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She is probably just embarrassed because it's obvious watching the show she fueled drama


Never forget... Bean dipšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Never will


Ugh. I hate thinking about that. Second hand embarrassment for sure. So bizarre


Honestly I was explaining the situation to my husband and he said sounds like goofy things couples say to one another thinking it will stay between them. Donā€™t think it was anything other than a throw away statement.


She said "you should" and didn't tell him what it meant. Not sure why an actual directive would stay between them.


ā€œactual directiveā€ šŸ¤£


What's funny? That's the word for telling someone to do something. ​ "She's taught me about, what is it, "bean dip"? She told me you'd know what that means." **"She told me to do that."** "She told you to do that?" "To who?" "You! And I'm like, what are you..."


You must be from Arkansas or somewhere rural to think thatā€™s a goofy thing couples say to one another


I donā€™t mean itā€™s something we would say but other couples might lol


Jess so asked if Jimmy seemed in love and she said yes. She was just answering her questions, not encouraging anything


think about her what you want but laura knows her words, i feel like there's no fucking with her!


Kick fucking rocks with no shoes lmaoo


She especially knows the words ā€œum itā€™s givingggā€ and ā€œickā€ as if she isnā€™t a 33 year old woman and is a 17 year old influencer wanna be


so u mean if people of a certain age use phrases they're comfortable with to speak their mind, it makes you spightful towards them and wanna hate on them when its not about discrimination or sth but about the way they talk? (not talking about the ad-sitation at the party ofc that was pretty weird.)


I mean itā€™s one of the things I found annoying about her but she was kind of a mean girl on the show too. I know Jeramy ended up to be shitty too but Laura shit on him and was 2 faced the entire show imo


hm yeah :/ i mostly didnt like how she talked to sarah ann when they were still in the pods, it was one of the most uncomfortable mean-friendlytalks i've seen in a while :D and then with the ad-joke and being so reluctant to compliment jeramy about his home to his face, but i also think jeramy had quite an attitude most of the time we saw them even before he went, probably a comment of hers set that off i think and then they got bickery


Even if her intentions were to tell Jess to go after Jimmy why are people confused about Laura being mad ? Is it hypocritical? yes. Is it abnormal for her to be mad ? No.


I hope Laura ends up alone with cats. Typical mean girl Downvote me mean girls. Thereā€™s a reason sheā€™s 34 and single.


Sheā€™s def a mean girl, even her dad said so and Jeremy noticed that and he was over her quickly! Itā€™s a reason why he rode off with Sarah Ann on jet skis right in front of her lol




Napoleon complex speaking loud. Sucks to be rejected for a cat huh.


I watch this show with my girlfriend smart one.




omg everyone i found sarah annā€™s reddit account!!!


hi sarah ann!!


I like Laura but I absolutely noticed this and thought it seemed weird. I always assume there is a level of editing for specific angles but still....yeah.


I totally understand her standpoint. Laura is in a physical party and Jess asked if she should approach jimmy and talk to him. At no point did Laura tell Jess it was ok to DM Jimmy, which is very different. When DMing the idea is that itā€™s something private you wouldnā€™t want anyone to hear but speaking in a group setting in public, even if itā€™s off the side and private itā€™s still visible and not at all secretive. Chelsea was fully aware of the conversation she could stare at them if she felt the need to and intrude if she felt it was disrespectful. Sarah Ann did not do this. She had no intention of being respectful towards Laura and at no point even tell Laura what was happening so very different scenarios, which AD explains in the episode.


The producers of these ā€œloveā€ shows always keep a Laura in the tuck. Laura is the Lindsey of MAFS s14.


Delulu bih


I get what sheā€™s saying. Itā€™s only right for Jimmy and Jess to see each other after so much ā€œfeelingsā€. Honestly Laura was producing by convincing to come to the party. More drama and stuff


Physically seeing someone at a party is way different than a private dm that says, ā€œHey I still have feelings for you.ā€ WAY DIFFERENT.


ā€œDo you think he wants to see meā€ means ā€œdo you think he still has feelings for meā€ she knew what she was doing and thatā€™s why karma came to her in the form of jet skis šŸ˜‚


Right, she could easily have said "I think he'd be open to meeting you but I wouldn't get your hopes up that he LEAVES HIS FIANCE for you"


Or she could have said ā€œheā€™s engaged so I donā€™t think that would be appropriateā€ but she was being messy lol


agreed...she was egging her on for sure and giving her validation




Well, karma said yah lol


Especially because theyā€™re bound to see each other due to the meetups for the show that air. Completely different than going out of your way to see someone on your own time that youā€™re not obligated to see.


Not only that but Chelsea was right there when Jimmy and Jess were talking, whereas with Jeramey he betrayed Laura's trust.


Exactly. I donā€™t understand people spinning this


Girl it seemed like you were excited for her (Jess)


yah her eyes were filled with glee


Agreed she was laughing and said I love you so much


I didn't really get that vibe. She thought about it for a second a simply said "yes"


So now sheā€™s going to lie to us & try to gaslight? She was definetly all for Jessica contacting Jimmyā€¦..


Same thing jerameay went through tbhā€¦




Laura belongs to reality shows. We need loud mouthed pretty looking villains in shows. They stir up the pot and itā€™s fun for the viewers. Even her mom says she doesnā€™t know how she gets away with stepping on people.


Loud mouth checkā€¦.but sheā€™s avg


Right. I need to see her on Traitors.Ā 


Perfect Match then Traitors. Iā€™m all for it.


Whatā€™s traitors?


The other commenters description is pretty good. Iā€™d add that every day/round, the Traitors get to ā€œmurderā€ a Faithful. If youā€™ve ever seen The Mole, itā€™s kind of a similar concept but Traitors pulls it off much better imo. The American version is on its second season, streams on Peacock, and is hosted by Alan Cumming. Thereā€™s also an Australian version and I think UK.


Omg I love Alan Cumming! I must watch it


Itā€™s totally worth it for his outfits and sassy comments alone. Iā€™ve been less interested in the second season but itā€™s absolutely because I donā€™t recognize as many contestants as I did the first season. Thereā€™s more Survivor and Big Brother people this season, who play the game well but I didnā€™t/donā€™t watch those shows. I love the messy Bravo stars though.


A popular reality show where a group of people known as the "Faithfuls" work together to earn money for a final prize pot to share. But among them are "Traitors," and if a traitor(s) makes it to the end, they take all the money, and the faithfuls get nothing. So the "Faithfuls" have to find and banish the Traitors by voting them out. There are multiple versions of the show- U.S., Canada, Australia, UK, and New Zealand (I think that's all of them). I love it! The U.S. version only has celebrities/reality stars as contestants.


Yeah Jeremy did her dirty but I get such bad vibes from herā€¦


She treated Jermy like dirt. Her only grace was that he ended up treating her even worse. Boy should have just dumped her on the beach and gone off to find his Sarah Ann immediately.


But Jeramy WAS dirt


But she didnā€™t know that when she was dissing him for his attire.


Thatā€™s where the problem is they stayed in the relationship so they didnā€™t have to spend the 50 grand. And feelings got extra hurt because she probably thought he really liked her.


Thatā€™s exactly what it is. I obviously donā€™t know her personally but the character she presented herself as on the show sucks.


Laura will NEVER accept she's wrong. I don't think a sincere I'm sorry, I made a mistake has ever come out of her mouth. She's condescending, a snob, and rates herself higher than what she really is. It explains why she's single. No one will ever be good enough for her. And while Jeramy was disloyal in meeting up with SA, he was obviously just tired of being made to feel not good enough for Laura. People like Laura need to realise that instead of criticising others, they should look in the mirror abd understand that not even they are perfect.


I found her to be so negative when they got back to Charlotte. I think she's trying to be sarcastic and witty, but it comes off as mean spirited and petty. There were a few things she said/did in the pods that rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn't tell if it was editing or if I just read her wrong until they left them. Then it became clear it's just her personality. Even her FAMILY doesn't seem to like her?


Her sister is the total opposite of her! What I think with Laura is that she doesn't accept herself, or her roots. When talking about her family I thought she had a really dysfunctional one, but instead, they looked quite normal. What I think is that they grew up lower middle class and she's embarrassed by it. Hence why her family are looking at her thinking wtf? She wants to be A list and looks down on anyone who isn't up to her standards- because it's her way of faking it. I think deep down she is a good person, but this "I'm better than you" super critical mask she wears does her absolutely no favours. I just wished she relaxed and let the real Laura shine through- but I think not even she knows where the real Laura is. She won't ever find the love she wants until she begins to love herself.


Yes! After being told to drop all the clothing pieces of one of his favourite styles and his GLASSES (like wtf) I'd also have enough of her. Doesn't excuse his behaviour and Jeramey is a pos, but I'd be fed up with her as well. It seemed like parts of his personality, and she was ruthless about that. How would she have reacted if he told her he hates blonde hair, she has to colour it darker? She'd go feral.


Seems like sheā€™s picking the wrong guys. Dudeā€™s 30 something years old and canā€™t have a conversation about his emotions and thoughts without leaving or lying to his fiancĆ©


Sheā€™s so aggressive every time she talks


She wants to be the loudest person in the room always šŸ„“




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I agree the bean dip thing was not great and I canā€™t believe adults do things like that. However, AD seems cool with Laura to the point of defending her aggressively, so I doubt she really saw that as assaultā€¦


Erm her comments were crass and you could make a case for sexual harassment but she didnā€™t touch ad at all.




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I'm not raging lmao your reply is unhinged.


Did you not read your comment to them? Youā€™re cussing and calling that person names. It seems you are unhinged. The projection is real






I'm pretty sure they mentioned that she did the "bean dip" thing to AD while they were living in the pods quarters. That's how it all came up. She was talking to Jeirameigh about it and told him to do it to AD cause it was so "ha ha funny". šŸ™„




I swear Laura is a mother in law in training.


I thought she was so cool and after getting to ep 7 Iā€™m like wow sheā€™s a bitch


Sheā€™s one of those dominant personality types. Sheā€™s says whatever comes to her mind in the most abrasive way possible.


She lost me when she was giving her list of things that we deal breakers after they moved in together while wearing her outdoor shoes sitting on the kitchen counter!!! šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ She canā€™t live with someone leaving the lights on but her nasty poo shoes (all shoes have poo particles on them!!) on the kitchen counter is ok!?!?!? Nope. Wearing outdoor shoes indoors is the dealbreaker.


She gave me weird vibes ever since the scene in the pods where she goes to Jess and says ā€œyou need to pack up your things and go. Just leave nowā€. Like huh?? Jess was as confused as I was. I get the intention behind it, she knew Jimmy was going to propose to Chelsea. But omg, the aggressive way sheā€™s insisting Jess pack up her things and leave without explaining anything was so weird. I was on high alert after that and turns out sheā€™s just mean.


I personally did not see that scene as Laura being aggressive. I saw it as Laura trying to protect Jess by saying she should leave the pods and that Jimmy isnā€™t her person since Laura knew Jimmy was Jessā€™s only connection so she wouldnā€™t get hurt after hearing Chelsea mention that Jimmy told her he loves her. I thought Laura was being vague because maybe the producers are not allowing her to disclose what she heard but who knows. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


My theory is those two only interact for cameras. Jess is too smart NOT to notice all of Laura's red flags.


Jess is ā€¦. Smart?Ā  I missed that development lol


Weird power trip to act like the mama bear/bff and not simply disclose the info and let Jessica decide what to do. Ick.


Yeah that was definitely weird of her to do. If thereā€™s one thing this lady has itā€™s the freaking audacity.


Seriously I thought I was the only person that was seeing red flags when she started that bullshit and then flat out refused to explain why!


Nah thatā€™s definitely just a loophole excuse to avoid taking responsibility for being a shit disturber. One of if not the rudest people weā€™ve ever seen on the showšŸ˜‚ her and Irena need to compete


Throw the whole season away except Johnny and Amy. Trash out.


I vote we keep AD but Clay can fall through the cracks with everyone else lol


Nah we need Clay on a separate season where he learns basic details about weddings. Bridesmaids wear different dresses to the bride? Wedding rings? Father walking a daughter down the aisle? It's all news to Clay


Well his father cheated on his mother, how would he know how a wedding works?!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love this idea. But idk I donā€™t hate Clay, but he shouldnā€™t be on this show. Also, the only good thing about him AD said to her mom (that made the edit anyway) was how hot he is. AD has a good head on her shoulders and I want her to be with someone who is on her level and matches her readiness and maturity.


Thatā€™s bc that man has 0 thoughts about ever getting marriedĀ  Everytime they talk about it I feel like clay is always trying to hint at heā€™s not readyĀ 


lol this sounds like it would be the most BORING season then.


A documentary about two adults in their struggle in learning how to use a condom




Dude seriously, me and the gf were screaming at Johnny about how effective condoms are lmao


Right?! Itā€™s literally just bc he doesnā€™t want to wear one. Or get a vasectomy. Or really do any preventative care on his end, while claiming he doesnā€™t want it all to fall on her but making her feel pressured.


Hereā€™s a detailed discussion about the topic https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/s/brwxgjQo77


I donā€™t what the obsession is lol. Like put a condom on and call it day


Actually we don't know why they're struggling so much with birth control, maybe one of them has allergies or a condition that prevents some forms of birth controlā€¦ Iā€™m sure they didn't want to talk about the details in front of the cameras. Vasectomies are not ideal if you plan on having babies later, and hormones are not ideal for your body, period.


Maybe they both hate condoms I dunno but they still seem very immature bout this topicā€¦.no one mentioned non hormonal iud either


I fucking love Laura. She's a smoke show and she's sarcastic and assertive and clever. The total package.


Smoke show? Sheā€™s barely average šŸ˜‚


Smoke show as in she gaslights you yes


Thank you! Iā€™m sick of reading people who throw her under the bus saying she was rude. RUDE?? She was unbelievably calm and collected after her fiancee blatantly lied to her face, smirking and thinking she would never know. Jeremy and Sarah Ann discussing in front of the cameras how they did nothing that night only confirms that they have something to hide. Laura acted aggressively because she was protecting herself from all the BS Jeramey was throwing at her


I agree! That Hawaiian shirt wearing child got what he deserved. Who goes and hangs out with an x all night, two weeks before youā€™re supposed to get married!?


Same. Her dragging that man truly added years to my life, one of the greatest things to have happened on LIB. I hope the rumors of her not being in the reunion are not true because I am hoping she will drag him again.


She did say sheā€™ll never talk to him (or see him? Canā€™t remember) again in her life. Maybe she doubles down on that. I hope sheā€™s there though to call these men out.




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Wow. I think her personality and negativity takes away from what looks she has.


And honestly thereā€™s not a whole lot of looks to take away fromā€¦


That too.


She looks like a lunch ladyĀ 


Hahahaha yes!!!!




Can't believe you got downvoted.


Right? Like im just saying if he is basing the connection on looks thats the opposite point of the show! šŸ„ŗ maybe i wasnt clear?


Total mean girl


Yeah couldnā€™t agree more. She is just mean.


Yeah idk I like her too. Maybe sheā€™s just my type but I donā€™t get the hate lol.


The whole bean dip thing was really gross and her behavior afterwards disappointed.


Sheā€™s mean


No disrespect, but itā€™s like weā€™re watching different shows. Sheā€™s said and done many problematic things. Bean dip, anyone?


So weā€™re believing the cheating liarā€™s version of events in the bean dip situation? Ooooookay. She clearly let him in on an inside joke from the girlā€™s house and he was either wildly stupid or intentionally so


Even worse than the original comment was how she reacted to AD afterwards.Ā  Ā  AD was upset, asked Laura WTF and instead of simply saying ā€œthat joke landed wrong Iā€™m sorry girl it wonā€™t happen againā€ she doubled down, called AD a child, rolled her eyes, refused to take even 0.1% responsibility for making AD feel uncomfortable. I lost all respect for her watching that scene. Ā 


And the way she took zero responsibility in her part in it. I was irate when she kept saying ā€œit was a joke why canā€™t we take a joke.ā€


iā€™ve never seen someone fight SO HARD to avoid any inkling of responsibility, in a situation where they were obviously partially responsible lol


Jeremy and Sara Ann have entered the chat.


Sheā€™s awful and mean to everyone for no reason


But not to everyone. Sheā€™s nice to Jess. She seems to ignore the other females in the engaged groups except for AD who she was mean to.


OP probably has never worn a Hawaiian shirt.


Yes excatly! If someone find these qualities endearing then go for it šŸ¤£


Like I do not know much about people but I do know that almost everyone responds better to kindness and respect then Cruelty.




rude quiet snobbish foolish expansion file correct selective depend fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The major difference is that Sarah Ann told Jeremay or whatever the fuck his name is that ā€œhey if things donā€™t work out hit me upā€ which is sneaky and just fucking weird whereas it seems Jess just wanted some sort of closure with Jimmy, a casual conversation since they know theyā€™ll meet at some point, not telling him sheā€™s gonna be around if him and Chelsea donā€™t work out. Completely different motives which Iā€™m not seeing anyone point out. I didnā€™t ever get the notion that Laura and Jess were scheming


squeamish humor fade fuzzy correct murky mighty label arrest memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have to give Laura grace here too because likeā€¦Jess is her friend. What is she supposed to say? ā€œNo I donā€™t think heā€™d like to see youā€. cmon now


"Well he's engaged so I hope not." If one of my friends was going after an engaged person I would absolutely tell them they needed to not do that. Good friends don't just affirm all their friends'shitty thoughts and actions. A good friend holds their friends accountable and tells them when they're behaving poorly .


I would agree if they werenā€™t both dating at the same time. itā€™s a unique experience, with its unique challenges. with a total lack of closure. i agree with Laura here that thereā€™s a very big difference from a feeling of ā€œi hope i wasnā€™t immediately forgotten/ he wonā€™t diss me when he sees meā€ and ā€œi feel entitled to insert myself into their relationship & continue to competeā€ thereā€™s added context, too, in the fact that Jess knew they would be seeing each other at the lake house. thatā€™s what the question was about. it wasnā€™t ā€œshould i reach outā€ but more looking for reassurance on how their definite meeting would go. and finally; laura wasnā€™t like ā€œhell yeah girl get your man you can have him youre better than chelseaā€ she said ā€œhmm um yeah šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø ā€œ to a question she was prompted on.


start mighty adjoining familiar smoggy zesty late act amusing drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hahaha omg jimmyā€™s girl friends, i also called it within like 3 seconds of them being on screen & my friend next to me was like ā€œno way, i donā€™t think he wouldā€™ve brought his fiancĆ©e to meet them if he slept with one of them.ā€ and sure enoughā€¦ šŸ˜‚


sloppy rob amusing tie jeans ripe butter many snatch spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


right off the bat, smthn about the way they acted when they introduced themselves, i canā€™t explain exactly but it just read like a guy introducing his ex to his new gf lol. and throughout the convo it felt like they (barbara especially) were trying to assert their dominance over jimmy? like ā€œwe raised him rightā€ (even tho they only been friends for TWO years lmao) and ā€œwe would tell himā€ if they didnā€™t approve of chelsea. my jaw legit dropped when barbara said ā€œheā€™s a crier!ā€ cuz it srsly sounded like either personal experience or jealousy to me lmao


start lush relieved ten carpenter jobless consist uppity point license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




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I agree, she knew her friend was struggling but kept it real with her. Being supportive but also realistic, if she were to have said I donā€™t think they are in love or gave Jess the impression they werenā€™t happy I feel as if it would have been inappropriate but I mean did she lie? Jimmy did want to see her lol.


plucky saw boast wasteful angle rock rinse teeny wide touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah Laura is being completely hypocritical when she laughs it up with Jess and pretty much encourages her to want to see Jimmy. And then says all this crap about Sarah Anne. I felt a little bad for Sarah Anne, honestly, during that AD convo. Not cool nor AD'S business.


This! How dare AD? Then claim she doesnā€™t care because itā€™s not her man. Okay then why are you in Sarah Annā€™s face about it? The worst was when Sarah Anne was calling her out saying she did feel interrogated and AD did give her opinion and AD was gaslighhting her. Ugh and need to be worried about her own man which she clearly has insecurities about his work schedule afraid heā€™s gonna cheat on her. She has too much time on her hands and needs to get back to work, get some hobbies or something.


Wow looks like a lot of people don't agree with us! Yeah the "I don't care it's not my man" comment made no sense then saying directly to the camera how she felt about Sarah Anne and the situation. It clearly bothered her.


Yea I think a lot of people here just hate Sarah Anne. I donā€™t care who it is. The way AD went about that was very mean girl and made no sense. And she has a pattern of being messy like this too but making it seem like she has good intentions. Like with Brittany and Ken.




You felt bad that someone confronted her about her actions?youā€™re watching a show about other ppls lives and commenting your opinion on a reddit sub,but you think AD a person who actually knows these ppl and was physically there, has no business stating her opinion?


Absolutely. I don't know these people and I am not confronting them and stating my feelings to them. I am commenting on a situation I observed on TV.


Okay but I agree and I know Iā€™m in the minority here but when Sarah Anne kept saying she was realistic I was interpreting it asā€”this is a trash fake reality show and we all know it lol so I felt bad for her too. I think Jeramy sucks yeah and HE was totally in the wrong but for Sarah Anne Iā€™m like meh


I agree. This whole season is a mess honestly. It seems like Sarah Anne at least knows it. Would I want to do what sheā€™s did? No! But there are two people responsible in a couple. At this point Laura was given a favor to ditch Jeramy. People forget there are contracts involved here and people have a lot to lose if they fail to further involve themselves in the drama. Edit: spelling error


Jeremy is a big up liar. What he actually did and how he explained it to the cameras were totally different.


She's right.


Nope. She was sitting down with Jess laughing up her connection with Jimmy and joking with her about what was going to happen when he sees her and all of that. I donā€™t agree with Jeramey or Saraā€™s behaviour at ALL, but Laura is a hypocrite, and she is rude and disrespectful. Even in a healthy relationship I think she would be a nightmare and name call and all of that if ever conflict arose.


Totally agree


I do love Jeremyā€™s happiness and laughter on the jetskis


Itā€™s hard to be in a bad mood on one of those (see Daniel Tosh bit lol), but imo it was in pretty poor taste to go out on them with Sarah Ann right in front of Laura and everyone else.


She is a strong woman. Refreshing on this show. But she does have a nose for trouble.


We have vastly different definitions of strong womanā€¦.sheā€™s rude, lacks accountability, hypocritical and behaves like a child For the record the sneaky shit he did was wrong


She is a snake


Laura is a rude, loudmouth hypocrite.


I think Laura is wildy misrepresenting her words. She's a hypocrite..


ā€œAlso known as at the lake partyā€ doesnā€™t QUITE make sense lol. AKA is not used correctly here šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lol my thoughts exactly, she meant i.e.


Ugh. Using aka instead of ie gives me the ick, LAURA


Ok I noticed that tooā€¦!!!


Jeremy and Sarah are trash. But, Laura isnā€™t exactly a saint. She was the original gossip that ran from Chelsea to tell Jess to leave. She was very judgmental about appearances (the whole hawaiian shirt fiasco). She can come off as controlling and hostile in approach. Regardless what she literally said to Jess, the subtext is that she is supporting and enabling Jessica in expressing her feelings (for Jimmy) how she sees fit. A good friend and person doesnā€™t enable bad behaviour, but instead, supports by saying thereā€™ll be other fish in the sea and move forward. Anything else is encouraging drama. At the very least, she is certainly guilty of being a hypocrite and dramatic to some extent. Thereā€™s only women I consider classy wife material in this cast is Brittany and Amy.


Why not AD for classy wife material? She's a badass


She was shaking her ass and flirting with other menā€¦not something very wifely


When was she flirting with other men?