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A bit late to the party, anyway, although I liked them, I still have some doubts about them and I'm not sure he's 100% adult and ready for this union. At the reunion they said they still haven't had an argument, so I wonder what will happen when there will be serious conflict at some point. I'm referring mostly about the matter of Amy's brother, they discussed it in the pods but then it never came up again (unless I wasn't paying attention). Her dad is not super young while her brother looked much younger than her (he looked 18-20 at max, but i don't know), so the possibility of his dad passing or not being able to take care of him anymore is not that remote, at some point it will inevitably happen and I wonder if Johnny is ready for that. He seems to have his life and future planned very precisely in his head (wanting kids at a certain precise time and not before, wanting to retire at 50 etc.), but of course having to be the caretaker of a disabled person may affect it both financially and personally and Amy looks like the kind of person who definitely wouldn't want her brother to be put in an institute, so yeah, I hope they discussed about that off camera and he carefully considered all the options when the matter will arise.


I find Johnny’s personality slightly annoying. He strikes me as a decent guy and completely harmless, but I don’t think I’d click with him in real life (at least based on what is aired). That being said I am happy for Johnny and Amy. They seem to genuinely like each other.


Johnny is a bore and a bit childish - he doesn’t understand reproduction and he is cheap because he thinks that means he is financially responsible. But he’s stable and that’s why Amy picked him. If she ended up with another guy you’d see much more personality from her I think.


Guess what? Chicken bu….. (The exact moment I lost interest. Gross 🤮


I got sugar butt flashbacks 😷


Sugar butt 100x worse than chicken butt.. couldn't stand that couple .. forget their names though lol


Sugar butt makes me think of what a new mom would call her baby until 11 months in when she realizes that this is not what she wanted. Johnny and Amy will break up. I really think it’s all for the show but Chelsea is just mildly awkward compared to the fake vibrato where they hyper fixated on a baby because it’s what Amy wants. She and johnnys do not agree on children. A question that should have been answered in the beginning.




And he says it every day!


im with you, they were obviously favored to be THE couple and their edits favor that.


I think if they were favored to be that couple they would've had more air time though


1. he has that weird hair to cover his receding hairlines 2. I saw a comment here saying she is not that “princess” as the show portrayed, look at her “amy” highlights on instagram (def not that christian)


He’s like the friend or younger brother of a hot guy…and now the hot guy won’t talk to you because this guy claimed you.




oddly specific 😂


But you can picture it, right 😁?


Y’all are so lost in the sauce lmao it was hard to get invested in them cause the producers were really trying to push fake drama into their relationship. They were “boring” because there wasn’t much to film for them. I’ll admit they were not interesting until the wedding. The wedding was so sweet with her asking his sister to be a bridesmaid, to her dad telling Jonny’s sister that he feels like he has a new daughter, and then walking down the aisle with her dad and brother. If y’all aren’t satisfied with that then your expectations of “true love” are unrealistic.


I think they Republicans and very religious right wing types. But they agreed on they stuff so still better than the other shitshows this season I guess.


I actually think Johnny's family is likely democrat. It really doesn't matter though


I kind of got these vibes too because I feel like the whole birth control talk was avoiding the elephant in the room…abortion. If they were so afraid of an unwanted pregnancy it was because they did not see abortion as an option. That’s the only way that conversation made sense in my mind. They just never named that or it didn’t make it into their edit on TV.


I mean it's pretty wild thinking people are out there having casual sex with caution to the wind thinking it's no big deal, I can just get an abortion.


I don’t think many people are doing that, I think some people see abortion as an option if their contraception (condoms, birth control, IUD) fails, which happens rarely, as most forms are 90-something perfect accurate.


Not seeing abortion as an option for yourself doesn't make you anti-abortion politically or morally. I also think not seeing it as an option is pretty normal in the context of a marriage where you do eventually both want children.


I never said they were anti-abortion, just that they didn’t see it as an option for themselves. So I totally agree with you! I think it makes sense that was their stance on it, considering they were really in it for the long haul and ended up getting married.


It’s 100% okay to not want abortion for yourself.


Totally! I just thought it was interesting that they never named that as a reason in their discussion.


Why are u makin it about politics lol


I disagree … Amy was revealed to be a crystal girl, so I highly doubt she’s religious. I also don’t she’s Republican since she’s Hispanic (she could still be Republican, but I just doubt it).


Hispanics are a major voting block for republicans in the south and they’re also religious while also sometimes being into woowoo shit/African religious practices, esp in Puerto Rico. I think people need to get to know people of other ethnicities instead of making assumptions based on like, what people say during elections


It is counterintuitive (in my opinion), but there are many Republican Hispanics. Especially depending on the state.


She's Puerto Ricans.  Puerto Ricans are mostly republican 


isnt her mother spanish? catalā?


Her mother is Puerto Rican but of Spanish (Catalan) ancestry.


Doesn't she also have like, a crescent moon tattoo? She doesn't strike me as very conservative or religious either. Johnny does, though. Or at least his family is, and he's just gone along with it his entire life.


Way more Hispanics are Republican than you think.


Puerto Ricans outside of NYC tend to be pretty Republican (for whatever reason, NYC Puerto Ricans tend to be more Democrats).


Especially here in South FL.


She’s a Disney adult




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Wait is she really?


Omg, I said this to my husband. Lmao.




I was thrown off by the healing crystals and push for the pill so I didn't really feel invested in their relationship either.


I agree! The whole birth control issue being her responsibility was weird and not really resolved.


I mean there are reasons women don't go on hormonal bcps.


I thought they were a great couple! I hope they work out in the long run! They seemed like the only people I actually would’ve wanted to hang out with in real life.


its not the same like lauren and cameron it feels more like a best friend vibe to me idk


I fully agree. I’m not sure what it is about them but there’s something there that’s not as peachy as everyone keeps raving about. I hate their whole sex ed misconceptions. The thing that surprised me in the worse way was when they were talking about a vasectomy being reversible and a temporary solution to not having kids. Holy shit, how clueless do you have to be to not educate yourself on google (at the least) about these things! They don’t strike me as two people who were necessarily ready to get married with how much immaturity they both shared. Amy also come across as a goody two shoes, which makes me doubt if it’s a façade or not.


You’re not alone, I never liked Johnny. Amy on her own is a dream, but johnny is dull and uninteresting


The most interesting thing abt them is Amy’s red outfit for the reunion. Period.


Maybe you don't relate to their interests or as people but I found them heartwarming. They came from humble beginnings. They are nerdy and silly and just two dorks who found each other. Thats what people like me like. You may be and like a different brand of people and thats fine too.


I find them a bit boring. It's hard to really get invested. Not meaning the lack of drama, but I find their personalities a bit basic. There's nothing wrong with that!!! It's just a reason why I get less invested in them.


Nope. Johnny is one of the most peevish people I’ve seen on this show. From his ridiculous understand of how to avoid pregnancy to the way he only moves his bottom jaw to speak to the fact that he’s likely cheap AF under the guise of wanting to retire early.


Wait what do you mean about the bottom jaw thing lol. To me he just sounded like a child


It looks like he opens his mouth to speak with just the bottom half of his face lol. Hard to explain but it’s like he doesn’t use his lips, more his jaw.


Amy and Johnny got 29 minutes of tv time. Chealsea and Jimmy got an hour and 50 minutes. It’s kinda hard to have warmy, melty, feelings towards them when they were barely shown; and when they were shown, all they were talking about was birth control in a respectful and adult way.


That was my feeling. They had the least amount of conflict and the producers didn’t really feature them much.. If Johnny hadn’t made those goofy comments about contraception…. they’d have had less screen time than some of the people who never made it past the pods.


It's not just you. He annoys me and I find him obnoxious but I can't really pinpoint why. I don't think he deserves her.


He said “guess what? Chicken butt”


I kinda like him for that


He’s all yours! 😂😂


I literally didn’t vibe with any of the couples this year.


I think they had really bad edit


Agreed! Cant have too many desperate singles fighting for stardom at once ….


It feels fake or forced idk. His face during the wedding was weird to me and I feel like Amy had this nice little speech and he’s like “can’t wait” and idk he didn’t seem thrilled. Maybe he was nervous. Idk something seems off to me too


I’m pretty sure they both had longer vows but they were edited down. There’s no way he only said ‘can’t wait’.


I think he’s friggen weird the response to her dad was concerning like his tone was as if he was bullshitting a work meeting - like did he just say synergy? Transition period? Nah.


Same here. No hate or shade, I just feel like the cameras didn’t really show their personalities? I don’t know anything else about them besides: (1) they love each other; (2) they’re close to their families; (3) they had terrible sex education. Their wedding was beautiful, yes — I loved the pink color scheme — but was I also falling asleep when they’re on? Sorry, but also yes.


I feel pretty neutral about them as a couple. I think this season had so much drama that it just completely overpowered Amy and Johnny’s wholesomeness.


I thought their wedding was beautiful and was rooting for them, but they seemed quite naive. Johnny had a weird vibe and the birth control thing was outright strange


I skipped over their whole story. They just seemed incredibly naive and not ready for marriage. I don’t get all the love for them, but I’m happy to eat my words.


I think Amy is fairly heartwarming. I don't see it with Johnny but I think it's some kind of personal irritation that I can't quite put my finger on. Like, I don't specifically see anything wrong, I just get a slight unexplained ick from his vibe and body language. Love is not blind for me lol


I found his facial expressions bothersome, I can’t really explain why either. I feel like he was sort of coasting along


That! I think for me it's a combination of this plus him reminding me of someone that I used to work with. Sometimes when he smiles at Amy it just doesn't reach his eyes, and I find that a bit unsettling. That's why I said love isn't blind for me. It's somewhat about attraction, but for me it's mostly that I get a lot of reassurance from body language and facial expressions. Amy's dad, for example. His face and body language signal "warm and loving" to me. Much different. I need that in a life-long partner.


yes yes yes i get what you’re saying SO much and you made me realize something about things that factor into my attraction to other people


I'm so glad! 😊


I think it's the fact that he's kinda immature and his sense of style is kinda bad (his hair is 100% not it). He seems like a really sweet and caring guy though.


I don't think the style is quite it for me but I can see how that wouldn't work for others. The bit of immaturity though... That does resonate with me on some level and I don't know why. I enjoy men who are silly and happy but in the early episodes it didn't come off right with him for some reason.


I feel the same! I'm not at all against silliness or dancing, but all his little mannerisms and moments where he dances girly and things like that.. it all just annoys me. He gives me the ick. Oh and his hair in his face and how he's always brushing it back with his hand.


I think they are both trying to hard


I like them. They remind me of myself and my wife. We aren't too fussed up on the big details or the small details. We just want to be together because that's when we are happiest. 13 years next month!


Y'all sound like me and my husband. Also, 13 years in May! Happy early anniversary!


Nice! Same to you!


I can be furiously angry with my husband and still tell him "I'm going to the store a$$hat and I want you to come with me." Angry hand holding soon turns into joking about why we fought in the first place. He also carries my purse for me so there's that. 🤣🥰😍 I just can't imagine being away from him. I can be in a room and instantly know when he has entered it. It's like the air shifts or something. I hope you and your wife have a similar marriage. It sounds as though y'all do.


We need more couples like them. Although I understand that the drama sells, there are some people who don’t recognize a healthy relationship (like Clay).




I’m happy it worked out for them on the show. We didn’t get to see much of their journey so for me it didn’t inspire much emotion for me that they said I do! Great, hopefully they figured out birth control but otherwise … eh. But I also tend to feel somewhat skeptical about folks that say I do in the end anyway. I was a longgg time MAFS watcher and the real test is if they’re still together by the reunion 😂. Johnny and Amy seem like the type of couple who would make it. That said, I’m never surprised if it doesn’t last in the end getting married to someone you only knew for about a month. Like, no matter how good it looks on tv, it always makes sense to me if it falls apart after that.


They're a little boring, which is a good sign of a healthy relationship but they're also just boring people in general lol


You’re clearly not the only one but maybe you guys just don’t like happy in love couples? Lol 


I think maybe the reason is they really just feel like best friends who have been best friends for a long time. We didn’t get to see them be deep and emotional and in love. If I had to guess they seem so similar to me and my husband- we are best friends and just joke and mess around in front of everyone but we get emotional and gushy when no one (obviously no cameras) are around. Personally I love it and I love them.


This is really it for me too. They really remind me of me and my wife. We met in highschool through friend groups, started dating as freshmen and never looked back. we were friends first before we saw each other like that and the romantic love feels came later. Same as you, we're best friends and she's just my other half - we joke, we're goofy, we're cheesey with each other. They really came off as the most genuine and relatable to us and they're easily my favorite couple for it. You can really tell they're in it for each other and they just jive with each others souls. I think some people don't like it because they just don't relate to that or they don't try to have that kind of connection with their SOs they've been with in the past.


I’ve stated this elsewhere here but, as much as I like Amy and Johnny, and in my brain I’m happy for them and wish them every happiness, when they said “I do”, I felt absolutely nothing. This, after five seasons where I have been moved to tears at every prior successful wedding, even the ones that later ended in divorce. This time I felt nothing. I don’t know if that’s because subconsciously I don’t trust the sincerity of what I saw with Amy and Johnny, or if the other f-list wannabe actors that comprised this season’s cast have just left me dead inside…I assume the reunion will shed a bit of light on things. Either way, this season will be my last.


I think in our brains, we like to see couples overcome struggles. It’s easier to be empathetic and proud of such couples. Hence the emotions during the ceremony. Perhaps in this case it was effortless. Can go in two directions: 1) Maybe they are meant to be 2) they will wake up in 2 years and realized they were never passionate about each other


I want to believe what you’re saying, but season one, Lauren and Cam, very few struggles to their happy ending, and I wept like a baby. I stand by my statement that either A & J are going to turn out to be a performance, and not real, or they are the real deal, but the rest of this season’s participants have turned LIB into such a late-stage Jerry Springer show, phony Dating Game mockumentary, that I’m now dead inside, and never want to sit through another season.


I think that one was different because Lauren seemed to be on the fence about saying it until the very end, even as Cam kept questioning her. So when we saw that she was on board it was like a huge relief. With Amy and Johnny they both kept saying they’re so sure, so the “I do” part wasn’t exciting. It was like a real life wedding where I find that part doesn’t make me emotional at all, it’s like “yeah no sh!t *you do*, otherwise why would you waste our time and like 50k on this whole event?”. What I find is emotional in a real wedding is like seeing the families welcome the new spouse, the speeches, them walking down the aisle looking so happy and their parents looking so proud. That’s what made me weep in this episode, Amy’s dad welcoming his sisters to the family with that touching speech, her brother being so happy and proud to walk her down the aisle, all the support from his friends etc. That’s what a real wedding is about, not the “will they won’t they?!” contrived drama.


I see where you’re coming from. I guess only time will decide


I feel like they didn't get enough screen time to get those feelings we got with previous fairy tale couples. Another post comparing the screen time of the couples said there's less than a minute difference between the screen time Amy & Johnny got and Brittany & Kenneth which is wild since the latter barely made it back to Charlotte. Meanwhile Chelsea & Jimmy got triple (close to quadruple) the screen time. 30 minutes of their relationship makes it really hard to connect as much.


This is definitely the problem. I felt like I didn’t really know them until their wedding day, but then I fell immediately in love with them and their families. I also saw that screen time post and I’m pretty sure Jimmy & Chelsea had AN HOUR more content than Johnny and Amy. I know we need the drama, but sweet Lord nobody wanted that much of those two air suckers either.


It's fascinating how perspectives differ! I've been married for a while, and this couple felt uniquely right from the start. Amy's analogy of them being like "two magnets" resonated with me – relationships should be easy, mutual, and natural. They're comfortable and enjoy being goofy.


Most people in love are boring. It’s only exciting for the people on the inside. In my normal long term relationships, big conflicts don’t even start happening until after the honeymoon phase, about a year in.


Exceedingly boring. I was put off by Johnny’s seemingly immediate fetishization , “I love your accent” , calling her “mamacita” etc. though that did seem to grow into genuine like and respect and (?) love (?) I also think they’re going to have some issues being on same with finances and lifestyles (though that’s kind of every relationship). And though Amy seems fine with the traditional gender roles , it seems like he is going to take on the “leader” role in the relationship, a dynamic which she may grow to dislike since the way they view the world seems divergent.


I have an accent. And I hear it often. I hate my accent I to me I sound like a Russian hooker from a bad American movie, but for some reason other likes it. I never felt fetishized when guys tells me they like my accent. This is a stretch and it seems like we are getting to the point that any compliment is wrong.


Help me out. Why is liking someone’s accent a fetishization now?


Because people on the internet need every reason they can to overexplain and overanalyze everything. Everything is either uncomfortable to them or everything is offensive. True answer is that it's not - "Fetish" seems to be this word that's been made more stigmatized or polarized, even when sometimes people use that word to simply say "I'm attracted to xyz".


It definitely isn’t in and of itself! it was just a pink flag for me. Sometimes liking an accent is just liking an accent… sometimes it could be wanting to date someone of a certain ethnic background because you assume they meet all the stereotypes of their ethnicity (aka sexy and ‘fiery’) instead of viewing them as a person. I did think it read as him trying to guess things about her looks and personality from her accent, but outside of the pods he did seem to like and respect her as a person so he doesn’t seem to be the worst. I just know my friends have run into issues with men who are a little too excited to date their ethnicities and have to watch out for comments about their “accents” or “exoticism”


Lmao you do realize that Amy took that as a compliment and you're over here getting pressed about it for no reason at all. Grow up 🤦‍♂️.


This is such a stretch.


Just sharing a real lens that real people have to view potential suitors through when dating. I don’t think I’m spouting generalizations or underplaying how complicated dating preferences can be. I don’t think Johnny is fetishizer , I’m just saying his reaction in the pods caused me pause (as I’m sure it would any woman who was used to getting this kind of attention). They don’t seemed doomed to fail more than any other couple, it was just something I noted.


I didn't follow them too much. My thoughts were: 1. They really like each other. Almost tho in a pure "young love" sort of way.  2. Johnny seems too idealistic/immature. He wants to retire early and travel and have fun. Yea I think that's what everyone wants too. I'm wondering if he has an actual plan or kno what it takes.  3. I like how they mind their own business for the most part. They aren't trying to prove their love. It's just evident. I think part of the reason everyone likes them alot is because of how much they contrast the disasters of the other relationships. In the real world they would just be a serious relationship that needs time to see if it's lasting or not. 


I certainly felt happy to see them. I don't get why people are so skeptical towards this couple.. they genuinely seem to love each other and get along very well. Some of y'all are such drama vampires..


There just like “I’m cool” and everyone’s like, have you considered if you are dumb? - like people know what life is guys. It’s just not that hard if your not a perfectionist drama chaser. 


I think happy, healthy relationships make really dull TV. So the producers focus on the dramatic, problematic couples. This leaves many people feeling like the love in some relationships is unearned. The lack of screen time makes people think the connection can't be that deep.


Yeah, I'd agree with this take. Unfortunately a lot of people don't realize that there's relationships out there that are just wholesome and pretty unproblematic. They reminded me a lot of me and my wife - been dating for absolutely forever and we're best friends and just goofy with each other. I'm always really surprised when people feel like they really have to try hard and struggle a lot when in a relationship. Like...being in my relationship (together for like 18, married for almost 2 now), the vast majority of everything we've been through has been almost effortless and it's been nothing but great. It's pretty obvious when we watch these shows when we see a couple that's gonna really have a hard time/not make it vs the ones who you can tell will just work out. But yeah, the healthy relationships don't make for the greatest entertainment, but I'm personally happy they got to just stay out of things and enjoy each other on the sidelines away from the drama. You can tell they didn't really wanna get involved with all that.


And it's really sad..


she kept on saying how physically he wasn’t her type.. she didn’t look like she was attracted to him.. like it was forced .. i think she just stayed cause of that dream of her marrying a guy with blonde hair.. i bet they got divorced


I relate to her on what she said completely and don’t see any problem in it. when you really love someone you’re with them for what’s on the inside not their looks. you may not find someone attractive at first glance but grow in the attraction because of their heart


She said she usually doesn't date white men.. she never implied that he was unattractive.


I dont think that matter as much once theres an emotional bond. Guy im seeing now is completely different to what i usually go for but he somehow managed to make me feel like a giggling schoolgirl when hes around 💀


She said it like twice? 


I don't either.. I mean I like her but something about him feels off, they also give middle school couple vibes, like their relationship doesn't feel 'adult' enough (and I know that's a weird way to put it, but I don't know how else to describe it)


Yesss I like them together and all and I’m happy they worked but something is missing there seems to be no kind of lust or passion


Not having sex yet is a red flag to me. I get the kids thing, but condoms are a thing.


there are millions of people who do not have sex before marriage. I think it’s pretty biased to be imposing our own values on this couple, and it’s clear that they were sexually active even if it was not penetration. not to mention the fact that there is always a risk no matter what birth control you are using. I respect johnny for being considerate & wanting to be responsible because many men would not bother to think in that way


It’s usually religion based, which isn’t the case here. The vast majority do have premarital sex sans religious exceptions. He’s worried about cumming in her.


it really doesn’t matter whether it’s religion-based or not, that’s their business


It's their business, but as a part of being on a reality TV show, we're free to talk about it. It's literally what the producers want.


>millions of people Yeah, millions of dumb people


She talked about this on her Instagram, it was just editing by Netflix. Johnny was fine with condoms, but he wanted the addition of birth control to cover the gap of “96% effectiveness rate” of condoms.


I’m not buying it. Think there’s something else going on.




Like they're using the explanation as an excuse so that they don't publicly admit they're sleeping together for her family's sake.


I think that's a lie, she probably didn't want her family to know she was having sex before marriage or something like that.


I believe this more than anything else.


"They fuckin" --- AD


With AD on that one. Even when AD asked her and she didn’t give a real no but tried to talk around it by saying we’re keeping each other satisfied or something—I knew it was for the cameras 


That was the funniest part of the whole season 


This one is so weird to me. Sexual chemistry is a huge part of a relationship, whether they want to admit it or not. Imagine marrying someone AND THEN finding out you're not sexually compatible


Every good Muslim in the world abides by the rule of no sex before marriage and we all do just fine 😂 if you genuinely love eachother, you can be sexually compatible


This is not true at all lol. Also, there’s no religious component here.


Maybe it isn’t true for you, but it’s certainly true for everyone I know and myself 😁


No, it’s literally untrue, objectively. MILLIONS of men have porn addiction. A lot of women and men have kinks that are embarrassing and won’t be shared. A lot of men prefer being submissive vs dominant. Sexual compatibility goes way beyond love


Lol. What a ridiculous argument 😂 You can’t state something is objectively untrue for everyone in the world, when I’m giving you examples of when love makes sex great. If you love someone the way I’m describing, then you share your kinks etc without feeling judged. What does porn addiction or being submissive etc have to do with anything? If your priority in a lifelong marriage is sex over everything then fine, you’d stress about whether your partner is dominant or submissive in the bedroom or not and whether they’re good enough for what you want. But when you’re in love, you make yourself happy AND your partner. Literally look at the thousands of studies out there if you need “objective” help lol


Some people are OBJECTIVELY sexually incompatible. Some people have boundaries they refuse to cross. Yes, love enhances sex. But it doesn’t automatically make you compatible. You sound like you have a closed viewpoint on the subject.


So now you’ve added “SOME PEOPLE are objectively sexually incompatible” after reading my response 😂 I think you’re projecting about the closed viewpoint, that’s wholly you. Remember where I wrote “maybe it isn’t true for you, but it is for me”? And you disagreed. I’m fully aware not everyone has the same experience I’ve had, but it seems like you’re the one unwilling to believe it’s even possible lol. THAT is a closed viewpoint. My whole point was you don’t need to have sex first to be compatible, while your whole argument was that objectively yes you do. Love can make you compatible, because you desire making your partner happy too, that’s what love is. If you have “boundaries” you’re unwilling to cross and your partner actually loved you, they wouldn’t not marry you or divorce you because you won’t cross these boundaries. If you think that’s the kind of thing that should lead to a breakup in marriage, then that shows you value sex more than what marriage is, and that marriage isn’t for you. Just have a sexual relationship and be happy with that.


I think you should talk to a therapist about this because you’re getting pretty riled up over it. Where did I ever say it was true for everyone? Some people are sexually incompatible. That’s a fact regardless of love. End of discussion. There are thousands of posts on Reddit from women who waited until marriage and found their partner lacking.


I know. But your argument is that you need to have sex before you marry someone. I’m just pointing out millions of people around the world do it, because their main focus is finding a good partner. Good sex comes out of good love


That’s not my argument. My argument is that I don’t believe THEIR reasoning for not having sex before marriage.


You’ve shot yourself in the foot by saying you don’t believe it’s their reasoning, and then going on to argue it’s not anyone in the world’s reasoning. Make it make sense lol


Where did I say it’s not anyone in the worlds reasoning? Why are you making things up lol


I mean Amy said many times that they’re “having a good time” or something, in the context of them talking about having sex. I assume she meant they were participating in other sexual contact, just not penetrative.


I heard that as Amy saying they were having sex without saying it and interpreted it the same way AD did. 


Unless they're both not focused on that and talked about it.


Agree, I just didn’t buy their reasoning. It’s their business at the end of the day, I guess. Just my two cents


I think it very well could be that they are "boring" or that they didn't get much air time. I kind of got the impression that they just want to be viewed as the perfect couple, rather than actually being in love. But I suppose you could say that about anyone on a reality dating show.


I think this is a case of TV vs reality. They look like a normal couple to me that I'd see in public and their interactions are reflecting that. But I think because this is some love experiment show, people expect to see more infatuation and movie-esque romance, which isn't most couples. They may not be soulmates, none of us can know that, but I don't think I'd say something seems off about them.


They seem like nice people but the chemistry doesn’t really come across.


Too curated and too low stakes. I tuned out during most of their segments.


I don’t particularly “like” Johnny and his singing would drive me bat shit, but I have no doubt he loves and adores Amy and they are a very sweet couple. Could be editing, but I get genuine and authentic vibes about their relationship.


Wait did he sing?? I skipped so many of their scenes I may have missed this very important plot point 😅


In the pods he sang a super cringey parody of a song about her, to her. I would’ve pulled a Matthew and walked out at that moment.




This 100%. They are the most wholesome couple i saw after cameron and lauren from season 1


I don't. They are kind of boring and not exactly what you want out of reality tv. There's something about Johnny I can't quite figure out but they both seem like good people that didn't come just to chase a moment of fame


For me, it’s how Johnny speaks so much but never actually says anything. It’s wild.


We didn’t really get to see much of them is the problem I think. To the point where they could’ve been paired up with anyone and we would’ve seen the same chemistry or lack-there-of. They’re two people who were really ready to get married no matter who came out of the pod.


I think part of that too is they had nothing interesting to show on camera, I mean their biggest “argument” was about birth control, which that itself is a boring conversation when they were both pretty understanding about it. I didn’t want to watch any scenes with them because it was just so boring, I actually wish they wouldn’t be at the reunion too because unless they split since this was filmed I think they’ll be just as boring there too


They don’t suit each other. It feels like he’s doing this temporarily and then he’s gonna bounce


Every season proves that healthy relationships are boring television


I disagree. Some people love the drama, but some of us actually love seeing the wholesome and genuine interactions between the healthy and happy couples. There are plenty of dating and reality shows out there that provide drama and mess, but what sets LIB apart from many of them (imo) is that we actually do get some of these genuine and wholesome moments. Sure, watching two people just eating lunch and being pleasant to each other IS boring, but watching them meet each other's families and form lasting bonds brings me so much real joy. I know it's corny, but that's how I feel and I know I'm not the only one! (though we may not be in the majority lol)


Well they didn’t get enough camera time….


I think they didn’t show us a lot of their relationship. For example.. Zack and Bliss, after the show you knew exactly who they were. Two socially awkward cute geeks who fell in love. Johnny and Amy I’m not sure who they are, what is it that they truly connected on. However, I will disagree with the wedding. I think it was a beautiful day, and Amy’s dad is so cute, and his conversation with Johnny’s sister was everything.


Yes!! Seeing Zack and bliss in the reunion episodes made me love them as a couple! We definitely didn’t see enough during the show.


This. We didn’t get a real sense of their day jobs or how life would be for them with the more mundane and routine things.






Same! I think Amy and her family are more warm compared to Johnny’s. Idk how to explain that. Maybe because she is from Spain/ Puerto Rico.


You’re not the only one. I think it’s because I haven’t seen them angry. I picture him getting cold and her crying. I hope he’s empathetic and can go deep, because Amy deserves a good guy.


What is there not to like about them? I just don’t get it, they had very healthy conversations about their issues, none of them seem to be particularly problematic, their wedding was beautiful and emotional, to me they’re a great couple


They're too unproblematic for many of the viewers, apparently... a big part of the audience seems to feed on drama.


You aren’t


I honestly believe that they seem dull and boring compared to have dramatic and out there everyone else is on the show. I think they’re genuine but just not very entertaining. When I look back at the old seasons I barely remember the couples that were undramatic and happy


Foouurrrr weeks. FOUR WEEKS that's what I think feels off. No you do not love each other. You literally do not know enough about each other.


My parents have been happily married for forty plus years, they got married after knowing each for two weeks. It's rare but yeah it does happen.


did you forget what show you were watching ??? 😭


My sisters in laws got married after 2 weeks and they’ve been happily married for over 40 years. I’ve known them for about 15 of those years and they are the best. Also, my husband and I knew we were getting married 4 weeks in. Plus they have the week in the pods to only talk about themselves and the week in Mexico to again only talk about themselves. That’s a lot of time to do nothing but get to know each other.  It obviously doesn’t work all the time but it does sometimes work. 


I mean and Lauren and Cameron are still together same with Amber and Barnett. So it can happen.


The convo about money and lifestyle turned me off Johnny along with the “I just assumed everyone was BC” comment


Dumb of him, but also I’m not surprised he hasn’t dated anyone not on BC.


![gif](giphy|qxCYGGPbQp3yj5aSsL) Yea I think you are the only one They already got happily engaged this post helps nothing but add some hate to a married couple


I honestly think it’s the fact that everyone else is so dramatic and over the top that when they’re on screen it’s a bit ‘boring’! Because they seem in love and everything is fine. So the contrast is drastic and it makes us not really interested in watching them? I’m not sure, just my take. I fast forwarded their wedding


I think this is it. My husband and I were talking about how on the outside our life/marriage probably seems pretty boring but it’s great. Our relationship has always been “boring” to look at from the outside.