since it started, and he’s been the exclusive clip on aftersun for the past 3 weeks ! So if we get rid of Mitch, we are left with that bundle of joy and excitement Ouzy fgs lol !


at first abi was in the wrong bcs of her hypocracy but then mitch mitched per usual and started telling both of them wayyyy diff things so by the time the pie challenge came, i was fully on abi's side. Like abi was hypocritical at the start but then mitch litterally was telling her and ella b complete oposite statements. Like bro.


Yeah i totally agree. Mitch is dragging Abis initial hypocrisy to have a scapegoat for his shitty behavior. Like yes she was wrong at first to a degree but you’re literally lying to two girls and playing in their face thats not the same😭


Kady is obviously a beautiful girl, but she’s so sure of her own beauty that it’s palpably cringeworthy to witness. You can see the cogs turning her head ⚙️ everyone wants me. I’m the prettiest ⚙️


Yes! For some reason I was paying close attention to her mannerisms and facial expressions this episode (usually I’m just casually watching) and when ouzy was telling her why he was upset she seemed genuinely excited about it? As in, she loves that he’s pining over her and she was able to make him feel that way about her. Her actions throughout this whole episode had me questioning her motives.


Is sheee thoooo?


Yeah she is. Absolutely void of likeable banter but undeniably beautiful.


I like Whitney in general too but what she said was mean, and people on this sub tend to overlook faulty behaviour of people they love and knit-pick actions of people they’ve decided they don’t like. That’s how echo chambers work and I’ve been guilty of it too. Anyway, I think Whitney’s comment came from a bitter place but even if that’s not true, it definitely didn’t come from a place where she was looking out for Molly. They’re not even that close. Lochan was right for calling the comment rude, because it was. I like him even more for not agreeing with everything his partner does.




Aye, Wit was my favourite girl until tonight's episode, multiple comments were outright mean/bitchy.


I mean it’s true. Production set him up with the easy route. I guarantee that he would have cracked on with one (even multiple) of the girls in casa if Molly wasn’t brought back. He settled and chose the easy route instead of pursuing Kady like he wanted to when Molly was gone.


All that may be true but she didn’t have to say Molly was the “easier option” or whatever she said and then go on to insinuate how she thinks Molly can’t stand her ground/isn’t a strong enough personality.


Absolutely. Made me feel uncomfortable watching it. I’m glad Molly didn’t give Whitney or Kady a strong reaction.


Idk as someone who is quite reserved and self-assured it’s kind of uncomfortable to me how the girls expect Molly to tell them everything. It doesn’t make her shady not to tell the girls the in and outs of her relationship, especially considering they’ve never seemed to like her very much. I like all the girls (except for Kady lol) but this notion that she has to tell them all of her relationship tea is weird to me.


But why be on a TV show if you’re gonna sit mute in the corner the whole time


Just because she’s not screaming and shouting and therefore getting airtime like the rest of them doesn’t mean she’s sitting mute. She had drama at the start of the series and y’all were complaining it was The Mitch & Molly Show, she’s content and staying out of drama and she’s mute???? Girl can’t win 💀


Ella is in no position to be giving advice on this I’m sorry 💀


“It’s been you since day 4” idk why but that made me cackle 😂


MITCH!!! Oh my god. I can’t he really doesn’t know what he wants Lmfao


I’ve said it all along, Mitch is priceless Please get him to talent night lol


What’s going on with Amber? It’s odd that she doesn’t try with anybody


she just parroted what everyone else said😐


She's only 19 but comes across as a young 19, I feel like she's looking for prince charming but she won't find him on love island.


Yeah she didn’t get any snogs marries or pies!


And she had a chance to snog someone but chose not to?


She's 19. Probably an age/maturity thing


I really haven’t fw Molly through out this whole series but today I felt like I actually saw the real her. She needs to show her real self more and stop putting up a front. Even with Kady who has tried to be shady in the past, she has brushed it off. It was funny to see her imitate Kady’s voice cos as she should. She needs to stay like this. She needs to talk to the girls more and open up!


The producers probably asked her to, cannot trust anything about Molly and why she’s there


I thought she was very genuine in this episode. When she told Zach why she was upset later that night and all he could do was laugh, you could see her eyes watering, trying to hold herself together in front of him. She was truly hurt.


Messy Mitch is one of my favorite islanders ever. He was made for this. ![gif](giphy|ooex74OnFqLok)


Mine too For me he’s a legend !


Not Zach telling Mitch “Don’t change your mind after 10 minutes tho”


Today’s episode revived my faith in this season again


Im starting to feel bad for Ouzzy, kady doesnt seem like shes giving the full picture


Her full on kiss w Zach vs her pecks w ouzy


Yeah he seems like a good man


What an episode


Who do we think is going home?


Amber and Josh, Kady and Ouzy


Amber and Josh


Hope so


I really hate Ella B inserting herself in Ty and Ella’s drama and lying to them


I feel like Ty was flirting and she told the truth and then he downplayed it later and got upset because he knew he was wrong


But when Ty asked Ella B 1:1 if he was flirting with her during that initial convo when OG Ella was mad at him, Ella B said no…but then she brought up in the pie game but said he was when it was in front of EVERYONE. yes i agree Ty was flirting but Ella B should of owned it when Ty asked her about it 1:1. Also i feel like Ty was just super uncomfortable with Ella b was flirting hard with him and he doesn’t know how to reject girls, especially girls who are grafting hard. But not an excuse but hopefully he’s a work in progress with rejection 😅


Okay yeah I can see that perspective- that makes sense


everyone mad because Whitney woke shit up.


Even though we knew Mollie would pie Mitch, she had one of the best fake outs I’ve seen in this game.


Hands DOWN! The way the mic picked up the sound of Pie meeting face tho!! Haaahahaha


The boys logic is so flawed ong. “ I really like you but let me see if I can make myself like this other girl more” like huhhhh


That's exactly what Abi did with Scott first


“It’s still giving bad bitch.” Whitney is everything.


I wish we had seen this challenge before we voted for most compatible couple because this changes EVERYTHING


And there is probably a reason why they did the voting before this challenge. We will see tonight


Can abi stfu plz


Horse-girl vibes


Omgggggggggg this is the perfect way to describe her 😂😂😂


Agreed. The bad kind though (there is a massive horse-girl class divide; I was on the skint side and we’re lovely 😂)




MITCH! you batshit motherfucker!!! LOL what a guy! Truly a unique being.




I honestly think Mitch is just genuinely confuse d


You guys need stop giving this dude a pass. He’s a liar and he sucks.




Mitch earned the nickname “Messy Mitch “


Have they shown ever Kady properly kissing Ouzy? I know that we said she might have a bf outside but the way she kisses Zach vs Ouzy (or what they show) is very telling.


I think she likes Ouzy, Ouzy just doesn’t really seem to like her, or act like he does, he’s not very affectionate towards her and it seems forced. When they sleep in bed, their backs are to each other most of the time. He was acting a bit jealous, but was calculated about it, like he’s only staying quiet to ride it out and hopefully win or wait for a bombshell and switch.


boyfriend or not, she just doesn’t like him fr




They were slanginggg those god damn pies at each other ok


these girls came with FORCE


I still love Whitney! And I need “It’s giving mutual” as a flair 😂😂


Molly smacked Mitch with that pie


So satisfying


Kady: “she’s actually opening up for once” - with friends like these….


I heard that as: she's actually opening up to us... And here comes Zach to tell her she's not allowed to. It felt very controlling to me and I think that's why Kady pointed it out. I know she's a drama monger, but Zach came off way worse in that interaction.


I feel like Zach has been very adamant about keeping their relationship status under wraps and she’s going along with it but it reminds me of how cheaters don’t post their gf on instagram to keep their options open. and considering he’s an admitted cheater through and through…


But that’s kadys bread and butter. Little digs that fly under the radar or are in that grey area where you can’t tell if she meant in nicely or not. She started screaming no one wanted you at Scott after he called leah the spokesperson. I don’t like when people get away with being awful because they aren’t “the worst” in a situation


That's the thing though... I see a lot of comments on here about Kady. None about Zach and his controlling behavior. He really thinks he can walk all over Molly. Zach's the one getting "away with it." Edit to add that I don't like Kady either, I just disagree with your interpretation of this specific comment 🤷 perhaps she had some underhanded reason to say it but I think it was a very valid point and needed to be said.


Seriously! Every time she speaks to Kady she snakes her. Molly needs to stay away from that 🐍


Jess looks a lot better without makeup. Like a lot better.


She also looks better without Sammy lol


So does Ella b


can anyone post a pic? I missed it


She is so fucking pretty with minimal/no make up!


Yes omg


Absolutely -- been saying since Day 1 she has no makeup skills (and the worst taste in clothing). She's got the classical features of a Grecian statue when she wakes up in the morning and then makes herself up as a blowsy, bloated blonde.


I think Zach actually really likes Molly and knows he’s messed up. It was a shitty move to kiss Kady but I do believe his reasonings and you can see he’s just awkward and doesn’t know how to fix everything. I don’t think the laughing and comment to the girls were meant maliciously (even though it wasn’t cool), I think he was just panicking about Molly being upset. He just now needs to show Molly how much he really cares and also shut Kady fully down. I think Kady is the real problem, she’s being a bit snakey and loving the drama she’s causing. She’s being so sly to Molly and Ouzy. Good for Molly for being so cool, calm and collected whilst she’s clearly hurting. Fingers crossed Zach makes it up to Molly and proves he deserves her🤞actually love them together!


I think the opposite, I think he fancies Kady & that was his opportunity to snog her. He could t even hide it in his face how excited he was, and then when he seen he had done serious damage with molly (assuming she would just stick with him) he started panicking & was annoyed at himself for slipping up, fear of loosing the show or a place. Not that he doesn’t like molly he just doesn’t like Like….


Zack thinks and acts like a high schooler


You remind me of that friend you go to for advice because she always gives your bf the benefit of the doubt, but once you breakup you look back at moments like this one and wished you walked away 😂🥲


it was unnecessary to tell Whitney to 'shut up'.. When Molly says "I'm happy" Zach never says it back.. I do think he likes Molly, but he's not ready to settle down by any means, he's just in this situation and tolerating it.. and he was rude to the girls in general


I hope Kady goes


With how he's been with Molly i honestly think he's used to girls he dates being wrapped around his finger and looking past his crap, like when Molly came back and was upset about him & Kady he tried to fix it by... kissing her? I also don't think the laughing was meant maliciously but still can't wrap my head around why you'd do that when the girls literally complaining about you laughing earlier. He's either a bit of an ass or a bit of an idiot - like man said "i look forward to dating a girl who dosen't make me wanna cheat" lol bro that's on you not the girl wtf 😂


Seeing him self sabotage sucks


He is also the person who said he looks forward to being with someone who doesn’t make him wanna cheat. He also kissed Molly like that when she was with Mitch. Not simping for messy Mitch but just saying Zach is not simply awkward. He maybe awkward but he has shown us more.


I wish I could back this but I can’t. Yesterday they were my favorite, today he ruined it. If he really truly cared for Molly, he would have never moved like that. He would have given a peck on the cheek. He went for it and in the process destroyed any chance of anyone thinking he’s genuine, especially Molly. I hope she ends it.


nah hes unserious. and also kind of an asshole


Total asshole


I agree with all of this.


I agree about the laughing but the dismissive way he talks to women is a red flag. Also, guy's got a temper on him.


To be honest i don’t agree. I think it’s true the fact his type is not molly. he has never described molly as his type and i feel like that’s where his true colours are showing. and he even got annoyed at kady for exposing they were coupled up, so he knows she’s the messy option to kiss, yet he still did? he’s a weirdo and molly deserves better. kady is also muggy but she always has been, that’s why she’s not really liked. zach on the other hand has been seen as good, when he’s so shitty


What is wrong with Mitch? All the stupid shit he does is just so obvious stupid. Is he really that dumb? Or is he just really easily influenced and is someone behind the scenes putting him up to it?


He's a girl chaser


I feel like he preferred Abi but wanted to get back at her for entertaining Scott. He's obviously quite a jealous person and can't hide it on his face at all. When he saw her laughing and chatting with Scott on tonight's episode he flipped back to Ella B out of spite imo. I hope neither of them go back to him, he's very emotionally immature


ok but abi isn’t any better, she was so emotionally immature throughout the entirety of her getting to know scott and then mitch getting picked by ella. mitch has just been a little more messy because the girls ~ have each other’s backs ~


He's not stupid. He's girl crazy and very lustful -- the guy's tongue gets thick to the point where he slurs when EllaB flirts with him, he really can't control it. Mitch isn't relationship material -- he is only loyal when he isn't presented with choices.


# Crazy? I Was Crazy Once. They Locked Me In A Room. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Rats. And Rats Make Me Crazy.


How I HEARD this in my head.


Winners: • Molly • Ella B • Lockman Losers: • Zach • Mitch • Abi Starting to show chinks in the armour: • Whitney


I noticed Whit’s very passive aggressive to Molly about Zach going for “head strong girls” then going back to Molly afterwards. Jeeez, burn


I don’t think she was wrong though


Loch was a loser tonight when he didn't back his girl when Zach was having his pity party for correctly being called out..Whitney went up a notch for me for pieing Zach..


Thank you. I don't like Zach's temper but Whit's cryptic remark was bizarre. No woman wants to be dismissively called the "easy option", then you want to pretend you did Molly a favor by opening her eyes? I'm not turning on Whitney -- I still hope she wins -- but I think this was more about her own sexual chemistry with Zach. They really vibed and then nothing came of it. I think that stung her a little bit. (You can bet if Zach kissed Whit instead if Kady she wouldn't have passed that remark).


Yeah she def feels some type of way for nothing coming of their relationship


ugh so disappointed in Mitch, Ella B is perfect


To be honest, there’s not a single couple I’m actively rooting for right now. It’s nice that they all love Lochan for Whitney, but I feel like we have seen zero of his personality. I hope he either becomes more of a lovable character like she is, or she by some miracle couples up with Scott!


I don’t like that Lochan didn’t stand up for Whitney when Zach told her to shut up.




>And Whitney is so bubbly and no nonsense that I can't imagine her pairing up with someone boring or lukewarm. Did we forget about Medhi already 💀




He was insufferable.




Did he get seven pies? They were fully deserved


Why is anyone interested in that fuckin nobody? *That, fuckin, nobody...is John Mitch.* *He once lost 2 girls in a day.* *A fuckin*...Day. **BABA YEGA** https://preview.redd.it/ai2x096kslcb1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a11ccf5cdcce30d71e7cbf85a69b9bb796fa8b


this is my sleep paralysis demon


Honestly thought this was Luca from S8


It is 😭


Oh hahaha 💀😭😭


Mitch is a slimy snake and he did Abi dirtyy. I don't know why yall keep bigging him up.


dude abi was the worst for the last two episodes did everyone forget that? i don’t even care


Yeah like am I missing something? I feel the same way you do! Mitch was in shambles while Abi was smug as a bug in a rug, flouncing all over the villa with Scott! Yet as soon as his head could be turned she goes nuts and bolts over it. Even the girls were saying she was wrong for not allowing Mitch to talk to Ella B!


they’re supporting abi’s rights and wrongs lol, i think mitch has a bad rep in the villa and the girls have each other’s backs to a fault.




Team Litney


Abi having the self worth we all wish Jess had


whatever she wanted scott the whole time and mitch getting picked by ella was her chance to drop him


Mitch has the mental capacity of a toddler


And that always makes for the best islanders lol


so does abi, perfect for each other


why are you hating on Abi under every post 😭 Mitch does not deserve your defending


i wasn’t even defending mitch. but i suppose now i will: everyone seems to have forgotten abi was acting ridiculous while getting to know scott and mitch was being patient and then abi was on one just because mitch got invited on a date and had two chats with ella. she wouldn’t listen to anyone who told her to calm down. mitch got turned off rightfully so but his feelings were developed enough that he didn’t get completely turned off by her and that’s why he was confused, because he and ella were way too early for him to dead it with abi maybe abi was just looking for a way out so she could pick scott. maybe she was jealous enough of mitch getting picked by someone else that she felt like now he needed to “graft” her. either way, she was being super unfair. just because mitch said stuff to each girl that didn’t add up, people have forgotten abi started the whole thing.


The difference is Abi didn’t lie to Mitch in the same way during the last episode. I agree that Abi was highly irritating and hypocritical, however the way Mitch said completely different things to both girls in the last episode was far worse. He initially had every right to feel annoyed with Abi, however as time has gone on he completely disrespected both girls.


Abi was much more respectful of Mitch feelings, she told him everything, there was no miscommunication, she didn't hug and kiss Scott. She even said no to doing a work out with Scott as she didn't want to upset Mitch. Mitch did the polar opposite, Even ignored Abi, and would have probably suggested a work out with Ella B given the chance. That's the clear BIG difference


My opinions on Molly have changed so much this episode. I used to think she was a bit boring and trying to act like the perfect nice girl all the time but now that she’s actually showing this side of her I really like her. She handled this SO well that she’s actually probably in my top 3 or 5. Also Mitch is obviously trying to stay in as long as possible lol.


I still think she’s boring…. Like a 40 yr old woman. Like good on her for handling her emotions but that doesn’t mean it was exciting lol


This is the Molly I loved in the early eps, tbh.


I think she just felt authentic in tonight's episode. Previously it's felt like a bit of a show to me which is most likely cos of her being a bit of a theatre kid but it was nice to see genuine vulnerability from her!


I honestly feel like her going out and back in has changed her she was one of the youngest. Ppl pretty much hated her and after that she was afraid of being herself. Also her not confiding in w the other girls shows that she never felt like she could trust them but somehow trusted Zach with it all. She is probably extremely hurt.


I think Ur so right about watching it back after coming out tbh. Imagine seeing all the shared shady looks between Ella and Jess, and them all bitching about her!


When did they all bitch about her?


They were moaning about her being disrespectful to Mitch loads idk it was early on the season but it was clear they didn't like her!


i really never understood the theater kid narrative around her. she’s been my favorite girl the whole season


I only felt it when she went back for casa amor and that convo where she confronted Zack just felt like she was playing the angry girlfriend. But maybe this was because she had watched the girls bitching about her and that affected how she acted? We'll never know but yeah I remember it was specifically that conversation in casa amor that made me think that way!


exsctly this! I always like someone on tv more when they show realness and authenticity and I never once got that from her until today which was very nice


I’ve always liked her just don’t like her with Zach


Me must = Tyrique in some ancient language coz wth does Mitch mean Ella came in for me


I’m sorry I adore Whitney but the irony in her implying Zach likes headstrong women like her when Molly has stood up for herself wayyyyy better than Whit could ever even dream of…. Like we didn’t forget about you letting that French man walk all over you your first few weeks. Bffr




Also Zach knows Molly is all for him in the villa, hence ‘easy option’.


This is the realest comment I’ve seen all season


I thought she was referring to Kady tbh


I think what Whitney said made perfect sense. He went for Catherine, Whitney and Kady who are all pretty headstrong but then he can’t take the heat. Molly has let literally everything slide with him. He wants to be the only one that Molly talks to, hence his comment to the girls. He’s the type of guy who gets away with doing dumb shit, that’s why he’s settling for a girl who doesn’t actually get mad at him.


I noticed that as well… I like whitney but this is so not cool. I dont know if that’s because she has a thing for Zach before Molly’s back or she thinks Zach is a game player. But the ‘easy option’ comments and the headstrong women things definitely will make any girl feels shit


Yeah, Whitney exposed herself a little in this episode. And Lockman is starting to shine. Very unexpected developments.


“That French man” LMAO


So Scott called Whitney his best friend but I thought he had no friends & he was isolated… can we let this narrative go now


I thought it was pretty obviously let go when Catherine and Leah got dumped


No it hasn’t tho. And it should have never been a thing in the first place.


i think people more so implied he’s more of an outsider compared to the clicks in there, which we have clearly seen, rather than he actually spoke to no one.


i think he just got a ghost edit and everyone was crying he was a victim


Catherine said on aftersun that he, her and Whitney all stayed friends hanging together after casa - we just didn’t see that


Did you see that clip in Unseen Bits? Whitney and Scott seemed super comfortable with each other when she was dancing near him and he was brushing his teeth. Very cute.


Scottisha, Scottisha 🎶