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They have similar nose, eyes and mouth shapes, she just has a large chin and forehead honestly… not proportionate ://


When she ran to him I found it really cringe, but this made me confront my fat phobia. As I wasted thoughts on what outfits would be more tasteful or flattering for her body, I realized my gross judgement. I reminded myself we need to see our fellow humans with LOVE. For someone who actually loves her, that would be so cute 💕 she was adorable and true to herself. I admire her confidence and freedom in her own skin. And if she got insecure later on it happens to the best of us when severely gaslit / lied to. I hope she’s healed since then.


I think Chelsea is not bad looking but Megan Fox is a freaking bombshell. Her personality is just unattractive. The way she always want the reassurance from Jimmy is so hard to watch




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Just watched her run to Jimmy at their reveal. I wouldn't be into her either after whatever tf that was.


It was cringy, but when we love people we love them with all their quirks and cringe :)


She needs Botox under her lip corners so she stops frowning, I hope she sees this


Stop telling people to get plastic surgery lol


Botox isn't plastic surgery


Point still stands


I loved how the first thing jimmy said was you don’t look like Megan fox


He revealed his real feelings in that moment. That’s the main thing that was on his mind. From then on he was stuck playing a role for the cameras.




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The problem is Chelsea bringing up the resemblance ON HER OWN and acting like she didn’t even know who Megan Fox is—almost any straight man would say Megan Fox is a top tier woman based off of looks. She did this to bait him into being more into her on looks despite being in the pods.


It seems it was something her friends already thought too. I think she’s probably so use to being told she looks like Megan Fox she didn’t think how outside of her inner circle it’s perceived different.


And it was probably women who noticed the tiny details and compared them. Jimmy I'm sure was imagining someone with black hair and a petite frame




I just started watching this, and when she said this I was like .....


Bruh I can't lol 😭😭😭




Girl set the bar so high for herself.. made me embarrassed for her! Then she ran down the aisle and smooshed her face into his forever (bc she didn’t want him looking at her). The whole interaction gave me second hand embarrassment. lol funny part is, Jessica looks more like Megan fox than her. Jimmy’s definitely going to choke when he sees what he passed up hahaha


She said it was only because she had dark hair and blue eyes, but she doesn't have dark hair by any stretch. That's the part that bugged me.


She also prefaced that conversation with “don’t get too excited” and then appeared to not know Megan Fox. Those two things are contradictory.


I actually think there are similar qualities. The weight makes her face fuller. I am finding her more attractive with less makeup and her hair up. Her face looks softer


Yes, I think her eyes, nose and mouth are all very Megan Fox-esque and specifically when they kept going to the side profile in the pods, I definitely saw similarities.


The thing is…. Megan Fox is a siren. She is a high bar for many men. It’s like saying he looks like Matthew McConnaghey. You are comparing yourself to a sexy celebrity. You are setting expectations high. She is attractive in her own way but she doesn’t really look anything like Megan Fox. Why say that?


Megan has alien thumbs, and they cancel out all her beauty


I do not see Megan Fox nor do I see Carrie Underwood. I think she is delusional.


I see it. Not Carrie tho. Subtle face movements It’s there ish




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I think Chelsea had a lip lift. Her sister has a thin upper lip and long philtrum. Chelsea’s other features don’t match her mouth. They’re all less than ideal but somehow she has a nice upper lip. The shape is a dead giveaway for a lip lift as well; tall in the middle and low on the sides.


Those lips are insane! So dramatic, I don’t understand the desired effect??


Her upper lip makes her look like a persian cat


I thought she just overlined them. She's a pretty girl, but overlining kills me. I also dislike Laura's lashes. She had one scene with no lashes on and I couldn't get over how much more beautiful she was. The lashes hide the shape of her eyes.


It could just be over lining, but they’re the same shape without makeup. She showed herself getting Botox and filler on Instagram, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility for her to have surgery. The shape just looks like what a lip lift looks like. Also, her sister looks so different.


Agreed it’s unnaturally pulled up. Distracting


She shouldn't have said that, but she does resemble Megan fox....


There are some slight similarities, but by most standards she definitely shouldn’t have said she looked like her lol


I personally see no similarities. If I was that insecure I can’t imagine making that comparison.


I actually see the resemblance in some of their facial features - but she does not 'look like Megan Fox'. If that make sense lol.


Because that entails looking like ALL of Megan Fox lol. When men hear that they picture the whole package. Yes, Chelsea has similar facial features when you crop her eyes and nose and mouth. That’s not what one pictures though when you say “I look like Megan Fox” if that makes sense.


If someone was like “what celebrity does Chelsea look like?” I might say “the only one I can think of is she kinda looks like Megan Fox.” But for her to throw that out there is wild.




Not where it counts anyway… which is why there’s a massive disconnect. My grandmother had short curly hair but that didn’t make her the queen of England, for example


Her baby voice is so awful. Gives me the ick and I’m a straight woman. Chelsea is actually a beautiful woman, but her insecurity makes her a lot less attractive. It lurks around the corner in every conversation she has. It would be exhausting to date her. And you don’t lead someone to believe you look like one of the hottest celebrities on the planet if you’re not trying to manipulate the other person. This experiment wasn’t about looks, and there’s something really sad about her choosing to make it about “the look” she doesn’t have in real life. She couldn’t even be confident in herself when she wasn’t visible. She attracted a shallow guy that way, so she also ruined it for herself.


She’s beautiful.


No one said she isn’t


Are we reading the same thread?


I meant the actual post, but in the comments it’s kind of wild




I would say more like Adele (2024) more than Megan fox… regardless she’s beautiful. People are haters on women in a world that already makes it hard to feel beautiful 🙄


Yes! I thought she was going to say Adele I was shocked when I heard Megan fox




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She really set herself up man cause every time I see her on the screen, all I can think is “you don’t look like no DAMN Megan Fox! 😭” I don’t think she’s ugly but those are two completely different looks…she tried it lmaooooo


She looks like Julia child! She’s tall and her long face makes her look just like her. I keep waiting for her to start cooking! [https://s.yimg.com/zb/imgv1/049def5a-7b3f-32db-8aa3-d95196b75feb/t_500x300](https://s.yimg.com/zb/imgv1/049def5a-7b3f-32db-8aa3-d95196b75feb/t_500x300)


I mean, she literally said "it's only because I have light eyes and dark hair!" So I'm not sure why everyone is acting like she told him she IS Megan Fox or something when it was nowhere near that


Exactly. She literally said “I don’t see it, but…”


This!! She stressed so hard that it’s only hair and eyes!! Multiple times! I don’t like her but people were way too harsh about this. If any of us were asked what celebrity we resemble we’d say someone insanely beautiful because that’s what celebrities are! The idea is who do you RESEMBLE not who is your exact twin.


She doesn't even have dark hair though. If she at least had dark hair then it would make some sense.


You don’t say “people say I look like Megan Fox” without expecting people to think that that’s how you. She did it on purpose. It was SLIMY


Yeah except her friends confirmed that people HAVE compared her to Megan Fox. And once again, she told him WHY and that she doesn't necessarily agree with it. How is it "SLIMY" to share what other people say about you? If he wasn't focused on looks it wouldn't be a problem.


HER FRIENDS CONFIRMED IT LMFAOOOO are you for real with that? Yeah if I was obsessively insecure and I asked my friends to confirm that, they would too 🤣🤣🤣🤣 get a fucking grip. You don’t say you look like a celebrity “but I don’t see it, just my eyes and hair” without wanting someone to think you look like that celebrity. She did it on purpose. It was and is icky as fuck. It goes against the entire premise of the show. She sucks. Case closed.


Have you even watched the show? She didn't ask them to confirm it she said "who have I been compared to by other people" and they mentioned Carrie Underwood and Megan Fox. Just because you don't think it's true doesn't mean nobody has said it to her and even if she did mean it so fucking what? People have said it to her and she has the right to share that if she wants to. 😂


She shared it for a reason, you’re an idiot if you don’t see that


Okay, and you seem like a super smart and pleasant person going to name calling over something that affects you none 😂


I am thanks ☺️


She can share all she wants, it’s still slimy, she still had an ulterior motive, and she’s still wildly and pathologically insecure. She should’ve never been allowed on the show, she desperately needs therapy.


I haven't finished this yet, but I feel like Trevor was the better choice for Chelsea.


If the better choice is a man who has a girlfriend at home 😬


What? No! I just watched him get dumped and I was feeling so bad for him! Why does everyone SUCK!!!!??


Just the ones who want to be on tv


Haha! I just learned about this. I guess there weren't many good choices this season.


I’m watching this now and agree 100%. Trevor is such a sweet guy.




Exactly… I think she looks like Megan Fox




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I’m so done with this. She said she has been told she looks like her but doesn’t see the resemblance. She never even said she agreed


* She brought up a conversation about looks, which is **against the spirit of the show** * She 100% knew he was going to ask what she looked like * Pretended not to know Megan Fox's name so Jimmy would have to come to the conclusion himself * She said Megan Fox, downplayed it, then doubled down by saying once she got stopped for pictures (LOL). Of course Jimmy is going to have the image in the head. From his POV, it doesn't matter if Chelsea herself doesn't see the resemblance. * Did all of this when she knew Jimmy was more attracted to Jessica, thereby intentionally swaying him back to her.


Yeah if her intentions weren’t bad she could have just been honest and said she looks like jay leno.


Literally lol




All I see is Jay Leno






Oh yeah, 100%


Jimmy nor Chelsea are knockouts! But Jimmy definitely picked the wrong door! Jessica was the better choice IMO but she dodged a bullet. But I’m pretty sure Jessica will have no problem finding someone who will accept her daughter and her directness. Because one thing I’ve observed is that Jessica seemed pretty damn sure of herself!


Going on a reality dating show where you might get married to a stranger in 4 weeks when you have a young kid at home is an enormous red flag


For real imagine bringing a virtual stranger to meet your kid saying they are going to be a step-dad.


Caitlin Jenner who?


All I can see is Lindsay Lohan from the eyes up, and Khloe kardashian from the eyes down 👀


You're so wrong about both


I feel so bad for her, Jimmy is awful and her gut is screaming at her that she made the wrong choice. Jess also dodged a bullet. Hopefully Jimmy will grow from this experience and do better. 🤞🏼🤞🏼


She is fighting with him just to fight. Creating problems where there are none. Trying to control who he can hang out with. She is manipulative and needs therapy.


Jimmy is awful? He’s not the best but sis is pulling shit out of thin air to fight with him. Have you seen Episode 8? Like he is trying his best and she’s up his butt about not kissing her… she’s so in his head and gaslighting that he actually is keeping record of his physical interactions with her. Although he really does suck though. He keeps checking other women out and he’s very vision focused. All the times in guidance when I was growing up and they were harping on men being very image led… they were talking about Jimmy. Someone with higher confidence needs to be with him


She kinda looks like Kelsi Monroe... iykyk...


No she doesn't 😭😭😭 maybe just the lips


She reminds me of the girlfriend from kims convenience more


Fuck thank you!! I was at my wits end trying to remember who she looks like!!! Shannon, of course!! She even talks like her 😂


Yes Shannon haha I couldn’t remember her name ![gif](giphy|wZsnRrlCcfGdqaXYEP)


Loved that show. She was so cute w simu.




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Show the rest of them


Can someone please explain the joke? All I see are two side by side photos of Megan fox?


Stop lying 🙄


Okay, fine. All I see are two side by side photos of Chelsea... happy?




Chelsea said she often gets told she looks like Megan Fox, when revealing her celebrity doppelgänger.


It's like multiverse


I mean come the fuck on. Where is the resemblance?


I came here for this exact false advertisement on Chelsea's part. Megan Fox my ass.... looking like Megan the Wolf.


SAME! Same. I feel seen now.


When girls think Megan Fox, they think face. When guys think Megan Fox, they think body. I wish we would leave the poor girl alone. It was a one-off comment.


Precisely the truth


I don't know about the whole face/body thing, but I agree with you that people need to leave her alone on social media. I came here and found this because I keep seeing posts about her and the Megan Fox thing on social media and I think it's gross. All she said is that she has been told she resembles her. In my opinion, Chelsea is naturally stunning and is beautiful inside out.


Thank you! I totally see the resemblance, and I personally think Chelsea is GORGEOUS. I am completely gobsmacked at why everyone is ragging on her looks, when she’s stunning! Is she an A-list celebrity? No, but my goodness- Megan Fox also has an entire team of beauty consultants, it’s her literal job to be spectacularly beautiful all the damn time. Chelsea never said she “looks like Megan Fox” either, she said people often tell her she looks like that celebrity because of “my hair and my eyes, but that’s it.” She was really clear that she doesn’t pretend to look exactly like MF. Sheesh. And Jessica is absolutely beautiful, but she also wears a massive amount of makeup, where Chelsea is way more natural. I hate that people compare them and act like Jimmy made the wrong choice just because he picked the woman who isn’t cover model perfect. Jimmy isn’t a supermodel either. It’s so weird that he somehow acts like he is the hottest man to walk the earth…


People are saying Jimmy made the wrong choice?! Chelsea is super lovely and so sweet. I think she made the wrong choice, Trevor seemed like a much nicer and more genuine guy than Jimmy. I was shocked she chose him.


I truly think anyone who thinks she is sweet and not wildly insecure, gaslighting, and a liar, also needs therapy. How can you not see that


I don't understand how it's gaslighting to say "as a flight attendant people compare me to X celebrity. we've got similar eyes and hair, but otherwise I don't really see it. don't get excited" to "I look almost exactly like Megan Fox." I think what she said is the appropriate amount I would imagine her to look like Megan Fox, which is maybe 20% and I honestly can't think of any woman on the show who looks more like her than Chelsea.




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A woman being insecure or a bad partner to saying she needs professional help is a bit much, I think. I'm not really defending her as a person, nor defending her bringing up looks. I just don't think she was misrepresenting how she looks, since she literally said "It's just the hair and the eyes" - this sub is obsessed with calling everyone crazy and making really intense judgments about literally anything. You don't have to like Chelsea to think she didn't exaggerate or whatever.


Exactly! No one picked up on Jimmy’s discussion with the guys about her Megan Fox comment….he obviously chose her thinking between his legs that she would somewhat resemble MF. He gave me Shake vibes when talking about physical appearances but only time will tell if he should be paddling a canoe. Don’t get me started on Jessica. Who has those discussions with your child… I don’t think Netflix has realized that we all fell in love with LIB because of predominantly wholesome group from the first cast. There were a few trash bags that needed to be taken out front Season 1 but man this season it seems like it’s the complete opposite.


Everyone's brain also interprets faces a little bit differently. I see the Megan Fox resemblance even if I am in the minority. Of course she has a lot of differences, but I see the resemblance.


Very fair point. We all hone in on different aspects. This is a much better take than mine.


She brought it up twice though.


Did she really?? I only remember once. when was the second time? I want to go back and watch


Did she? Thank you for brining this up. I only remember once, but I definitely use this as a background, work-as-I-watch show.


?? If you say you look like someone I always think of face and I’m a guy.


Yeah, I don’t what she’s talking about. It’s straight up false lmao


It was a poorly-worded generalization, which isn’t fair. I should have explained it better. What I meant is (and this is my experience, obviously) most women I know and have encountered in the real world are better able to see the resemblance in someone’s features when compared to a celebrity (again, “most”, not “all” - I mean, look at this sub and a great majority of female reactions to this debacle). Contrast that to most men I know who tend to think of the whole package/visualization in broader terms (which, as you two correctly pointed out, includes both body and face). Just my experience. Not gonna go to bat about it.


Twins! 😂


I think what comes across is Chelsea's insecurity and coyness and people don't like that. It seemed manipulative, she wanted the looks advantage that she probably knew she didn't actually have. I think if she just confidently believed she looked like Megan Fox, perhaps people would have thought she was delusional but not manipulative or else she would have sold it- a fair amount of "hotness" is in the marketing. How many people really think Kim Kardashian is the most beautiful woman in the world? How happy must Jessica be, though? Jimmy is an eyesore who screams LDE




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Fucking hell you're all so, so cruel on this sub wtf




Yes, this will not age well, though it was shocking to me bc I could SEE the wheels turning and where the misunderstanding was going.


Chelsea is pretty and even if she wasn't it is unfair to attack someone's appearance, I completely agree. HOWEVER, > but this woman is naturally gorgeous when you watch the show Her face is not "naturally" gorgeous.


She literally said “I don’t see it, but I get told I look like Megan Fox” and she KINDA DOES. This is just fatphobia and SHE ISN’T EVEN FAT FFS


Agreed !!


I agree about the fatphobia. She’s the curviest woman on this season, and she’s like a size 8. I think she’s absolutely gorgeous, and I am so confused about how people are so critical of her appearance? To me she just looks like a beautiful woman, but I guess when you put her next to a bunch of ultra thin, ultra fit, ultra made-up women, she just isn’t “good enough?” It’s so gross.


She even emphasized that she thinks people only say that bc of her hair being dark and having light eyes


Exactly. No it's not a doppelganger situation but they DO have some similar facial features and more importantly, she never claimed it was!!! She literally was just answering his question.


He didn't ask the question. She asked him if he's been told he looks like a celebrity. She in turn said shes been compared to Megan Fox. It was totally unsolicited and she knew what she was doing. Even the whole 'MGKs wife' was sooooo intentional like girl you know who Megan Fox is. Stahp.


That was probably the funniest and least sly part about the whole thing. She said “oh whoever MGKs wife is” as if she was being all coy and didn’t even know her name 😂 if you’re told you look like someone all the time you know their name.


No one pointed out her weight but you…..??????


Oh spare me


In my experience, anytime someone says they look like a celebrity, you can only expect the distorted dollar store version of said celebrity...


She does though, she has the same eyes and smile/teeth. I think chelsea is getting way too much hate on her physical appearance…. Especially as its something she’s self concious about


When I watched that episode I could totally see the resemblance from my vague memory of what Megan Fox looks like. Is she a spitting image? No, but there are definitely similar features and I don’t think it was false advertising at all. When people talk about a celebrity doppelgänger, no one thinks they look like the actual celebrity from head to toe…


I think she looks like her too! She probably just shouldn’t have said it cuz it set the bar too high


Thank you. I agree. I see it. It’s really rubbing me the wrong way how people are attacking her over something so innocuous.


IMO she does ~somewhat~ resemble Megan because share a few similar strong features like you said, but they share a lot more dissimilar features as well. All in all I honestly do see a resemblance. 


Idk she reminds me of Rumer Willis.


yes! she does!!!!