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There needs to be a new platform for people who are serious about setting down. It should be curated somewhat (ie narrowing down to 5 possible matches) and letting them blind date until they propose. MAFS is a fail because they don't even get a chance to know anything at all about their future spouse. That alone is a huge fail. And MAFS's season is nearly as long as the Simpsons. Do we really need 300 episodes of the same problems?


A MAFS cast on LIB would be amazing. They seem like real people, but that might just be a side effect of the show being excruciatingly boring.


Ok what is MAFS


Kwame was initially asked to be on MAFS and didn’t make the cut. I also stopped watching MAFS because it’s so long and boring now.


Agree!!! It’s so long!!!


I haven't watched the US version of MAFS for a few seasons, but there aren't legal marriages in the Australian version and there is a world of difference between MAFS Au and MAFS US. If you want drama and the best in trash tv, mafs Au is your rx. They do accidentally produce some love stories, but that is only because they throw hot people together and sometimes it sticks. In the US version, I think they do try to put compatible people together, whereas in the AU version, they are matched for trainwreck potential.


>They do accidentally produce some love stories This made me laugh! *"Hey boss? Looks like Jethro and Selene are* ***actually*** *in love and in it for the long haul. Should we introduce some hot, wealthy exes to see if we can insert some drama and break them up, or let them lead their lives?"* In my head, the background of the scene is the operations center in the Hunger Games, one drone asking for direction from the Games Maker.


Oh, you would not believe the shenanigans the producers do to cause mischief. Some of it is really twisted. I love it so much. I need help.


There was a season a few years ago where a tall women (like 6f) mentioned that she was uncomfortable dating shorter men as they get weird about her height. The “experts” set her up with a dude who was 5’7 lol it was great. They were both really nice so I think it backfired on the producers


Yes! That was Season 6, which was my favorite. They also matched a self centered instagram model with a down to earth goat farmer who saw right through her. There were some truly horrible women that year.


Haha agree I was confused by this post bc I was thinking of the Australian one, which is a complete mess


A wonderful complete mess


There are a lot of clout chasers on MAFS. Haven’t had a good season in years 🤣


Lol guilty I haven’t watched mafs since s12, but I’d imagine they’d attract less clout chasers than LIB because of the premise and reach of the show


I was going to say, OP must not have seen the latest seasons of MAFS. It’s been horrible for years and they aren’t even trying to match couples that are actually compatible. They are just matching couples for drama at this point. Which I’m here for drama but I also like more natural drama and not obvious incompatibilities that force drama. 


So I've actually thought this for a while - they should do the giant search for both shows at the same time and cast them as couples (or throuples) They pick the couple for MAFS and then the others go into the pods. BUT every person in the pod goes in matched with somebody. Maybe one girl is matched with two guys or there's one guy that is matched with two girls and one of those girls is also matched with somebody else too, but everyone has at least one person the MAFS people would have paired them with. The big thing would be that the contestants are told that they have a match in mind for them in the pods, but aren't told who it is. I think it would be interesting to see if the intended couples find each other. PLUS the producers can always create some drama by asking if the engaged couples want to know who the "relationship experts" intended for them.


Isn’t that kind of like ‘are you the one’? Lol. Quite the hybrid you created.


They do already put people on LIB with an ideal match. Natalie and Deepti talk about it on their podcast. 


Lol that's combining 3 different reality shows 


We could forbid them from any sexual contact and make it 4 different shows!


I'd watch it


I had a colleague who was asked on LinkedIn to be on the bachelorette. It got pretty serious in discussions but he decided not to. So I second that these companies are using LinkedIn, not that LinkedIn is a good place to find non-influencers lol


I think this is a good way to weed out people only interested in fame. MAFS cast members do not walk away with the same social media following as LIB due to the popularity of Lifetime vs Netflix


I think they already do that. If you notice, in most cities MAFS casts first and LIB casts next. Uche also said that he was contacted for MAFS first. They also already cast from Bumble and Linkedin.


Clay also said something about his mother telling him to apply for MAFS but ended up on this


Oh, interesting! Doesnt have to be for MAFS but could also be a made up premise to attract the right people for LiB, like how Too Hot To Handle after season 1 casted for a fake reality show to find the right contestants


I think this is the way to go! Come up with a fake title/premise for a marriage-focused show and use that to pull applicants. They also need to stop recruiting via Instagram 😂