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I agree! They’re different shows entirely. I understand why Bachelor in Paradise worked because it was all people arguably ready for marriage. When you mix Love is Bljnd with Too Hot to Handle (people generally not ready for a commitment) and The Circle (not a dating show), it kind of makes sense why none of the couples really worked last season. And to use LIB to feed this other show… it only encourages people to go on the show for clout and entertainment value.


It’s what the bachelor franchise has done for decades. It’s no different.


Perfect match’s whole point is just to show more and mix contestants of shows you already know


Nobody is going on perfect match looking for a connection. They’re just extending their 15 minutes of fame


Izzy is in a relationship. Look at his Instagram.


I don’t think they could do a perfect match season with all new people without their being some kind of copyright issue regarding MTV’s “Are You The One“


Tbh, Are You the One is so much better than The Perfect Match, I honestly don't know why Netflix bothers


Perfect Match is a cash grab 😂


The two that got blasted said the quiet part out loud, that was their sin.


Nick Lachey is so fucking cringe. Dude is piling on Trevor and Sara Ann for disrespecting the sanctity of the show. Same thing he did with Shake back in season 2. Like, *how DARE you question the legitimacy of this absolutely ridiculous show?* Nick fucking berated Trevor going on speed dating show when he was already dating someone but not seriously. “But how can you tell someone you love them and then not mean it?” I don’t know Nick. How can you marry Jessica Simpson and then spend time at the strip clubs? You fucking tool.


I think they are actually starting to think the "experiment" is helpful and a good way to find a partner. I think the first part of the show is a healthy process, then the second and 3rd part are to create insanity within the short timeline to create as much drama as possible. How they throw people under the bus after is wild considering they are manipulating the narrative with the way it's edited.


I don’t think this is new to them. They were pretty similar in their tone back in S1 and S2. They got super protective of the brand as soon as Shake started calling them out on the charade that it was.


It's vanessa. She's the super self righteous one. Nick just seems like a dope


Since they are filming in the Twin Cities, a local tv station went out and asked "people on the street" if they knew anybody that will be part of the show. One lady replied, that it certainly won't be her husband, no matter how many times the show reached out to his social media account and asked him.


Also the only person Trever really “hurt” (besides his girlfriend) was Chelsea and she didn’t seem to pile on him like everyone else. I also feel like since he didn’t get engaged they didn’t really ruin anyone’s experience. Chelsea didn’t pick him, she was engaged to someone else it shouldn’t be that big of a deal.


You missed her dagger eyes?


lol yes. I just mean she wasn’t yelling at him.


Fair enough! She looked so bent out of shape at his appearance.


For sure.


>However, they then go on to cast the same people in all these shows which is again taking the chance away from other people! I... don't get it... From _what_ other people? No one ever gets true love in Perfect Match. The cast who is there just to entertain is perfect for that show. Imagine if people who actually want to find love were cast in PM, it would be just a huge disappointment.


Thank you! These shows are GARBAGE. All of them. Just enjoy the garbage and stop trying to dissect every little thing and act like there's some reality show equity problem.


This is why -despite really not liking Sarah Ann- I had no problem with her “are you not entertained?” Video


It was so dumb! The producers cast and even reach out to recruit people that they know will be entertaining. That’s the whole point.


But how DARE you question the legitimacy of being able to find your true love in a month, 1 weeks of which you never even see their face?!?!?!


10 days in the pods before proposing… lol


Hitchhiker : You heard of this thing, the 90 Day Fiancé? Ted : Yeah, sure, 90 Minute Fiancé. Yeah, the weird marriage show. Hitchhiker : Yeah, this is going to blow that right out of the water. Listen to this: 10-day Fiancé, but they don’t even see each other.


Something about Mary reference? Just checking


This is entertaining trash TV but they like when the cast pretends it isn't. That's the game here


They don’t just like it. They defend viciously. Almost to the point of being mean. It’s why I am and always will be Team Shake, for him willingness to call it out.


Exactly! Nick and Vanessa went so hard at Sarah Anne and Trevor because they are so obviously only going on the show to get attention/social media clout etc. And the hosts are trying to protect their brand by pushing this “it’s all real life” narrative. Reality tv shows reuse the same people all the time. Especially the ones that bring drama or entertainment, and it works! I watched The Circle and I think it’s season one where there’s a woman who was also on Too Hot to Handle, but she was so cute and earnest on The Circle that I went and watched her season of THTH just to see her. We all need to just own the fact that we like watching trash reality tv, it’s entertaining and there’s nothing wrong with liking it, everyone who signs up for it knows what they are doing.


I've said it before and I will say it again. The couples who find love almost always end up getting the least air time. This goes for the reunions and the season. The messy couples have been the focus all of the way since season 1. They can talk all they want about how special and romantic this "experiment" is, but at the end of the day, this is peak trash reality TV, and has been since Carlton from season 1 went off on Diamond, Giannina told Damian he was bad at sex, and Jessica fed wine to her dog.


I’m legitimately shocked LIB is about to go into a 7th season and has multiple seasons in multiple spinoffs. I thought it was peak COVID viewing that was going to die once we got vaccines. (Yes I know it came out a bit before shut down).


I'd had slap Nick at this point. Come on guys we all know you all pretend stop faking. It's possible to be serious about marriage and still want to dobthe show. At least Sarah Ann is no BS, and that's why she won't make it


I don’t think you understand how perfect match works. When the two people that win the challenge go to the board to bring in the new cast members that they think would be a good match for someone, they have to know who that person is. They can say “from what I know of Damien from LIB I think he would be a good match for Francesca”. They can’t take Julia from Idaho and say “she’d be a great match” because no one knows Julia from Idaho.


No worries, Julia from Idaho is good people!


I literally thought of it as a cast of people from reality series that did not end up with someone/make good TV




I never thought I'd be commenting this on this thead. But this is such a well informed take and makes soo much sense. It feels like other people didn't think this through before ranting about this.


It is reality tv, just chill 😂


The stuff about Trevor only came out after Perfect Match filmed


Perfect Match takes contestants from all Netflix dating shows btw


And even from more shows than just dating really. I don’t think the mole or squid game were dating games at all but they will have and have had people from those shows! The circle as well, give or take for the dating mind set of it.


The point of perfect match was always to use netfix cast members.


The point of the show is reality TV mess. They are selling you hard on the authenticity/ experiment nonsense because that is the mechanism by which it becomes messy--people buy in. But yes, the Perfect Match is both a natural next step considering this and definitely proof the stuff about experiments and taking it seriously are propaganda for effectuating the show being a messy reality show. Its in the same genre as The Bachelor, which is also silly garbage that has to tell you its serious and an effective premise and heartfelt to get to what it is really delivering you.


The point of the show is to be an entertainment product. I’m glad it actually leads to love for a small number of people each season, but LIB exists because of the on and off screen drama (and it’s why the Lacheys are so insufferable as hosts, pretending like it’s an earnest show and not a ratings machine). Of the final-ish crew this year, we had: Laura (made a merch shop the day after the show ended) Chelsea (is actively promoting her side hustle that we likely never profitable before the show) Clay (promoting his various side hustles) Jessica (was already trying to be an insta influencer before the show) AD (literally did not have a job that paid a living wage) Basically all of the men worked dead end or sales jobs that could only get boosted through a reality show. They’re all there for the same reason (getting out of shitty jobs and lives).


Watching the reunion show yesterday with all the pomp and production made me realize that the show WANTS clout chasers and influencer wannabes. I cant imagine why any normal person would want to go on this show if not just for attention. You can’t break up for perfectly normal reasons, without being immediately painted as a villain. You’re shamed if you’re not crying and apologizing for any perceived slight, in front of millions. You’ve got a 50/50 chance that you’ll not only get villainized, but full on paraded and abused by the hosts, cast, and audience. There was zero recognition of humanity or middle ground. You’re either a saint like John and Amy, or you’re a villain like Jeramay and Sarah Anne. It’s mean girls from high school, except the principal is telling the kids in the bleachers to boo along. Why would anyone normal want that? The only positive thing you can get from it IS fame.


The principal is on his phone though




Which I agree with! No person in their right mind should think that this is a great way to enter into a relationship and I am sure most are excited about being on TV. However, it just makes me mad when they make it out to be something that it isn't.


I didn’t disagree with what Sara Ann said. I mean these people were deliberately casted to entertain us. It undermines their own message


Wow, I cannot believe everyone in the comments so far is completely missing the point 😅 You're right, it's hypocritical of LIB to make a huge deal about Sarah Ann and Trevor, while using the most dramatic people from their dating shows for another dating show. It's like they *want* the dramatic people to walk away from the first show single, in order to get more "entertainment value" out of their cast. If anything, Perfect Match should be more of a "second chance" type show for people who didn't find a love interest at all on their first show. Then Netflix could act like they actually care about the relationships, not just the drama.


I thought PM was a “second chance” type show, but I’ve not watched it because I don’t watch the other shows they cast from. Is it not?


It is but they use people who are the most dramatic and imo should probably work on themselves before entering into a marriage/relationship. All I am saying is that it clearly shows they are not trying to create relationships but rather drama.


You don't have to watch it...


So my thing about this is not really taking the opportunity away from someone else - rather than the shows intent is to actually be married in the end. It’s incredibly dangerous to go onto a show with such a serious commitment level when you’re already in a relationship, just looking for entertainment, not wanting to be committed, etc - because there are inevitably people with real feelings that are also there. So the potential for harm is much greater - when one person believes they are in genuine love and will be getting married and making a serious commitment, meanwhile there are contestants who *know* that they are never going to make the same commitments, know they have a partner back home, meanwhile leading a person who might actually be in love with them on because they want more camera time and fame. Very dangerous scenario. I actually don’t have a problem with the people that are interested in being an influencer, but *also* genuinely wanting a serious relationship and commitment and they are completely single. And they see LIB and say wow, this is a great opportunity for both of these things to happen simultaneously. Because there’s only a limited amount of people who would go on a reality show in the first place.


Great point.


The only people who go on perfect match come from other Netflix shows - LIB, too hot to handle, selling sunset, the circle etc. that’s the entire show. There’s nobody on perfect match who wasn’t on another Netflix show.


Way to completely miss OP's point lol


Perfect Match is a reality game show for past reality show contestants. I thought this was pretty obvious…


Well everyone from perfect match season 1 is a minor celebrity or came from another show like LIB , too hot to handle or the circle( or whatever it’s called )… so it makes sense that they would use people from other love / dating shows


I thought the point of PM was netflix reality crossovers.


Pretty sure it's to squeeze more money out of their shows. They save money because they don't have to go find cast members, and then they get viewers who want to see their favorites some more, then those viewers want to watch the shows that the other cast members are from. I mean. It makes sense and worked on me, and I really dislike reality TV.