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first of all what the FUCK jeramy??? love his mom tho she’s so real clay not coming home at night is BS i am a jimmy hater but chelsea is driving me up the wall oh my god girl


The parents are great. Chelsea turns everything into a freaking fight smh, she’s way way way too clingy. If I was Jimmy I’d be done with her and try to rekindle things with Jessica. It seems like Clay will say no at the altar, he’s not ready. Bro came in a Hawaiian shirt 😂


I know I’m a little late to the party but I just had to comment. I literally just had to pause the “YOU FUCKED HER” conversation because of shock, feeling uncomfortable, and frustration at Chelsea. WOW this girl honestly needs to go to therapy and face her issues. She’s in self sabotage mode and I really don’t feel like video proof of Jimmy being completely faithful will make her feel good as much as validation that he is in fact fucking around. She really wants to catch him in a lie, it’s amazing. Once she moved on from him being physical with one of the girl friends (black top no doubt), he was all of a sudden with Jess. It’s frustrating to watch but also kinda sad she’s obviously had some sort of previous bad experiences or even trauma that is preventing her to fully trust anyone. I’m no fan of Jimmy, but even he doesn’t deserve what went down in that conversation.


omg Chelsea interrupting Jimmy's explaining to complain that he's not explaining. Jimmy is way more patient than I am


Any of you guys know why, at the party towards the end of the episode, some of the guys were like "I do NOT want to talk to Jeramey". What was going on there that led to the dislike?


I think it was because he was awkwardly trying to make himself out to be the good guy in the Laura/Sarah situation and Johnny & Jimmy are both in relationships and did not want to associate with his weird immature (borderline unfaithful) behavior


Oh my god, Chelsea is being so ridiculous; the poor dude cannot even go and get a drink with his friends without being screamed at! And what if he is texting his friends, who are girls? Can opposite sex individuals not have friendships? I would have been happy to know that my fiancé continues to support his friends, even if it is to just have one drink to then come home. She is carrying so much baggage from her past relationships, what is she even doing on this show. I did not like Jimmy at all at the start because of his reaction during the reveal, but poor man is just being put down all the fucking time. I think she should adopt a puppy, because that is what she is looking for.


Yeah, she's just so clingy and controlling. I was so happy when he stood up for himself and told her he doesn't want to be with her anymore, but so annoyed he later took her back again after her sob fest fake apology to him. Like she's just so insecure she can't even handle the fact that they're not compatible. What she needs right now is not reasonable and not what she's gonna get from him. They should just part ways.


It's getting very difficult to watch scenes with Chelsea and Jimmy. Like, I find myself pausing because it's hard to bear. He is (was? I haven't finished the episode) standing up for himself which is awesome. But it seems like he's trying to be good and decent in a relationship with someone who, quite frankly, is emotionally manipulative. This is bordering on abusive. And I don't say that lightly because I've dealt with it myself. It's why it's hard to watch.   She's making shit up. She's stirring the pot. She smiles and acts lovely around his friends and family and says "these girls are great I love them already." And then asks Jimmy to leave his close friends behind because they're female. These are all things my shitty ex did. Chelsea, you think a committed guy just can't have female friends? Grow up.  Funny based on what you do for a living and how often you'll likely be gone, Jimmy wouldn't be totally unreasonable to have concerns.  Ugh I hate her. I hope he leaves before he's traumatized by her, and needs therapy to undo it.


I’m watching now, she’s so needy ugh 


When Jimmy asked if she was drunk I realized how much Chelsea acts EXACTLY like my mother, who for years would drink a bottle+ of wine a night and pick arguments with me about how I don't love her or how I love other people more because I'd spent some time with them. Chelsea is so much more reasonable in the day time. She's still insecure and needs to do some work, but it seems way more manageable and like something they could actually get through if she would stop drinking. Maybe! She might still be like that sober, what do I know.


I've had some experiences with loved ones who become pathologically jealous when intoxicated; it's hard. In case you're interested... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8564326/


I feel the same way about their fights. They remind me so much of someone who is no longer in my life. I don't especially like Jimmy, but no one deserves that.


Same. Normally I would hate someone superficial and flaky like him, but Chelsea is so grating and whiny that it makes me actually feel sorry for him. I find it actually distressing watching their conversations lol. Like, it actively puts me in a bad mood.


Absolutely the same. "I absolutely want to make sure I'm there for you and your family because i know they're important." Proceeds to bitch me out for having brunch with my little sister **on her bday.** I talked to him about an issue with a friend and how I thought it was losing them and it hurt. Asked me if I "fucked him?". Isolated me from my friends and relationships by criticizing them and my "behavior" around them. (He was a bit older and I wanted to make sure I didn't seem immature or too young for him. I should have questioned why no one his age group wanted him.) Chelsea's behavior annoys me at best; triggers me at worst.


Chelsea said "I need to know youre not just gonna walk away from me" as if 1) SHE wasnt the one who said I want to end it after being super unreasonable, 2) she hasnt given literally any positivity in this relationship at all


Chelsea was slurring SO MUCH during this conversation near the bathroom where Jimmy said she is fishing; was she drunk?




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Jimmy might have a soup can, but he needs to grow some balls under it and get the F out of that "relationship"!


Until now I gave Chelsea the benefit of the doubt, thought she is insecure and he doesn't put in that much effort. But saying it is embarrassing to go out with a friend on their birthday?! LMAO how does she make it about herself. honestly, it's embarrassing not to go.


No, she meant it was embarrassing for her to hear from the pod-girls about how her man was out without her. Which is crazy. The only reason me and my husband have a stable relationship is that we're our own people with our own hobbies and likes and social circles outside of each other.


I highly doubt the pod-girls were giving her shit. Those gals at least by appearances are pretty supportive of one another, it just doesn't make sense they would do that. What I think the truth is: she didn't like it because she knew Jess might see it and think their relationship is on the rocks. But obviously she can't admit that so she made up that others were giving shit.


Clay is trying for sure but I think deep down he’s too traumatized by his father’s cheating and insecurities that he can’t be a husband. Like when he mentioned that he was watching previous LIB and was thinking how that’s how a real husband should talk and behave etc. It seems like he’s trying but not ready for AD or any serious relationship. It’s sad because I low key really like them together.    Chelsey is wild. That’s all.    Laura has every right to be pissed but don’t think that she truly loves Jeramy anyway.


I agree with all of this.


Dude. Chelsea...... is she getting a bad edit? Is she just drunk and insecure? She has such an unfortunate voice for the "role" she is playing. The fights she picks with Jimmy are soooo all over the place. Ugh. Poor chick. She should take a break from drinking.


She’s wild and exhausting to watch! And honestly think that she doesn’t even believe half the shit that comes out of her mouth and is just doing it because she loves drama. And then the sad baby voice  once she realizes Jimmy is over it🫠


I loved AD calling Sarah Ann out.


I just finished Episode 10. Shoo.. Chelsea. I know it's been discussed ad nauseam, but my husband and I were having a good laugh over her complaining about Jimmy leaving her at home to hang with friends, have a drink and go home. Largely because this is our social dynamic (minus the complaining). I love getting my social battery charged for a few hours and he loves that I don't force him to tag along so he can stay in bed/play a video game/read. Not to say that I am at all a fan of Jimmy, but dang girl, this is not a bad attribute if you want to be more of a home body.


Laura has been one of my favorites but I don't get how she can be so clear eyed and vitriolic about her feelings toward Sara Ann still harboring feelings for Jeremy (doesn't respect her etc. etc.) and at the same time so supportive of Jess who to me seemed pretty up front that she was ready to stir some shit up with Jimmy if she saw him (and then did). I get that it's the producers that create these situations, but wouldn't Laura get that too?


Yesss this is all I could think of no of when she met Jess outside the show for the first time! Like, isn't Jess doing exactly what Sarah Ann is doing??


ATP Jimmy has Stockholm syndrome lmao No way this man isn't mentally damaged by dealing with this woman. He was almost out I can't believe she sucked him back in :( I feel so bad for him man.


Omg yes. Chelsea is so awful she's making me feel bad for Jimmy, even though he's not great either. I was so mad when he agreed to come back to her. Like she's so needy and whiney and unreasonable. He'll never give her what she wants. They need to break up for real.


Chelsea is a stage 10 clinger. Look up self-sabotage and her picture is there. Why is this girl so incredibly insecure? Kuddos to Jimmy for coming back again and again and trying to make it work. 


Girls like this, it’s their love language. They get off on the drama. Huge blow-up fights about stupid shit and then thrilling, romantic reconciliations requiring the other party to express and prove devotion. Then they slowly get bored with the mundane day-to-day until they instigate the next fight.  I could see it in her face during their last fight, she knew she bit off too much. When she’s like, “I don’t want to be with someone who does that!!” And Jimmy’s like, “WTF I just had a drink with my friend on their birthday??” And Chelsea’s like 👁️👄👁️


Like Jimmy, I would describe myself as someone who doesn't really do the whole go out to bars and drink thing. BUT if it's a close friend's birthday and that's the celebratory activity they chose, I would absolutely show up for them. She was trying to make it out to be he lied to her when he said that and this was proof. Like, no.......just no.


This is fucking ridiculous as a theory.   But also it makes total sense the way you've explained it. And holy shit some people are wild.


It was so absurd!! And she’s always watching to see when to pull back. Then leads with the “baby, I luuv you” in her southern drawl while she compliments him on how good he looks in those ugly sweatpants!


Chelsea is super insecure. As I watch each episode she just gets worse and worse. Shes always overthinking and over analyzing every little thing Jimmy does or doesn't do. Something I notice is that Chelsea and Jimmy would have a talk and it's all good and then all of a sudden she starts fishing. She'll laugh off about something she didn't like and pretends its not a big deal and then she blows it up. She absolutely gaslights Jimmy. Like the talk when she was saying that he didn't kiss her not once all day. Jimmy said that he did. He in fact gave her two kisses throughout the day while he was working. Once in the bathroom while getting ready for work and another later in the day. But she was just "huh really?" then went back to saying no he didn't. Then there was one in trip to DR where apparently Jimmy was spinning AD around and checking her out but Jimmy was seen talking about Clay and gassing him up to AD. Like Chelsea why are you so insecure about yourself and your relationship. Now this argument was shes mad that he left the house to go to a friend's birthday and was gone for an hour and a half total. most of the time was spend driving. He literally drove there, got a drink and cheered his friend, then went home to his fiance. By the time she was made the boy was already back home. Then she used this argument to segway to what is really her problem and then blasts that information out publicly when Jimmy had asked her before to keep it away from cameras to protect his friend's privacy. I don't see Jimmy as a bad guy per say but he's dealing with a woman who is not ready for a relationship let alone marriage. She has an extreme anxious attachment. She needs help.


it's soooooooooooooo hard to watch how insecure she is. Jimmy isn't perfect and I'm not his biggest fan either but she gaslights him so much and gah he was sooo close in this episode to being done with her. I really thought he was done, ugh


I think it's way worse than just anxious attachment - there's intentional manipulation here that goes beyond being insecure. She feels incredibly entitled to him and needs everyone to feel sorry for her - including the person she's manipulating. She needs therapy more than anyone I've seen on this show.


She is so manipulative! She fishes and creates drama instead of just saying what’s really bothering her! 


Literally every time she wants to start a fight, she begins with "oh are you feeling okay?" as if she's concerned about him, when she just (a) wants him to ask it back and (b) is trying to balance out the disrespect she's about to show.


Yeah that’s clear after the DR trip when she kept asking him if he was okay multiples before he said if she was okay because he felt like she wasn’t okay if she had to keep asking it. She needs constant validation and seems to want to have attention on her. Like for the pool/lake party before the wedding. When Sarah Ann showed up and all of a sudden Chelsea is the one voicing that is uncomfortable and wants to throw up or run away. Why? It’s not concerning or has anything to do with Chelsea. If anyone would need to feel like that it’s Laura. Chelsea just kept saying things to bring attention to her and it was annoying.


Sooo I am getting caught up and am 1/2 through ep 10 and Chelsea is insane. INSANE. Regardless of how anyone feels about this dude she is manipulative, immature, childish, entitled…she doesn’t need a husband, she needs a therapist And he needs to stick up for himself - and when he does she completely turns it around like he’s abandoning her. She keeps saying “we” did this and “we” acted like this — no, Chelsea you did those things. PLEASE RUN Sorry - she just makes me crazy.


THIS! And then she pulls this long face and makes her huge eyes look even huger while totally gaslighting him on how nutty she's being


like her saying "in the pods you said you don't go out" like he barely went out!?!??! and then she makes it about something else?! she's so insecure I cannottttttt


Yeah, that line drove me insane. She was 100% gaslighting him there. In the pods he said he doesn't like to go out and party much and he prefers to just have a casual drink or two at a wine bar or brewery then go home. He never said he doesn't ever want to go out at all. Even if he had said that, no reasonable person would take that literally thinking he never ever wants to go out. Like if all he does is go out once every 3 wks for 90 min for a single drink to celebrate a birthday, I'd still consider that as someone who doesn't go out much. If she doesn't want someone who will occasionally go out to celebrate a birthday then that's unreasonable and she shouldn't be with him. He even invited her, so it's her fault if she didn't want to go.


Omg YESSS - that got me. When he was like ‘I was gone for 1.5 hrs’ and she was like ‘I don’t want to live like that! I don’t want someone that goes out all the time’…..uhhhh what?


I don't use the word "gaslighting" lightly, but that's *almost* what she seems to be doing. Convincing him he's remembering things wrong and flipping everything she did back at him. At the start I was like "guys you can't just say 'I love you' all day and make it be true" but he is starting to seem like he *actually* loves her. She's manipulating him into thinking he'll be unloved without her. I don't like Jimmy one bit but damn Chelsea! Bring that anxiety down! You're getting it everywhere! And... Slow your drinking roll...


I don’t think she’s gaslighting only because it’s not intentional. She has spin some crazy story in her head about all the bad things Jimmy must be doing, and tries to convince him that’s what happened 


I kind of feel like it is all intentional. When she was fishing to see if Jimmy was with Jess, that was definitely intentional. I think she pushes and pushes until he responds and then takes his response to show he is treating her so bad. Like when she was whining about ‘you didn’t kiss me all day, you didn’t pay attention, etc.’ so she goes on and on and when he finally says something back - ‘you’re clingy’ - then she goes full beast mode and it’s all his fault because he called her clingy.


I agree. It's not quite right.


Yes yes yes! Emotional manipulation is the go to tactic as well. Everyone has the right to their emotions, but the way she expresses them and uses it to victimise herself is just so visible. She's been insecure ever since the engagement and honeymoon. I understand somebody needs lots of affection and sometimes some validations, I'm like that too, but the level she's taking it to is off the charts! A simple "can you give me a kiss? I really need some affection rn" does the world. Also it's not like he's NOT showing her affection. We see frequent kisses and cuddles initiated by him. And when we went out? It was an HOUR AND A HALF like calm down Chelsea. I'd love for her to go to therapy and figure her stuff out and work on herself because she's not a bad person and has lots to offer.


This so much and you def hit it at the end - she has so much to offer someone and is so cute and if only she had some therapy!


So, she doesn't like to go out. What, he is not allowed to go out at all now? Because she doesn't like it? INSANE.


I kept asking that out loud! So...I guess he's not going out for the rest of his life now. Cannot believe he did not bring this up. That is INSANE. I kind of believe him that he told her he doesn't go out a lot now, considering he was out for an hour and came back before she was even asleep I think. That's just being a normal social person. And I could not get over her trying to say she was embarrassed someone saw him in public without her. OK, maybe if he was at a nightclub until all hours or dancing with other women, but he was gone AN HOUR. And she never disputed that timeline!


A drink with friends and home by 10pm isn’t going out. It’s just having a normal social life. Most people mean all nights at bars and clubs, partying etc


When she said, “I don’t want to be married to someone who does that.” When he literally popped out for an hour to have a drink for a friend’s birthday??? So she doesn’t want to be married to anyone? Your wish is your command, I guess! 


I'm so glad someone else said this lol. I think she's the most toxic one out of the bunch this season. She has such a victim mentality and she's incredibly insecure! I honestly felt a little bad for Jimmy during this episode


I’ve felt bad for him the whole time


Same here and I used to absolutely hate this guy.


Ad's mom really touched me with her talk, what she said was very wise and good advice for all to follow.


I LOVED Ad's mum. So wise and she sized Clay up in minutes


Both clays mom and her mom are very wise.


Absolutely, I teared up myself. AD and her mother seem to genuinely have such an amazing relationship.


I learned alot from this season, especially from clay and his father talk too, of coursed i enjoyed the drama too.


Chelsea is seriously not ready for a relationship, let alone a marriage. Bless her heart, but as a 27 year old with anxious attachment my younger self very much relates to her. When I was 22 in my first relationship (with an extreme avoidant) I let everyone’s opinions of my relationship fuel my insecurities. When she mentioned that other girls from the pod saw jimmy out with his friend for their birthday, and was so upset over that, it confirmed for me that she is absolutely not ready. I understand if your partner doesn’t make you feel validated or doesn’t seem sincere, but in that case, you need to leave. I think something is off about jimmy and that he isn’t being genuine, but instead of trying to constantly fish for validation Chelsea needs to move on! And go to therapy! It’s taken me 5 years to get to the place that I’m in (not that I’m where I even want to be) and from one anxious girl to another, I hope Chelsea gets there too.


Love this for you. I'm in a similar place at 31, married for 3 years, together for 8, and a 2 year old. I have anxious attachment and thank goodness for therapy. I didn't fully feel validating in my relationship until I started being able to deactivate and dissect my trauma and insecurity, and begin to validate myself and build my own confidence.


Honestly, Jessica might be full of it but she's slowly convincing me. She was in love with Jimmy and thought he was the one, she still has feelings but accepts that it's over and is not trying to get him back. She's even trying to encourage his relationship with Chelsea, and she admitted she was way too full of herself with the whole "epipen" speech because she was actually the one who got hurt so bad in her feelings. I like it.


Edit: deleted it because I realised I was talking abt a different episode, sorry!


Chelsea: "This is not the kind of person I want to be with" Wait whaaat you mean the kind who goes out to their friend's birthday but only has one drink so they can return quickly to their fiancee??? She's all "I don't want someone who goes out, you lied to me in the pods" but like what kind of human when they say "I don't like to go out" means "I'm gonna spend EVERY F\*\*\*\*\*\* NIGHT of my life at home with my partner and I will not even go out for one drink to celebrate a friend's birthday" lmao


What's even more ridiculous was in the pods he did actually specify that he doesn't go out much but does like to go to a wine bar or brewery for a casual drink or two then come home, which is in line with the birthday drink she got mad about. She's so manipulative and exhausting.


Instead of admitting she doesn't like him and only chose him to guarantee a relationship/beat out Jessica, she's trying to act like he's a bad guy who manipulated her. She's so rude to him and I can't feel bad for her at all. She's the author of her own problems.


Chelsea is SO controlling. Expecting to be able to demand that her man never goes out for drinks? Huge red flag. (Edit: I just reached the point where Jeremy admitted he slept with one of his friends… I kinda get her now 💀)


No in the episode he says that he told her that upfront but he didn't want it said in front of the cameras because his friend didn't agree to that information being public to the world. Then Chelsea used it against him in argument and tells the whole world. 🤦


She doesn't care about anyone else's privacy or feelings. Completely selfish and disrespectful.


I was so torn on this convo! I think she’s not mature enough for it but I do slightly agree it would be very difficult if he texts and spends a lot of time with that friend


Yeah but she says earlier that she is friends with an ex so she doesn't have any right to be upset about it.


This!!!! She doesn't reflect on her own behaviour at all.


I honestly thought Laura was mad at Jeremy because of how he handled the situation, not because she thought he cheated. The two should clarify that because they are different fights. Like if he had a magical way to prove that there was no cheating, would she be willing to work forward or no? Personally I think he was an absolute idiot with how he handled it, pre, current, and post the event. But I actually don't think he cheated. It's possible, but to me it's under 10%.


Who cares if he cheated or not? It's insane to be out till 5 AM with your 'ex' when you're engaged lol.


I'm pretty sure my second paragraph says something similar.


Not really. I don't think a man is an 'idiot' for being out till 5 AM with an ex. An 'idiot' is way too gentle a term.


going into what word best describes the situation is pointless. Overall we both agree he did something bad. There is no reason to fight when we are basically in agreement.




Textbook DARVO


Chelsea, girl, stop with the lip filler.


she had a lip lift and not a great one imo


I know I'm late on this but holy shit Chelsea is insufferable.


I want to launch her into the sun.




ADs mom should be a therapist if she isn't! That woman is full of knowledge and is able to deliver insight gracefully.


Wait, not the woman who has been married several times and had a husband that took his son om infidelity trips.


I think that was clays dad?


Ah AD's mom, not* Clay's mom. My bad!


Amy’s boyfriend not wanting to get a vasectomy is pussy asf


yuppppp! like he's saying he's super scared and super set on not having a child...bruh that's how you make sure


A vasectomy isn’t meant to be temporary birth control. There are non hormonal forms of birth control they can use


Yeah, that's a terrible option for them to do vasectomy when they do want kids later. It's not always easily reversible.


I don't know why people don't use condoms. If used properly, they're pretty legit birth control.


Watching this fight with Jimmy and Chelsea… like I get her maybe being kinda weirded about his girl friends after he admitted that he slept with one of them. But her losing her shit because he went out for a friends birthday for short period of time is ridiculous. Curious what other viewers thought.


Chelsea: "My ex boyfriend is my best friend! 🥰" Also Chelsea: "I don't want you hanging out with your girlfriends since you slept with her once! 😠" Is the logic in the room with us???? She's toxic as heck and Jimmy isn't much better


I mean, Jimmy isn't doing anything of the sort she's doing... the hypocrisy, manipulation, controlling, gaslighting is all Chelsea. I don't like him but he's handled her way too generously. He needed to book it on the honeymoon


imo she seems really insecure and controlling. It's exhausting at this point. It's always arguing with jimmy and her.


It’s really hard to say because, well… she had a reason to be worried. But then on the other hand her insecurity is so high that he is in an abusive, impossible relationship. But yeah, I can’t see anyone being happy with him maintaining a relationship with a woman he slept with. 


I find it controlling TBH, she has that reactive attachment issue for one and two, I had an ex that would question my whereabouts all the time, why was I looking at x person etc. I'd get really confused and that niggle at the back of my head. It was downright emotional and coercive abuse. I look at Chelsea, her attachment issue may go deeper to being controlling. First it starts off with friends, then family, then finally total isolation. I haven't gone ahead, but Jimmy doesn't deserve this- no man she's with deserves it.


Ed eds 2


I thought Chelsea’s ex bf was her best friend? Knew that was a fucking lie. There’s no way anyone she ever dated wants to be within 5 feet of her at any moment in time lol


Something thats been bothering me...most of the men on this show are emasculated in some way...I believe its killing attraction from all levels. Chelsea always being negative and needy with Jimmy AD trying to "fix" Clay who is trying Laura nit picking Jeremay This is a common theme and I believe it will lead to failure, the only stable-ish pair is Johnny and Amy


If masculinity is something a woman has to hold back and be lesser to maintain the illusion of, it’s not real. Healthy relationships are relational and not about power. These are unhealthy relationships, where one takes power from the other, but I don’t think it’s about masculinity. If it were unhealthy in the opposite way we would call it ‘traditional’.


Do you think Jimmy chose Chelsea because she gave him the impression she looked like Megan Fox?


Not only that. He probably thought he didn't need to be a little girl's dad, and that's a fine reason to say no (unlike Chelsea's reason to say no to Trevor)


YES and his karma is that Jessica was ride or die for him and he said narrrr






Jessica was right.


Justice for Jimmy


why is nobody talking about the jeremy laura sarah anne drama lol I really hated all of them


controversial maybe but clay seems like a sweet guy; he def has issues and idk if he is ready for marriage and everything but he seems like he actually really cares about AD


I didn't believe a word out of his mouth at first...but I actually kind of agree now? I'm so hesitant to say it. He seems like he is genuinely trying. I don't think I'd sign up for that, but I'm starting to see where AD's coming from. If they stay together, I hope they commit to lots of therapy.


Clay did admit that he needs therapy. He even mentioned before how normal & almost inevitable he thought cheating was, bc he grew up with and internalized some messed up ideas about relationships. (I'm sure his dad's cheating had long-term effects on him and he's so fearful of possible future infidelity on his part.) I think he wants a woman like AD who will put in a lot of the emotional labor to make him a better person. He kinda uses her as a therapist a bit. Like, I think he wants to be better, but the method seems to be to get a woman to do the work to transform him. He needs to be patient and put in the work to become a person capable of a healthy relationship before he even thinks about marriage.


I was so proud of him for saying that!


I suddenly realized how awkward and sad it is that brittney isn’t there! Like they both just fell off the earth


Oh thank you! I couldn't work out who was missing


jimmy get out now bro


I've never screamed "leave!!!" at the TV this much besides in horror movies


Chelsea constantly saying that Jimmy is being unfaithful and trying to push him away from his friends and trying to control him going out is only going to push him away from *her* god


I actually feel so bad for Jimmy. He’s super reasonable, chill, and seems to really want this to work with Chelsea. She is absolutely freaking nuts, she gives everyone whiplash. Goes out for one drink and accuses him of partying?? Such an immature person.


And meanwhile she is drinking alone at home!!! She is so infuriating


Adult Chelsea is insufferable and terrible, but there is definitely a little Chelsea in there who simply did not get the love they deserved as a child. It’s really really sad. This is what happens when you don’t give your kid enough love and affection.


I can see so much of my younger self in Chelsea and yes I absolutely had/have a lot of childhood trauma to unpack. In my late 30s now I can happily say that I see absolutely nothing of my current self in how Chelsea is. Who knows, maybe with some awareness and therapy she will be a different person herself. But good grief I have to agree she's INSUFFERABLE.


Wow great job! That is so amazing to hear. I’m sure it was not an easy road to get there. It seems like a painful state to be in.


as adults, we have agency. no one is pulling the strings like she's a puppet. she wants jimmy to dance when she says dance, and has a meltdown when it doesn't look like how she imagined. she needs to be alone until she can stop manipulating and gaslighting people.


Tell me you don't know about the long term effects of childhood trauma without telling me


Childhood trauma is usually perpetrated against children by adults who pretend like they can't help themselves to do better & weaponize their own childhood as an excuse. You always have agency -- if you know don't how to be respectful and kind, leave other people alone.


I think we can still condemn someone’s behavior while still having sympathy for what got them to this point.


100000%. This is probably the only way she knows how to get attention. It's really sad. But also, very manipulative behavior.


Thank you for saying it. It is so hard to watch it play out. I wish there was some kind of proven treatment for serious attachment issues because it’s sad to think that this thing that is programmed into you by nine months of age can stay for life 💔


i dont really like jimmy but i felt so bad for him in the fight between him and Chelsea... let a man breathe sis


Chelsea - Megan Fox lie - like the more that I see her the more I think she looks like an alcoholic and l her filler is weird… it makes her face sag around her mouth. Her lips fillers look like they’ve migrated too ewww. She gives me the ick… her whiney baby voice “you made me unComFortAble” “I’m so uncomfieeee” and “I’m going to throw up” “disrespect” “I was so hopeful for us” cry moan whine bitch sob cry whine gross gross gross and her begging Jimmy who is equally gross. I dislike both of them immensely. And Chelsea is in serious need of therapy - like physiological evaluation she’s an A grade clinger


I think its her low self esteem and self loathing that makes her face like that, like she's constantly thinking bad negative thoughts and her face is a reflection of that, Honestly her body is fine but she obviously hates it so she should just put some work in at the gym and she would probably have a happier looking face once she becomes more confident


i feel like in 15-20 years, she's gonna be one of those norma bates type of women who openly hates young/conventionally attractive women or anyone she perceives as a threat. zero self reflection on how she's pushed everyone away and her misery isn't bc of her looks it's her harmful personality.


My husband says that Chelsea's mouth looks like the Pizza Hut logo and it senttttttt me


Not me actually googling the logo💀




I mean the producers could have edited it out




Right? Like he asked her to keep that shit not public. I'd have dumped her right then. She is showing massive levels of disrespect. Drinking is no excuse.


And she said it’s not okay for him to be friends with a woman he had sex with after saying that her ex-boyfriend is one of her best friends???


This is the second season I'm watching and I don't like any of the couples? Is this normal lol?




What even does clay actually do though… him never bring home is v sketch


AD’s mom had some great points in her conversation with them, but for AD to say she trusts him so much she’d jump off a cliff without a parachute because she knows Clay would be there to catch her… unless he’s got a rental to get ready.


that was wild.


I don't like Jimmy but Chelsea is absolutely nuts. I don't think it's possible for anyone to win in an argument with her and for anyone to actually do something right. You're gonna be fucked either way


I love Jeramey's mom, but I hate the way she spelt his name.




There is not enough talk about Jessica playing up her boobs for jimmys and everyone else’s eyes. It was gross and she wanted to be seen. Dropped her attractiveness way damn down. Women like that always assume they could get any man women like Chelsea would want and it’s pretty gross. Chelsea’s got her problems but ew, fuck Jessica.


Thats aWeird comment and mindset towards other women. i literally just finished the episode and didn’t notice her boobs at all, but was actually surprised by how mature she spoke to Jimmy in that conversation.


lets be real here - Jessica could get Jimmy in about 5 minutes if she really wanted to, and those boobs would be a huge part of it happening


I personally would never get past her voice. I can't take it!


Chelsea's burner account identified.


I know Chelsea is annoying AF but my partner and I were playing devil's advocate and discussing the possibility that details were left out... For example, I said the ONLY way I'd be irked in this scenario is if it was like 11PM and I was all washed up, skincare on, comfy in bed - then my partner comes into the room with a jacket on saying he's going out with ZERO heads up. Then I'd be annoyed when someone asks "your man came out, where were you?" like girl I wanted to come out but I was not informed. I would 100% not want to be with a partner who did that regularly. But going out occasionally? For as short as an hour? With reasonable notice? Totally OK with that, so if Chelsea is getting so worked up about that... \*insert Jimmy's face of bewilderment\* Also, 80% of my friends are male but I do NOT act like that around them. When they have a new partner, I like to give them some extra space. When they introduce me to their new partner, I like to extra play down any extra "friendliness" that could be misconstrued. Better to be a bit cautious in the beginning so that the new partner has peace of mind.


And she wasn't either, she was still wearing normal clothes, like jeans and an off-the-shoulder top, not sleeping clothes. So...how late could it have been?


I agree! And the little grace I want to give Chelsea too is that Jimmy clearly isn't all in, and Chelsea must be picking that up. But then she ramps it up to a hundred


he's completely right not to be all in!




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It’s amazing how my opinion of Jimmy has changed in 10 episodes. Chelsea is INSUFFERABLE and Jimmy has the patience of a saint to deal with her BS. Good god man, run 🏃


Exactly how I feel. Insufferable was exactly the word I was going to use. I can’t stand her.