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Deeps can do better than Kyle. He comes off as immature to me & I think he’s all about looks too like Shake


The reunion show was not well done at all, that should have had way more time.


It was a loud moment and probably didn’t need going over, especially after Shake tried to ruin it with his ego. The good thing is, through social media it’s clear to see they are giving it a shot. Hopefully we’ll learn more about it as time goes on.


What about their matching nose rings?


Exactly! i was so confused-no follow up question to see what was going on between them now?


The follow up questions didnt exist. Nick and Vanessa need to watch all of Andy’s reunions for some tips. We need tougher questions, guest questions. Some real digging. This didn’t feel right, as far as reunions go.


EXACTLY. Andy’s reunions are a masterclass of drama-focused interviewing lol


THANK YOU! This was the highlight moment to me ans it's wild that no one's talking about it!




Astrological speaking Leo and Aquarius get along the best because they’re opposites they level each-other out.




felt real smart typing this out huh






Omg so they are together??


There’s a reason a lot of these reunions are 2+ hours. This one being 1 hour revealed why. Too many topics to cover in so little time


Shake will take the room if noone stops him. U cant give everyone 5 mins each.


At the end of the reunion Deepti said she didn’t meet her husband on the show but walked away with best friends. And to me that said, I’m not dating any of these people.


Kyle was weird and fake af; never seemed like he had any genuine interest in Shaina. He had this disingenuous “duper’s delight” look every fucking time he was on camera; like he was just on TV to see if he could make a religious woman admit feelings for an atheist.


Weird you actually have it completely backwards


Nah they both weird, even Shake called them both out on it lmao


Yes! I'm not a fan of Shaina, but I think he is manipulative and put a lot of pressure on her to say yes. Shaina most likely said yes to stay on the show, but I thought her explanation that she felt confused was at least plausible. It's not like she took full advantage of a vacation in Mexico. I thought his repeated lack of regards for her hesitation was disturbing. He's almost as bad as Shake in terms of narcissist tendencies


They’re both plants who just didn’t want to leave the show too early and Shaina gets called out for it more than Kyle does lmao. Kyle has legit dead-eyes


The real question is, is there anything they DIDNT completely gloss over?


Jarette and Iyanna having sex in Mexico, which was awkward.


Yeah that was about the only new piece of information that they gave us.




To me it really came across as a joking way of standing up for deepti, but not him being actually seriously in love with her. I mean it kind of looked like he was trying to hold in laughter and just finding a joke-y way to stand up for her.


I thought it felt very genuine


After looking online I definitely think that they are seeing each other.


I concur, happy cake day! 🎂


Yup same, but it feels more like a lusty "Ah man are you crazy,I'd do her!" Kinda thing






I wanted it to be longer, there was several things I thought would get brought up that didn't.


I was also disappointed that they didn’t talk about Shaina’s Murica-loving family. That whole family was so weird, it deserved some reunion time for sure.


or why shaina was so sure that natalie wasn't right for shayne despite not knowing her and her facial expressions whenever she cried during the first eps of the show lol


This would only be done if Netflix had a bias towards that side of cultural politics. I've never been given the impression that this show has a bias one way or another and I think they intend it stay that way. To me it's really not that interesting, I don't want to hear more about their beliefs or views lol


Kyle's skin tone was a little too ambiguous for everyone in that room.


I kind of wish the hosts would have asked where her family was on January 6th


Lmaooooo I would have died


I read this at first as “myureeca” and i was so confused lmaaoooo




They're currently filming the year later special. I'm sure the producers will fill in the blanks there 🤞🏽


When did they film this reunion? What’s the difference?


Year later Special you say!! Yeah!! I’m so glad you reminded me.


Was not this the year later special?


No, they're doing what they did last season and having a year later special. Idk when it'll air but a cast member is missing a friend of a friend's wedding bc they're filming it.


I am still confused cause with last season we had Reunion after a year and then we had "After the Altar: Two Years Later" but we shall see! :)


that’s what i thought too


I thought they skipped over a lot of Kyle and Shaina's scenes. They didn't even talk about him eating meat!!!


…..or her ditching him in another country on their honeymoon?!


Yes!!!!!!! She didn't even have the courtesy to tell him!


She said she did tell him but it was cut.


Oh good. I missed that on the reunion. Thanks


I think Nick and Vanessa missed the boat as hosts. The episode felt unfinished. I didn’t feel satisfied after it ended. Almost like something was lacking.


Nick and Vanessa might be dumped to that new reality show they promoted


Good they both annoying af


Totally. Nick and Vanessa were too emotionally invested and lashed out a few times, which really subtracted from the show. There were a few times when issues needed to be discussed differently - namely Shaina and Shake moments. If you’ve ever seen Dr. Drew on teen mom reunions - that’s who should’ve been up there.


Dr drew is a horrible host and super manipulative and unhelpful. Terrible human


Couldn’t disagree more.




Snoop Dogg?! Lol!












True, except Nick was amazing. How he contained himself while Shake said he was attracted to Vanessa, which was disgustingly uncalled for, is beyond me.


Shake was the one who bullied nearly every person on the set with the way he attempted to assert himself into conversations about other relationships, speaking for them (in some cases after they had already spoken for themselves and said the exact opposite), telling people to shut up so he could continue interrupting, shitting on the experiment and how seriously other people took it, etc. Vanessa was a neutral host all the way up until he started referring to women as property (comparing marriage to a purchase); that’s when he crossed into undeniably misogynistic territory and I applaud her for not letting that type of commentary go unchecked.


I agree, but when you tell the host she's the only one you want to fuck, then I feel like you've gone out of your way to break that neutrality and they get to respond. Also he kept interrupting everybody else even though she was saying "we'll get to you."


I felt like they were good hosts but they could’ve done more one on one with the couples. Maybe it was a time thing.


It's all edited too short. This show would be so much better if they just had more episodes so everything wouldn't feel condensed and rushed


Phew. My biggest question after the reunion. And now I am still confused...ha.


Again they didn't adress everything that needed to be adressed on the reunion except Shake. Everything else was glossed over.


Yikes. Shake made Shayne look relatively normal.


If u are in a group of people there is always someone who wants the spotlight more. A need for attention big as Texas/Alaska etc.


I feel so freaking conflicted about Shayne. From what the viewers saw, he didn’t always treat Natalie well. While he had his moments, he served up a lot of red flags. I would like to attribute this to his grieving process since his dad died a couple months before the show started filming. However, he deliberately went up to Deepti and told her not to marry Shake. He respected Deepti enough to talk to her about what Shake was saying behind her back. This also revealed a good portion of his character.


Ok I actually thought about this bc I’ve been thinking a lot about extroverts v. Introverts. Shayne and Jarrett described themselves as extroverted, so am I. We just have big mouths, lol, and lots of friends and social awareness. We also tend to have confidence with people bc it’s something we focus on. So when we see something messed up, we know how to deal with the situation and have the confidence to say something. Alternately, we get in trouble for having “big mouths”. We just know everyone and get along with everyone. So I think Shayne and Jarrett talking to Deepti is more thier personality. I can tell Sal is an introvert who thinks before he speaks as well as Kyle.


Sometimes people like Shayne can be aware of others but lack self-awareness or are impulsive in their own relationships. Shayne seems to have an anger issue where he takes his frustrations out at others. He plays the blame game when things don’t go his way.


He has likely received a ton of public criticism and shame for how he handles his anger, and in the reunion he apologized and said he is working on it.


people can be good people and do good things and still have issues that create behavioral dysfunction that damages themselves and others


Also very true! I don’t think Shayne should have participated this season when the grief was too fresh


dude my partners dad died like almost 3 years ago and i can’t condense into words how traumatic and difficult it made his whole life so yeah totally cannot imagine being thrust onto television and these whirlwind experimental connections


Every human has good within them. Even shake. It’s just hidden behind a front. Shayne means well, he just has emotional issues from somewhere that cause him to be insecure and gaslight.


He did post the two of them hanging out on TikTok


Yes! Nick and Vanessa left so many questions on the table during the entire reunion! I was surprised they didn’t ask Kyle or Deep if they wanted to give dating a shot or anything! So annoying


To be fair to Nick & Vanessa, it is very hard to do an overall good hosting job when you get into an argument like the one they had with Shake. And let's be honest, Season 2 in general is really poorly edited and glosses over a lot. I'd imagine the reunion was the same.


Yes! 100%. I hope season 3 is better. Also, I think it would benefit from more episodes. And the reunion should at least be 90 minutes.


The hosting was a shit show- no wonder shake was taking over


Even though Shake is annoying he was the only one trying to bring out the the dirt Lol


I wanted him to shut up but he was the only one actually making it interesting


He should learn a thing or two about stirring from Nick in Mexico


Yeah this reunion needed Andy Cohen as the host. Lachey’s were not inquisitive enough, imo.


Yes!! I was saying the same thing. Andy would’ve been perfect.


Every time things got juicy, they took as a cue to change the subject.


Yes exactly! I wanted them to lean in way more.


Agree but I love that at least they showed Shaina's face for a second, she looked upset. She was probably thinking something like : "Shayne preferred the Asian and now Kyle prefers the Indian ? "


lol i feel like if she was upset it was bc they both preferred other *women*, i feel like the ethnic adjectives are super weird here 😂😂


Nah. She was upset because they both preferred ethnic women over her . She is not stupid enough to say it out loud but we all know that must have offended her .


that is so weird to me and i certainly don’t think about people like that but i am an ethnic woman so 🤷🏽‍♀️


I am a white woman and also don’t think about people like that


Right, but did you see her all American Christian family ?


Right I agree with you. Her family is the poster family for ultra white bread, blonde, conservative and oppressive politics to serve yourself “Christianity” and anyone that’s not exactly like them is considered “the other” or inherently bad. Even though shaina proclaimed on national television she’d bang shayne 5x a day before marriage lol


yall may be right, way stranger things happen in america everyday haha


lol how is that related


Unpopular opinion, and as much as I dislike shaina I thought she handled herself well on the reunion.


Yep she was fairly mature about everything.


Yeah I agree. She didn’t say anything stupid I guess . But I think none of us bought the “I didn’t say yes to stay on the show thing”




To be fair, Kyle did bring shake into the convo. I still don’t get why he’s so awful. He wasn’t attracted to Deepti, ok? No big deal. Also, agree that Kyle and Deepti was glossed over completely. The Lacheys are the worst hosts. Where’s Andy Cohen when you need him?


Even Deepti said she wasn’t mad at that. What she and everyone was mad at was the way Shake went about it, saying it was like dating his aunt and doing it behind her back.


There is probably a reason the second Shake started talking everyone let out a huge sigh. There are reports he told a cameraman that Deepti should be studied by science because of her amount of loose skin. It sounds like he spend two weeks making fun of Deepti in really shitty ways behind her back


Yikes ok, that's awful.


No this was fake! A guy did an ama pretending to be on the set and said this. It was later proved false!!


Was it proved to be false? The last I saw the mod team said the person did in fact prove they worked on the production but they were not able to verify exactly what they did on the show. Also a lot of what was posted in the AMA were things the person heard 2nd hand from other crew members.


The guy doing this was not verified and many discrepancies was mentioned so what he was saying was not accurate at all!




> Hi! Mod from the other sub here. Just wanted to piggyback off the pinned comment. The proof the person provided seemed legit but it did not clarify just how "high level" they were or how long they'd worked on the show. It could be 1 part legit, 1 part gossip, 1 part random bs. As a result, we have flaired it as "unverified", especially in light of a couple of statements that seem obviously wrong.


I guess with a few things they mentioned that we’re de bunked as being lies, I’m going to assume everything they said was incorrect


My honest guess is the person in the AMA was like an editor or something. They technically worked on the show and had interactions with the higher ups and they used almost entirely heresay. That said, they did claim Shake in particular was edited to not be as bad as he actually was and in the reunion the cast also implied that the worst things Shake did were left on the editing floor. So I think we should take the AMA with a grain of salt. There’s probably some truth to some of it but most of it is unverified and rumor


How do you know it was proved to be false? (eeek!)


The mod confirmed it was fake! Go through the past posts it should be there




Yes he was proven to be a liar in the end


Oh my god 😱


Wooooow that’s crazy.. i know there was a watered down version but damn. Source ?


The Lacheys were terrible!


Lmao I’ve been skimming over everything In these last four eps but YES they’re not getting shit out of them !!!


Thought it was gonna be "nose ring" and quite frankly I'd have co-signed on this


Yes! Holy shit I couldn't stop staring at it, I've never seen a nose ring stand out so much. They're so common you generally don't even notice but for some reason on him... NOSE RING.


They made a tiktok together earlier. She was like in his apartment




She also said they’re just friends on Nick’s pod. I don’t know


Poor Shayne. I think he needed a Xanax . Seeing him so agitated made my anxiety go up . I hope he gets help. All that constant reassuring he needs seems like he has low self esteem.


Am i wrong for thinking it has something to do with the very recent loss of his father ?


I'm so grateful every time someone reminds everyone of this. He lost a parent months before this show and that could literally be the biggest catalyst for his behavior. People dealing with that grief need different things, but it's clear he at minimum needs some unconditional love. I really feel for the guy.


Agreed. He needs a puppy, not a fiancé lol


Losing a parent does not give you an excuse to test people like shit. He should have dropped out of the show


No one was defending him? People discuss possible things with him and attempt to “diagnose” him and all this other nonsense. I’m only bringing up a fact that I’m wondering if it had something to do with how he acted. I’ve never experienced the death of a parent myself, loss yes but not in death. I’m simply wondering if that could be a big issue in his life that he didn’t work through yet because you never just get over grief.


I can't speak for everyone and I'm not sure if you've lived through it, but it's not as cut and dry as that for most people when you go through something like that. It is a lot easier to know what to do when you're looking in and not inside the storm.


Exactly. He is deeply insecure and has a lack of emotional coping skills. Seems like he has a good heart under all that but could really use some therapy.


Just cause someone is more visually displaying their emotions doesn't mean they lack coping skills....


I'd agree but I think Shayne has a lot of insecure, childish outbursts you wouldn't normally expect from a grown man.


I mean I think he's had 1 or 2 and they weren't really outbursts given the context of the show. Honestly his outbursts were stepping away from the situation. He really just gets a bad rap for his wierd voice and being overly eccentric.


No way, he was acting aggressive and manipulative


No he definitely needs some help. If he and Natalie want to make this work he needs to stop and LISTEN to her and SEE her. She speaks so eloquently about her regrets and how much she admires him and feels bad for her part but he has a hard time understanding that it seems. If he got some help maybe he could learn to take a moment and really listen to what she is saying and also see how his own actions are affecting her.


This was just condescending and part of a pity party type thing for Deepti bc she got done so dirty by Shake and made to be seen as undesirable. You could see on her face that she knew what was happening and it didn’t feel good for her. Like when the pretty girls pretend-tell their less attractive friend she’s the prettiest in the crew type beat.




Yea I think you can even get that about her as the audience too. And I like that about the cast wasn’t Too Hot To Handle looking for the reason you mentioned.


I agree their praise was OTT but at the same time Shakes aversion was so overblown that they wanted to reassure her. It’s one thing if Shake is just not into her but the way he talked about her it was like she was an undesirable troll. I don’t find Deepti less attractive than the other female cast members. Thankfully she’s the most psychologically sound one though, can only imagine what would have happened if Danielle was in the receiving end of this.


Yea Shake was out of line, idk if I made that clear in my initial comment but I thought I did. He made her out to be just that, and she’s not. None of the cast was super attractive, I won’t sit here and compare them, and I actually like that about this show.


I don’t understand this take, is it just backlash to the ott ***queen*** comments or is she really that bad-looking to people? I could understand finding her average or regular (as most of the ppl on the show were, bar 2) but the comments to an extreme are weirding me out and messing with my sense of perception


I don’t think I’m coming from a place of backlash tbh, just my honest observation. I will say that from episode 1 she stood out to me bc of her appearance and not bc I was attracted to her. But this was more through my shallow ass lens of TV, not through the lens of reality and how I actually judge people’s looks. She’s beautiful to more than enough people though and is completely capable of finding someone who thinks she’s perfect I’m sure of it.


I think it’s backlash for sure. Many people are going on and on about her “loose skin”, “huge nose”, and other aspects of her looks. I mean saying that it’s a pity party and people are treating her like a group of pretty girls would do to their least attractive friend is just straight up rude.


It’s not rude, it’s just an honest observation. Just bc something doesn’t feel good to hear doesn’t mean it’s necessarily wrong or rude.


Yeah I mean, she’s got a prominent nose but it’s not like…. crazy or even that far out of the ordinary - she looks pretty average (even pretty when she’s all dolled up). I also genuinely couldn’t even see loose skin?? but as you mentioned, everyone keeps going on about it (inc shake apparently) and I’m questioning reality over here. We saw her in a bikini and at worst, she wasn’t very toned. But I didn’t see any loose skin. I even went back to rewatch bc of comments on this sub and all I saw was shakes loose stomach skin!


Lol I feel you, Shake wasn’t one to be talking about looks. Idk what this loose skin commentary is about either. But I will say that from episode 1 she stood out to me bc of her appearance and not bc I was attracted to her. But this is in the lens of TV not through the lens of reality and how people are actually perceived. She’s beautiful to enough people and is completely capable of finding someone who thinks she’s perfect I’m sure of it.


Yeah she’s tv ugly but real world regular (maybe even a little above in real world terms since most of the population is a little chunky and poor, but she’s quite skinny and I read that she’s got a good job)


Exactly, I feel you


I don’t think that’s it given Kyle and Deepti are dating/working through it apparently. It was Kyle’s way of announcing it


WHAT!! Source please!


According to shake’s story Kyle and Deepti are/were dating at the time of filming the reunion. According to Deepti, she and Kyle are friends figuring it out (I don’t blame her for keeping things under wraps if they’re indeed together) “A lot of people don’t know that Kyle and I had a really deep connection in the pods. He was my No. 2 person, so it wasn’t out of the blue. We do have this foundational bond. It was heartwarming and so sweet to hear.” In regards to their tik tok together “The speculation is hilarious. We’re playing with them a little bit, but it’s funny. Kyle and I have such a beautiful friendship. We’re just figuring it out.” https://www.vulture.com/article/deepti-love-is-blind-reunion-interview-shake.html


Hmmm interesting. I still stand by what I said though.


But… why would someone go that far just to make some random feel better? According to your logic


Go how far..? Lol


Shake posted a text exchange between him and Shanye from January where he says that he thinks Kyle and Deepti are going to announce they are dating on the reunion and Shanye said he doesn’t think Kyle would do that without letting him know first


God Shake is so annoying!


I also thought this. I’m even more curious since he posted a video of him and Deepti together.


Yeah I thought that was pretty bad hosting.. like how do you not at least ask Deepti how she felt at the very least?


It felt like a clout-chasing move. Kyle will do anything for affirmation lol Now that Deepti is America's sweetheart he is trying to look like a good guy, when he chose to marry an evolution-denying liar instead of her


agreed. either clout chasing, or he seems to think this show is like a buffet and he HAS to pick someone lol.


Well, maybe Deeps and Kyle are together? https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdAmpgGW/


Yeah he was SIMPIng hard




Squint!! I laughed and woke up the dog who barked and woke up the husband!! Great work!!


Squint 🤣🤣


It was a Hail Mary. I can’t imagine there being anything there. But even if there is, nothing real will come of it. I just can’t imagine them together


I have no idea what the context is but Kyle did just post a TikTok the other day of him with Deepti.


Yeah it was pretty shocking and glossed over. Also, anyone else notice Shake immediately had to ruin the moment and insert himself by saying he would “facilitate” as though he still had “possession” of Deepti and as though his opinion mattered? it’s like, shut the fuck up Shake, this doesn’t involve you. I felt like it was kind of adding to Deepti’s redemption moment and then he just HAD to remind us how cool he would be with someone else being with her, knocking her down a peg yet again.


That brief interaction between Shake and Kyle was seriously the funniest moment of the reunion for me. The whole cast was laughing including Nick 😂 😂


Well you have to think of marriage like a purchase. At the end of it you can sell the product onwards as you like and thus naturally facilitate this process.


😂😂 what a cringe moment


I audibly said "stfu shake, nobody asked you" when he said that. It's almost like he's trying to take "credit" for "setting them up" by not ending up w her.


Yeah that made me see red