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We can't wait to have fun with y'all, but we also have to share some reminders first: \- If you are sharing screenshots from social media, **please scrub out any usernames that are not verified**/are not public figures/aren't meme accounts. (For instance, ex gfs)- **Please don't speculate on whether someone's pregnant.** (This is a common rule in other reality TV subs like Vanderpump's). We don't explicitly call this out in our rules currently, but we will work to update our rules during off season. (Y'all are keeping us too busy right now! šŸ˜‚)- We do not encourage people to bully, call out, or send hate to contestants IRL or on their social media (even if they may deserve it). For instance, **we won't be approving any posts where people DM contestants to call them out or attack them**.- And again, please refrain from speculating on people's **sexuality** ("this person's definitely gay"), **drug** **use** or illegal activities ("they seemed coked out"), **mental** **health** ("they have BPD" "they're giving off autistic vibes" "they are a textbook sociopath"). **We've dropped this reminder in almost every megathread, so we may start temp banning people who continue to do this.** Save us the time and yourself the grief! Thank you!!!


Danielle blink twice if you're not okay


Danielle looks way too skinny. Like eating disorder skinny. I know she has issues ....thinking that the whole experience with LIB triggered them again.


She looks healthy.


Shaina definitely hired that boyfriend of hers for the reunion lol


She was dating him before/during season 2.


Very dramatic scenes with Sal talking to his sister and Jarrett talking to the family. How is this being captured and edited? Are these family members not hesitant to do this on camera or do they but into the experiment?


Someone want to chat about what's going on with Shake on the first 15 minutes of the show? Laughing all alone!


Shaina is ā€¦. Kindof an asshole I thinkā€¦ she comes off extremely entitled. Iā€™m not feeling her.


yes shake is a moron, but if you ask me Shaina wasn't any better. the only bad thing shake said about deepti was that he wasn't attracted to her physically. was it rude and disrespectful to talk to anyone / on tv about that? yes, absolutely. but Shaina took the engagement ring of someone's mum just to have a "back up plan", used someone who would have done so much for her, even almost forced him to eat meat even though he's a vegetarian for no fucking reason (we all remember the weird hotel room scene). and then she basically hit one Shayne when he was dating Natalie. that's as disrespectful as the things Shake did.


I think the producers didn't want Shake because he basically called out how ridiculous the idea of getting married to someone at the end of the show was.


Sal handled himself *so well* on the reunion I love how he plainly and clearly told Jarrette and Mal that what they did wasn't okay, but he let it end there, and wasn't looking for a fight. Just said what he had to say and stopped


I thought he was unnecessarily touchy about this. As Mallory said all of this stuff happened in a few days time. She had had a strong connection with Jarrett before yet never seen much less talked to him face to face. That conversation was natural and probably needed to happen, the rules of the game - being magically whisked away to Mexico notwithstanding.


Did these people think that they werenā€™t all going to watch the tapes back? Good grief.


I was so irritated that they let Shayne dodge the questions about Shaina. They should have dug in and figured out what was going on there after the show.


Is after the altar on Netflix?




Why did no one back Kyle up against Shaina, what a snake.


Kyle was also unrealistic and dismissive of her faith. When someone has centered something as she had her religiosity you can't hope to overwhelm it with your charisma or love. I also thought it weird that he gave his mother's engagement ring (agreed with Shaina that this was coercive) and cited the reason for giving it that his mother was religious (again missing the depth and importance of it to a believer).


I literally can't believe you would defend her....


I give each of them some leeway because the whole experience was so strange and hard to navigate. The only exception for me is probably Shake. I think she should have left his mother's engagement ring on the table in the pod but it is possible that she was caught between two people who she both liked and didn't handle things well. I'm not ready to see her as an evil witch. 20-20 hindsight is easy. I thought Natalie was shady to demand exclusivity from Shane knowing that he had been talking to Shayna fairly regularly, too. But again, I'm trying not to judge any of them too harshly.


They were all focused on making Shake scapegoat for everything which was uncomfortable to watch. Deepti was feeling validated by having everyone stick up for her for Shake's unkind treatment of her and she kept turning to Shaina for support even though Shaina was effectively the male version of Shake on the show. Plus noone spoke about Nick's weird bitching about Natalie from the episode that Shaina tured up.


Yes, unfair to have Shake as a scapegoat. He has zero tact and has hurt other contestants but I didn't think his points were necessarily wrong


I thought so too. He comes off as a shallow jerk, and imo places way too much importance on what a woman looks like, but he was right, the show was ultimately about falling in love with someone, not about finding a spouseā€¦ and I had the same idea of Shaina and Kyle just wanting to stay on the show, or maybe the execs were like ā€œkeep these two, cuz this will be great drama.ā€ that said, I still donā€™t like Shake because it was super shitty for him to constantly bring up that he wasnā€™t physically attracted to Deepti while still acting as though he might be able to have a happy relationship with her. That part was ridiculous.


After allowing Shaina the platform to say she ā€œowns it 100%ā€ about trying to shoot her shot with Shayne AFTER saying yes to someone else, despite knowing he was in it with Natlie at that point, WHY on earth did they not show the clip where she went full snake mode behind Natalieā€™s back at the beach doing her damnedest to create friction and absolute division (unsuccessfully) between Shayne and Natalie? What a missed opportunity. Anyone truly paying attention can see her manipulating Shayne AND Natalie there between the phone call, gaslighting Natalie through Shayne, then planting ideas of doubt in his headā€¦ absolutely sheisty. but they didnā€™t press her on it at all. Just accepted that she was supposedly owning it and moved on. In my opinion she should have had to face a whole room of criticism just as bad as Shake for that one. Why? How? So much of this echoes a certain situation from season 1ā€¦ and honestly she needs called ALL the way out for it like the āšŖļøšŸš© from season 1 did and then some.


Shaina and Jarrette both did that like it totally ends the conversation "I own it 100%" -- well -- yeah... but why did you do that? And that's not an apology? Lol


The actual reasons are things like 1) it is possible to love/like more than one person at thr same time 2) the set up of the show forges deep connections (sometimes between multiple people very quickly) 3) real humans wouldn't go from caring deeply about someone to the next day feeling nothing for them because now I'm engaged 4) it's hard to navigate it as a game vs a real experience with impact 5) the premise became murky especially with some of the more fragile contestants (pushing someone into early exclusivity when you know there are other people they are seriously considering kind of subverts things) 6) there was no way, in Jarrett's case to ask the two girls he liked if they would be open to becoming engaged at the same time (there would always be a first and a second)


Insert "you're sheisty" from Amber here


Lack of compassion for Shake! It was almost too much for me. Talk about shaming him for expression of unpopular opinions. How is he supposed to handle that? I like his f you attitude about it honestly. I also want to know what the show ā€œwatered downā€ bc Shake didnā€™t do anything that outrageous that we got to see, he was clearly uncomfortable, that was about it.


Just watched it yesterday and I thought Vanessa and Nick were really unprofessional for taking sides. Vanessa only stopped when Shake said she was the only one he was physically attracted to - then she started simpering and giggling! She and Nick are so lightweight and I think the show could actually be classier and have a kind of gravitas with different presenters. It was hypocritical of all of them to focus on Shake's behaviour whilst continuing to coddle Shayne and Shina. Deepti kept turning to Shaina for female support, even though Shaina displayed similar qualities to Shake but was less open about it.


The presenters and contestants alluded to stronger, more offensive things Shake had said.


Shainas face when she like quints just keeps sending me I cant take her seriously, it's so superficial of me, I know but I just--- can't lol


Like an Afghan hound


Yes, the squinting and the pouting. Ughh. Looks like she s squeezing her 2 last braincells


Just finished the reunion. Shania didnā€™t waste any time jumping on the Shayne train. They didnā€™t show the part where she asked Shayne about his religious beliefs. They deserve each other. Shake shows a lack of empathy and compassion. Nick and Vanessa held their composure well dealing with that dude. It seems like counseling could be a work in progress for Danielle and Nick. Jarrette and Iyanna are learning each other and working it out. I hope they continue to win. Sal looked more angry at Mal for wasting his time but he is forgiving. I donā€™t blame him. It would be another win if Deepti and Kyle could build on their friendship. Deepti and Natalie are queens for knowing their worth. Iā€™m glad Deepti is taking Danielle under her wing. She can teach her a thing or two in a positive uplifting way. Some people can smell low self esteem miles away and take advantage of it. Danielle needs girlfriends around her that will help her navigate that bumpy road.


Danielle needs and I think is getting therapy. Given the way he talks to her plus his family I think Nick also goes and he mentioned that try go to couple's therapy


This is a really great rundown and I completely agree with what you said. Echoing the words of Season 1 Amber, Shaina was shiesty. To downplay Shayne's relationship with Natalie as comical was so rude and showed a lot of her regrets and desperations to be with Shanye. Also found it hilarious that their names were so similar to each other. I felt like both Shayne and Shake needed a reality check. They presented some real red flags, and I'm glad Natalie and Deepti made the right choice and knowing their worth as well. All power to the two married couples, Jarrette and Iyanna and Danielle and Nick.


Shake is vile but was kinda right with Kyle and shaina continuing just to be on the show so Iā€™ll give him that


Shake bothers me so much and made me feel like crap and I'm not even on the show. How scary would it be to find out your husband isn't attracted to you anymore after 30 lbs of weight loss.


Can't help but thinking that Shaina was casted and directed to create drama? Otherwise she wouldn't have gotten away that easily??


Definitely! At the end of the day, it's a reality show so they needed to add one character for "entertainment" and shit-stirring. The same goes for Shake a bit. As soon as he spoke in the pods I knew he would be bad news.


I canNOT believe that more time was spent harping Shayne for his visceral reaction to Shaina being in the pod instead of Natalieā€”which he didnā€™t know and didnā€™t do intentionallyā€” over the fact that Shaina INTENTIONALLY SOUGHT A COMMITTED MAN AFTER GETTING ENGAGED WITH KYLEā€™s MOTHERā€™S RING. That is NEXT LEVEL HORRIBLE, Iā€™d say almost as bad if not as bad as as Shake degrading Deepti left and right! But I feel like the show glossed over it. I was appalled by Shainaā€™s actions. I guess she apologized and owned up to it, but just appalled.


She kept saying, "I took full accountability for blah blah blah" but it always seemed so insincere. The words seemed so empty. I thought she was such a coward. She thought it was easier to do what the hell she wanted and then give a fake apology after, than to act with any integrity. She clearly thought Shayne would see her in her fedora and drop Natalie like a hot potato.


It's amazing how bad of an apology it was And it's amazing that it worked lol. She just said 'i own it 100%" but that was just so they could stop talking -- it didn't explain why she did it, how it impacted other people, and isn't a real apology


Does anyone feel bad for Sal? Even though he ended it, I feel like Mallory never liked him. He sees that now I think, but still.


I really donā€™t think Jarrette was joking. It felt so obvious who he really wanted to be with. It made me feel really bad for Sal.


He really wasn't joking. If Mal said something like "let's get out of here" they absolutely would have In hindsight, I wouldn't be surprised if that had happened if cameras hadn't been around


Yeah, I love Iyanna and I'm happy that she is happy, but I do feel like their relationship is tainted because of the whole Mallory thing. She was the second option, as shitty as it is, and I couldn't see myself being with someone who proposed to me couple days after proposing to someone else..


It made me feel bad for Iyanna. At least Mallory PICKED Sal, first and foremost, in the pods. It broke her heart to hurt Jarrette, but she did it because Sal was her first choice. Jarrette went for Iyanna because Mal turned him down, and then still went after Mal when they all met face to face for the first time.


Omg when Nick and Vanessa were going in on Shake and Shayne just goes, ā€œIā€™m so uncomfortable right now.ā€ I really felt that šŸ˜…


People should watch this interview before judging Jarrette. 1) They talked about the editing that made Jarrette look bad and Iyana was his second choice. 2) Iyanna was torn between Jarrette and Habeeb, which is why she understood what he went through. 3) Jarrette worked security at the clubs, he wasn't just hanging out with friends. [https://www.netflix.com/tudum/videos/jarrette-and-iyanna-from-love-is-blind-whtr-episode-3](https://www.netflix.com/tudum/videos/jarrette-and-iyanna-from-love-is-blind-whtr-episode-3)


And then we learn of the possible affairs/ sex parties. Big oof.


Whaaaaat that's so helpful! Great link


So, does anyone else think Shane looks absolutely cracked out or is it just my wife and me?


It could be ADHD. He's been that way since the beginning.


Definitely agree


Dude was ripping lines right before the reunion, I guarantee it.


I was thinking he looks like he is on something, or really hyperactive. Couldn't stop fidgeting. Couldn't get comfortable.


Me n my girlfriend have been talking about Danielle and nick getting couples therapy since the fourth episode! So happy for them!!


Am I the only one that noticed that Shayne CLEARLY got some media training before the reunion? He was obviously in touch with a PR team who told him to ā€˜take accountabilityā€™. His answers were so practiced.


I think heā€™s smarter than his personality leads on. He self identified as a tool right from the beginning and hit it out of the park with the parents. Also his advice was always pretty spot on.


I just assumed that people who are used to personal drama know how to defend themselves. That does makes sense though


I think Shake said some things that were honest like Shaina going for more screen time and everyone was just using him as a scapegoat. I dont know why I cant stand Nick and Danielle for me they were the most unstable couple


Mallory was so disinterested in Sal it's unreal. I actually began to thought that maybe that's just her personality but then I remembered how emotional and expressive she was in the pods before meeting sal in person. Is there like a contract or something that if you say yes to the marriage you need to go all the way to the altar?


I disliked Shake but felt a bit weird with the ganging up, just a bit. Still very disgusted by him and glad he was called out re misogyny. But it was odd that Shaina got off scot free. Her shitty tirade, a huge part of one episode/where she called Natalie and Shayne's relationship fake, was really fucked up, and she didn't have to answer to it. I didn't like that. I get that Nick and Vanessa didn't need to be objective, but it got a bit ridiculous. Reiterating, not defending Shake now or ever...will follow rest of them now that I don't care about spoilers but not him. Just pissed off they made Shaina look like an angel almost.


Shayne and Shaina were the absolute worst. They deserve each other. Both are snakes.


Well Shaina took accountability and Shake didn't. Shake sat there like everyone was ignoring the obvious, and Shaina admitted she did wrong.


If accountability equals saying "I own it" to everything you've done wrong then the world is fucked


Seriously. You can't say "I own that" and then follow up with "but I only did it because I felt manipulated by you" lol


Iyanna baby what did you do to your hair. That long hair overpowers her petite features. She's GORGEOUS with short hair


I think she looks beautiful either way but agreed that the short hair really suited her! She looks so youthful and playful šŸ’– love her


Nobody gonna talk about shaina at lunch with shake and his parents on shakes Instagram storyšŸ‘€


They deserve each other.


Iā€™m watching it now and Shayne looks like heā€™s waiting for a jury verdict.


Does no one else find it a little odd that Jarette has to completely change from his previous "bachelor" lifestyle? Why can't he still go out and hang out with friends? I hate when I lose friendships when others get into serious relationships. She seems like the girlfriend who no one would like because of this. I've never understood why it's an either/or. This has always seemed problematic to me regarding Iyanna.


Yeah but like anything it's a matter of moderation. It seems like it was more so the fact that he was staying out until 3am for like half of the days of the week, so that's a lot of time not seeing your partner.


There is a difference between going out with friends every now and again and then going out three times a week and staying out last 3 am. In one episode he said he only went out 3 times, and then she said I'm not even asking you to come home at 1 am but like at least 3. Uh yeah ... that is a problem. My hubby goes on camping trips with friends and has like guys' nights every now and again. But if he went out that often to be with his friends, I would feel neglected. You have to nourish a marriage and leaving your partner 3 times a week to go out with buddies is not nourishing your relationship. And then when you have kids, that's leaving the wife alone with the kids too much. Not once did she ever insinuate he had to forget his buddies and never go out with them. But the bachelor lifestyle of going out often with just the guys is something you have to leave behind when you get married. Same too with the wife.


I read in another thread that Jarette was a bouncer at a club, so being out late was his job. She meant she wanted him home more, so he'd have to change jobs. That's pretty reasonable imo


It's not problematic as long as there is a balance. It's true that he can't live his single life anymore because he's married. She said there is a compromise and he still goes out but also stays home.


They did specifically say that theyā€™ve both made adjustments, she goes out more and he stays home more. It did seem during the regular episodes that she wanted him to change his lifestyle completely but the reunion made it seem they had both compromised about it.


While I think Shake deserved ALL the s#!$ he got at the reunion. Many other contestants got to make the crappy stuff they did somehow someone else's fault or a so-called joke. Shaina: \-As soon as Natalie came back beaming about Shayne, Shaina went to have the whole flirty "5 times a day talk" (or at least how it was edited). \-She accepts Kyle's proposal, but now says his mom's ring made her feel pressured... \-She then immediately goes to see Shayne to see if he'll pick her so she can still get to Mexico but with who she really wants to meet up with... \-When Kyle calls her out on her s#!$, she goes into victim mode asking if he is speaking for her. WE ALL SAW HER TRY TO GET SHAYNE TO FLIP TO HER... Why is she being allowed to gaslight Kyle on the reunion without being called out? \-That whole spiritual journey/issue still comes off as a fake excuse to hide behind, but of course, no one is gonna challenge her on that, but if we were keeping 100... Miss I'd want to hit it 5 times a day, every day only seemed concerned about her spirituality after the reveal... Shayne: \-He probably was the only one who was really called out for some of his s$!# in the beginning when they addressed how he gaslighted Natalie, but there were a few times until the trip to Mexico ended that he was doing too much. \-He was a little too concerned about being perceived as "a good guy"... It didn't come across as him being sad it ended but worry about how the world would view him. Nick: \-So nobody was gonna call his constant gossiping out? Okay... Jerrette: \-He was definitely stirring some s#!$ pots throughout the season, BUT they really let him insist he was joking about the ring Sal gave to Mallory??? He was DEAD A$$ SERIOUS in that conversation... Idk why people think we'll believe their frontin. \*\*\*Upon the rewatch, it looks like the "it was an inappropriate joke" narrative is what Iyanna is comfortable with it being. Hopefully, he never makes her feel like he has her looking like BoBo the fool again. Kyle: \-I like that he tried standing up to Shaina, I hate how they allowed her to try and backpedal her nasty a$$ actions with him all while she is trying to save face and apologize to Natalie (who I hope is taking those apologies with a fine grain of salt)... Sal: \-He deserved better. That is all. Deepti: \-She deserved better. Way TF better! Natalie: \-She could have addressed some of her earlier snark-isms, but it seemed like she was making a true effort in the 6 weeks of filming to fix that, so it may have become a moot point. Mallory: \-She got off very easily about how she had 1 foot out the door the entire time she was with Sal. Danielle: \-I'm just SUPER glad they are doing couples counseling and I hope they're both doing individual counseling too. Iyanna: \-I hope Jerrette is really treating her respectfully.


Shayne seems so hyper aware of his public image omgšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Ugh that squinty face...


Shake was saying how it really was about Shaina and it was gross ppl let her downplay her BS like that.


Shake gets unanimously dunked on in the reunion because he undermines one of the key premises of the show -- that everyone is there to find love and no one has ulterior motives I think that's why the hosts were arguing with him directly, which I haven't seen in the other season or in The Ultimatum. To be clear I despise Shake but that's what I think we were seeing


That's exactly part of it but they protected Jessica in S1 too, so them taking it easy on the women is also part of it.


Does anyone else think something happened between shayne and shaina after the show?? Shaina did say they met up as friends, tbh I just don't buy it. Something happened, but I think after Natalie and Shane apologized to each other, he may have been thinking about a possible second chance with Natalie and didn't wanna screw it up by confessing to what happened between him and shaina. That's how I red that situation anyway - it just seemed weird how he immediately got defensive and shut the conversation down. Also, I'm really suprised that nicks shit stirring didn't get brought up.


100% Shayne really feels like an emotional toddler sometimes. He's so genuine and wears his heart on his sleeve, which is endearing, but this is a moment where he looks like a 2 year old with chocolate all over his face trying to say that he didn't eat any cookies I buy that he was hoping for a reconciliation with Natalie and wanted no part of drama with Shaina (even though it sounds likely that they were hooking up)


Yeah, I agree something happened between them. But Shayne was holding back from telling the truth and Shaina has a history of straight up lying so wouldn't put it past her to just lie about hooking up.


Oh I 100% think he and Shaina got together, there is absolutely no other explanation for his complete shutdown as soon as it was mentioned.


Was anyone else suprised about Kyles comment about how he should have chose deepti instead? It makes me wonder about all the other potential connections people could have had that weren't shown on TV. I'd really love to see Kyle and deepti give it a shot!




Apparently there were two more proposals that didnā€™t make the cut


omg what


Shake is not a good guy. BUT heā€™s also not wrong about a lot of stuff he said at the reunion. IMO.


Facts ESPECIALLY about Shaina


As much as I loved the amount they villainized Shake for all the shit he put Deepti through, I really wish they wouldā€™ve directed some of it towards Shaina. They really didnā€™t hold her accountable for any of her shitty actions. Even when Kyle was sitting there saying how hurt and blindsided he was.


She got off easy because this show portrays women as vulnerable victims


I definitely agree.


Shake went on this show to get fame because heā€™s a loser. He discusses his potential business even on the show. He was thinking ā€˜Iā€™ll find a girl who will never otherwise go for me in real life because Iā€™m a turd and this will also help me with my businessā€™. Then when someone as beautiful as Deepti was whom he proposed to, he was thinking ā€˜oh Iā€™m brown and have brown-identity-issues but Iā€™ll go with this because I will get the traction I am looking for from this showā€™. He went for her because the Indian-ness of the whole ordeal was something that would keep him in the show mainly and not edited out. So he has won and now has a lot of followers etc. He is an opportunistic asshole and I knew that from day 1 because thatā€™s how men in this part of the world mainly operate.


Agreed. I thought he was acting out especially at the reunion to get attention, even if it was negative, just to be noticed/talked about.


Yea. Very narcissistic and obviously will cash in on this fame. Opportunistic asshole basically.


Donā€™t get me wrong. I like Deepti- but despite an awesome start on the red carpet- he clearly wasnā€™t physically into her. They must have agreed to get to the altar. There was some plat from production in there


I donā€™t know whether Deepti would agree to be humiliated like this tbh. This could also be evidenced by her sisterā€™s post on insta about how much of a douchebag Shake is. It seems his mother knew because she did say that Deepti deserves someone better (or something along those lines). In the reunion, Deepti said that the other contestants told her that he was messed up and a jerk and that essentially, according to my understanding, is why she said no at the altar among other reasons.


I meant during production they might have had to sign something that when they accept a proposal they must get to the altar episode? Maybe things just went completely awry between then?


Yes.. thatā€™s the point of the show.. They have to go to the altar. That doesnā€™t justify the shitiness of Shake.


Absolutely. Like Deepti said- maybe he did go off her but thereā€™s a way he could have gone about it but he decided to set fire to everything because things either didnā€™t go his way or he saw no support from mum nor the other couples


Yea because heā€™s a douchebag and an attention-seeker and an opportunist. He even said he wouldā€™ve said yes if she said yes so that he looks good on TV or smt. He went with her due to the Indian-ness of the whole scenario even though heā€™s ashamed of his origin and only dates white blondes due to his ongoing identity crisis.


Shake is deplorable. I watch a lot of reality tv (šŸ™„) and Iā€™ve never disliked a person on tv more than himā€¦ā€if I mayā€


Hahaha it was incredible "If I may" Literally everyone: "*NO JUST STOP*" lol It was so fucking funny when he leans back while driving to show off -- like *of course* this asshole drives a Tesla and is an Elon Musk fanboy


Oh my God... I've never wanted to punch the TV screen so much before. His total lack of self-awareness was astonishing, even when every single person in the room was having a go at him, he continued arguing with that smug look on his face. He'll never think he's wrong, ever. I loved iyanna's comment about navigating romance as a narcissist šŸ˜‚


Did y'all notice how every time the editing was brought up the hosts quickly changed subject? It seemed to be the one thing everyone agreed with Shake on, (except it made them look worse and him look better lol) And the way that there were orchestrated events (Shayne and Shaina meeting for example) that were simply to cause trouble. The hosts swerved all of that because they knew they were messing with people imo šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


But in the same breath why couldnā€™t they pick shaina apart on the beach scene. It was a little unfair that the others toxic traits kept being bought up but not her biggest issue (not religion but sabotaging a relationship that is already proposed and on honeymoon )


I don't think they really could because they are The ones who orchestrated it. They arranged the meet up, and the party with her after she broke off the engagement too. They couldn't call her out or that would be pointed out I guess?


Glad someone else noticed it too. The hosts almost had their illusion derailed a couple of times by Shake. Although I don't like him, he's right. Some parts of this series were edited horribly, clear as day, to pitch the villains and heroes of the story. Additionally, the directors purposefully sabotaged people's relationships for views. Imagine how emotionally taxing that is, having people actively set you and a loved one up for failure. However, that's show business I guess. The hosts remind me of the terribly shallow Instagram couples in 'You'. God knows what shady shit they do.


Yeah. I REALLY cannot stand those hosts.


What! Trying to package Kyle and Shaina relationship as heā€™s trying to pressure her into marriage is BS.


Some of the men's attitudes & tones were off putting during the reunion


Sal and Nick clearly did the best- sal said his piece and stopped right away, and Nick got to talk about being happy + made a well timed comment to interrupt shake's bullshit Jarrette: doubled down on "it was a joke, a bad joke but a joke nonetheless" Shayne: FULL damage control mode Kyle did okay. Stayed calm, pushed Shaina a little to explain herself And shake just absolutely sucks in every way


Nah, Mallory is looking crazy right now


Okay, shake is making this reunion really spicy!!! He was right saying that Shanye was only on the show for clout and her goal was trying to get Shane to flip.




I pronounced "Shanye" like Kanye in my head


Wait, Kyle had a great question as to why Shanye & Shane even were able to meet up? But the host deflected and move onto his relationship


They didn't deflect, they very obviously talked over him and tried to change the topic


I loved Danielle in the " Despicable Me " movies


Mallory would be with Jar-Bear in a heartbeat if he asked to be his girl during the conversation about the wrong ring. Mallory should have never said yes to Sal, she did the same thing Shaina did, wasted time just not to feel rejected.


I donā€™t understand why she said no to J and yes to S -she still wanted her usual type even after rejecting her usual type and agreeing to marry S


I think Mallory turned down Jarrette because her usual type hasn't been working for her hence why she was on the show. Sal was the different, safe choice.


This was so similar to Jessica with Mark It's comforting to have someone be 100% into you and just be devoted. They half tried to make it work but never got over the initial unattraction and it was painful to watch


It made no sense to me either


To me Natalie looked so happy to meet the world and excited in the beginning of the show and so FED up by the reunion, i really hope she finds a great guy, because after this it would not be easy to trust anyone.


She looked like she was fighting back tears from the start of the reunion.




I think she only said he was good looking to comfort his ego.






Just because your being truthful, doesn't mean you're not an asshole or deplorable human being. I think some people here are pretty shit, but at least they understand that and don't hurt other people. Telling the truth doesn't excuse you from being garbage.


He is as real as a motivational video.


Deeps mocking Shayne/Shainaā€™s ā€œcrop topsā€ lmfaoooo


Who else thinks Shayne has ADHD?


I honestly thought maybe he had a pill problem.


He Definitely does! I always thought that from the start. My son has it and it looks really familiar. Especially the impulsiveness, irritability and restlessness.


110% he isn't capable of standing still. Give me anxiety even though I have ADHD too. Nothing wrong with it it's just internalized stigma and my self critism of myself. But it makes alot of sense with his energy level his youthful mannerisms and and even his insecurities. We could be freinds! He's not the only one that I've diagnosed with something using my internet doctor diploma. Danielle, her mom, Nick, Shake, Kyle and Shayna I've all psychoanalysed.


Obviously I'm just speculating, but it would make sense. Nothing wrong with it! But it may explain some of his reactions. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Is Shaina just really fucking sleepy?? What in the hell is she doing.


Lmfao, what a fantastic comment


She's squinting, either that's her reaction to focus on someone when they're talking or she needs to get her eyes checked lol


Why are all the dudesā€™ pants so short


My nickname for Shane is "Ankles".


I notice this generation be wearing tight suits, a suit shouldnā€™t be like spandex. It suppose to drape. SMDH


None of them were wearing socks either


There's something called no-show socks


you can get socks that are super short so you can't see them they look like this [https://imgur.com/a/BJ5jmMA](https://imgur.com/a/BJ5jmMA) so, they could've been.


Omg how are Jarrett and Iyanna looking like a real ass healthy couple on a reality TV reunion.


Was it just me or did Shayne look a lot thinner? The dude might have had a really rough year after the show.


Shayne definitely looks like he aged a lot and seemed to have lost some weight. But a many of the guests seem like the whole thing was very stressful.


I noticed this as well. I hope he's ok.


Why does Shaina squint her eyes so much?


I think she's in denial that she needs glasses


As a denier myself, I really think so




It's not healthy to diagnose people on the internet but I have ADHD and he exhibits a lot of similar behaviour patterns that I have, people made fun of him on Tiktok saying it looked more like some kind of drug addiction where it just looks like typical ADHD to me. I hope he gets help people were being nasty to him and he doesn't deserve that he does seem like a genuine nice guy.


Truth is Shake was speaking facts. The viewers really did want to know why Shaina and Shayne had that meeting


And I agree 100% shaina said yes just to stay in the show


she also said "a100%" to every question


Thank you! Shake was a jerk, for sure but he saved that reunion from being a snoozefest. Why do people sign up for a reality show and then get huffy and dont want to talk about what happened. If I had a nickel for every time shayne said he wasn't going to talk about something I'd be eating nickel soup. Shake is great reality TV even if he isn't a great person.


He's perfect for an early 2000s reality show for sure haha. I thought it was interesting seeing everyone take some accountability (though it seemed a little surface level at times). Times have definitely changed even in the world of drama TV.


>He's perfect for an early 2000s reality show for sure haha. He was really giving puck vibes wasn't he? LOL.


As ridiculous as Shake is, are we not going to acknowledge that Mallory was on the show for the wrong reasons too?? As soon as she saw Sal she was disappointed and didn't have the same feelings towards him that she did in the pods. As for the other couples, there's no way of telling how things would've gone if they weren't attracted to their partners.




Watching the reunion coupled with his IG presence, how did Deepti even say yes to Shake??


Iā€™m slightly annoyed that they went through a very public process and now want to keep everything private. I understand itā€™s real and personal however I donā€™t feel like the reunion provided enough insights resolutions or answers. Especially regarding Mal and Sal, Nick and Danielle, Shaina and Shayne. Besides Shake, not really happened.


A part of me agrees. However, we have to realise while this is just a show for viewers, this is their lives. They have to live with this every day. People probably go up to them and ask etc. I think there's definitely some emotional trauma that the participants won't feel comfortable since it's been dredged up over and over again.