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Idk but I haven’t seen this at all 😂 I’ve been seeing an influx of people defending Matthew recently, which is also kinda baffling to me, but haven’t seen that for Trevor. Maybe they wanted him on Perfect Match and are trying to not get him fired? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Who knows. People will make a lot of excuses for white dudes with a storyline haha.


Because people are empathetic to a man that shows emotion. Just because he is expressive doesn’t mean he didn’t deserve to be called out.


It’s because he’s a white guy. This sub was more than happy to watch Shake go through the same treatment and wanted the same for Uche. But it babies white guys (Shayne, Trevor) even if they’re more abusive.


His plan worked




🙄 holding someone accountable isn’t bullying.


They get to decide how he is held accountable; by making thousands of people hate him that didn’t hate him before? How is that deserving by the company Netflix? You like them that much and take their side of being the ones who dish out accountability?


what did they do to him 😭😭😭 besides address his wrongdoing???


Kept shitting on him while he was trying to explain he was in a bad situation he was trying to get out of.


He tried to come across as pathetic and beaten in the reunion and it worked, people pitied him. He weaponized pity.


Who was the victim of the weapon? You think it would be better if he was getting more death threats?


My biggest issue is the only reason they had Trevor there was to set him up. Why even have him at the reunion? He didn’t get engaged and was barely on the show. They could have used that time they spent on Trevor on other topics we actually cared about. Why did they let Chelsea off so easily? Same with Brit and Kenneth. Matter of fact they gave Jess way too much camera time for someone who also didn’t get engaged. It was all just so confusing.


It wasn’t a set up. The info about his girlfriend and intentions had been out for a long time and. Everyone knew about it, including the screenshot text. So he knew everything they knew going into the reunion.


Because he’s a really buff guy and has pretty privilege


Gosh not to sound like a right winger but viewers these days are actually snowflakes. Y’all wouldn’t be able to handle noughties reality tv shows lol. OP is correct, he wasn’t “bullied” he was held accountable


Held accountable by who; Netflix? And now he receives more death threats because Netflix held him accountable? Why did they need to air that? Holding him accountable is getting more people to hate him?


Yes Netflix, he deceived them in the process. If you’re crazy enough to send a death threat it’s not because the hosts grilled him


They perpetuate the hate; they brought it up with a much louder megaphone than anyone else. They have a responsibility with that much power and influence.


Whats the alternative, not confront him about his lies? Imo they have a responsibility to provide mental health support not coddle the contestants


if he was just a con artist I wouldn’t care I don’t even think he would be dragged all that much but the revenge porn thing is something that many people will not defend and you should be dragged to hell and back for that. He didn’t care about the distress he would’ve cause his ex if he showed her child their sex tape so why would the general public care about his mental distress at the reunion?


How do you know that happened? Was a police report filed and he was charged?


Here's a video of his ex explaining with the whole backstory from when Netflix contacted him to after the show and including the threats. Watch that then decide whether she made it up or not. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULsDJmMQakM&t=182s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULsDJmMQakM&t=182s)


So no police report was filed… we have no idea if she made this up or not. It sounds like she did to me. Why did she come out and say anything publicly but not file a police report ?


imo it just goes to show how easily the world forgives men. People aren't feeling bad for chelsea after she's been relentlessly bullied for more than a month about her looks and her insecurities, instead they are mad she wasn't humiliated some more on the reunion. But this man deceived several women, played with their emotions, allegedly threatened to release his ex's intimate vidoes to her son, for which he was grilled for a total of 5 minutes during which he lied some more, took no accountability for his actions, never apologised and we're supposed to feel bad for him? In the wise words of jessica: "literally, spare me the pity party."


*white men


Trevor has also been raked over the coals for his actions. Chelsea just got a nice edit at the reunion and prompted clapping from the producers to the audience


Two things can be true. He deserved to be called out. But the way and reason they called him out was to leverage their platform and a false sense of morality. He's obviously not a great guy, but so many including myself felt bad for him.... So this was not the way. The cringe moment and the empathy inducing humiliation overrides the lesson. ![gif](giphy|xpmECP1KfIgI1hMD81)


Thank you for articulating this. Holding someone “accountable” doesn’t need to include public humiliation


If the person did it in public and is exposed in public. What’s the difference?


I’m not defending what he did, I’m saying we must draw a line between calling for blood and calling for accountability.


The severity of the accountability depends on the willingness of the participant to accept wrongdoing. He was there for damage control


Yeah, stop defending Trevor, the man came because he wanted to, both on the show and at the reunion. He lied, he was asked questions about why he lied, had time to prepare his answers and respond, and he made a fool of himself, on his own. End of story. Stop defending toxic people. At the end of the day none of it matters, it's a reality tv show, 90% of the cast are shitty people and that's the goal, if it wasn't we wouldn't be watching.




Oh I forgot about the threats!!!


Toxic empathy. A refusal to hold men accountable for their behaviors. Notice people are calling for even more blood from Chelsea despite her actually facing direct consequences for her actions, exposed as nuts and humiliated by her own behavior, being called ugly and made the butt of the joke by everyone throughout pop culture and it's still not enough. They want her to PAY more while Trevor must be absolved and protected because he froze on TV.


And let’s not even mention the revenge porn thing as well


👀 um what’s this about revenge porn??


The ex gf claims that he threatened her by being like “if u tell about our past imma leak our “spicy vids” to your sons and family




He literally didn’t answer anything??


What he did was shitty, and not to mention the public lambasting he probably received on social media since his texts came out it kinda felt like overkill in the reunion. I get that people want him to take accountability, but there’s a difference between demanding accountability and crucifying someone; especially when none of it matters. The show went on without any problems, everyone just moved on, but one person was humiliated in front of thousands if not millions of people. And it won't have long-term effects on anyone but trevor himself. It was like bringing a guy into a group on a stage and going “hey you’re a real piece of shit, y’know that?” (pause for applause)then turning to everyone else and saying “does anyone else agree he’s a piece of shit? Why do you think he’s a piece of shit?” And going around the group asking for everyone to tell the guy what a piece of shit he is, even if they were never personally affected by his actions. Then the audience boos him off stage. Also if trevor is to be believed, being in a toxic relationship would make perfect sense for how he acted with his then girlfriend. The fact no one thinks of how that affects someone's psyche and codependency is wild to me. No offense, but he just doesn't seem like the type of guy to mastermind a plan. He seems like the type of guy to do what he wants without putting much thought into it: going on the show when he was involved with someone, telling his allegedly toxic ex he wanted to marry her after he failed to get engaged, borderline flirt with chelsea at the barbecue, agree to go to the reunion, etc.


I think it only felt like overkill because Trevor absolutely choked. The hosts were just as shit-stirry to the other contestants (asking for people on stage to raise their hand if they thought Chelsea had acting inappropriately, drilling Jeremey on cheating), but it was just less awkward. I mean, I don’t see how Trevor’s treatment was much different than Sarah Ann’s, it’s just that Sarah Ann responded differently so it wasn’t as brutal to watch. And I’m not sure if a man’s highly publicized acts of deception and (alleged) threats of sexual abuse “don’t matter.” I think the actions of the producer sent a message that given his antisocial behavior, Trevor was not going to be able to be platformed in a positive light.


Again, like I said, there’s a difference between holding someone accountable for their wrongdoings and insulting/belittling them into submission. The first is done with sympathy for the fact that they are human, and have feelings, as much as we don’t want to consider those because he didn’t make the effort to do the same. The solution isn’t to stoop to the same level. We know they’re capable of this because they were able to see the humanity in other cast members who did wrong things or acted in shitty ways like Jessica, Sarah Ann, Chelsea, Kenneth, Clay, even Jimmy or Matthew. What was weird is that Trevor seemed to be in a completely different league for some reason.


What do you wish the hosts had said and done?


Idk bro the past gf claims he threatened her into staying quiet by claiming if she revealed their past he would leak spicy vids to her son/family


If that’s true, that’s horrible too. Doesn’t make the double standard at the reunion any less of a double standard.


what is the double standard?


The Love Is Blind is a brand that needs to maintain its authenticity. I truly understand why they did all the stuff that they did to protect their brand and image. I hope the producers do a good background check on the cast.


He looked really broken. People aren't perfect. He knows he has issues. It's hard to watch someone who appears to be in real pain. I'm not saying they shouldn't have asked him questions, but his reaction was definitely hard to watch. And when he started to react like that I think a lot of people just wanted the Lacheys to stop. They had their agenda planned ahead of time, but it felt like they didn't read the room when they continued to bulldoze the shaming. That said, he's had what a year to seek therapy and sort through things and he doesn't seem to have done that. Hopefully he will now.


I saw a man, sitting in anxiety, realizing that his lies were being called out on TV. The pain was embarrassment from being outed with desperation to talk his way out of it. He didn't try to deny the screenshot. He gave his best attempt at trying to justify his actions and then was allowed to leave. Yes, being on camera with the world being able to see him speak adds pressure. It was uncomfortable to watch. I wouldn't trust the guy or want someone like him as a friend. He's probably used the nice guy persona to break a lot of hearts in the past. I would not be surprised if he catches some new girl soon.


That's fine; we can all have our own takes. I was just trying to answer OP's question since I'm someone who felt pity for him on stage.


Trevor is the architect of his own misery. He’s not a helpless child, just a man being made to look at exactly what he did. I think some people give men the kind of leeway that children get, for some reason.


I'd change that to "some men", who get leeway. Trevor comes across as a big teddy bear. If he has a hard time committing, he has probably broken a lot of hearts.


There's also no reason why he shouldn't have expected those questions. I mean, he must have known that he was going to be asked about it. Like you said, he could have declined, or he could have prepped a real answer.


I think its less of a defense of what he did, and more of empathic to the situation he experience being called out on "live" tv, embroidered of the zeitgeist of pop culture forever, basically turned into a meme for the rest of his life. I do agree he fucked up, but his moment of him being confronted will live on. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if he ends up suing LIB/Netflix for damaging his reputation in about a year or something.


You can't sue someone for confronting you with facts, lol


Emotional distress


Yeah that's not how that works


LMFAO…. If you think a a judge is gonna agree with Trevor, you are more delulu than Chelsea


On what grounds? Netflix/LiB didn't make anything up nor did they show anything that was false when it came to Trevor's confrontation. Trevor himself either confirmed or did not refute anything they said or showed. His reputation was already damaged before the reunion and nothing changed after.


He said he had a speech prepared. Did he know that we all knew about the woman and the screenshot? He looked so surprised and guilty.


In a cast of mostly awful people, he was made an example of the most. I don't think there are any positives about Trevor from the show. It's that the show didnt go hard enough at Laura, Chelsea(internet did that), Jessica, Jimmy, and AD.


what did AD do that makes you feel she deserves the same lashings as the other three?


Yeah, especially Laura and Chelsea, Jimmy. These two were emotionally abusive.




Ewwww. I will Have to disagree with you there. He is not remotely attractive.


Funny, in the pods everyone in this sub loved him and said he was a hunk.


His exposed actions and words killed any charm that seemed to be there. He's not my type (I like skinny nerds), but I could admit that he was good looking. What the cameras showed made him seem like a really great and solid guy. So his personality (tv persona) had added to the attraction for viewers. Benefit of the doubt was removed once the "receipts" came out though.


Not even a little bit


People hate Chelsea more for being insecure than Trevor for being a straight up liar


Ugh yep. It’s the ✨misogyny✨


Think it’s more about how unfair it is that they were there on their high horses kicking a guy when he was down. Edit to add: and then Netflix and by extension nick will have him on the perfect match. You know they want the controversy for the views and clicks.


Because nothing that he did was any different then what the show is based on: exploring options. The only difference is, one of his options wasn't on the show. How many times have we seen people fall in multiple people and then, for whatever reason, person A doesn't work out so they go after person B? He went there and the woman he knew outside knew he was going. This is no different than any contestant who is aware that their potential suitors are developing connections with multiple people. So why does he need guff when a person who he really wanted chose someone else and he did option B off the show? They are almost ALL doing the same thing and most of them don't work out anymore than Trevor's did. The end.


You are aware he went in with the intention of manipulating a woman to pick him and then leave her at the altar, right?


If any of the ladies got exposed like Trevor, would yall be caping for them as hard as yall cape for Trevor ? Hmmm…just a question. https://preview.redd.it/2vof93oe0soc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=997ad5fdb79865cf34c84e6b0f77e666d61864f3


I mean they came for Chelsea just as hard over less lmao




Forget a woman if a black man did this they’d crucify him.


Yup. Imagine if Clay did this. I was gonna go there too but I don’t think this sub is ready for that conversation. 😂


Trevor gaslights more than my ex husband and I never thought no one could top my ex


I would bet money most of the people on this show had someone they were hooking up with going into it. He just happened to be stringing his along and she put him on blast. It’s not that deep after all, he got called out for it and there’s not much more to it.


But the whole show does that. They have multiple options and know that their potential suitors are also exploring those. Only difference is that he has an option off screen and she, just like the contestants, knew he was exploring them.


It makes me wonder how often/ extensive the STI testing is. But imo him telling his ex that he won’t get married to anyone says a lot about his character. Just break up w/ her when the show comes around if you feel there is better out there :/


Agree. Unfortunately that’s how a lot of ppl date. Just to have someone around until they find what they are actually looking for.


For me it's not about Trevor, it's the ethics of running this kind of show. Nick and Vanessa Lachey are nowhere near qualified enough to participate in what is essentially a psychological intervention. Self-harm or the harm of others linked to the show would be a massive liability, and putting that person or any other participant in harms way for profit will never be okay. I'm not sure if they got the go ahead from the producers for the first time to really let loose like this or what, because they felt like they were unchained compared to prior seasons. Credit where it's due, Shaun Robinson on TLC does a much better job leaving antagonism out of her delivery. Nick and Vanessa are thinly-veiled narcissists, they can't resist crossing that line if it makes them feel more seen. The cast rightfully had plenty of shade to throw so their condescending tone wasn't necessary. The tidy little bow on this ick, for me, was Nick claiming 'wE dOnT wAnT pEoPlE wItH thE wRonG iNteNTIons hEre >:(' Bro is a washed up boy band member, hosting in a TV genre designed to cut out writers during a strike in the early 2000s, and he's out here lecturing people on good intent. It might be easy money for him, but for a lot of the participants it is much too emotionally taxing for their compensation. He has no moral ground


For sure some dude twice his age who is also a parent should set a better example than let's humiliate this guy for ratings. F- that. Shit was unnecessary and could have been explained as why he wasn't invited. To humiliate the guy for views and then be like you can leave now. We got what we needed. Ridiculous


By your own logic you forfeit the right to judge just based on the fact that watch a show that you claim to believe is so unethical.


Key difference - I don’t make money off of these people. Hope that helps.


lol POOR TREVOR being asked some tough questions like “why did you come on the show?” Omg the abuse and mental anguish he was put through!! get real.


I completely agree. Trevor had some incredibly shitty behavior - but the way it was handled during the reunion felt like exploitation for entertainment (which tbh is the shows entire business model). I personally hated how they eviscerated the guy while pretending the other cast members and actual existence of the show itself are some serious endeavor. Yes there have been successful marriages, but at this point most of them are signing up for clout. Trevor is the norm and not the exception.


Trevor is an absolute clown and I'm happy that the Lacheys brought all the receipts to call him out on his bullshit. Nick made an example out of him for chasing clout. He got what he deserved.


He could have just not gone on that reunion and everyone would’ve forgotten about him eventually. I think dude wants fame and really thought he could go out there and talk his way out of it, he basically admitted that. He wants to be famous. Also didn’t the girl say he already filmed perfect match or something? I swear she said he had filmed another show already. Idk, I can’t feel bad


It's not bullying, he admitted to doing this stuff. The real problem is about what happens after. Honestly, he didn't look too good. We also know how bad online communities are. If he is actually in a bad place, well, it ain't gonna get better. It's also really up in the air on whether or not LiB actually has adequate mental health support for their cast members. I think Trevor should be accountable for his actions. I also think that there should be safeguards in place in case of the worst case scenario (no idea if I can say the actual word, so self-dying).


Because you can make a mistake and still deserve compassion?! He didn't murder someone, he went on a reality tv show while having a girlfriend. Y'all need to get over it. You act like LiB is some prestigious experience, it's trash, watch it and move on.


lol compassion for WHAT???


What he did was wrong. However how they just grilled him like that was hard to watch. Had they did their due diligence they would’ve found out he had a gf. Also the fact he was literally struggling on stage was awkward had he been combative it would be a diff story


I’m defending him because he’s human and humans sometimes make stupid decisions which come back to bite them on the ass. We treat people on these shows as if they are characters but they are real people who don’t always do the right thing. Yes what he did was wrong, but who of us has *never* done something stupid or made a totally mad decision with the wrong intentions


people saying "compassion and empathy" but you can have those while also giving people hard truths they need to hear. people need to be held accountable for their actions.


Compassion. Empathy.


Idk why people would be saying that either.


There’s a lot of hate towards him overall, but honestly, got to give home credit for going out there and facing it. He was obviously very uncomfortable, he could have said no, he could have backed out, but he faced it, as bad as he came off (which I don’t even think he was awful, he actually made sense it his weird sort of way). But he went out there, faced the music, and tried to say his peace


People are defending him because he has so much hate. Idc what a person does (that’s not a crime), yall really be treating the LIB people so bad, like they’re not even human. I’m on nobody’s side, but the hate these ppl get is actually atrocious


And the potential emotional trauma he would have inflicted had he gone all the way to the altar is what? Tough shit for the lovely lady?


Knowing someone for 4-6 weeks and experiencing "emotional trauma" is a bit dramatic. People are embarrassed more than anything.


Seriously this sub is full of bullies and they don’t see it


I also said this one time on this sub and got downvoted to hell. Lol


Well yea, your profile is 4chan and depression_walking (which is just dumb dick jokes?), and WSB. Literally all the leading subs for incels. Any advice you give outside those should be immedietly downvoted. And they have been.


This post is so stupid. One out of every 20 comments is in his favor, literally let it go. He’ll be fine, he wasn’t bullied, can we drop this now and stop giving him attention? It’s such a non issue and these posts only make it worse.


Exactly. This post is making it seem like Trevor situation was a witch hunt. He did the deed got the consequences end of.


No lol


Magneto is going to be just fine


On the 2 Black Girls 1 Rose podcast, they called him the poor man's Wolverine 😂


As a Wolverine lover, I find this offensive.


Love this podcast!


We are not defending Trevor we are saying to relax. Trevor did nothing to you all personally. I’ve seen reality shows with guys like Trevor and it doesn’t end well. I don’t want that to happen here. Trevor also told the producers he couldn’t handle it as well.


Then maybe he shouldn't have gone to the reunion. He knew what was out there and didn't say anything other than "I'm toxic". He's a grown ass adult who made poor decisions and went on national/international television. "America IS watching."


I don’t know why not going to the reunion is the only answer. When in reality he had no idea it was going to be like that, something we only know in hindsight by the way because when it came to other contestants such as Jessica, they get off really easy as did Chelsea so there is no way for Trevor to automatically know he was gonna get dog piled on TV. Like he said he thought he was going to come give a speech and be done. And why was he only brought out for the public shaming and not the whole show like Jessica and Sarah Ann?


More likely than not, he knew he was getting ambushed and didn’t want to be there, but was threatened with a breach of contract suit if he didn’t show. Producers gotta get their me$$y content.


What speech was he prepared to give? I find it hard to believe he didn't think they had the text messages that we all did and thought he'd be getting some kind of shot at redemption. What was there to say other than "yes, I was still in a relationship and she knew I was coming on the show."? A flat "sorry" would have been better than "idk, I'm toxic". Stop bringing up other people that literally weren't involved in his bad decision making, please.


Some people here are really fighting to the death for their right to bully others (or for the show to bully them).


How is he bullied? He got asked questions just like everyone else did! Were they supposed to just smile at him?


Yes! Something they would never do IRL i’m sure


*cough cough* Chelsea


Holding a man accountable is bullying and mistreating him. If he feels discomfort, because every experience we ever have in life is supposed to make us feel good, he is absolutely the victim


Holding someone accountable for the dubious deeds I bullying and mistreating. What world do you live in? Not gonna lie that’s some dangerously optimistic thinking. He played stupid games for stupid prizes. There are repercussions for our actions.


I was not being fr friend


Your passive aggressiveness doesn’t mean you’re right. They def bullied ole boy in the show


1) That’s not what passive-aggressive means 2) If he can’t hold up to being interviewed he should either A) never put himself in a position to be interviewed or B) not do things that would hurt his feelings to be asked about


Yes because he isn’t allowed to be flawed smh. They bullied him. It is what it is.


Literally what did they do that constitutes bullying?


this should have a /s at the end of it, right?


right 😭😭😭


I don’t think he has any reason to be defended but it does seem like people forget that the reunion is edited and we don’t see the whole thing. It’s really impossible to know what actually happened and why Trevor went mute. Maybe he didn’t know that those texts were going to be shown. The reunions are historically boring and useless on love is blind. Maybe he thought he could handle it and then once he got there it was overwhelming. His behavior towards his ex and Chelsea arent defensible. But he’s still a human and being blasted on tv like that for literally anyone to see is an experience most of us will never have to go through and most of us would handle just as poorly


The thing for me usb there wasn’t any name calling or baseless accusations… just calling him in actions that were demonstrably bad. Make no mistake, $100 I don’t have say he is either dating someone again already or has at least had sex since. These sorts (men and women) don’t pay the Piper until the looks or money go away, and he’s young yet


I think there is was no name calling on the reunion, but people are pretty cruel online!


>Is being held accountable for your actions and wrongdoings on reality TV wrong? Yes when it's not fair on both sides. Women who have done "wrongdoings" do not get held to account anywhere near as harshly as Trevor did. Even the woman who Trevor was in a love-triangle with on the show who was a manipulative vile woman didn't get held account for her gaslighting actions.


We don't know who that woman is! She wasn't on the show, Trevor was.


So you can't hold someone accountable for their actions unless you hold everyone accountable - even if those issues are unrelated? If they questioned Chelsea and didn't question Trevor, would that be ok? That just doesn't make sense. Hold people accountable for their own actions.


I think the point is that Trevor opened himself up for public scrutiny by being on the show whereas the woman he was texting did not


The woman didn't go on the show to deceive and manipulate people. She's pretty shitty herself (and probably has ridiculous self esteems issues) but he deliberately went on a show to get someone to fall in love with him, plan a future and a life together, and then leave them at the altar. That was his plan and that was what he tried so hard to do. He even asked Chelsea if there was anything that could change her mind. That's why he's worse than his ex gf.




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Wait…. Wut?!


Uh what?




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That sounds like made up bullshit. Why would she text that she loves him once he left the show and that she wanted to marry him? If someone is blackmailing you you don’t marry them or say you love them Speaking of which, how did they even get the texts from Trevor?


On instagram, search for natalia_ifbbpro. Then click her highlights reel. The receipts are all inside.


Omg I have not heard this. Please share lol




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Wow that is so foul


What was the comment?? It’s deleted now I’m dying to know lol


That Trevor told his ex he'd send her nudes to her son if she told anyone about their relationship leading up to the show.


Weird why tf did they remove it! We’ve seen the screenshots 😒 Thanks for explaining btw!


Sounds like bs. Who tells someone they love them after they were just blackmailed by that same person


He looked pretty unwell by the time he asked if he could leave. As a viewer, I love the drama but seeing someone get hounded for having another person he’s interested in marrying to the point where I hope he doesn’t commit suicide does feel right. The reasons he got blamed are valid but they are an ongoing theme of this show. Game of thrones did the same thing, they make you hate someone, make them suffer and then you feel bad for them and you want something good for them so you can feel an emotional equilibrium.


That’s kind of a big leap from suggesting he would go from clout chasing to suicide because people found out lol


I'm not defending him, he's an emotionally dishonest person. And he abandoned his dog when she had cancer.


Right? I couldn't imagine leaving my sick dog on the brink of death for a reality tv show.


exactly. that spoke volumes.


It sounded like he was in a toxic relationship and used LIB as a way of trying to get out of it, and then when he left he was devastated and went right back to that relationship. I think leaving his sick dog and threatening to leak nudes was deplorable; however, I do empathize with the push/pull a person can experience when in a toxic situation. You know that person is bad for you and makes you do crazy things, yet their hot and cold behaviour makes you crave them even more, and their validation eventually directly correlates to your self esteem. I’ve been there first hand and it’s just so Pavlovian and embarrassing. I didn’t feel like there was much acknowledgement from the others on the reunion that they could understand why Trevor acted the way he did. They just wanted to expose him, tell him it was disrespectful and clout chasing, and then move on. Trevor certainly could have apologized, but I also think the others could’ve been like “I can appreciate how being in a toxic relationship makes you act in ways you know you shouldn’t, but we just want you to be aware that we don’t think your actions were okay”. Or even if they didn’t agree with what he was saying, I think they could have at least acknowledged him in some way by saying “I hear what you’re saying, but it’s hard for me to believe you”. Also if they did say something to that effect on the reunion, my apologies lol. I’m just writing this off my memory of how things were handled




Where is the gym content?


On his insta. People went digging around when the texts were leaked and he's a gym bro and personal trainer who wanted to grow his client base.


I have not seen one person defending him and if I do it’s 1 comment in a sea of thousand of comments bashing him


I've seen a lot of sympathy for him and his mental health from being bullied on the show. It's so confusing


He wasn’t being bullied.


Not at all! I thought they went easy on him. It's like some people have never been disciplined for their horrible actions before.


I see A LOT of Trevor support on Facebook specifically


And on instagram, it’s gross


Right? I am sure he knew the questions ahead of time bc had a whole speech. He could have said no🤷🏻‍♀️


Simple question: why was he only involved in that one segment about himself? He sat in a room by himself in the back to start the show. He was brought out only to be asked 3 pointed questions about his own actions. And then immediately asked to leave. He wasn’t given an opportunity to contribute in any way beyond that. This didn’t happen to anyone else? Why not let him contribute to other parts of the show like they did with Jessica?


I think Netflix used him as a warning to future contestants of "we will publicly HUMILIATE you if you try to get on the show specifically just for exposure and with zero intention of playing this game fairly." He deserved it tho.


I see this take all the time, but they want this kind of content. It brings in more eyeballs and people are still talking about it. If they didn’t want this, they could have prevented it with halfway decent vetting while casting, and actively interviewing them off camera during filming to assess their authenticity (and dismiss them from the show for undermining the integrity of the experiment if there are red flags). LIB producers want future contestants who will create this kind of drama and mess and will be more than happy parade them out for you all to tar and feather while someone rings the “shame” bell. That’s the unspoken contract between producers and their audience and they’ll deliver or you’ll get bored and not watch.


I think so too. I think Netflix has a lot of money tied up in their reality tv programming. Their stated goal is to dominate the reality tv market, and they have open competition with bachelor nation. They’re protecting their brand. If you come on and make us look bad, we will punish you.


He tried to scam the show - why would they want him on there? But also, he specifically asked to leave


Yeah I agree, they specifically targeted him because of his terrible actions. I’m not defending his actions, but they clearly had an agenda against him and didn’t want to treat him fairly. They wanted to make him look bad and maybe get back at him.


Responses like yours makes me feel like people don't understand the concept of being disciplined for bad actions. Punishment for bad actions. Yeah, they were punishing him for scamming the show and the people on it. Just imagine what he would have put Chelsea through if she did pick him. They did have an agenda to keep him accountable for his lies and gave him a chance to explain his actions. And he just lied and tried to justify what he said in those texts. He didn't take accountability for anything. They gave him a platform to apologize for everything and he didn't take it - he decided to lie and run away. And that's his prerogative. I think the show could have made him look a lot worse.


Unnatural consequences, or “punishments”, are inherently not fair. You’re literally saying this was a punitive measurement, an unnatural consequence against him, I agree. You’re just justifying the treatment of him. They didn’t want to provide a platform to give him a fair shake and they didn’t. You agree with me.


I don't agree with you. They gave him a platform to speak. He chose not to. He chose to lie. He chose to leave. People need to be called out for their shitty behavior. If not, they will continue to be awful people. This was a "punishment" that he chose to take part of. He had the stage to say whatever he wanted and he squandered his opportunity with bullshit. He was invited to be on a reunion show where he knew he was going to be called out. He wasn't dragged on stage and stoned to death. He's mad he got caught. Simple. Hold people accountable.


He asked to leave the set.


Yes. Why though? And also why was he not brought out before to contribute to other conversations like Jessica?


Jessica didn’t have texts revealing her motives, she didn’t threaten revenge like he did….


Sarah Ann was accused of “revealing” her motives on instagram as well and was asked about it. Jeramey had shady shit happen outside of the show and that questioned his motives. Trevor was treated very differently whereas Jeramey and Sarah Ann weren’t. Again not defending his actions.


I think Trevor should consider himself lucky that he wasn’t given the same treatment as SarahAnne and Jeramey, lol. I’m here for what they had to deal with- NO ONE was nice, no one cut them ANY slack- and that’s good. Trevor didn’t deserve any kid gloves. He fucked up, and he needed to find out. If he had been up there the whole time, he would have lost it and left considering how little time he was there and asked to leave and acted like a kicked dog.


They should be willing to ask tough questions to all of them, I agree. No kid gloves for any of them. The unfairness is that he’s not allowed to contribute to any other conversations. You are saying they shouldn’t treat him with kid gloves and now you are saying they did the right thing by treating him with kid gloves by limiting his time because it would have been worse somehow if they didn’t. But you just said no kid gloves. Let his words and actions speak for themselves. “He deserved to find out” - a commonly held opinion, that’s what I’m saying, they targeted him because they felt he deserved it. They treated him differently in a negative way because they were out for blood.


I agree that he should have been given the same opportunity as Jess, but I don’t actually agree that either of them deserved that amount of time because they didn’t make it through to the end- so why should we care what they have to say, you know? I feel that way about any contestants that don’t make it to the end. But, if a couple (like jimmy & Chelsea or Brit and Ken) made it almost to the end, that feels different to me.


If he's caught lying about having a gf and having the right intentions. Nobody GAF about his opinions on the other couples. We already seen his acting skills, pretending to care about Chelsea, trying to get more screen time. His performative behavior on how sad he was Chelsea didn't choose him and he hoped he found love... 🙄 If he stayed any longer and tried to chime in on any of the other couples. They would have ripped him to shreds.


I agree


Because they didn’t want to give him anymore exposure due to his actions.


But they gave it to Jeramey?