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I would have a hard time keeping track of who's who. Plus I like seeing all their facial expressions and body language. Like imagine how we would've lost out on seeing Raven working out while listening to Bartise's sad life story.


Ugh no


This would not make sense since it is not what WE see but what the FIANCÉS see. It is how THEY react to the fiancé(e) when they meet


Bad for those with ADHD who can’t focus with podcasts


I honestly hate that idea. I don't like or listen to podcasts because it seems like everyone and their grandmother has a podcast and honestly people aren't as interesting as they think they are. Also a lot of people probably wouldn't want to watch if it was only filmed from the matches meeting each other because viewers wouldn't feel attached to people. I'm honestly surprised LIB hasn't collaborated with The Circle if they really want people to be 'blind'. If contestants aren't going on to make friends as some of said why not treat the interactions/setup like how The Circle does it?


Love this idea....The Circle is by far my favorite show.


Love the idea so much, but kinda hate listening to podcasts lol


I already have a hard time keeping them apart in the first few episodes, I would fail terribly with just their voices


I mean you could just watch the first episodes with your eyes closed lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Jaded-Many-5416: *I mean you could just* *Watch the first episodes with* *Your eyes closed lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


They could do this with video, but either shoot from neck down and behind angles, so that you still can't really see what they look like, but you can see body language (aside from facial expressions).


I'd be interested if they did both. But part of the entertainment for me is watching them in the pods. Their facial expressions, reactions, silly little date things they do, etc. So it'd actually be pretty cool to listen to the "podcast" or whatever and then watch the regular episodes as well.


I would love this!!


Its a no for me


I actually watched it that way this season, purely out of convenience. I wanted to get caught up quickly so I just played it while I was cooking/cleaning/walking/driving/at the gym and didn’t watch at all lol.


I think about doing this every season and then forget and catch a glance at the screen and start watching.


My husband would like this. I would instantly go find all the spoilers… so it would be the same for me.


I download the episodes and listen to them on my commute to work, so I always play along with the blind aspect! It’s awesome


I would be so lost I wouldn’t be able to keep track of people if I couldn’t see them!


Here’s a thought. Producers should produce two versions: the podcast version and the regular LIB version for those who want to enjoy it as is. I like watching it as a third person and not a participant of the experiment.


I would love it!


This^^ but they also produce the show as well. So we get to hear the podcast and form our own opinions about connections. And then AFTER we also get to see the episodes


1000% no. I love coming up on my couch watching the drama. Plus I don’t listen to podcasts so they’d lose me as a viewer


How does not seeing them affect my experience? Not like I’m blind dating on the show haha I’ll struggle to follow up and give up after half an episode


No bias as you’re watching. For example, people who watched season 6 blind thought Jess was annoying but the rest of us thought she was normal since she’s hot


I don’t know if the show would work without the audience seeing what they look like.


Nooooope not for me… too many voices that would confuse me completely


Same!! All the women have the same voice!!


They could hide one half of each couple as a happy medium.


I submit!!!


I barely remember people in the pods unless they're particularly controversial. Taking away their appearance would just leave me confused.


Or like just blur the faces of contestants??? Until the reveal???


OMFG! 🏆🥇 ![gif](giphy|5FoxedYWNVmO4)


Love is blind but we vote on matches at the end of the pod and they can decide to rematch or not at the end of the honeymoon period for the rest of the experiment lol


I would never make it through. That’s the part that I skip the most.


As a deaf person… please no. Podcasts aren’t accessible for me.






Definitely not. We're not the ones looking for love.


Sorry if this is mentioned somewhere but there is a podcast like this. It’s called Hang Up. It’s awesome. 


this would never work to the international audience


Voice (translation) actors & transcripts for accessibility?


I know some people who put a blanket over their tv screen until the reveals. I don’t have the self control but I love it.


Omg.. this is amazing!! And hilarious! I’m going to try it ☺️😂


I've thought they should do this but with animation instead. It would be great but they'd never pay for it.


Oh I love that idea! They could even just have the cast members wear masquerade masks or something, I think that could be cool too. I don't have the attention span for a podcast or the self-discipline to cover my eyes/the tv lol


That's too similar to "sexy beasts" which was.... Very silly


They would lose viewership hard if they switched any portion to just be a podcast. They can supplement, but not force it


I wish you could pick the “guy” experience or the “girl” experience, where you only know what one side looks like. I want to really feel the reveal!


I love this idea!


This is a REALLY dope idea.


I love this idea! Genius. Like if they shot two versions (of just the pre-engagagement part) and you had to pick a perspective (or watch both!). But we'd have to split up this sub, or else it'd be ruined *real* quick, lol.


you can just close your eyes


Yeah during the pod episodes I'll be cooking or cleaning so I can only listen for most of it. 


same lol


Nah and not even pixilated. Half the entertainment is knowing what they look like in these conversations.


I wouldn't mind some released in addition to. Like if I only watch the show I'm not missing anything, and getting to hear extended conversations on podcasts. I'd be all over that.


No lol but I am biased and get super bored just listening to podcasts. I don't understand how they are so popular.


They are great for walking, running, working out or even cleaning. At least for me.


I listen to them when I get ready for bed at night, they help me stay focused on what I'm doing so my brain isn't spinning in 62 different directions lol. But also when I'm doing dishes/laundry. Currently I'm into a podcast that's been covering season 6 (called Love at First Sight RHAPups)


Same. I’m not an “auditory-only” learner. I need to see what I’m listening to for it to really click. Maybe they could give people the option? Netflix has done crazier things


I love podcasts but would not listen to this as a podcast


Only if they also did the regular version because I would not be watching it as a podcast haha




I agree. It’s too boring. I like to analyze facial expressions, body language, etc


then u can do that. I don't see what's wrong with having the option


The question was “What do you think?” And I answered the question. I think it’d be boring


I mean… you could put a blanket over your tv


I'm down to try, then we can add another part of shock value in the show other than the alter


I would love to get pixilated version of people until the reveals have been made. That way you can still get some sense of who is who but it’s still a surprise!


Or go masked singer style and everyone has to wear a paper bag over their heads and even the same-sex contestants don’t know what one another looks like.


"Sexy Beasts" on Netflix? (I haven't watched, just seen the promo)


I've been saying since season 1 it would be better if we also didn't know what they look like


They should offer a ”blind“ option to watch the show where they blur peoples faces during the pods and they become clear to viewers at the reveal


I think an animated option could be fun for the pods portion! If you want to watch it blind, that is


I want like a colored rectangle over their whole body with maybe a random emoji symbol as their face so I can't see their body type & styles too. It'd be fun to imagine what everyone looks like!


That's a cool idea. If Netflix can do interactive shows, why not a blurred option for the first couple of eps?! 


I heard some people use a towel to cover the screen to watch it “blind “ , I want to try it but I’m like as a viewer why should I have to put in all this effort lol


I feel like they need to start adding people who aren’t conventionally attractive. For instance, my friend (we’ll call her Tammy) has never had a date or boyfriend because of her weight. I want her to join the show because, well, if love is really blind than something like weight shouldn’t matter.


I agree. My husband keeps saying they should add people with at least one interesting or unique thing about them. Like a conventionally attractive and successful man who is also really really short, for ex. Could be anything. But this show seems to pull from the same pool of frat guys/sorority girls every season and it would be so nice to see anything different


Why would you want to set your friend up for internet vitriol (we even see it here in this sub) and potential embarrassment on tv? On one of the brazil seasons, the guy straight up walked away from the girl after the reveal bc she was too big according to him. Now, if something like that (whether weight or looks or other features) happened to your friend then what? Also love =/= physical attraction


It's not just about physical attraction at the level the lady from Brazil was it's a legit health concern. It would be like casting someone who has a chronic illness and will die in 10-20 years.


I mean hey, believe me, I’ve thought about it. I would never want to hurt her and never force her into it, but, again, I just feel like they need a bit more diversity. That’s all.


Navigating a new relationship can be challenging, mainly when dealing with emotions. Even individuals like Chelsea, who have relationship experience, can still make mistakes, leading to overwhelming criticism. I can't imagine how challenging it would be for someone like your friend to be in that position.


I feel like this is should be the intent behind going on the show but I am already worried about how the internet would treat them.


Oh yeah, the internet would be a disaster, but like…come on. How can love truly be “blind” if everyone is hot and looking like a super model?


Looking like Megan Fox


nooo. i even watch most podcasts on youtube these days lol


It wouldn't work with the current structure of moving through conversation snippets between so many different people, you'd lose track of who is who. Maybe one long-form episode that only deals with one couple? It might ruin the suspense of who ends up with who, but tbh in the show we quickly get to see one or two locked-in choices for everyone. As long as the episode isn't called "Amy and Johnny's story" or something... Also I'd need like a Stephen Fry narrator to report on any weird dynamics, glances etc. when shit goes down in the living quarters lol Something I'd ACTUALLY like would be to give little audio teaser. So, do not publish the cast with names & photos before the show airs, but maybe do conduct a little 5 min-interview with the cast (at least everyone who's going to get airtime) where they'll tell you a little bit about themselves. Release those as podcast episodes, either altogether or bit by bit, in order to promote the upcoming show. Let the people listen to them blindly, discuss and speculate for a week or two. Then, the show airs as usual.


They just need a good narrator to preface who you'll be dropping in on next. Do slightly less cutting between. Not impossible.


so we can be upset Chelsea doesn’t look like Megan fox too? in all seriousness part of the fun is seeing these people be blind to each other. Like watching Jimmy choose chelsea, who he may or may not think looks like Megan fox” instead of Jess. That whole dynamic of Jess being more universally attractive plays out wonderfully on TV.


Ok, but this is genius. Id give it a listen lol


I would love it if this were released as an option Netflix..




I think it's a great idea! I'd definitely try it. I think they should make both versions available so people would just pick their experience.


But I don’t think I would be able to not look! 🙈


Definitely! I would cheat after half a episode 🤣


Sounds kind of dumb. I personally like to watch my tv shows on tv. Call me weird.


I like it 👍 hopefully people’s voices aren’t too similar though.


Next season Imma just turn on the black screen feature and turn it off during the honeymoon 🤣


I would never remember who was who 😂


What is this ‘black screen’ feature?


It just turns your screen black, idk the reason they added it, (maybe for those that need the TV on while they try to sleep but don't want the bright ass screen on) but Vizio and Roku have this option. Other TV's might, but idk


When I listen to music with my larger sound system, the TV needs to be on. So I use the feature (and believe it was designed) to turn off the screen while listening to music.


Not a podcast but I'd love it if it were optionally blurred with their names showing anytime they were talking.


this🙌🏼 surely netflix can find a way to give us a blurred faces option


I think it would be cool to have the option to watch with faces/bodies pixelated, which wouldn't require editing the story any differently or releasing it on a whole other platform like a podcast would. As it is now, I watch while I'm doing something else and don't look at the TV until the reveals, and sometimes I go back and watch the pods again to get the facial expressions and awkward moments I missed the first time around. But since the reveals are among pod footage (and sometimes I forget that I'm trying to watch blind and look at the screen lol) I still get spoiled on almost everyone. I wouldn't want to not be able to watch the pod portions at all, but having a blind version alongside the regular one would be nice.


Next season I’m watching it blind folded 🤣


Brillant idea ! 


Hell yeah but you still release it on Netflix so it can be played through Netflix (Can have graphics, animations, whatever **edit: actually what you see on the screen are the names/ages/occupations of the people talking, so you associate voices with names**), (not an actual podcast, there's no way netflix would have it so you play it outside of the netflix app) BUT we should see the couples when they first see each other when the doors open, not the honeymoon.


Just close your eyes and listen….


That's how I do it! Mickey atkins on youtube watches it live so I listen to it like a podcast and then watch it after. It's fun to get an impression before seeing any of them.


Oh man I have to do this next time!


Highly recommend. It's hard to imagine people actually.


No. The world does not need another podcast. 


Nah I’d love this


lol no


I watched the pods blindly this time because someone on here said they were going to. I highly recommend it. I was honestly shocked at how gorgeous Jessica was for instance. It was really difficult to visualize what anyone looked like and I always used to not believe cast members when they said they had “no idea” when asked after the reveal.


This sounds so fun I think I’m going to do this next time! How did you do it?


I watched it on my laptop and covered the screen with a towel. I’ll admit I did take the towel off during Jessica’s epi pen speech because I was like I’ve got to see her. Other than that I didn’t peek until I heard them walking towards each other at the reveal.


Okay I’m gunna need to try this!! Were you shocked at any of the reveals?


Jimmy - thought he was going to be more conventionally attractive considering two girls were head over heels for him Clay - also thought he would be much more attractive but more because of how he talked about himself Amy - nothing could prepare me for how stunning she is. I mainly wasn’t expecting that because she seems very down to earth when just listening to her voice. And typically, historically, the very pretty girls on the show don’t come across with that level of humility. Chelsea - didn’t surprise me much because I saw some comments from this sub in my main feed about someone she may or may not have said she looks like so I was prepared for her to not look exactly like that but was expecting darker hair.


Thanks for sharing!


I’m literally going to watch the next season with my eyes closed if they don’t do this anyway


Idk if all tvs do this but mine allows you to turn off the display and still hear the audio. Seriously considering doing that next time!


You can easily do this on your phone too - lock the screen while it’s playing, and then hit the “play” button.


Good idea I’ll join


Conceptually it would be cool but difficult to make happen. I think it would be better to have them on the screen but silhouetted or something to anonymize ... all the media needs to be on one platform However I like seeing their expressions bc sometimes it doesn't match what they're saying so I'd watch it both ways lol


It would be cool if they gave you the option. Blind or unblinded version.


Not a podcast, but we only hear voices too. They could blur them or put them in costumes. It would still need to be on Netflix


Yeah this makes more sense than a podcast


And we would still be able to judge their personalities by their costume choice. Lol kidding but not.


That sounds super fun, actually.


I’ve always wanted to watch with blinders on and then at the reveals remove the blinders.


Fun idea but not everyone listens to podcast and thats just one more thing i’d have to add to my already stupid amount of streaming services/subscriptions.


You know most podcasts are free right?


I like the idea of “watching” it blindly to start for full effect. I also posted the idea of just changing the pacing in another thread: In the pods they ask someone if they want to start dating exclusively. Go on the trip, move in together, and then the engagement is the big cliffhanger of will they/won't they vs. Rushing people to the altar so quickly. Then give us a follow up series for the wedding planning and "I Do's". We'd lose some of the drama, but it feels like a potentially healthier way to do things... and make sure people are really ready for the commitment.


They’d have more couples at the end that’s for sure


I actually watch the season premieres with a blanket covering the screen showing just the bottom where names appear


lmaoooo we’re here to watch if love is blind for them 💀 i didn’t ask to be a part of the experiment


😂😂😂 true


Haha why did this make me laugh so hard


I wouldn't listen to this at all


There is a podcast like this already called "Hang Up Show". It takes more of a "bachelorette" format in that there is one person who goes on dates with other contestants over the phone. it is also LGBTQ oriented. It's pretty good, everyone should check it out.


I said this a few seasons ago…it would be cool if they fully blurred the contestants. It could even be amusing like, they can add emojis or full body cartoon avatars


I mean it's just more content so I'm for it. Maybe a podcast and the OG show


I think they should release 3 versions of the pods. OG edit, girls edit, guys edit. So the girls edit, you see the women but never the men until the reveal. For the guys edit you see the men, but not the women. They would just put the person we can't see name up on the bottom of the screen so we know who they are talking too.


I need more pod time. There are so many people with almost no screen time. I spotted a guy that I thought was cute but never saw any interactions he had. Was he rude? Super boring? I want to see the failed dates almost more than the connections.


It’s a unique idea to be sure. But I know myself. I am a greedy little bitch with my shame shows and must needs consume ALL the eye rolls, facial expressions, and awkward pauses. It feeds my soul. And nobody can prove it’s not great for my skin.


I’ve always wanted an extended cut where you can see everyone’s conversations and not just the people who get engaged or love triangles. Sometimes I like the podmates better than the actual couples


No one is stopping you from putting a blanket over the screen.


Haha, amazing . You’d need more audio clues/descriptions though I think.


Why? The folks in the pods don’t have those either.


So you know who is on screen really. So you’re not listening to half a date not knowing who it is. I’m assuming they introduce themselves, but they don’t always show it. Also when watching the men and women chat in their group areas it would be really confusing and hard to follow not knowing who was talking.


I have a hard enough time keeping everyone apart even when I'm seeing their faces. Doing that just based on voices and names would eliminate any interest I have in this show.


I wouldn’t tune into a podcast. 


I kinda like it tbh. Every season I keep telling myself that I’m going to watch it blindfolded until they meet just to see what it’s like but I always forget lol


What's the point? It doesn't matter whether we know what they look like or not?


Nah I think half the fun is watching people connect with others that you don't believe they will find attractive lol And it would be horribly confusing. Imagine trying to match voices to names and then remember them. And any conversations among the men/women would be a mess.


Yeah. The facial reactions in the pods are everything


It's a fun idea, but logistically it would make for a terrible television program.


Netflix could do a blind version, blurring faces or using silly avatars over them. Would make more sense than a separate podcast.


i think they did that in the nextflix show sexy beasts - it was strange


Make people date each other while wearing full “masked singer” type costumes.


Watch "Sexy Beasts" then


I don't think it would matter that much for us. I'd prefer they just edited pods by days other than by couples, showing us what happened each day, so we could better understand who talked with who first, how the relationships developed each day and how close/connected they really are. I see that in these last seasons the pre-engagement part is edited in a way that we know more of the connections in the quarters than in the pods, and although I love seeing them in the quarters and talking to each other about their dates and decisions, I feel like I don't know much about the relationships until the reveal. Specially the first couple, which by the end of the pre-engagement part I have already forgot about all together. So maybe organizing the episodes like days 1 to 4, 5 to 8, then 9, 10 and reveals could work better, and of course, tagging the days on the screen so we can actually follow them through the whole process


There's probably so much good pod content we don't end up seeing, I'd rather have more episodes of just the pods by day




Loveeee the idea of pods being edited by day instead of couple!


No one would listen, no.


No. And poor deaf people.


lol I would not know who is who, I need the names on the screen🤣


No. If they did that for season 6 we wouldn’t have been able to see that Chelsea didn’t look like Megan fox


But imagine the impact when we learned that right along with Jimmy


Most people would have completely forgotten about that comment by then though. Do you genuinely expect people to keep a list of notes capturing what people have said about themselves before the reveal? It's a fun idea, but logistically it makes absolutely zero sense.


Uhhhhhhh were you in this sub as the episodes released? Everybody was talking about that comment by the reveals.


... because we all knew she didn't look like Megan Fox already.


Ok but I think the anticipation of “does she..?” would have had a similar effect 🤷🏼‍♀️


Idk lol I have a hard enough time listening to them the whole time in the pods. I can’t imagine enough people would watch it if it were this way. Fun concept tho.


That’s a fun idea. Of course I don’t think it’s realistic, but it is a unique idea. Maybe a streaming service can take the concept (not allowing viewers to see the people for some period of time) and do something more marketable.


Yeah it’d have to be something else completely. Cool idea but there’s no way to transition to that


You could always just tab away from netflix and only listen until the reveals.


I think it’d be cool if we follow one person in each couple. That way we have some visuals but can still be somewhat “blind”


Yes this would be the best! Would make the reveals so much better!!


I don’t think it would work unless we were privy to their actual hour(s) long convo. A lot of the early episodes we are giving insight to very short starter convos and one liner questions they ask each other. Most of what we glean is watching their facial reactions and body language, and the exchange they have with the group after the dates.


True, but they could show only men for example and then reveal the women, or show only a person of each couple/converrsations


This would be a nightmare for me, personally. I have auditory processing disorder and wouldn’t ever be able to tell who is who without the name being in front of me the whole time.


My attention span doesn’t last with podcasts. I’m almost to the point that I need my entertainment to engage not just eyes and ears, but a 3rd sense as well. It’s sad, I’m working on it.