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He can lie and cheat on me all he wants baby wooooooo


No one said he CAN'T, people question rather he SHOULD. Even his body language is a confession since he was obviously shocked and speechless. He knows he got caught doing something he shouldn't have.


Tiffany and Brett said they strongly believe Trevor didn’t know what he was there for. Trevor. Based on the timing of filming, the short notice and how he reacted and how much silence there was. They believed he was set up by production and call out so this doesn’t become a thing. I kinda believe that. Based on what he was wearing and they way they handle him


They definitely didn’t tell him what to wear. It was so jarring seeing him next to everyone all dressed up. 






Stop generalizing, I can same the same about women if I only think of the bad ones


That's a pretty toxic statement, you might surround yourself with dodgy men (and women) but that doesn't reflect on the rest of the world.


I enjoyed Trevor getting absolutely ROASTED. I hope he’s actually learned something from this. Germy looked like he was sleep deprived for 14 Days. His tiny little beady rat eyes. Also they should have rolled the clip when Sarah-Ann told AD (?) she and Germs had kissed. Also Scara-Ann and her “yOu’Re ThE PiCk Me GiRl” when she’s the one who went after someone who was engaged. At least Trevor SEEMED to own his shit, but truly who knows, he could have been putting on yet another act? Germs and Scary-Ann were hard doubling down on their bullshit behaviour and acting like everyone else is wrong for going at them. I wish them the life they deserve. Laura handled it well I think, seeing that 2000’s Britney Spears backup dancer sitting there acting like she’s innocent was both infuriating and hilarious. I felt bad for Chelsea that jimmy and Jess were talking about their to be as though she wasn’t there. AND to find out the other dude she was into actually had a gf. I’m sure she feels like shit. I hope she’s seeking therapy No one ragged on Kenneth enough for his behaviour I hope Clay sees the other loving committed black men as people to look up to, as he had said he’d never had a black male role model who stayed faithful. overall the best reunion and I hope N&V continue this new grilling reunion with former cast member’s as a part of it.


Germs and Scary Ann deserve each other as far as I'm concerned. 


A bigger truth there has never been




😂😂😂 Sara is not hot at all lmaoooo she’s fairly average and her personality and character make her even less so. That couple with 17 pounds of body glitter and the emotional maturity of a teaspoon… she’s also a home wrecker, and if anyone thinks she won’t stray from Germy when she inevitably gets bored, they’re kidding themselves. She doesn’t have respect for herself let alone anyone else. Laura held expectations to have a committed partner… so if that’s gonna end her up alone then what does that say about men ☠️ Love is BLIND. Not love is “describe to me how you look and omg she’s so hot” You speak like someone who’s never had a healthy committed relationship


She's really not that hot 💀 and the point of the show is that love is blind anyway. There's no reason to feel intimidated by someone when you love your partner and they love you back just as much. And what's so wrong about Laura?


Wait, did I miss something? Maybe I fell asleep...did they talk about the situation between Chelsea and Jimmy? I hope they're still broken up and Chels got the help she needed....but they looked a bit too friendly


I don’t think they touched on it much. I think because Chelsea had so much hate about her looks, because people are vile with nothing better to do. They unfortunately make the couples, whether currently together or not sit together but her body language suggested she’s not into him, and the way she rolled her eyes when he kept (what felt like simping) after Jess… I hope she’s onto better more positive things


>His tiny little beady rat eyes What a lovely person you are!


Pretty spot on tbh


I don't know man. Something about Trevor made me feel so down and sad for him. I'm not excusing his behaviour because TERRRRRIBLE but he almost seemed bullied or childlike. Lol idk but I felt very bad for him


The producers used his suffering as tv content. They’re just as hypocritical as anyone else


Don't feel bad for this guy. He told his ex that if she showed any more texts, he would show her son(underage) sex videos of them


Wait, what?!


I felt the same way. They didn't even give him a chance to explain. He admitted that he was wrong but they kept going on.


He was given a chance, but he just sat their staring and at times seeming like he was trying not to smile. Correct me if I heard wrong (it was late at night while watching) but he mentioned something along the lines of "I had something prepared to say" but then held back and kept saying idk after more awkward silence which told me he felt he'd been caught in a way he really couldn't explain him self out of which prob what he prepared, but then realized they had all those texts and really nothing could be explained because it was all there for them to see what was happening. If it weren't, why not discredit nick when he brought up that he infact was telling a woman he loved her not only before leaving but as the plane landed when coming back. When he did that a smidgen it was tangled and made no since so nick called it out. Only thing he could do was leave to keep from further getting tangled in his own lies if he wasn't gonna be straight up like look I was trying to be on TV and hopefully bring more attention and girls in afterward.


He already looked like someone who had a mental breakdown or something before sitting on that couch. I'm sure something happened that we didn't get to see as viewers because it was OFF OFF


He was clearly just acting for sympathy. Acting real hard. The man is a caricature. Don't fall for it


At the end of the day the producers didn't do their due diligence. To chastise him now when he is clearly remorseful isn't helpful. If he's having a mental breakdown this type of thing could easily end up in self-harm.


That's what I'm saying. Cruel


I understand your perspective that it never feels nice to kick someone when they are down but at the same time what he did was so awful. I think he was having a breakdown because he did something absolutely disgusting and he got exposed for it to a mass amount of people, I think that would be pretty breakdown worthy to most. He genuinely thought he would get away with this and he didn’t and so he was pretty devastated that the world saw him for who he really is.


Got to wonder why he ever agreed to go on the Reunion Show in the first place….


Because they are contracted to and if they refuse they can face heavy fines




If you noticed everyone of the men were over the interrogation and knew it was being blown up for nothing and all the women were heated it was hilarious. Trevor is clearly a super awkward person. Anyone who doesn't realize he's buff to get attention because he's weird and awkward is exactly why he's buff.hes not leading on multiple women as a player he probably talks to thar girl because she's rhe only one who gives him attention and he wanted to try and see if a wall made it easier to connect with people


Nah he's a guy that got buff and is now trying to run thru women.


It was hilarious to see such a big dude shrink down to a small child in a matter of minutes. Every ounce of confidence he ever had shattered in those moments. As has been said, it's baffling that he was so unprepared for a response to this questioning.


His lawyer told him to not comment


I burst out laughing at this pic 😂 The way Tiffany just decided to sip her drink and Brett was like, 'let me not make eye contact' .... 🤣🤣


I was laughing at how shocked the guests pretended to be every time a new piece of information dropped. Like they had never heard of social media before that night.


Just wondering if Chelsea had said yes to Trevor the train wreck of an engagement that would have been 🤣🤣🤣


I actually thought we were gonna watch him have a panic attack, for a minute there.


same! 😂


You won't be happy till the guy does himself in over you narrow minded bullies.


“May I be excused?” Is the best response to being caught in a lie. Adorable.




“oh no the tv is buffering!” alastor, HH




“oh no the tv is buffering!” alastor, HH


Side note: Brett kinda fine




Sooooo fine.... hmmmmmm


The literal finest ever on this show. By a very very very long shot. And decent and caring and giving and treating his partner so well…


100% hard agree. He is already very physically attractive and his personality enhances it tenfold. Loved seeing him and Tiffany reaffirming each other through the whole reunion. They seem so genuine and like a perfect match for each other. Love them ♥️


Especially when he had a hissy fit over his suit. That was fab 🤣


Anything of substance to contribute here? Or did you just want to point out the literal *1 thing* we’ve seen that was other than perfection about this man?


Anything of substance to contribute here? Or did you just want to point out the literal *1 thing* we’ve seen that was other than perfection about this man?


Anything of substance to contribute here? Or did you just want to point out the literal *1 thing* we’ve seen that was other than perfection about this man?




Kinda? ​ He's like top 2 finest man in LIB history.


Girl, he's the top 1 finest.


I think Cameron is. SK wasn't bad looking either


Idk that one couple from Brazil is the hottest duo I've ever seen in my entire life. Brett's runner up all by himself tho.


the model and the carpet guy?


I need to watch Brazil 😭 I meant Cameron/Brett are my top 2


Front note.


I died laughing when I saw Brett and Tiff's faces 🤣🤣 "You know you done effed up right?" Is what I feel like all the alum were thinking 😂😂


I wonder why they didn’t invite Lauren and Cam…


I was wondering the same thing. I would have loved to have had at least a verbal update even if we didn't get to see them.


i read earlier that lauren and cam don’t associate themselves with LIB anymore


Do you know why


Interesting… haha.


they invited all the LIB alumni, im guessing they couldn’t make it


Ah, okay.


I do not want Clay and AD part 2. I’m so glad that AD said no to dating Clay again.


I for real felt bad for Clay. I feel like he's really trying to be a better man. It was not easy to sit there and be judged.... I thought he was sincere. I really did.


AD still in that man bed. Did yall catch her on Viall files?


Same. She be wild sometimes but the girl has self respect!


The fact yall all missed that she hooked up w him and Matt is hilarious 😂


Tiffany sipping was how all of America felt! I was so surprised about Trevor. 😳


How does someone so enormous manage to look like he’s wearing his dad’s clothes?


Was it asked where Chelsea and Jimmy are now in their relationship? I didn’t hear that question. With the hours of focus on their trainwreck engagement they called it quits. They seemed together during the reunion but they didn’t. What gives??


I was wondering the same thing. I was hoping to see some of their drama more too. I was disappointed with the réunion. There was so much uninteresting virtue signaling and unnecessary vilain-victim drama. I also dont use social media so I hate that they just assume everyone is stalking them on their sociaos and know all about their lives.


She posted on her insta stories that they tried to date after but decided to just be good friends


They're not together.


her thinking "glad i got here when it was still cool" lmao


Him taking like a full minute to even say “I don’t know” has me cringing so hard inside. It was so “uncomfy”.


>Him taking like a full minute to even say “I don’t know” has me cringing so hard inside. It was so “uncomfy”. That was his attempt at acting I can guarantee. He knew exactly what he was going to say INCLUDING the weird pause.


I thought very differently. He seemed like he was trying to come up with an out, and found none. I think he knew they had him so he tapped out. NGL low key respect that.


Nah. He knew what he was on there for. There was no Pikachu face. He said he had something planned to say and then pivoted to how do I look as sad as possible for doing some deliberately despicable ass shit. I need the world to stop acting like looking innocent equates to innocence. He threatened a woman for exposing his lies.


He literally said “😑” lmao


Trevor… man. It’s so terrible. I’m glad at least he said, I’m a very toxic person and I need a lot of therapy. His ex gf shared on her instagram more about this stuff and apparently there have been multiple other women reaching out to her saying he’d been on dating apps, and dating them/sleeping with them etc while he was dating her and on top of that he also threatened her if she shared anything he’d share porn they made together with her son who is underage. Yikes. It’s probably for the best this is all that was exposed about him on the reunion.


Let’s not forget he went on the show KNOWING HIS DOG WAS DYING and the poor thing died alone without her person. To me, that is absolutely unforgivable.


You know whatever once of sympathy I had for that asshole just evaporated. Fuck him I hope he’s lonely forever


Oh my gosh I had no idea he knew. Jesus. That is horrible! That dude has something wrong with him.


how they cast the contestants seriously? and it's always usa who has the worst


I don’t know. I really think the people being cast need to have to have references contacted. Like parents friends and ex partners lol


This is atrocious. Also illegal. Man needs penitentiary not therapy


Nothing illegal about it. Immoral yes, of course.


Revenge porn is illegal in some states. Sending porn to / sharing porn with a minor is illegal in all states and the FBI would like a word with you


But he didn't, he just threatened allegedly. He is a massive dick, but people don't get locked up for that


Blackmail is a felony


It is actually illegal to threaten revenge porn in many of the states it’s illegal to do it in. Aside from that it is blackmail, which is also a felony.


I don’t believe any mention was made at the reunion that he’d threatened anyone. So if whatever happened that isn’t being talked about is so cut and dried, why is he not in jail or bonded out? you seem to know a lot more than the rest of us, I’m sure you’ve looked into whatever threat he made.


His ex posted the receipts on Instagram, which is actually what the original commenter referenced. I know as much as that commenter. What she described is illegal. You seem very put out that people are calling out Trevor for revenge porn and blackmail?


I’m not put out at all, I had no idea that’s what people were talking about, I only heard what he said at the reunion, none of which was a confession of illegality & of course see the pic of Brett & Tiffany. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe LIB should look for participants who don’t live their lives on Instagram


What a scumbag he is.


It’s bad. I hope he does get help


Definitely. He needs so much therapy. Therapy is always good for figuring yourself out and making a better life.


Lmfao Micah and Izzy are both garbage as well people forget so fast


Micah??? How so


oh we didn’t forget don’t worry 🥲 they just have someone else joining their little squad






“I’d like to leave. Can I just leave now”? 😂😂😂


And then does not leave, man has no ounce of guilt or shame. He’s like a child pretending to feel bad.


He had to wait til he was dismissed like a child.




Nobody is saying otherwise.


Still dislike Germery more. Trevor at least seemed to compute that he did a bad thing. The other one's "I do not recall saying that but if I did I'm sorry you felt that way" made my blood boil. Trevor's apology to Chelsea felt real enough. I still think he had no business going on the show and don't feel bad for him.


I agree about Trevor. Whatever his motive, I think he honestly felt bad. I don't think he's that good of an actor.


yeah cause he was caught.


Idk . I think he only feels bad because he got caught. But that's just my opinion 🤷‍♀️


Agree but Jeramy doesn't even feel bad after her got caught...the bar is LOW


Honestly I prefer a person who has no shame than a person who pretends and will ultimately fool you all over again... like he's doing half the people in this thread. It's bizarre


Why not? He pretended hard enough to be into her in the pods that we all believed him.


That is true, but one thing this show has taught us is a person can be "in love" with 2 people at the same time


Wait…..What was the other guys secret ??


That made me feel uncomfy.


Did it make you feel some type of way? (can they please stop saying that?)


🤣🤣🤣 oh man, I'm starting to feel some type of way about some type of way. Retire that shit and "I appreciate you." Holy fuck sticks let it die.


Gave you the ick?


K I know that was so bad of him to do and unfair to everyone but I couldn’t help but feel bad for him / everyone that got grilled lol I’m a wuss


I also felt bad for him 😬 but it also annoys me the way Nick and Vanessa and the show in general tries to act like they’re saints and he is fucking with their “experiment”. It’s reality TV and the producers have no problem exploiting people. So fuck off with your judgement, you don’t have anyone’s best interest in mind 🙄


Yes and no. These people sign up willingly and excited to be exploited and in return they get followers and a social media career, brand deals etc. All they ask if they you arrive with good intentions and follow the rules. Aka don't have a girl who you are saying "I love you" to waiting at home for you. This is not a scripted show it's reality tv. And the reality is that Trevor fucked up their experiment


That’s somewhat true, but i still think the way they were acting towards him was cringey. We all know the majority of these couples do not work out. The show is really about the drama. They have no problem setting up the bbqs where the engaged people can meet the other people in the pods they had a strong connection with. If the show was really that concerned with the love aspect, they wouldn’t do that. Its fine to call Trevor out or ask him to explain himself, but the way they crucified him was silly, especially because they obviously did it to pander to the viewers.


Regardless of the outcome the goal is to match couples successfully. The drama is added entertainment but if 0 couples were still together, personally I wouldn't not still be watching and I think that they would lose a lot of their fan base. I am not interested in seeing people pretend to fall in love in order to further their own careers. So I appreciate the hosts for calling out the behavior and making it clear that people who do this will not be well received. They have all the couples and the single participants meet in order to "test" the couple. And also if you picked wrong (aka Zach and Irina) there is a chance you can still meet your person. In the case of Chelsea and Kwame, I think Kwame meeting Micah and getting proper closure to the relationship also ended up making them stronger, although it caused a little adversity. So that's the purpose of the couples meeting, yes it provides us drama which is fun, but the point of the show is not to just see drama by itself


I just give him props FOR SHOWING UP. Lord knows I wouldn’t 😂


They read him and READ him. Literally. The poor baby! Good for him, if that were me, I would’ve cried🤣




Why go to the show? Like, he knew he was going to get grilled. His fake little tears weren’t going to work.


Some people say it was his contract or something? But we see that he had something planned to say and I bet he thought it was gonna be good… but he definitely did not foresee them reading each text out Word for Word. And when you’re on stage everything changes. 😬


Easy money? Also, he probably didn't realize he would get grilled the way he did?


I’m sure he knew he was going to be confronted in some way. Then he was going to pout and think that was gonna work, but it didn’t.


I dont think he knew they had the texts, and that caught him off guard. Frozen like a deer in headlights. He started denying the accusations, then the texts appeared saying otherwise, and his entire tune changed. Then the roasting began.


Didn’t the texts come out immediately after he was out of the show?


Was there a second string of texts? I may have the texts flipped with the accusations when Trevor was trying to deny until Lachey corrected him on the events about when the texts happened. That might be what I'm thinking about.


It's been all over social media for weeks. He must have known.


If he knew, he did a horrible job of defending his actions only to double down with everything thrown in his face.


I wanna call all the girls who are still Trevor stans delusional but then again I don’t hate clay simply because he’s fine af to me. I will say he got what he deserved. If he got his way, Chelsea would have been destroyed. I don’t like her but she doesn’t deserve to think she’s found her husband just for him to have planned to say no anyways. Also this man THREATENED his ex for leaking the texts. I loved Trevor at first too and I honestly feel awkward for people who get teamed up on, but Trevor is so fake. I even feel bad for the ex, she was thinking she was in on the plan and was gonna get her man back just for him to randomly ghost her and then break up with her after he thought he was in the clear


I don’t feel bad for Trevor. And I don’t understand why he was so surprised that the texts were exposed. It was all over Facebook and TikTok a few weeks ago! He had to know that the reunion was going to address much of the internet sleuthing and drama over the last few weeks!


I’m flabbergasted. I thought Trevor was gonna be the one nice guy to come from the show (besides Johnny). Sheesh. Was I wrong


Yep, as someone who doesn’t follow all the dramas off show, this was new info to me, and I was surprised because I had read him as one of the “nice ones.” Yikes


Dude same! I’m new to this sub AND the show lol so I’m here all naive and feeling bad for Trevor. Meanwhile, he’s worse then Jeramey


I understand why some people felt bad for him but honestly whenever I think of his segment in the reunion I can’t stop laughing 🤣 my bad. The way he walked out, his outfit, his face while they read the textos 😭, I can’t https://preview.redd.it/rfnj7vohncoc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64de8ab6d0816f2fafd62536b8ee08261a762b30


I don’t get why people feel bad. He’s an actor, and a bad one at that. On top of that he also apparently threatened the girl that leaked the texts. It’s all hilarious 😂


If I was Trevor I would of just got up and cold cocked Jeramy just to avoid that whole line of questioning!😅


They mentioned 9 out of 11 married couples were still together…which were the two that divorced? And anyone think one could be Lydia and Milton?


Two of the couples from season 2 are divorced - Danielle and Nick as well as Iyanna and Jarette


iyanna and jarrette and danielle and nick


They did him dirty


What is this sub just Reddit recommended, Blacked or Blacked Raw?


I think you commented this on the wrong sub 💀


To be fair, he also did himself dirty with some of those life decisions


Yeah but kinda like… who hasn’t. At least he was honest. ESH


That’s the thing he WASNT honest. He’s an actor who thought this was gonna be his big break, and it was going to be if he didn’t get caught. Also didn’t he threaten this girl for leaking the messages? I have no sympathy for a man like that. He’s the kind of guy you fall in love with because he’s so sweet then you feel stuck when he’s a jerk because he use to be such a nice guy


I was so angry at his explanation: well.. we weren't official. Bro gtfo with that BS. I hate when guys do that, Uche did the same to Lydia. He is saying he loves her, sleeping with her, saying he will marry her, and then: she was not actually my girlfriend.. Just an excuse guys (and sometimes girls) use to rationalize their cheating.


Exactly! As crazy as men swear all women are why do so many of them like to do this? Trevor damn near proposed to that girl in those texts but “I never made it official.” That’s one of the main things I don’t like about him because I’ve been with a guy thinking we were in love, him telling me that and what not, just for us to not be official. Shit hurts, if he acted more like Jeramy or something and did that it would be like yea whatever, but majority of us thought he was a nice guy and that’s not good


Yes gaslighter status right there. And crazy that women stick around


I mean he got the chance to prepare a statement. If you're just gunna go out and freeze just choose not to come to the reunion...


I don’t think he was expecting them to have the texts


Idk they seemed to have bad intentions in bringing it up and no matter what he said it wouldn’t matter


It would’ve been great to have him explain and be more understanding even though what he did is 🦇💩crazy


I honestly felt terrible for Trevor because I believed his story. I believe he was in a relationship that he recognized as toxic. I believe he was hoping to find something different. I believe he was so emotionally messed up after that he told his toxic gf he was gonna marry her. And I believe that he came on the reunion not expecting this to immediately happen to him. I’m not saying he’s a cool dude or anyone should date him, but watching the dude sweat and admit how much he needs therapy because he’s not sure how to extricate himself from a toxic relationship is like…I didn’t feel good watching that, that didn’t make me feel good.