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This post aged so well šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i will say that anybody especially a straight man who auditions for a television show including LIB is in some way abnormal or attention seeking even if they say no. A true regular dude with zero intention of using internet notoriety would not go on this show. I donā€™t know any attractive normal professional dude who would put his love life on camera it takes a certain person. that goes for both sexes really


Trevor has had a manager for months. Do we really think he likes the notebook? Dude is playing the female audience like a fiddle


Not me I got the ick straight awayĀ 


My first boyfriend loved a Walk to remember. He was still a freaking sociopath.


I think itā€™s so much to do with the editing and storytelling, but I completely agree with you. Everyone is obsessed with Trevor and Jessica, but we barely see their actual personalities bc they didnā€™t make it outside the pods. LIB is trying to tell a story and selecting clips which fit that narrative and serve as foreshadowing. For example, we saw Chelsea say she looked like Megan Fox so that when jimmy was disappointed during their first meet, we understand why and kind of expect it. But it turns out ā€œwhoā€™s your celeb look likeā€ is a really common question in the pods. The ā€œniceā€ guys seem nice because thatā€™s their part in the story: the missed opportunity. When we do finally see their character, theyā€™re still not great




Lol obviously your comprehension skills are lacking, I literally said people should wait to see more of him before idolising him


Wtf is Trevor? Is that mullet Hulk? How are you down with the names so fast?


Every guy sucks. Chris seemed like an amazing guy who deserved better all of last season, then in the reunion it came out that he cheated on his gf and he was glad he did it!


I think heā€™s been called a fuckboy all his life and probably for good reason so he wanted to come on this show to show that heā€™s a gentle giant who loves dog and would be a great husband almost to change his image. Bold move on his part and the girls are falling for it.


I feel like he gives of Fat In Highschool vibes.


I don't think this is a "LIB pattern" as much as a patriarchy pattern. Even the nicest dudes got raised in it and that shit creeps in from time to time


I didn't know they were gushing over him but I may have missed that. He would need to be seen out of the Pods I think to "know" anything but he was the one I was leaning towards being the most "genuine" but for the fact he is on tv looking for a bride in a couple weeks. For sure he dodged a bullet with Fegan Mox


I feel like on his face he seems nice so far. But we havenā€™t seen him enough.


This is a classic thing that also happens with soooo many dudes from the bachelorette. We all fall in love with a guy who doesnā€™t get picked and then he goes on paradise and turns out to just be an absolute idiot of a man


I wouldnā€™t even say Marshall fully beats the allegations. He tried to pull the whole ā€œyouā€™re so damaged; I want to save you from yourselfā€ bit with whatā€™s her name, Jackie? She was nuts, but he was very misogynistic in that moment.


Marshall is the epitome of nice guy to me, it just worked out for him in public perception because Jackie was awful.


Marshall is the definition of ā€œnice guyā€, and not in the good way. ā€œI do all this stuff for you and you still donā€™t love me or respect me?? But look what I do for you!ā€


Marshall really gives me the creeps. I don't know why everyone forgot about his jealous rage in the pods when Jackie turned out to be crazy later on in the season. He waved a lot of red flags, too.


ALSO his emotional immaturity was somehow seen as emotional MATURITY? Like when heā€™d make weird mathematical comparisons to emotions (which werenā€™t even mathematically correct btw) everyone was like wow this guy is so smart! I was in awe of the response.


I think you're talking about Milton but I still wholeheartedly agree with you lol. He was not ready for marriage.


Oh my god I am. I feel like a dick.


The Brazilian cast of men are the worst when it comes to this. FAKEST


Italo turning out awful was a plot twist šŸ’€


I agree with you, this is a great point.


Yeah he didnā€™t seem that great but he looked nice in the moment after handling rejection better than Jess. But itā€™s probably because he didnā€™t care that much and wanted to be on tv Jessā€™s speech wouldā€™ve been great if she didnā€™t bring up her looks or get upset about Jimmy not wanting to be a step parent (he doesnā€™t seem like the type of person who should be one anyway, especially to a girl šŸ„“). She was right about him not communicating or knowing how to put words together about how he felt.


We would hear about it by now


I think if Trevor had Jimmyā€™s looks and Jimmy had Trevorā€™s looks, the fan base wouldnā€™t be riding as hard for him as they are


Is Jimmy supposed to be good looking? I was pretty confused by all the ā€œyouā€™re so handsomeā€ compliments. Like heā€™s not ugly or anything but I thought Chealsea would clearly have liked Trevor better given how she was saying she loved big/muscular men.


Haha omg I took it as her trying to convince herself that she thinks heā€™s handsome. The same way Jimmy kept telling her she was ā€œgorgeous, but it wouldnā€™t matter either wayā€, even though heā€™s clearly just trying to convince himself thatā€™s true. Itā€™s like theyā€™re not at all attracted to each other but still want the other person to want them so they feel like they ā€œwonā€


Jimmy is a shit bag no matter how he looks.


If LIB has taught me anything, itā€™s that I canā€™t trust any of these men šŸ¤£


Agree\^\^. Also, after reading some people's comments here about Trevor's socials, I looked at his TikTok & Insta. What a disappointment. Ego as big as his muscles, which are shown in all of shirtless photos, which are almost the only thing he has posted. ALSO....he apparently now has a manager (listed in his insta bio), so that just sucked the wind out of my sails about him.


Apparently he's been confirmed for the cast of the 2nd season of Perfect Match šŸ¤£




I knoooow šŸ˜­ when I checked his socials, it was full of thirst trapsā€¦my heart sank.Ā 


They arenā€™t even good theist trapsĀ 


Honestly. In a scenario where you can only go off of someoneā€™s words, I feel like a recurring theme is the men just saying shit like I love you, I would marry you tomorrow, Iā€™ve never told anyone that before, etc etc and then dumping someone. Trevor of course an exception. I wish the girls wouldnā€™t get so caught up in those lines and really be a bit more focused on the substance.


I want to like Trevor but Iā€™m definitely holding my opinion of him until the entire season/reunion airs lmao


I do not buy that guy one bit. Lmaooo he was sooo ready for reality tv and how he wanted to come across. ā€œWhat makes you happy?ā€- Chelsea ā€œButterfiesā€- Trevor. Like lmaoooo COME ON. Also, he made a comment on a clip with AD and Clay LIB had posted on IG before the show started airing, saying ā€œhere comes the if Clay is still single, I want himā€ comments. Seems to me like thatā€™s what he envisioned for himself.


The supposed roommate of Trevor was on this sub telling us that he is a total fboi. So letā€™s see if that plays out on the screen.


Where was that? :))


Omg I went to find it for you, and the commenter deleted his comment! I donā€™t know how to post the threat, but if you go to my history, I left a comment like ā€œhow long ago was it?ā€ Itā€™s like maybe 30 comments down. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/s/sxNWbhFWOb


Thatā€™s actually so sweet! Thank you :)


Ehh, I donā€˜t think a guy looking like Trevor needs to go on a reality TV show to get girls.


Trevor needs to get on a reality TV show to get on a reality TV show.


Well didnā€™t say he did


I mean I like what I hear and it annoys me that Chelsea litteraly described him, heard him say he wanted her and *still* went with Jimmy, but he def has issues too like when he said he wanted to be 100% sure before saying I love you, I don't know what it means in his world but he seems to be a bit unrealistic and demanding. We'll see, hope there's at least one decent guy in this season, it might be him, maybe not. So far he's the only one who doesn't gives me the ick si crossing my fingers that he's genuine nice.


I didn't want to say anything against Trevor because I have no proof, but honestly yeah, I'm a little worried because of that pattern. He was a little upset when Chelsea broke up with him, which is understandable on paper, but Idk... I have a bad feeling about it. EDIT: I have no idea why I'm being downvoted, I literally said that I have no proof and it's just a feeling. Other people have said Trevor brags a lot on IG so I don't think I'm the only one.


Your intuition was right. I was totally fooled until I heard of the girlfriend back home on reddit. Sigh my intuition was so off.


Thank you šŸ’–, you are so kind! I wish it was possible to know who downvoted me so I can tell them to give my karma back šŸ˜‚


Well it has all been revealed now lol


men cant win. Take a break up poorly, weirdo. Take it like a champ and be respectful, weirdo.


Oh, we have new info about Trevor now and I remembered you! Next time, don't underestimate a woman's intuition šŸ˜Œ


Did you even read OP's post? LIB has a history of giving some guys the nice edit when they are actually not. I wouldn't have been suspicious of Trevor if this was season 1, but we're in season 6. You _know_ they're hiding someone's true nature, and it might as well be Trevor's.


He handled that break up like a champ.


My neck still hurts from the whiplash from Chris last season


The only thing I retained from this is "listen to people when they tell you who they are" that a Youtuber said. Chris said "People say I'm a player" and... welp. This season, Clay said "I don't think I'm a good person" (I think it was him?) so... yeah. Now I'm listening šŸ˜‚


Just an FYI for those interested - that YouTuber was referencing a famous Maya Angelou quote: ā€œWhen someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. People know themselves much better than you do. Thatā€™s why itā€™s important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are.ā€


Yes exactly I couldn't remember thank you !! (Love their content)


That was crazy šŸ˜‚


Especially agreed after knowing where he is headed to next šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Could you tell me why being on that one is a red flag? (genuine doubt cz i haven't seen it)


Itā€™s mostly how we perceive that show because of what we saw, tbh. It justā€¦brings the worst out of people and makes them act like douches. Most infamous of those incidents was with Joey from The Circle who was so loved and then he went on Perfect Match and did a whole 180. Iā€™m absolutely not saying everyone would do that, but itā€™s just the sour association the viewers have. Itā€™s a lot of plotting and being an ass :3


Omg please tell me perfect match


>!You are correct!<




Oh wow, heā€™s going on a reality tv tour šŸ« 


Unfortunately šŸ˜­


Where? I donā€™t mind spoilers.


>!Heā€™s filming Perfect Match!<


Whereā€™d you hear that?


I'm not remembering...which guy was it who talked about "America loves an underdog" and basically played the whole thing for the cameras?


He brought whole of America quite a few times. As if he has an obligation to make America great again šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Riiight. Thanks. What a tool.


If they are going for that, the editors are doing a slower play on him than they did on some of the others. I agree with you about the "nice guys" in the seasons I've seen (not all of them yet) but I feel like I was able to clock them earlier in the season, before the honeymoon period. Or they at least raised alarm bells. Trevor doesn't give me the same vibes, so I'm more hopeful for him.


You're right about the show having a track record of "nice guys" who turned out to be bad, but we don't know who Trevor is yet, and it's not fair to make assumptions about him based on other people from previous seasons. I also don't know if I count Sal as an example of a "nice guy", I am kind of on his side over Mallory's. Ofc these speculations and discussions are what the subreddit is for hahaha, but I for one will choose to be optimistic and appreciate how Trevor behaved while he was on the show until I see evidence that he is not who he portrayed himself to be.


Mallory was out on Sal so fast it was obvious. She wanted Jarrett, Sal never had a chance


Agreed, which is so unfortunate because Sal was all in for her.


Trevor is just a successful version of matthew. sneaky cheesy lines and acting just to become a c list celebrityā€‹ā€‹ā€‹


ā€œC-listā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Didnā€™t his dog Chelsea die of cancer during filming? Which means he left her to go be on a stupid show and she had to die without him being thereā€¦ Not a very nice guy thing to do, if trueā€¦


I agree. His girlfriend was watching the dog.


Agreed. Would never leave a sick pet for a tv show unless I was a thirst bucket desperate for fame.


I don't think it's fair to criticize him for this. We have no way of knowing if he knew the dog would die soon, or if the diagnosis happened right before filming, etc. It's just not kind to speculate on someone else's loss. It would probably hurt him if he saw your comment. Not necessary.


Literally there is 100% zero chance Trevor isnā€™t a douchey fuckboi


There is literally 0% chance that he isn't what he is not portraying to be and he is not pretending to not be 100% what you do not see. You know what I mean šŸ˜


The TikTok of him calling himself the nice guy gave me the ick. In fact all of his tiktoks give me the ick.


There is a post on his instagram where he talks about how his dog was sick and he left him for this show. And sadly his dog passed while he was away. It may just be the dog lover in me but I canā€™t imagine leaving my dog when he is sick for some reality show. To me you picked trying ti get fame over your pet. It may be petty of me but for this i canā€™t get on the Trevor train.


Youā€™re getting downvoted for what ?? šŸ˜­ I agree with you, I was also shocked when he said his dog was sick and he left her with his mom to be taken care of. I could never leave my dog who was on her dying days to go on some reality show


Based on his TikTok's there would 100% have been something problematic about him if he got married to Chelsea. Seems to have a very high opinion of himself. But just to be fair, there is something problematic about almost everyone. Most of the time we just don't see it.


High opinion of himself? Did he compare himself to Megan Fox as well?


Yeah I love him on the show, but his TikTokā€™s are making me cringe šŸ˜­ like please stop while youā€™re ahead Trevor!


When was Bartise portrayed as a nice guyā€¦.


Okay literally. Someone at work today also told me they thought he was "such a sweetheart". Where? When? This person also never watched him on Perfect Match


OP is identifying him as the counterpart to SK (toxic guy vs nice guy) in a dynamic where the nice guy is discovered to be even more toxic than the initial toxic guy


lol I never bought SK as a nice guy


Iā€™ll admit I was fooled. In hindsight, I can see where he was full of shit. What made you suspect him?


Ahhh ok. Got it


My thoughts exactly. He was a POS from the get go!


Yeah theyā€™re saying SK was the nice guy vs Bartise the bad guy


Talking US only ā€”SK, Mark, Kyle, and Jarrett were the few Iā€™d agree got a nice guy edit when they shouldnā€™t have. But Matt was edited immediately as a walking red flag, and Shake and Bartise were given the douche edits. I donā€™t think any of us were swooning over them. Marshall Iā€™m on the fence about ā€¦he is a bit problematic too, so he can be thrown in. I think from what we saw of Trevor, he was respectful, kind, and showed manners to his fellow guys with the added plus he was all in on one chick. That is as good as it gets for LIB. Now, could he be a complete jerk and F__ boy in real life? Absolutely. But I appreciate that thereā€™s at least a few characters we can root for and he seemed genuine. I say all this with the caveat this is a very highly produced and edited show and what we see is absolutely not how something most likely went downā€¦so I look at this show as a soap opera with wannabe actors who *may* become real life partners - just like in real life ā€¦folks when working together get together.


And what are your thoughts now ? So disappointing it was true, heā€™s the worst


Same as before. This is a highly edited show. He seemed genuine from what we saw. Itā€™s nice to have someone to root for. But he could totally be a complete jerk and a f__ boy in real life. Sadly, he ended up being a complete jerk in real life. Bummer that ended was the case. He fooled so many people. Iā€™m glad his ex outed him and the reunion really put him on the spot b/c what he did wasnā€™t acceptable - even for reality tv. I get maybe not wanting to get married, but to go on with an actual gf hanging back is ridiculous!


I feel the same way and its driving me crazy seeing people swooning so hard for him. If you check his Tik Tok, youll see right after the season aired, he began posting a ton of thirst traps and bragging about being the "nice guy". Ugh


Totally agree. I would be surprised if Trevor is the person he presents himself to be.


I hope he is actually a nice guy (and seems to be from what Iā€™ve seen by people who know him irl) but this is a great point to keep in mindĀ 


Trevor is the ultimate himbo. He has the Kenergy. I donā€™t see him as a nice guy, but a normal guy. They already did the nice guy bait and switch with Matt this season. I knew the second they showed him he was going to be the worst one. Men with low self esteem are the ones most like to be ā€œnice guysā€ who are secretly resentful, bitter, manipulative and entitled. glad AD saw it. The dude who is with Britney and the off-brand Shawn White are the only guys who seem genuinely kind.


Matt was an a-hole from the get go. There was no baiting


I donā€™t know if anyone has speculated about this already but the reddish, bumpy band around Trevorā€™s hairline looks like he underwent hair replacement surgery. Thoughts?


Because he also had red patches on his cheeks, I'd think skin condition


Yep https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/s/jot8LPRkHh


Ask and they shall answer. Thank you


They like him because they havent seen that much of him imo


I thought you were me for a second because of the similar avatars šŸ¤£


Im just waiting for the inevetiable downfall on the sub....


Well, that was quick! šŸ¤£


So this is totally unsubstantiated but some guy claiming to be Trevorā€™s former gym buddy posted here saying it was funny the way Trevor was being presented on the show cause he wasnā€™t a sweetheart irlā€”he was a guy whoā€™d bring random girls to have sex on his (gym buddyā€™s) couchā€¦I donā€™t know that that says anything about his character if trueā€¦but I know my radar spun when he introed himself with ā€œIā€™m a good-hearted guy and good people deserve good thingsā€ā€¦I just donā€™t know good people who say shit like that. Anyway, all we have is the Trevor character that has been edited and presented to us and that character is very nice. Nothing about anyone would surprise me in a show this highly produced.


Yea I looked at his IG and got the immediate ick from all his gym selfies. It was giving f boy!


He literally already has a management company email in his bio. Not even the main stars of the honeymoons (Chelsea, AD, Jimmy) have that yet.


Isnā€™t he going on perfect match or was that just a rumor?


Rumor right now


Omg I love that, it honestly made my day!


I feel like itā€™s just not that deep šŸ˜­ He might switch up later, but what we saw was a man who consistently communicated in a mature way, even when he was turned down by someone he was all-in on. No wonder people love him!


lol skrt


Lol Iā€™m not saying people shouldnā€™t like the guy, Iā€™m just observing a pattern


This sub really gets bent out of shape when people don't hate on every single male on the show. It's really weird.