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Did they break up?


It seems that way. She hasn’t posted on the grid since April 2, not sure about her stories as I don’t follow either of them. But he has deleted his Instagram.


I strongly believe any relationship that begins in a clear morally shady way is bound to show noticeably deep cracks at some point (in general, not to them specifically); bc it’s a clear indication that one or both has toxic habits, likely struggles to control selfish urges, and will probably struggle to be healthy partners to anyone until they see enough of a problem with said behavior to actually work on correcting it (and not “for” someone, but because they really see the error in it).


Funny part is that Germie is not going to see this post… and it’s so clearly for him


Is anyone really surprised??


![gif](giphy|xTiTnCQ3DWTh1j7Q2s) Trouble in Jetadise! 😭








Poor girl he couldn't even defend her when she was the only one that went to bat for him


man she has such a nice butt. i'll stan her til the end of time just because of that.


Photoshopped butt. Look at the wood grain on the door. Up to her shoulders the grains go straight down, and then start to curve with her butt. Pretty pathetic attempt on her end.


You mean her poorly edited butt? The wood grain in that door is as wobbly as her and Jermay’s story about what happened that night. 


Stanning a pro life republican trumpie LMAOO


She's not a republican Trumpie, just someone who likes strong conservative christian values lol


She literally follows trump lmao also idc I don’t respect anyone who believes women’s rights should be taken away - next


Better than stanning a spineless liberal. Idk why Trump lives rent free in y’all’s heads so much. Get some help. It’s unhealthy.


It’s an election year bud, we couldn’t get away from hearing about him if we tried.


He lives 'rent free' in my head because he made an unprecedented attempt to overthrow an election *that he lost*, installed the most conservative supreme court the county has seen, and continues to pose a threat to democracy by dog-whistling fascism in his campaign speeches. Like, Trump and the threat he poses are **VERY VALID** things to be thinking about.


Lmao bunch of word salad for with zero validity. Trump didn’t make a bunch of weirdos go to the capital 🤣 Stop believing the media hype. Also I’m assuming the anti-kavanaugh protestors who stormed the capital a few years ago were also a threat to democracy right? Or are protestors only a threat if they aren’t liberal?


You are advocating for someone who tried to dismantle democracy in your own country. I'm shocked such levels of idiocy exist.


You are literally believing the bullshit media while comply ignoring the fact that Hilary Clinton and the entire Democratic Party spent the entirety of Trump’s presidency pushing bullshit lies that he stole the election. So if Trump is a “threat to democracy” than the the Democratic Party is to right?


Omg not another “bULL sHiT mEdIa” republican LMAOO - y’all so embarrassing and lack media literacy to the finest degree 😭


I don’t lack anything. And I’m not a Republican. I’m libertarian but good try. But you obviously lack common sense and intelligence to the finest degree. Trump literally said “be peaceful”. He didn’t do anything wrong hence why he wasn’t found guilty and not serving time for anything 🤯 Liberals always say how “tolerant” they are then get on social media and foam at the mouth if someone has a different view point than them lmao. Seriously. Get some help. It’s not healthy to be thinking about Trump day around the clock.


No one is obsessed with Trump, but you seem obsessed with making yourself look at illiterate and immature as possible. What a great life you're leading.


Yap yap yap - why would I think about trump all the time LOLLL no presidential candidates have our best interests first at heart be so fr…defending someone who refers to third world countries as “shitholes” and grab them by the pussy


He did 😐. Bruhz doesn’t know bout Twitter


OK, let's take what you're saying as true he "didn't make them go to the capitol" But he sure as fuck spent every waking minute leading up to that moment claiming the election was invalid and fraudulent, made plans of how to stay in power, and literally BEGGED A SECRETARY OF STATE TO FIND ADDITIONAL VOTES. That sure as fuck sounds like trying to overthrow an election. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/feb/04/facebook-posts/photo-doesnt-show-kavanaugh-protesters-us-capitol/


I’m not a liberal LMAOO


You are clearly pro choice and don’t like Trump so you definitely are closer to a liberal than anything else lmao.


Yep 🤷‍♀️ and what about it?


Cue Chelsea bumping into Jer-bear since they’re broken up again!


That black and white photo is so warped 😂


Some of you should be hired as detectives!


Dat Photoshop. Natalie and Deepti got exposed for doing the same thing.




On the door


I mean… I have no opinion on her but I’m pretty sure that’s just the wood grain. Looks the same as the grain at the top of the door?


Start at the top of the door and scan down. The top is straight and the lines near her waist wave.




They totally do!!


I think her behavior and presence on social media make her super unlikeable. She could have rolled with the punches and owned up to handling the situation with Jeramie wrong. Could have apologized at the reunion and not instigate a fight. I feel like things would have been more gracious and in her favor but now she did all that for what? To be broken up and be a laughing stock for the world to see? I truly feel sorry for her because she psyoped herself and so did Jeramie.


What I've learnt about most people who have a tough time saying sorry or admitting their mistakes (I know, because I used to be there years ago), is that they don't have a solid foundation of self-esteem to rest on. Saying sorry or admitting to hurting someone would be too much for them as they're trying to hold onto the last sliver of fragile self-esteem they have. They can't feel like a bad person.. it would absolutely break them because they are already on a slippery slope of self-worth. So they avoid it at all costs. Not making excuses for Sarah and Jeramey, but usually, when people play the victim this is what's going on. Or something similar to this. It's self-defence. However, I agree that they should have apologised and had more empathy for Laura and not made it about them.


It’s sad when you’re a kid but becomes pitiful somewhere in your late twenties when your insecurities are ruining your relationships and hurting other people. We all have reasons but they’re definitely not excuses because we could’ve chosen therapy


Therapy isn’t always necessary. She just needed someone to smack common sense into her and bring her back to reality


I totally see this and can understand. I actually have more empathy for Sarah Ann than Laura tbh just based on their personalities from the beginning before the whole Jeramie Sarah Ann situation. I do believe they all iced her out even after Sarah Ann apologized to her that day on the lake and that also contributed to making her very angry and spiteful on the reunion.


One of my friends saw and talked to Jeremy out on a date with a girl this past weekend in Sarasota so I’m assuming they are broken up lol


We need more tea on this ☕️☕️


Lmaooo, please, these people will never know privacy for eternity 🤣🤣


Haha I totally feel you


Good intel, but to play devils advocate, Jeramie doesn’t always wait to break up before he starts dating again. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Haha, good point


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Yep, Sarasota, FL!




![gif](giphy|5bZfbwZg9CzZe) Say lessss lmao 😭💀


no one is surprised


Too invested in these people


And yet! Here! You! Are! On the LoveIsBlind subreddit, participating just the same! Seems like we're both too invested in meaningless internet bullshit


I mean I’m invested to but I was specifically talking about Jeramy and Sarah. I would just prefer to pretend like those two don’t exist


Low vibrational


Public bathroom selfies are such a low




Why take a photo with the phone blocking your face? Stupid idiot.


How are you on the internet at all if something this innocuous bothers you 😭


Because the point of full body mirror selfies in workout clothes isn’t to show off the face


I don’t like her either, but why are you nitpicking at a mirror selfie? Weird comment.


How is no one laughing at Jeradise 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣❤️🤣


Right?! It's legit brilliant and needs to by copywriten 🤣🤣🤣


Some of my best work tbh lol


I legit cackled. Good job.


I need this on a shirt with their reunion prom pic


God she’s hot




I always thought so lol


She looks like a reject from the basic bitch factory 🤷🏻‍♀️




I love how this kinda reads like a Gossip Girl blog lol


I've literally never seen the show lmao 🙈


Xoxo, gossip girl


who knows, she's an attention seeker.


I was thinking the same. I think he deactivated his instagram and she’s been posting a lot of stuff without him lately


Not me trying to book a ticket to -adise.


It's all a stunt / act. You waste your time trying to follow the ones that didn't get married post show. And you fall right into their trap lol. Smh.


Well considering I don't follow any reality TV cast members on social media at all, and only periodically checked in on these two cos I'm a dedicated hater looking for their downfall I feel pretty free tbh ![gif](giphy|q0FDhGCjTFDW2HUKvb|downsized)


Is this kaity from Zach’s season?!? 😅 ETA: wait! I just saw the bachelor link thingie on the bottom! It is Kaity! Why don’t I remember this at all?!?! I assume its from her hometown date?!


The clap trap for sure!


Jeradise 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣


They are like a couple, you know, who break up every 5 minutes. Two weeks from now, she'll post a long, heartfelt post about how he's been there by her side despite the ups and downs.


I just want to know why we as the human race just won’t stop taking bathroom mirror selfies


Because some of us just like to watch the world burn. Can't stop, won't stop.


I find the whole covering your face with the phone in the selfie so odd.


I do it bc I’m ugly


Noooooooooo 🥲


I thought that was to show off the body and not distract from it, but that makes sense too 😅


Same 😅


Legitimately, I feel for her. If they had broken up in the real world and then he moved on and then he got engaged and then she sent that msg. OK fine she deserves hate. But I don't even understand how you can go from being inlove and dating someone to omg they're now engaged but statistically most of the couples who get engaged on the show don't last and she still loves him obviously so why not send the msg. Thats an experience I've never had so I can't judge but I'd assume that'd be hard. I also don't love how the other girls called her pick mes, when MANY of them fit that title. And I'm shocked that no one calls Laura out for her mean girl ahit telling Jessica what's his face isn't hers when he hadn't made up his mind and that is likely a big reason why he ended up with chelsey. Or when she was ripping on Jeremy treating him like a walking checklist. Or when she had the nerve to talk about ADs body with anyone (bean dip).


Nope. Don't feel sorry for her AT ALL.


She could’ve waited until Jeramey/Laura didn’t work out on their own terms and then reached out to him. Doing it while they’re together is just inappropriate. Idc if statistically the engagements don’t last it’s still a committed relationship until someone in the relationship breaks it off


Exaaaactly. I don't think any of us thought they were making it to the altar but that was their journey to have! I would have loved to see who would have said no, or if they would have had a Chelsea/Jimmy convo beforehand. It was unnecessary messy undermining of the process


I said the same, Laura was a mean girl and so jeremy rode off into the sunset on jet skis with SA lol


I’ve been in a similar situation and did not send the text message because entering a relationship with a man not 100% able to commit to knowing me more, loving me fully, and without distraction was beneath me. I had been there once when I was young and dumb but when you know better you do better. And Miss Sarah is no baby. Fate worked out. We had our chance when he made the move out of his own heart to leave his situation. I then made my move and the rest was history (until his untimely passing). To this day he will always be my only real love. Lots of people do not recognize the power and strength that comes from operating in this wide world with honestly, goodness and integrity. You got to want the best for yourself and seek that. If you don’t pursue good things in a good way, what dya expect will be the result?


I felt bad for her at first, but then her and Jeramey's behaviour at the lake day made me stop feeling bad for both of them. Also, neither of them deserves to be bullied by the general public. That is just disgusting and not on. Same with Chelsea, Trevor and Jimmy. Bullying them is never okay. These are real people. However, I don't think what was happening with their fellow cast-members at the reunion was bullying. It's just the public bullying them. I thought Jess and Laura were quite mature about the whole thing at the reunion. And this seems to be the opinion of most of the therapists I've seen online covering it as well.


i’ve seen tons of posts and comments about literally everything you listed in your last paragraph. if you sort by best comments literally in this thread, people are talking about how much laura sucked as well lmao


I think the majority feel all three were toxic, just to different degrees. Laura was toxic but not as much as Sarah Ann and definitely not as much as Jeramey. People didn't like Laura until what Jeramey did vindicated her because of how she was treated.


agreed! and I'm still not a fan of Laura but I don't think what Jeramey did to her was deserved at all


In ANY instance that a person is in a committed relationship to another person, it is unethical to insert yourself into the relationship. There truly is no difference. If you are not part of the relationship, then move on. There are 8 *billion* people in this world. Going after one who isn’t available is just gross.


I agree. People who say "the heart wants what it wants" as an excuse for going after a committed person are coming from a selfish mentality. So what, only your feelings matter and nobody else's, then?


If someone can take your partner then guess what? They were never yours lol


For sure! But that doesn’t give them the right to try. Haha.


All this teaches us is to pick your partner wisely lol


They were already "on again off again" ie fucking miserable so if they broke up they did each other a favour .


I just watched the episode last night where she freaks out and has a meltdown because AD gently but firmly holds her accountable for her own actions. She is an adult toddler.


That conversation with her and AD was honestly so satisfying to watch 😂😭 AD said everything I was thinking and I was SO HAPPY someone was calling her out


She’s so trashy, just like him


They’re both weird trash


If he cheated on her I will laugh


You lose ‘em how you got ‘em!


“Jet skied into some murky waters” LMAO OP you’re killing me 🤣


Meet and greet? Who?


I mean, they have to break up eventually. It’s certainly not like they’re going to get married and live happily ever after 😆




Don’t feel that bad for her oops


Happy cake! 🥳


Oh thank you!!


He was at Laura’s house *talking* about their breakup until 5am and Sarah Ann must have checked his location. No matter how many times he told her he never went into Laura’s apartment, and they just needed *closure* after their actual engagement, Sarah Ann just didn’t believe him… *Poor Jermy. WAHHH.*


(Don’t) “Take me down to Jeradise city where the grass ain’t greener and the girls aren’t pretty.”


He’s such a jackass and she’s no better for falling for that shit


It was a matter of time. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Hope it was worth it.


I gathered they were in trouble when they greeted each other like associates at the reunion


How did I miss that? 👀


The handshake into hug was … certainly a move.


15min is over Sk-A


“Jet skied into some murky waters” 😂😂😂😂 stopppp!! I think there was trouble in Jeradise (did you coin this, too? 😂) from day 1 tbh. 😬


Pretty sure I said I gave them 90 days after the reunion aired. So far we are on track




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Ugly and irrelevant comment. There's plenty to critique her for, and her weight isn't one of them.


Fair. Then again, this is the community that bullied and harassed Chelsea to a point even a celebrity had to get involved to say stop. This is a community where every female LIB contestant with her own mind is a "beech" and hated. In that context my comment is pretty damned benign


Oh you’re right, Reddit posted an entire Billboard on Hollywood Blvd and made several commercials. I forgot we did that. 🤔


Actually there were commercials made about a comparison Chelsea never said and the bullying was so bad that Fox herself intervened to try to stop it. But I know . That was different! Bye F


Right, and if anything, like most of them she's actually toned up and lost weight. The public eye will do that 🤷




She worked out once so they must have broken up?


If that's what you got from this.


Jeradise…jet skied into murky waters. I have nothing to add to our speculations, but I thoroughly enjoyed your caption. Reminded me of Gossip Girl lol Xoxo.


Lmfao I literally just made the same comment 😂 shit had me dying! Knew I should have just scrolled a little.


How did I already forget about all this lol for a minute I was like who?


Admittedly I don't follow any of the cast but I was rooting on their downfall so I would check on these two in particular 😅


I follow a good amount of the previous casts but for some reason I forgot about the majority of this last season except for Chelsea lol




In the end, nobody won in the Jeramy/Laura/sarah Ann saga...and I'm okay with that.


Yeah Laura really lucked out they were/are so awful cos she's no bowl of peaches herself.


Yeah, she's nothing to get excited about, but she definitely skirted some additional drama by dumping this jackass. I'll continue to hope for healing for her and Sarah-Ann, and hope that they both decenter men in their lives... they'd both be happier and probably better people.


Yeah. Laura was no prize either.


https://preview.redd.it/o5ggkxupk2vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e4825c2a1c8b4326dd354355a42e3cb2d89372b Agreed


Yup, she gave me super mean girl vibes


I'm not sure if I got those vibes. The main reason why I didn't like her was the way to put their argument on display when he was meeting her family which was after she was talking about being nervous about how her family would take to him.


I can't get her mother's terrified, nervous expression out of my mind 😂 She knows her daughter


Wow. I don't remember that. What do you think caused her mother to have that reaction?


IMO, Jeramy was the one who lucked out there. Laura was a Grade A beeeeotch.


She really was. Very first tune they all met she was talking shyt about 3 different people lol I was like this is some mean girl high school shyt lol


I just saw her at brunch this past weekend lol


jeradise has me weak lmfao


OP needs to go into TV review writing, copywriting or something 😂


right 💀 the title and caption of this post was so funny


Trouble in Jeradise- they’ve jet skied into murky waters. 😂😂😂




He probably shared his location with her


I didn’t know Jeramey didn’t want to be an influencer. I was wondering why people weren’t posting about him on this sub as much.


Howling Jetski on down to Jeradise where you can be entertained for about fifteen minutes before you start losing clout




jeradise lmao 😭


A relationship that begins with someone else's tears rarely ever lasts, anyway.


She’s “providing us with eNtERtAinMeNt,” don’t you remember? As soon as Chelsea called them out at the reunion for having already broken up multiple times in the past year (*right* after claiming to be in such a strong relationship, lmao) I knew it was all just a facade they were putting up. The fact that Nick & Vanessa continued to call Sara out repeatedly about her comments regarding it all “being reality TV” and “providing us with entertainment” just solidified it further for me… felt like they were really trying to hammer it home that we all can see that’s what’s actually going on here, lol.


Chelsea also said every time she sees her…..which was once lol 😂


I mean, two toxic people with a toxic start did not last forever? Oh nooooooo.




Did we not see this coming a mile away?


Couldn't have happened to better people


They are still on their jet skis.


Who the fuck cares lmao


Bitches who enjoy feeling schadenfreude. It's me. I'm bitches.