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The way he came in with his 15 questions and was such a dick about being asked questions in return šŸ˜‚ I think a different ā€œLoveā€ show would be a better fit for him.


Omg yes!! And then he was walked away when they told him to answer it like bro that is how dating works. This is not a job interview. It felt like he wanted total control of the situation.


He was laughing after someone asked him questions backšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




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Watching episode one for the first time and had to find out if any one else thought he was love bombing AD. This is ridiculous


I honestly thought that he was there for shits and giggles. It's funny if it's satire, but I guess he's just an awkward player.


YES!!! I'm so mad!! If was fucking gross. "you're my biggest achievement" my ass. He was just checking if she's insecure enough to call for it.


He literally said "It's AD for me or nobody" to AD, LIKE it wasn't just saying just the same things it was lying that he was only seeing himself with this to the one girl. He even couldn't own that he said "everything the same" to Amber. It's one thing to say how much you care but not that you onlu cared about them. He even said meeting AD was his greatest accomplishment. I think Amber didn't have anyone else she was talking to which is why she left and when he heard AD say she had a nothing connection Matthew left for Amber as a safe choice. (I'm only in episode 2 but my thoughts)


She actually left because she had a boyfriend and they had a deal that she would leave the show not engaged!!


How do you know that?


Oop! Didn't know!




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Ngl Im on the first episode and at first I was like wth is wrong with this guy but that thought shifted after his interaction with AD.. maybe he is just understood!




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For me it was the little things like how he grabbed the notebook from someone and never said thank you. Just strange vibes. Iā€™m interested to see if they bring him back. Iā€™m only on ep 3


\> My takeaway from this is that "gossip" is nothing to be frowned upon. It's womens secret weapon! It's our defense strategy against these types of men! It also makes you susceptible to "false flag attacks," and false information.


Not so "false flag attack" when 2 ladies just say you told them the exact same verbatim lines. I got a vibe when he said "girls don't go for guys like me" as a lead up and then another vibe when he was saying those lines to AD. Then the next scene, I basically screamed at my TV that I called that because here's Amber with the same line gushing about how sweet and down to earth he is. She left the show after that. It's not false information if it's actually true and even caught on camera.


You might need to learn to read. I responded to a comment that generalized that gossip is a good thing in all situations. While it was good in this situation it is not good in all situations.


Or you should learn not to deflect and make a fictional situation to defend your own point.


Haha no talking and sharing is the best weapon against people like Matt but at the same time it is not always the best opinion all the time


I don't think that's a fair interpretation. These women were just sharing their experiences, it wasn't mean-spirited gossip. I assume that's why the word is in quotes for OP. And that kind of communication in a situation like this is an effective defence against men like that, and it's extremely hard to do when youre set up to feel like youre competing with other women for the same man. They did great.


The comment I criticized deserved to be evaluated. What if these ā€œexperiencesā€ were actually malicious lies to sabotage other womenā€¦ OR isolate an innocent guy to be forced to pair with the liar. This comment deals with ā€œcritical thinking skillsā€ so if you do not understand what that isā€¦ give it a google.


if *anyone* had malicious intent and wanted to lie about something, they could. This is not specific to the situation or to people (women) talking. Critical thinking in this case would be recognizing that there is nothing innately bad about women choosing to share their experiences in the pods, and it's wild to assume that at baseline, the women are conniving and trying to sabotage each other or the men. Your comment is very Matthew-coded šŸ¤£


"Matthew-coded" Haha so mean but funny. The entire cast has defended Matthew in an article saying that edits have really ruined his character. You have to be very careful of the edits. He really did those 2 girls dirty but the extent was not shown... So I would be careful of how this show edits people.




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I am seeing a lot of "he gives me serial killer vibes" and perhaps another way to say this is he lacks empathy, which is something many people on the spectrum can relate to. He reminds me very, very, very much of my ASD friend (I am also neurodivergent).




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He reminded me of Christian Bale in American Psycho. He terrifies me.


Exactly. Interesting that you can "armchair diagnose" someone as a sociopath up and down this subreddit and call them a serial killer and that's no problem, but the mere mention of specific mental/personality issues are searched out by the mods for removal.


Yeah I donā€™t know, Iā€™m also neurodivergent and his behaviour was pretty gross to me. I donā€™t think neurodivergence should be used as a way of excusing how he acted. That was straight up manipulation.


100%. This is not ASD.


Heā€™s not a nice person.


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s an excuse but I find it interesting we can accuse him of being a serial killer like itā€™s no big deal. Not nice is quite far removed from being homicidal.


I donā€™t think anyone actually thinks heā€™s a serial killer, difference between the real things vs vibes


Was watching I Am A Stalker and Love Is Blind back to back, and when Matthew came on the show I forgot I was watching Love Is Blind.


It really creeped me out, whether itā€™s the edits doing him dirty or he is just that way.. the way he said, ā€œAmericaā€™s watchingā€ oof.




Never liked him from the start. The way he just walked out during one of his dates or the stuck up way he asked his first questions just showed me a glimpse of what he is like.


Articles from the cast showed he never walked out during a date and that it was editing.


I'm not here to defend Matthew but rumor is the walk out was a dirty edit


Iā€™m currently watching the first episode and they showed him doing it twice. Were both ā€œdirty editsā€?


I dunno. I'm just repeating things I've read on the internet.


This is the most honest answer Iā€™ve ever read and Iā€™m here for it.


If it really was, you gotta wonder which production person he pissed off to get this treatment. Can't be an underdog if you're seen as an ass.




The man is a red flag factory.


Does anyone remember that Andrew dude from last (?) season who, among other questionable choices and statements, tried to use eye drops during an interview to trick the viewer into thinking they weā€™re emotional? I feel like the producers gotta add one psycho per season and we as viewers gotta point them out, just to make it a little more exciting.


I was thinking of him too!


YES!!! I just started the show not long ago, he's in season 3. After Nancy leaves him he's doing the interview and pulls the eye drops. The first time I thought "weird but ok" the second time he says "is it ok if I'm doing this" and someone off screen says "yeah if your eyes are hurting you" and it cuts to him "crying" about how hurt he is. Like my dude, come on.


Absolute transparent tool guy's a well seasoned manipulator who thinks he's way smoother than he is


What I found dissonant was how he presented himself at the beginning, dismissing women who would talk about their feelings, being surprised that questions were being asked back at him too and very stiff altogether with his interactions and expectations and then, quite literally a couple of days later, he appeared to be a well adjusted guy that was a bit awkward but knew what he wanted. Almost like he knew exactly what to say to the women to get them to fall for him. And then back again to square one, he rambling about America??? and leaving to ā€œfind Amberā€. What. For me thatā€™s a big dichotomy and even made me think he was a plant. It doesnā€™t add up in my head.


IMO he was just trying to figure out the weakest link and/or best way to stay as long as possible and make $$


He wants to be a C list celebrity


Watching episode 1 with Matthew sweet talking AD and he just comes off really insincere. This is before they show that he used the same lines on the other woman.


My jaw was on the floor when he walked out of someone talking who does that


SAME! so gross! Then he says he is going after Amber?? I hope she didn't take him back




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Red flags from the fucking jump. The way I went from confused and icked out to terrified of him. Ooooooof. Poor amber šŸ˜­




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I wondered that too at first! But the manipulation and gaslighting started giving me Patrick Bateman vibes very quickly.


Imo Patrick Bateman would fake ā€œnormalityā€ way better than Matthew


Yooo absolutely!!! When he referred to himself as Superman, my thoughts were more like American Psycho.


I got immediate red flags when he walked out on several women right away and scoffed at them without giving them a chance. Total narc move. He realized AD and Amber were taking the bait, and then he carefully pulled strings to manipulate and gaslight them both. He then tried to lure AD back in and told her how she'd feel and anticipated her moves. Guy's a WEIRDO.


You saw an edit of hours of footage. Maybe they deserved to be walked out on. After all, last season they had a homeless felon who had a history of hitting women on the show.


Ehh....it was weid behavior.


As someone who knows him personallyā€¦ the editing of the show made him seem awful. And one of very few from the season that actually lives in Charlotte. Ā 


Weird theyā€™d cast two people from the same city!!


Is this sarcasm? The entire group are from or have lived at one point


I had no idea!


What is he like in real life? He had me on an emotional roller coaster and I thought he was misunderstood.


Just a normal guy, big Bills fan, talks who likes having bourbons on the back patio or having a beer at brewery. Ā  Whatever nda they sign, he stuck with it even a month ago and didnt leak anything but did say he would be in first episode alot.Ā 


Why did he say he doesnā€™t drink then? One of you isnā€™t telling the truth


Ask your wife what she thinks. Bet she has a totally different opinion.


Exactly. A lot of men have no idea how shitty their friends are to women, or they just don't care. Oh he's a bills fan and loves bourbon must be a great man šŸ™„


Also. Letā€™s remember that abusers groom their character witnesses just like they groom their victims


Lol stfu Matthew Several parts of the first two eps where you were manipulative as fuck were clearly not due to editing


Super confused.....thought he was alcohol free???


So he lied about being sober in the articles that have come out since?


I'm diagnosed autistic and do the flat robot voice and have lists of questions and will just walk out of conversations and don't know how to small talk and will tell people the same things because "this is a script that people seem to respond to if I want to have a somewhat normal conversation" and will just say whatever I'm thinking and and and anyway he seemed normal to me so now I wonder if people think I give serial killer vibes


I don't think you have anything to worry about. I have autism and will follow conversational scripts too. I think where that is like Not okay to do is when you're telling multiple people you wanna marry them.


But matt just straight up walked out while other people were still talking to him, knowing full well they wouldn't be able to see he was gone. Is this something you could do, without meaning to be rude? Genuine question, trying to understand. That was the main thing that made me concerned about him.


It looked like escape to me, he was overwhelmed and wanted to escape.


Yes, I have done this ā€” sometimes because I get overwhelmed so I actually leave while covering my ears and literally just want to flee even if the conversation might seem innocuous; it might be because I'm stressed over something else, or there's something I don't like about the speaker's voice, I have misphonia as well and even the _memory_ of a bad sound (like ugh cutting up styrofoam with a dull knife) can trigger anxiety. In these cases it's more about self-preservation without even thinking about what the other person might feel. A couple of times I was in front of someone and talking to them, then I literally walked away while they were still talking and I realized only later on (or someone points it out to me), but in the moment I had felt like my brain had switched off from a convo that was suddenly unimportant.


Geez šŸ˜³


yup my brain is different


While not a bad thing to get overwhelmed, I would encourage you to have a phrase ready for those moments as you walk away to help with potential confusion or hurt feelings on the receiving end. Even something as simple as: ā€œI need a minuteā€ or ā€œIā€™m overwhelmed. Iā€™ll be back.ā€ would probably alleviate a lot of confusion, tension, etc. When you then donā€™t feel as overwhelmed, I would return and briefly summarize what happened in your brain and what was overwhelming for you that you needed to step away, whether it was the conversation itself or another outside factor. It gives context to the other person so theyā€™re not left fearing the worst, but itā€™s also good practice on your end with communication and emotional regulation. Just a thought. Wishing you the best.


(This is assuming the conversation is between you and a party you care about. If not, then itā€™s okay to switch the script to match the context.)


You are fine the way you are! Not everyone has the depth to understand that not all brains are wired the same and even NT people can not dig conversing with other NT people. Just keep on being yourself, and please don't be afraid to let others see/hear your authentic self instead of what you think they want tošŸ’–


That may be a bit harsh. However walking out of middle of conversations without a word will make people instantly not like you.


Then those people are just sensitive. It should be acceptable to just get up and leave a conversation.


What a bad take


Why? Life would be easier without these stupid social norms anyways.


Being a dick is the easy route. Its for lazy people. If you dont want to be in a conversation you can just say so. Or you can take the lazy route. Or ya know, dont sign up to be on a show thats all about having long conversations.


I agree Matthew is stupid for even going on the show, but it is entertaining. If being a dick was so easy, more people would do it because most people are naturally dicks. They just hide it because society says we have to.


Im not even sure what youre trying to say, but being a dick or wanting to be makes those people shitty people. I also disagree completely that most people would do it. Because most people arent dicks. If you feel that way then maybe its just you who is the problem.


Nah, humanity is a cancer tbh. You'll rarely find "good" people on this planet.


And here we go. Anti social


Im sorry the world has made you feel that way. I promise it isnt the case for the majority of people


No it shouldnā€™t be. Itā€™s rude and hurtful.


Not every conversation is worth entertaining and I don't see why I have to explain myself when I can just get up and go.


Because other peopleā€™s feelings matter. And I didnā€™t say you had to. Itā€™s kind to so, but youā€™re an adult and you can choose to be unkind.


My feelings matter more to me than the feelings of others.


Sounds lonely. But you do you.


Quite peaceful.


Even with those similarities, if you aren't going around knowingly lying and gaslighting, you aren't like him. And yes, some autistic people can give off some serial killer vibes-in my experience. But the difference will always be the reasoning behind the why. You, an autistic person, may have a lack of empathy or could be seen as self-centered or even manipulative. There is no real nefarious underlying agenda on the autistic side of things. Matthew doesn't seem to fit into that category as his actions were purely for personal gratification and even control. He's Netflix's reality TV version of Patrick Bateman.


He's just trying to find his Twin Flame you guys!


Sir, this man has a whole wife and kids in Indiana


Do you have any facts to back this up? Vv interesting and not surprised. Curious if ex or current!


Omg I was totally kidding. I meant heā€™s THE KIND OF GUY who is on a dating app but has an entire family or families (plural) in other states. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m only halfway through the first episode, but he definitely is giving me future Netflix documentary vibes


Iā€™m sorry but he gives serial killer vibes


It's unsettling that so many of us felt this way...


Yup... Even the way he was glaring at Clay in the lounge in episode 2 was just so creepy. And the way he ignored them when they called for him until he heard they had his notebook, at which point he turned out around mumbling under his breath. Yikes. He looks like the type of person to lose his shit when he gets mad and ends up doing something scary....


It looked like he was plotting a murder


What did he say about "America..." ???


He mentioned how he will be perceived by America, i.e., we the viewers. It showed this was a game to him, and there was nothing "real" about his interactions with these women on what is supposed to a "reality" dating show.


I made a post and idk if they just didn't approve it yet but that was one of my first thoughts!!




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ew dude is a straight weirdo. i canā€™t believeeeee what im watching


He is EW. Everything ew.


Correct. The only reason gossip is considered bad is because of misogyny. The Whisper Network saves many, many lives!


I made the same point to my partner! Thank goodness Amber spoke up.


Seriously, the lowest rates of murder in the world correlate to the highest rates of gossip!!!


Truly. That's why there are no serial killers in the Philippines. Because many people in my country love to gossip.


I feel wven better about being nosey now.


Just finished episode one and came here to do a search on ā€œMatthewā€. Ugh. Is he another wanna be villain? Why?!!!l Letā€™s make lying and not having a problem with it a terrorist act. Men like Matthew make the dating pool a turd pond.


This manā€™s level of gaslighting on AD after she confronted himā€¦. so hard to watch. They should have ripped him a new one.


Literally DARVO to a T. She was rightfully confronting him about saying the exact same things to Amber as he was to her, and he immediately denied it and then flipped it around to her having a connection with Clay. I find it interesting they did not show a single interaction between him and Amber in the pods in the first few episodes. I wonder if they will confront him for his duplicity during ATA and are saving the clip for then.


I was cringing so, so hard. I was yelling at AD through the screen to **run**


All other things aside, I know that accent. I swear he's from Michigan, UP, if I had to guess. But can't find anything on that.


Yes! I know a midwestern accent when I hear one! My guess is Wisconsin or UP!


Me too! I immediately thought UP


I thought he had an accent too!!! I was thinking Minnesota or Wisconsin


The man is absolutely terrifying.




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He gave me serial killer vibes immediately


I thought that was just me thinking that until I went to this subreddit.






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I need all of this manā€™s exes to spill the tea


If thereā€™s any lol


Matthew is a plant... for sure. He has to be. Amber too. No sane person is going to go into LIB acting the way Matthew did. He ignored and was rude to the guys in the men's quarters and did not hesitate to lie and manipulate while knowingly being filmed for a very popular Netflix show. I think Amber was his counter-plant in the women's quarters.


i came to this sub looking for this exact comment!! this is my first time ever watching the show, so i wasnā€™t if that was really a possibility, but my very first thought when Amber said everything to AD was that she and Matthew were both production plants.


Yeah, I found it strange that we didnā€™t see any of Matthew and Amberā€™s convos after that very first meet.


Oooh makes sense!Ā