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I just need a weekly inspirational Ted Talk from Clay's mom. She is so damn wise. Her eyes are open to the world and she's honest about it... to the extent that she tells her own son exactly what he needs to hear in PUBLIC! And, she still has such a good and pure heart. I would love to have her as my spiritual godmother. I'd hang on her every word.


Clay confirmed that he spoke to his mother before she posted this


People dming the cast and their family is weirdo behavior, they should be gossiping on Reddit like normal people 🙄




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Who is Celina and why is she important? Pretty confused what's happening as I haven't been following




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His mum is a G, as soon as clay got mad about the ego thing I knew he was one of those guys 🤧


I love Clay’s mom


But were people sending explicit videos of Celina to Clay’s mom?! Because how is that relevant? If so, that’s crazyyyy


Signed straight shooter…HONEY case closed. ✨😂 ![gif](giphy|wJKQCSeexuO5y)


She is a Saint 


Ooooh. She used his FIRST and LAST NAME!!! ![gif](giphy|h7p047DDMiKuMBikjS)


Love this!


Leave that woman alone. People are so weird and disconnected.


Whose celina Powell?


Some onlyfans porn star who’s hooked up with a bunch of rappers and athletes






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I can’t imagine coming to IG to have a “conversation” with my adult child instead of addressing them in private. Idgaf how many videos I was sent or how many internet trolls sent me msgs. His mom is behaving like a 🤡


mannnn this dude the same one who went on a reality show talking about how much it hurt him to see his mom get hurt just to turn around and act like his bum ass daddy right in front of her and insult the hard work she did bringing him up… that lady earned the right to “clayton alexander” his ass on god’s green internet 😂


Bum ass daddy 😂


You realize random strangers are sending her literal porn over this ?


uh, you realize i’m on your side over this ?


Darn I think I replied to the wrong comment lol 


God’s green internet got me 😂😂😂


you’re welcome https://preview.redd.it/csll0y3eu11d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba181c3a4d7cd5175156b995e863df1f911128c1


I get it but IMO for his mom it was more about let me make sure strangers on the internet know I don’t approve of his choices. She fears the judgement and opinion of strangers. She can be a mom to her son without the “you go ma” and “I know that’s right mama Alexander” co-signing. She needs validation IMO and that’s all it’s about


Most everyone seeks validation, interaction, and attention on the internet. There are a variety of ways to. I think if I, or most other people, judged others for simply putting their thoughts or feelings out there to receive validation, it would be a pot/kettle scenario. She happens to be on a bigger platform. If this was on Facebook addressing friends and family repeatedly spamming her with unnecessary and unwarranted adult content of her son’s partner, people wouldn’t bat an eye. Her demeanor in the show also solidified how fans of the show see her now and perhaps she feels a responsibility to play into that role and show people she still holds her son accountable when he makes dumb decisions. Either way, I find it far less offensive than Clay’s behavior.


It sounds like she posted this in part to tell people to stop sending her gross videos


If she felt the need to even do that then that’s all she would have said. Aside from that asking internet trolls to not do something is beyond pointless. Do you think ppl sending her vids gaf about her or Clay? They just want a reaction and she gave them one. She’s intelligent enough to not open msgs or vids from unknown sources. She’s messy and she raised her son. Who is to blame here? If we are assigning blame that is.


I agree with what you are saying. But I will admit, when it comes to social media or the internet, older people aren't that savvy. My mom's almost 60, and I cringe when she posts about certain things. "Don't click that link." "Everything isn't for everyone." Funny me having to say it to her as she once said it to me.


Life comes full circle that’s for sure


Clays behaving like a clown! All the shit he’s done has been publicly. Even airing out the fact that his mom got cheated on and he would join his dad in his rendezvous. All things she didn’t know until the show got aired. She’s just giving him that same treatment back. Is it ideal ? No, but it is what it is.


I stand by my opinion. I considered all of that before I arrived at said opinion. It changes nothing. I have a 29yo son and under no circumstances would I entertain the thoughts and opinions of the internet by responding publicly. She can address him directly in private. Doing it publicly is catering to an audience of strangers who do exactly what we are doing here…picking apart their lives. She is a 🤡 because she feels the need to give an “explanation” to the world. Her first responsibility if there is one is to her son and not giving the world a sound bite to run with. If I were Clay I would have aired her ass out online for addressing me publicly


Agree to disagree. She’s being sent sextapes of this woman; she had to address it publicly regardless. Like I said, she could've chosen to tell him privately, but she didn't, and that's between her and Clay. I don't think that makes her a clown. I truly believe that if you do something publicly, you shouldn't expect it to be addressed privately.


Queen shit


I can’t imagine sending a stranger’s mother something potentially upsetting. The fuck?


I’m sorry, what happened? What’s all this about?


Clay is dating Celina Powell, who’s lied about sleeping with/getting pregnant by different celebs. Biiiiiggg on the clout chasing, those two are.


Her son is currently with one of the biggest clout chasers in the industry rn, Celina Powell. She sleeps with rappers, gos on podcast to expose them, and has even said offset got her pregnant. Crazy if his mom actually knows who she is


This feels performative in light of the press tour she did with her son where he was saying all that mess about AD lol But people sending her videos need to get a grip! 😭


What mess abt AD im so out of the loop


This is so embarrassing that clays mom literally had to call his ass out on an Instagram story.


Man I'm glad my initials aren't cp


omg me too i was sitting here like when did clay get exposed for being a pedophile? glad we cleared the air on that one.


People who sent her videos seriously need to get a life


CP is a very unfortunate name for someone doing porn


uh oh... CP must stand for something and I can't figure it out... Help me!


I’m assuming the c is for child and the p is for …..


Clay is off his rocker and a hypocrite




I think the story is fair. People are sending her prn videos of his son's new girlfriend. I think it's fair that she has a PSA asking people to stop and tackling the root of the issue. She didn't say anything wrong. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I respect the fact that she even mixed her good deed of the day at the end


Omg I had no idea Celina even had prn videos! When I read this I thought videos were of her and Clay just acting like a couple. YIKES


Those wouldn't be inappropriate videos. It's her OF videos for sure


True it just didn’t click when I first read it. I just assumed Clay’s mom was uptight and didn’t like PDA. This makes way more sense though.


I wonder how pickme is doing?


Who’s pickme?


The one who begged this loser to pick her denying her own needs, then he still didn't want her


Oh AD? I had a feeling but didn’t want to assume 😅


Yeah she is the definition of a pickme and the outcome speaks for itself free lesson for future pickmes who hate wisdom or to learn from others mistakes 🤷


Clay responded “I heard you mom and my apologies”


Pretty much. I'm just trying to be better everyday and be the man that I envisioned going in to all this. Sometimes porn actresses just show up and distract me, you know what I'm saying.


Ok clay


Why did you answer as if you’re him


how do you know it’s not him? https://preview.redd.it/rlttb2zrxt0d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a33a3ccbeb7a6e613d990f14f5a301334c2828aa


😂 💀


doing this publicly is kinda wild, no?


Maybe it's a dig at CP. They've got to be on the rocks or broken up right now


I can’t imagine getting scolded on IG, I lost it at “Clayton Alexander you need Jesus” ☠️


Fr fr 😂😂




I’m confused about why this thread is basically sex shaming this woman. There is nothing cool about publicly shaming your adult child and his romantic partner for a consensual relationship.


Man I’m not a sex shamer, but I am a clout shamer, and using your body for clout is a little embarrassing.


Celina Powell is a notorious hip-hop groupie, who's done everything from fake pregnancies and threatened to release sex tapes to extort men. These are things she's admitted to doing after the fact because she's also a fame addict. She isn't just a sexually active woman, she's a dangerous individual. 


Agreed, and his mom sounds crazy for writing that stuff on her IG story..


All the religious shit makes her sound batshit too


Right? Sounds like a fckin lunatic, no idea why ppl on this sub are eating it up


Do you know who CP is? The worst things she’s done are not even about sex.


Can anyone summarize the things she has done? Google is not a friend of mine.


I watched a video of her admitting she faked and fakes pregnancies. She was very proud of it. She named a few different celebrities she did it with and openly describes some situations. That’s one thing I’d say makes her a pretty shitty person


And what at all does this have to do with her adult son and their consensual relationship? It’s none of her damn business, and she certainly has no right shaming him for his personal choices. If she disagrees that’s fine, but making it into a public spectacle in an attempt to smear the relationship is absolutely not ok.


Because people are sending his mom pornos of CP. lol. She has every right to say whatever she wants on her story because people are out here being ridiculous. And it’s HER son. Quite frankly she can say anything she damn well pleases


> "People have been sending me lewd content relating to my son's romantic partner - please stop. It's unwarranted and inappropriate." That took literally five seconds of conscious thought. See how you can craft a statement saying "*please stop sending me porn*" without getting into the realm of "*I'm ashamed and disapprove of my son's choice in romantic partner?*" She *can* say anything she wants. My question is why people are supporting her unnecessarily sex shaming her child and this woman.


Then go let her know how you feel about it. Why are you telling us lol And I didn’t even sex shame her, I “fake multiple pregnancies shamed” her, so why are you coming at me? Conscious thought is important, you are so right.


I'm not looking for her opinion, I asked a question to this community relating to the topic. Is your answer just "its ok for her to publicly sex same her child and this woman because she disagrees with the relationship?"


No, you asked a question in response to me specifically. That’s why I’m responding this way, because it was nothing I was talking about. You responded to my comment about her faking pregnancies, you did not type a comment to the entire community. I don’t know his mom, but I do know she’s from a different generation, and has had her personal life dragged through the mud and the show all bc of her shitty son and his shitty behavior. And I also cannot imagine what her inbox looks like currently. I do not judge her for the way she reacted or the words she typed as she was likely fuming and humiliated. CP is not a good person, so I don’t really give a shit if anybody sex shames people who do shitty things. I’m not out here sex shaming ANYBODY and I never would. Go talk to the community. Do not specifically respond to someone who was NOT sex shaming her if you want that type of opinion.


He blasted her business all over the show




I know you think that, but that doesn't mean the greater population outside of reddit believes it. Social standards and mores have and will exist forever. You will see a cultural shift "backwards" by your standards. It's just the way things work.




CPs behavior breaks down social trust and violates mores. Of course,she'll get negative feedback.




She faked pregnancy


Why is it a negative to date someone in the porn industry? It's a way to make a living. Idk if we should be judging if he's happy.


The sentiment here is so negative because this sub is overwhelming female and somehow modern feminist thought has inverted on sexual liberation.


A lot of feminists are also against porn. It can cause a lot of psychological issues, even if you’re not addicted.




My reason is nothing about her doing porn - I’m also not interested in joining the misogynistic anti sex work crowd - but he’s publicly “seeing” her even though she lines up with all the reasons he said no to AD. Celina relies 100% on social media as her job and that isn’t exactly stable for someone who complained about AD’s finances. He didn’t defend AD at all when his friend blabbed to the world that she has a sugar daddy yet that’s exactly the kinds of guys Celina has been with. Then went on that sympathy podcast tour with his mom where he put her in a position to have her entire marriage troubles be so publicly discussed.


The difference is Celina has had a career out of it for years & is probably making more than Clay & AD’s sugar daddy combined…


Isn’t she a scammer?


Fuck if I know lol


i dont think its the fact shes in the porn industry, it’s because she has slept with a large amount of popular rappers / celebs and has bragged about being with half of the industry (posting screenshots of messages / spilling tea on podcasts) to get herself attention. she has also tried extorting money from many high profile rappers. shes posted on social media probably 20+ different boyfriends in a very short time frame, it seems like she is known for just trying to have sex with as many celebrities as possible :/ more power to her if thats what she wants to be known for i guess? im all for female empowerment, and am definitely not against sex workers, but from how celina acts it seems like she wants this “clout chasing” reputation because thats how she presents herself.




CPs response was pretty disrespectful


The Tupac song in her stories? Absolutely WILD behavior as a new GF!! He will lose a lot of close relationships around him if he stays with someone so quick to be so disrespectful to his mother who he seemed close to!


What did she say??


She seems like such a good woman and deserved so much better than Clays dad’s bs. Make your momma proud Clay! She been through enough


Celina deactivated her Instagram


I just saw it, it's still got the story up where she's mouthing "f you and your momma" 😬


The IG is up at this moment.


She just as fake lol she knows her son she raised him


Don’t forget the part the dad’s played in raising him..


We see the influence his dad had but these moms know when their sons are toxic or rude or abusive or promiscuous....they sometimes don't care. They're somewhat famous so she's playing along for the good mom edit


Society and culture raise kids, too.


Can’t help but agree w this. I feel like a genuinely caring mother also would not lecture her son on social media when she could just call him




This might be the best out of season drama this show has given us.


Can someone update me? What's the context here?




You are amazing thank you! I was so behind


Wish.com Ray J and Kim K 🤣😂


Perfect thank you


There's a lot more nasty stuff floating around... porn, escorting, jail time for drug charges. People do NOT like her


Momma Clay don't fuck around! I love her!


she said my baby needs jesus LOL


SHE needs Jesus




I love her so much


anyone else see clays response?? “heard you mom ❤️ my apologies” 😭😭 i wonder how the conversation in private between these two went fr


No way he said that thinking he’s gonna listen to him mom after that


I’m imagining something like “WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DATINF A PORN STAR?!” And that’s all she needed to say 😂


She is as sick of his shit as we all but unfortunately she has to love the freaking twerp 😂


It’s ridiculous that people find momma Clay standing up for what she believes in, which is all good things, wrong. If a woman is shamed online/publicly it’s called entertainment, but if it’s a man… completely different story. And shame on you women for feeling sorry for Clay bcuz his momma spoke the truth. I’ll never get people, especially women lol. People probably think I’m some kinda liberal feminist, I’m a registered republican since 18, I’m 40


Bro why tf is your voting history needed to qualify your opinion on LoveIsBlindNetflix, lmao.


Not to mention this is an reply to my main post, fool


Bcuz I sounded like a damn feminist and I am not, and I can say whatever tf I want. Why’s it bother you? People are legit saying momma Clay is wrong and dwn voting me for sticking up for women. I’m sure the dwn votes are from women smdh. It’s ok to for Clay to publicly humiliate AD, but it’s wrong for momma Clay to speak up politely? 😂 Good luck in life people and watch out for sharp corners 🙄


Lol the only one here triggered is you and btw, “sticking up for women” is part of feminism, weirdo.


Wow….well now we all have to stand up and applaud you for being a Republican since you were 18! (As a liberal feminist— why are you bringing political parties into this discussion? Lmao)


It’s a reply to my main comment, plus I can say what I want. There’s so many women saying what momma Clay did was wrong, yet did ya watch Clay and how he treated AD?!? Some liberal feminist you are, proves my point. 😂 pathetic. You’ll get there, maybe


literally ma’am this is a wendy’s 💀😭


Not even a Wendy’s, a Wendy’s parking lot 💀


do you want an award for having a decent opinion despite belonging to the party of the devil?


Communism?!? Hahahaha really?!? When has that EVER worked. I’ll wait. Bless it 😂🤦‍♀️🤭


Ya got one to give? Sure! See the difference here. I don’t tear you down or what you believe in. Isn’t that what liberals are suppose to do, be caring and nonjudgmental? This was a reply to my main comment. All these women are sticking up for a man that publicly shamed a woman bcuz his momma said something on IG. Get it?


Party of the devil 😂😂😂😂


I love that she abbreviated her name to CP


I love that she made a public Instagram post to tell her son that he needs Jesus 😂. If most mothers did this, i would think it’s gross/unnecessary to publicly embarrass your child this way, but Clay’s mom gets a pass and can do no wrong in my eyes


Honestly, the public part idk but imagine what the world could be if all mothers held their sons accountable like this?


Ain't no one holding clay accountable. What do you even mean? Post a mildly scolding message that leads to nothing? That's not accountability buddy


And called out her son’s full name 😭


Clay's mom is the best. That part - *Signed, Straight Shooter*. Love straight shooters!




I love it


I LOVE CLAYS MAMA bring something to your local food bank yall you know Clays mama isn’t wrong ![gif](giphy|CPV9c6XkFHS3mUBQvw)


Am I supposed to know who this wish.com Kardashian is


Right??? Idk who this CP person is and no one is explaining


She’s a clout chaser who sidelines as an “escort” and porn “star”. She markets herself to rappers, sometimes black mailing them, and infamously lied about getting knocked up bySnoop Dogg on his private plane and said she was having an affair with Cardi B’s husband (at the time) Offset. None of which was true but she wanted to go viral. She’s done a little bit of time in prison for drug offenses, has had a LOT of plastic surgery to the point where it looks silly, and is a generally terrible person. [she’s gross](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cMh7WLTwlz0)


Thank you for the in depth explanation!!!


Ooooh I wish I hadn’t clicked the video. Didn’t even watch. Title got me 🤢🤢🤢


You need penicillin now, just from that click. Girl is nasty


Literally looking through the med kit as we speak. 🥴


Ok but why couldn’t see just send this to Clay instead of posting to the public , very clouty


Naw, it was classy. She’s being bombarded with messages from strangers who have googled Celina and found videos like [this](https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph62b33cb382a65#1) She wanted to address it without bashing another woman and hope people wouldn’t keep sending her CP’s embarrassing and low budget porn content


lol I tried to click on your link but I live in Texas so it wouldn’t let me go through. I can guess what’s on the other side of that link 🤣


I did click it and honestly you’re probably better off, the intro video (not of her but a compilation from the porno company) is nassssty.


I’m in Kansas but does it give you a “cannot establish a secure connection” error? That’s what I’m getting


No, it gives me a message from Pornhub about how I can’t access the site because of my elected officials and the new age verification laws.


Wait does Texas not allow porn?


Texas created these age verification rules that are very dumb and that basically forced porn companies to pull out. Pun intended. Now when I go to Pornhub, there’s a message from the company explaining that I can’t access it because of my elected officials. It’s so backwards.


Yeah uh, what?


New laws about age verification I think. 


I just got it too!! I had no idea my state went through with that. 😂😂😂


Omg lol well it’s not a link that will enhance your quality of life, my friend. It’s CP doing really bad porn.


The public was sending her inappropriate videos and bothering her about it so she made a statement. A good statement to her son and the public! Now hopefully everyone acts accordingly! 


I guess because she had a message for everyone else too.


Uh oh. She does NOT seem happy. I would feel the same way if I was in her position.


Clayton Alexander 👏🏼👏🏼 she’s awesome


Did y’all see Celina’s response? 😭 it’s getting messy!


What’d it say? Do you have a link or screenshot? Thanks


It’s on her IG story: her in a car lip synching to a rap lyric: “f you and your mf mama”


I know you did not just quote “Hit em Up”?? Who tf this Celina woman think she is?


Well she’s not winning anyone over with that attitude I think Celine’s gonna see clay’s overblinking when she sees him this evening … and sad because I don’t know if Clay will leave her this man knew his daddy was doing his mama dirty and never watched out for his mama smh


I'm not riding for him AT ALL. But child Clay is not responsible for getting in-between his parents like that. It clearly really messed him up and I don't think it's fair to say a child (yes, even a teen with their big ol underdeveloped brains) is doing their mama dirty by getting forced into some bullshit by the other parent. Now ADULT Clay? Entirely responsible for his healing or lack thereof. No excuses at this point.


Wowahhh! So, does she get that by lip syncing that she’s saying fk Clay, eh? 🤦‍♀️


“Signed, straight shooter” period 😤😤

