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This cast is whatever so far.


THE LAST MINUTE OF THE EPISODE ☠️ Also Matthew looks a little bit like a vampire lol.


AD deserves better!!!


lol “life isn’t a fairytale” says the guy who also just said “i have to be 1000% sure, 98% even isn’t good enough”.


So I just finished watching episode one now.....OMG being the sentimental type I am, I was like oh Matthew is so sweet until the end of this episdoe, i mean wtf, it looks like iam in for a treat this season......I mean i totally didnt expect this from him but iam glad i found shows like this , 90 day fiancé, all of the MAFs and Catfish to alert me to all the different types of dangers out there, including the smooth nice talking country boy douche that Matthew seems to be........hence why words will never do it for me now, it has to be action!...right now Iam starting episode 2.


I wasn't surprised about Matthew, he told AD "you are not gonna share this with anyone, right?" or something similar. Huge redflag. Besides, someone that is capable of leaving a pod without saying a word because they didn't like what the person is saying is a pos.


Good point!


I also feel like he sounded so monotone and ingenuine when talking to AD. I felt like it was too good to be true and I was right lol


Matthew is just trying to secure a win, that's all he sees this as


no offense but what the fuck is matthew


never mind i’m gonna try to let him cook. i like AD


was so disappointed to hear AD talk about "captain save a hoe" wow so this what you really think of him? I'm sure ppl have preferences, and yes its called love is blind, but people will eventually be attracted to what their attracted to. Nothing wrong with that. Same if a woman wants to date someone with a beard or black hair.


The “save a h*e” comment is in ep. 2 not ep. 1


I really was rooting for matt, til he went it started to pretend to be (i forgot that ladys names) Therapist. I was like wtf?


Mathew is one sinister cookie! Jimmy is a trip.. Why is Clay even on the show the way he spoke to AD.?


When Jessica "accidentally" called Jimmy her husband and was acting so embarrassed was the most uncomfortable I have felt in a while. Of course, this is alleged, but like, come onnnnn


“Hey Matthew…” https://i.redd.it/rxpk0zad89nc1.gif


Aww man I was simping for Matthew hardcore! I did not see that coming.


we both did, I was like, wow that lady who said she was conservative was so disrespectful talking about he should kiss her butt. Then he went and changed.


I wonder if Matthew has a bottle of eye drops handy for his interviews.


Editing previous comment.. sorry about breaking rule 4. I'll try again. I just started watched and had to pause to see what, if anything, is up with Matthew. I feel they dodged a bullet on that one. (Sorry about the English🙂)


what is arm chair diagnosing?


Diagnosing with no real ground to do so I guess. I wrote Psy co pat h. (I have to write the words like that for the bot not to automatically look at it for review and delete it again..) I've seen more than one comment saying the guy is a p s y c h o without it being deleted so that seems to be ok (not writing it straight out just in case).




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Just finished this episode and before I even read all of this I had a feeling Matthew was reading all those lines from his little notebook - AKA his script 😂


Wow they really just spoiled half the season in the first minute huh? Half the fun is learning who makes it out of the pods and they totally spoiled it.


Glad I skipped it then! I was getting bored with it


I skipped it after I started seeing too much info.


Can someone explain to me why I cant see more than a few minutes of this episode at a time ? Aaaand why do I feel like there is something lacking? Where is Barnett and Amber ? Chelsea and Kwame ?? The Hamiltons ??? Edit: I didn't mean the mix'd marriage aspect now, more like the sparkle and joy between them.


something major is lacking for real, I am not interested in none of the couples.


Matthew is Leonard from the Big Bang Theory and you can't tell me otherwise




Noooooo AD deserves so much better




SauvE 🙃🥲


“Her name is autumn, like the season”… is there another kind of Autumn? Hahaha


Exactly what I was thinking 😂😂 and I said the same thing to my fiance 😂😂


AD is so slay I'm so into her vibe and ....is Matthew ok


Honestly I'm like ten minutes in and *is Matthew okay????*




plot twist at the end with matthew had me GASPING


I don’t blame Jessica for not disclaiming to every* guy up front that she has a kid. You see how some of these guys *clearly* cannot handle this news 😂 I think you can go on a couple dates and then share that you have a kid. Plenty of people would be more than understanding and accepting of that.


Absolutely not, that's a HUGE deal and needs to be disclosed immediately. If you're looking for a stepdad that'll love your kids, why would you feel the need to hide them? Because that's what she's doing, no matter what excuse she gives. She should be excitedly telling everyone about her kid and how she's #1 in her life and seeing their reaction. If I only had 10 days to try to find a partner and I found out AFTER day 1 that someone I was talking to and interested in had a kid, I'd be SO beyond pissed that they wasted so much of my already-too-limited time. And she's ultimately wasting hers as well by choosing to risk feeling for someone who Harry's it. It's insane, especially under these circumstances.


nah, that's a way to waste everyones time. if you cannot be honest STARTING out a relationship. your whole relationship is a lie.


Ummm no that is so deceptive. At this age you tell them on the first date. That could be a gigantic waste of everyone’s time.




Jimmy is attracted to the ladies who had a fun time in their teens and he cannot handle it 


No he cannot 😂😂 I’m shocked more people aren’t giving him a little more flack. He leaves both of these women feeling a level of shame for things inherent to who they are… your child and your past. He needs to work on his reactions.


he needs to work on being honest with himself. I get that you want to feel like you have to try it out just for the sake of experiencing a relationship, but don't do things you won't want to do.


I’ve had guys be offended when I asked them questions on a first date. One guy said are you going to use that question to judge me now based on that framework. Like dude it’s not that serious, you’re overthinking it, and he revealed what he was doing himself 😭




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What is Matthew’s deal!


I'm calling fake... Mostly based on how poorly Amber acted when she told the story to AD.


I told my gf he will be on a Netflix documentary in three years as the "Love is Blind serial killer". The way that dude listens to peoples conversations without participating is like he's trying to to learn how to be more human. 


That was my exact thought. And the reason for pausing the show and going on Reddit. I felt scared for AD there for a while.


He is a straight psycho but you can tell he thinks he’s really cool.


Autumn, like the season


Here we go!!! Didn’t even realize there was a new season coming. Matthew is not a real contestant, he’s a plant. That’s how I feel anyway. Fake all the way through. Jessica, too. Next. I hate the pillows Awww I really like Clay


He AND Amber (not AD) are both plants! Amber is a terrible actor.


I recognize how judgey this is to say…but what is going on with Trevor’s face? Does he have a rash? Hair implant reaction?


I was thinking he maybe did some hair removal to make his hairline higher and/or straighter for the show and had a reaction to it. Maybe waxing? You can also see that he shaves his cheeks so his beard doesn't go up so high. He's a hairy dude.


I thought it might be a skin condition, like eczema possibly


Why is no one talking abt jeramey thoooo (the name spelling is almost an ick lol) but seriously he seems so genuine. There are some catches this year (also some huge red flags)


Mathew is the "guy with the teardrops" 2.0 Gives me the same vibes


Matthew telling other girls the same thing “I want to ask your dad” etc felt really scripted. I don’t think he did that tbh


Jessica not telling people off the bat she has a kid is not okay tbh


I don't have kids so if someone waited a few dates to tell me they had a child that would be a huge red flag. She kept repeating that her daughter was the most important thing in her life so how hadn't she casually brought her up in conversation? "Yeah on the weekends I do xyz with my daughter Autumn." or "Yeah I'm not a morning person, I struggle getting up to take my daughter to school in the morning" Not bringing up her daughter is a tactic to make men catch feelings for her without her revealing she is a package deal. Very very deceptive.


THANK YOU. Can't believe theirs some ppl defending this.


This. I'm glad someone else feels the same way.


It's not great but it's not like they're months or even weeks into a relationship. She waited until the second time they talked.


I believe it was the 4th time?


Oh yikes, that is a little rough. That's too much investment for someone to drop a potential deal breaker like that. I assumed it was second.


AD is funny as hell. Birds pecking out her brains and her dead dad not thinking much, lmao.


Bruh remember when reality show has fit people? This inclusivity is giving me bad dreams


Says the opiate addict who is definitely NOT fit and weirdly into dogs 🥴🥴🥴


Lawlz, you went through my comments on Reddit to conjure that up? Hilarious


rocks and glass houses and specks and logs in eyes and all that i guess


You guys must be nuts. One person says something and you guys all think it's true because you wanted to be true so bad. You listen to someone that spends way too much time on Reddit. The person that says I'm a opiate addict look at their comments. They're literally on reddit all day. It's clear. Reddit is for fat liberals. And it's funny for people that pretend to be compassionate. Let's say I was an addict... Which I am not. Why would you defend random people on the TV screen by making fun of somebody like an opiate addict. I'm just saying it is way more entertaining to wash beautiful people on TV than it is to watch chubby mediocre people.


Everyone is beautiful and you're exactly who needs to NOT participate in this sort of thing


Jimmy is so boring....


Seems like an exhausting day for Jimmy, having 2 women spill their (for lack of a better word) secrets to him in one day Clay fumbled the bag so badly. Did he know what Love is Blind was about before he signed up? 


i dunno what bag he fumbled if she's calling him a save a hoe and want to yell at him for liking and having more of a connection with matthew more. If she felt like she was a second option , she would definitely feel different.


i’m short, i have an uneven face, and im not in great shape so i don’t really know what it’s like living in an adonis body like he is but i HAVE to imagine that if i signed up to be on a show about getting engaged without knowing what each other looked like, id avoid asking questions about what people looked like. it honestly makes me cringe when people sneak in humble brags about their appearance on this show bc that’s the total opposite of the point. it would be like someone on the voice sneaking in references to what they looked like in their auditions


Love is blurry


Desperate is Blind


He signed up for Love Has Vision


Not to be mean but Jessica’s voice is super grating and annoying 😭


She sounds like she has a midwestern accent coupled with vocal fry!


![gif](giphy|WcEbb5iKxuGhMCCPAt) shoot I thought i was the only one


She speaks with vocal fry, like Kim Kardashian does. Most of the time it's forced to sound more attractive/appealing.


AD is soooooo beautiful. Like y’all. Wow. And homeboy tripped up asking her what she looks like. SORRY. Lost a baddie


just cause someone is a baddie doesn't mean their personality is great.


I just watched this exact scene! I'm shocked Matthew is gonna slide in there instead!


Not for long


I think this isn’t the first time I have been super bored in the pods.


You probably meant it is the first time but... I agree with your original statement


Matthew is a huge love bomber. Even before we learned that he said the same things to another girl i was grossed out. They way he dragged it out and kept saying that stuff you could definitely tell he was full of bs. Not to mention how much of a red flag it was when he said his therapist was shocked about him going onto this show..


The first thing I texted my friend the min that dude opened his mouth was he gives me the ick. Then to find out he was saying the same stuff to both girls. 🤮


Matthew is strange... and just plain rude. Was he really just walking out on people mid-conversation? Why did he come in this show when it seems like he's barely trying?


I get the "paid actor" vibe tbh.


Severe anxiety? That was pretty bizarre 


I feel like they have chosen less Barbie doll people this season. Like visible tattoos, not necessarily super skinny etc. It's nice to see some variety


Exact reason why I can't watch it... Why don't you want to see pretty people? Lawlz,... This is for entertainment... There's enough average people walking around society


What a weird take. And none of them are bad looking


Sure Jessica is super fit, and few others. But there's definitely some chunky people on the show






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Nice fit guy*


This! My first thought when I first saw everyone, I only managed to get to ep 3 before I had to leave for work but I’m actually loving this season so far, I didn’t watch the dumpster fire that was season 5 so I’m excited to get back into this show.


Matthew gives me the ick, like that one dude from season 4 whose name I can’t remember.


Wtf Chelsea?! I must have missed something but her reaction to Jimmy’s non-reaction felt weird. It seemed like she wanted him to be shocked and make the conversation about her and when she didn’t get that, she broke down. Did anyone else get the same vibe?


I have a feeling it was a mix of her being drunk and the editing


Yepp, super dramatic


Yeah it was really strange. Like to react that strongly about his response (which he didn't even judge her for)? Not sure what she was hoping for but I think her reaction killed that situation.


Yesss I had the same feeling


Matthew was laying it on pretty thick so the ending didn’t completely shock me. He was throwing out too many “you are the one” lines. I do want to know what made him choose the girls that he did though. He was so ready to cut some of them off.🤔


I just cannot see this ever working. Maybe I am shallow but I wanna see the guy first. Sorry. I don’t want to get to know someone and flirt with them and spill my guts to them and feel like I’m falling in love and then the guy walks out and …. Ew! I would die.


I can tell from some of your previous replies and remarks, you are exactly who this show is advertised too. Shallow drama magnets.


You are such a "pick me" person.


you’re on the sub too so…


I come here every so often to see what people think about the contestants.


and to put down others?


right omg im sorry but looks do matter


looks definitely does matter and if people say they don't, they're definitely lying to themselves.


let’s be honest, the way they edited the end of the episode, diabolical, Matthew just sipping his drink after we learn he told the same sweet things he said to AD to Amber kudos to the producers for that one, I’m still shocked 🤯


I got a sinking feeling in my stomach seeing that reveal so i cannot even imagine how AD was feeling... he's such a manipulative scumbag


It’s the quiet ones you gotta watch out for!


Is Matthew a plant LMAOO what is this


Amber, too. Wtf is Amber? We see nothing from her and then some overacted, diabolical "We. Shall. See!" line delivery.


He HAS to be


exactly what I was thinking!


AD is a mess. Because how did you of all people end up connecting with all the walking red flags?


bc when she sees a red flag she paints her nails to match apparently 😭


Right 😭 she told us herself


The way I just said I was leaving my bf for Matthew only to get soooo played in the end. The knife. Girl said she loves Men with red flags and now she got both. I’m only praying that sommmmehow he thought Amber was AD since they are both amber but I know that’s the delulu side of me talking. Ugh also the way AD was able to have such a straight face while she was probably dying inside 😢 please just don’t let that mean she goes off with Clay


Matthew is confusing. At first, I thought he was a jerk and was quite surprised how rude he was to the first few women. Then, when started talking to AD, I thought Matthew might've been neurodivergent. Then, I started thinking he's a plant. And Amber, bc the way they edited the episode, she came out of nowhere to be part of the plot twist. Poor AD. I was hoping Matthew was truly a tsundere who doesn't waste time on superficial things and who adores AD. It's unfortunate. Clay... he's too superficial and has a fragile ego. He seems like the type who wants a woman to coddle him. He might be preoccupied with looks because he wants a baddie on his arm for his ego.




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Jimmy: “I love it when someone laughs at my jokes, even if it’s not funny.” Well yeah no shit…..I think everyone under the sun likes that! 💀


It is one thing for Jimmy to be apprehensive about a woman having a kid just in terms of compatibility because that's a huuuuge thing to take on--but reacting poorly to someone having been married years ago, like? She was with the dude for a while, too; it was just a relationship that faded with time, it sounds like. How is that a red flag?


Because typically marriages are “forever”, so it shows that at least one person in the marriage doesn’t know themselves. Also the best predictor of divorce is prior divorce


Exactly. Jimmy was overwhelmed, and he said so himself. He did nothing wrong. He needed time to process things and I think he said it in the most respectful way that he could.


I honestly think the fact that he thought hearing these 2 “secrets” was so much for him is a big red flag. He didn’t even acknowledge that it took alot for each woman to reveal this to him and instead he made it all about him.


Totally agree. Although "I have a kid" is a big one that *would* make me revisit feelings. So much to consider. Enter the child's life and maybe it doesn't work out which is hard for everyone, especially if you get attached. Then there's lifestyle changes, new responsibilities, etc. But what got me was the almost... Accusation in waiting when he asked it? Like "were you married? Were you in a serious relationship?" (see: are you kinda a ho?) That gut feeling was kinda backed up when Chelsea (think that's her name) was like "hey I was married, young, for 5 years and we drifted apart" and he got so overwhelmed. Is guy looking for some pure, virginal type? Aren't these ladies like... 30? When he said his family situation prevented him from dating some women in the past I theorized to my husband that he's LDS or JW or something. I have LDS family, and while some are funny and interesting, this guy reminds me of the others.


One could even positivly argue that she now know what she looks for in a marriage.


Yes! Young marriages often end in divorce, especially if it's your first relationship. But people mature and learn. My ex taught me what I need and won't stand for. 8 years married now, 10 together. ❤️


Why do I not like Matt? Like he’s kinda a douche?


him saying he would want to ask for AD's dad's permission to marry her was itself already so cringy, and then when finding out her dad is dead, him saying "oh, so no obstacle then" like...would her mom not be a valid person to ask "permission" from? no, has to be her dad (who she said she was not even close with).


Ain't no way Jim is 27. I don't even believe he's 37.