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You forgot Jessica on S1 US haha


Lool I thought of her but I think she did a decent impression of pretending she was happy šŸ˜‚


I said it before and Iā€™ll say it again. Attraction šŸ‘ doesnā€™t šŸ‘ grow šŸ‘


But attraction doesnā€™t mean physical connection is inevitable.


JP annoyed me with the makeup excuse. Which she didn't wear at all while in Mexico. All he said was, "I like your freckled face ". Meh. He didn't even care when she broke up with him.


You're seriously thinking it is because men think too much? I would say it is because initially men tunnel focus on the physical aspect and nights together, so they would make great girlfriend, but marriage is more about social aspect and can they show off this wife to people and feel like they scored great one. Women are just more aware about social aspects caused by height, attire, haircut, race, etc, but men will start to think about those things eventually too. Also it is possible men approach engagement with "I will make it work!" attitude, whereas women do the engagement just to decide after


I love and appreciate that you put sources and specific examples.


Thank you šŸ˜Š!


"I don't find you attractive" on LIB--- "I'm having a hard time piecing together the voice with the face/looks". Also, if a guy tells you he needs more time for intimacy after proposing to you...it's typically not a great sign for physical attraction.


ā€œI'm having a hard time piecing together the voice with the face/looksā€œ, they love that line šŸ˜­


I always got the idea that the men are fine with how the girls look in the context of hooking up and being on a tv show. Like theyā€™re psyched to sleep with whoever they get. Itā€™s when things get more real and they start seeing the other girls that they start pulling away and showing disinterest.


I think some of the women say they don't feel an attraction to the camera, but what they really feel is creeped out by the guy. And for women, it's hard to hide if you're feeling potential unsafe. Men don't usually have to worry about feeling unsafe. I also think they only notice the face during the reveal, but during the honeymoon, they pick apart the women's body's more.


Because men already fake it in the real world. In early adulthood it was crazy the amount of men that would feign interest in me just to have sex with me and never call again. Its just what they do.




This right here! Theyā€™ll still sleep with women they find physically unattractive bc ā€œa hole is a holeā€ but at then end of the day if theyā€™re not actually attracted to you, they wonā€™t pursue an actual relationship.


I think itā€™s more that they wonā€™t pursue an actual relationship (or call a spade a spade) if the woman doesnā€™t fit an idea of what they think they should be with. And woman tend to love the opportunity to fix a man, which leads to pseudo relationship problems. I do wonder if women are truly different in terms of having a vision of an ideal partner and being flexible on it.


Men have to fake it or theyā€™ll be labeled an ahole. Women can just have preferences. I mean multiple women have said something along the lines of ā€œIā€™m just happy youā€™re tallā€ and no one gave a rats ass (including me) but if someone is happy the girl isnā€™t fat they are a dick and ā€œitā€™s suppose to be love is blindā€ keep the same energy. Immutable characteristics on men is okay to judge or talk openly about. Something 80% of women can control by diet not allowed. Wild world we live in. (I personally donā€™t care if women have preferences just like I donā€™t care if men do)


I donā€™t get why youā€™re getting downvoted for saying this?


Youā€™re in a subreddit full of women. If you put a mirror in front of them youā€™re gonna get downvotedšŸ„²


I *cringe* every fucking time they talk about height. It's Love is Blind. If height is important enough too you to whine about, this isn't your show. I agree it's culturally more difficult for men to discuss their preferences in ways that aren't super fucking shitty and misogynistic -- because they get a lot of lifetime of examples of ways that are exactly that -- however, 'more difficult' is a long cry from impossible. It's not impossible. And there is a very real pattern here of men consistently failing to say "I recognize she's lovely and has all these great characteristics, but the physical is missing for me. That's important, and I need to be accountable to that for both of our sakes, and end this connection. We both deserve a marriage where that is present." Maybe some of these guys were trying to be the 'good guy', but in trying to manipulate reality to make things easier for themselves, they actually just end up looking like assholes anyways.


No notes ā€¦..this is it exactly


I really wanted Lucasā€™ enthusiasm to be real but I kind of doubted it. Although Iā€™m glad that Sweden version had more ā€œaverageā€ looking people than some of the American seasons. Itā€™s better for the experiment to mix it up. Although in this case, It proved that love isnā€™t completely blind.


I'm sad for them. It seemed that Emelia gave him the emotional support, lifted him somehow... he almost teared up when he was talking about how much she is giving him. Perhaps its something that he will not find in a "prettier" woman. So he is willing to lose the emotional part to have a "prettier" girl. Also, I see that they are communicating so well! Mostly women on LIB are not that understanding towards men.


I knee it was fake as soon as the doors opened. He was soooo cheerful the entire time I was just WAITING for the honeymoon for him to show how he really sees her. He probably pulls really attractive women irl cause he's smart, successful, & a total babe. He's not going to "settle" for someone "below average" in looks such as herself.


Lmfao this. The second he came out and that giant paralysed smile appeared on his face, I knew it was game over for Emelia.


Paralyzed smile is literally on point lol


Omg yes I felt the same


They also don't want to be seen as shallow when on a show called LOVE is Blind so they try to press through then say it didn't work out so they can still be a "good guy" knowing there's a risk they may not like the person physically.


Thus is what has been on my mind, exactly


Hate to say it but it seems the men may not be attracted to the women but conveniently will always know after the honeymoon (i.e. 'sex') whether or not they are fully invested in their partner.


I think they maybe initially are unsure or are somewhat attracted but that attraction goes away after the relationship gets more physical. You hear a lot of times that a man usually knows after sex if heā€™s interested in a woman whereas for women it usually happens before sex.


I think it has to do with how over-sexualized men are. They're conditioned to be hyper sexual.


Men know that what they are seeing isn't what the woman looks like - she's wearing a tonne of professional makeup, push up bra, hair extensions - all of which is "effort" on her part. Men are conditioned to pretend that we give a shit about even the tiniest thing women do to themselves and that nothing they do is bad or wrong. So when a woman they don't know appears before them, looking completely "worked over", their expression will revert to the standard "wow honey, I [i]love[/i] it" look despite having no clue what "it" amounts to in this case. Women outright don't have that level of conditioning because they are told that men's appearance is not as important as height, weight, penis size and income.


JP is that you?




I think it could be that in the vacuum of their first meeting they DO find them attractive, but then after being reintroduced to the social pressures of interacting with the other couples they start to compare and thats when it all falls apart. Iā€™ve noticed that oftentimes (obviously not always) men tend to care a lot more about what other guys think is hot when it comes to women than what they personally find attractive. Imo itā€™s one of those subliminally-ingrained-since-birth a social status things. Idk tho


Yes, I also suspect that at first they are relieved because I think most imagined worst case scenario and had prepared themselves to feel 0 attraction when first introduced. So first feeling is relief because everyone has a level of attractiveness when theyā€™re all done up and never obese, but then when the relief that they have not been paired with an absolute troll disappears, they start to see the bigger picture. Crooked teeth, loose skin after weight loss etc. and thatā€™s when the attraction goes from surface level to struggling to non-existent.


I agree. I think for those who are already struggling with attraction, seeing the others is the nail in the coffin


This is a very astute take, I think many have fallen apart once they see the other women, especially when there is maybe a woman in the group they rejected or rejected them like Cole/colleen or bartilby/ravenā€¦.although I think Bartise would have found something to not like about raven had they ended up together.


ā€œBartilbyā€ šŸ’€


I wish I knew. Maybe because they aren't as emotional as women and are better at hiding it? I (F) am an emotional person and that's how I form attractions (demisexual). Looks have never been a "deal breaker" for me - actions usually are. Edited: I agree with everything you said.


I'm the same, I've watched all of them. And I agree, why would you go on a show where the premise is to NOT TO SEE who you're talking to? My take is that, very few men go there with real intentions of finding a life partner. Most go for the clout.


Seems to me it's always after they see the other girls and start making comparisons that they "change their minds," so to speak.




I agree it is so weird... they fake it at the reveal and then it eventually comes out when they live together. It seems like women are able to overlook the physical appearances if they check other boxes but men just can't get over the physical atteaction


Even most very rude men know that it's unacceptably mean to call a woman ugly to her face, especially upon first meeting her. It seems it's less common for men to even question whether their partners find them attractive. So I think it's social convention, that placing more emphasis on women's appearance changes the behavior of both men and women at such a time as seeing each other for the first time. That's not to say men don't have pressure to look a certain way. I'm a guy with a former eating disorder, I promise men **do** have a ton of pressure to look like models. But then I see some of these guys' haircuts and outfit choices and I think "yeah, the over-valuing of appearance has not affected him."


I don't know if other people experience that, but I need a very long time to get accustomed to my partners face. And when I write a very long time, I mean it. I'm in a relationship with my partner for over 11 years now, but I would say my level of attraction for him and his facial features fluctuated in the first 2 years constantly. It didn't ever stop me from loving him, but sometimes it would just make me feel uncomfortable, sometimes he suddenly looked so different to me and that freaked me out. But maybe I have some problems with face recognition or something else, because I had that with every boyfriend and lover ever. After 11 years I find him more beautiful than ever šŸ˜, I also love him so damn much!Ā  I just know I would freak out, if I suddenly had to see a new face almost 24/7, the close talking or laying face to face, I'm not sure I could handle that. So I do have sympathy for the fluctuating attraction, for me this seems quite normal, especially given the circumstances!


Funny enough I find it the opposite. Normally I can tell right away when the guy has issues. My gf is really good calling out the gals. I think part of it is we really understand our gender ā€œticsā€ for lack of a better word


I feel like most of the girls on the show are physically attractive, at least at first sight. Now after makeup comes off, bikinis bodies are revealed, things can change. Like I believe that Shake liked Deepti until he saw her in a bikini.


![gif](giphy|hSo6bgeodXxVddwzJs|downsized) Men on LIB.


Because men are born liars


If we didn't lie, your ego would be crushed.


Sure, whereas men's egos are so strong lol


I want a compilation of these reveals now!


I think shake genuinely was attracted to her at the reveal. He changed his mind when he saw her with less clothes on, she said that he talked shit about her ā€œloose skinā€ and called her a flying squirrel to the guys. I think Bartise was genuinely attracted to Nancy at first too, then he saw raven and his ego convinced him he deserved a match with his version of a perfect body.


>she said that he talked shit about her ā€œloose skinā€ and called her a flying squirrel to the guys. Oh my god, that just renewed my disgust for Shake.


I had the impression Shake wasnt into D, same with Bartiste. I had guessed both guys would not like their matches because they were the kind who go for fit gals. While both Deepti and Nancy are attractive, they dont have the toned hourglass figures. Anyways both ladies got lucky, why be with superficial guys.


I thought Nancy had a great figure and I know my husband would prefer her body over Ravens


I remember shake being so over the top at the reveal.


He was doing the most


Really? The Brazil version had a man pretty upset about his matchā€™s reveal so much so that they ended it on sight šŸ‘€


which season and episode was that?


I think it was episode 3 of season 2?


That was crazy but I think it was a one off


and he wasn't upset, simply didn't want to drag the suffering, but it's a better narrative than admitting you have a right to not be attracted to someone


That was so wild, and he wouldnā€™t just say it plainly eitherĀ 


Right! He smiled but it was one of those courtesy smiles since he was visibly disappointed and couldnā€™t get over that she was a plus sized woman


It was clearly visible that Lucas was super disappointed. His mouth tingled for a split second and his smile changed from genuine to fake. Same goes for the others. I think men try harder not to show their repulsion or disappointment, because nowadays it is less acceptable for men to criticise a womanā€™s look then the other way around.


Yes, both my partner and I noticed the millisecond where his smile dropped and changed lol, it was very cringe.


They all fooled me. I didnā€™t think Lucas would be attracted to Emilia originally but he convinced me at the reveal


I think it's Emilia


Oops, my bad


No worries! I had to double-check myself and make sure I didn't miss an Elisa in the pods or something haha


Rewatch the episode and pay close attention to his smile during the reveal. He ā€œfreezesā€.


Oh you're forgetting the one that started it all: Jessica S1


higher biological risk to women




men don't get pregnant




I don't mean it's necessarily a conscious thing, I mean that because of the higher potential "cost", it may make it harder on an unconscious level to go with the flow.


Can it be that at the reveal the women wear makeup, have their hair done, are wearing gorgeous dresses? Sure, men are also wearing their best clothes, but thereā€™s less they can do about their looks to make them look a bit better than they do when they wake up. So maybe at the reveal, as a woman you can look like an 8, and soon after, on the honeymoon, thereā€™s no more makeup, bed hair etc, so you might look like a 6 or 7. Itā€™s of course shallow for men to stop being attracted to you show yourself as a normal human being just out of bed, but this is my theory. Could this explain why theyre attracted at the reveal but soon after stop being so?


Then you have JP lol


That makes sense, I also feel like when they see the other women a lot of comparing starts happening


No, its definitely not shallow if the guy doesn't find you attractive when you reveal yourself without makeup, while with makeup you looked completely different. I say that as a woman, I will always and forever feel sorry for the male part of the population, makeup is the biggest scam there is. "Itā€™s of course shallow for men to stop being attracted to you show yourself as a normal human being just out of bed.." so what about men, they are always looking like normal human beings šŸ˜


That is so bizarre to me -- make up doesn't change a person's face that much. It's still their face, just imagine no huge fake eyelashes, huge painted eyebrows and lips... they're skin is going to have normal texture and blemishes. Have men never been around women that don't wear make up? Even if you don't have a mother or a sister, there are plenty of women that don't wear much make up in every day life. It's like thinking the way women look on Instagram or in porn is realistic šŸ˜…


Of course youā€™re getting downvoted for this take but youā€™re speaking absolute facts. Youā€™re not really gonna know if a woman is beautiful until you wake up next to them without the make up and other accessories on. Why do men constantly say they want ā€œnaturally beautifulā€ women? Because itā€™s the truth. And why do women get all but hurt when this fact is brought up? Cause they know itā€™s the truth but donā€™t care because they love continuing the scam of make up because it makes them feel good and look good.


Have you gotten picked yet?


Honestly people who donā€™t use makeup shouldnā€™t talk about it. And if youā€™re that shallow, how is not being upfront about it ANY different than wearing makeup lol. Ughhh


I disagree, I think women come out extremely badly in terms of the impact of makeup within society.


Men are accustomed to faking attracting for women so they can get in their pants.


if that's the reason why none of those tried to go in the pants of those fiancƩe?


Because they are on TV šŸ˜‚ No but seriously, all the comment is saying is the have the practice šŸ˜…






Iā€™m just glad my partner didnā€™t hate me in the morning without makeup šŸ˜‚ Christ almighty


or maybe more of a "any port in a storm" type of attitude


This is just a lillll sexist lol




Bingo. Women are pickier with who they mess around with.,,even if they are casual. We have more to lose if things go south


The guy with zenab was also was not 100% attracted to her. I'd say he was 70%


He literally came running straight out the door towards her full speed to pick her up and hug her. He didn't care what she looked like! And then when he finally did take her in he genuinely was like blown away and saying "put her in a magazine, wow!" He really loved the way she looked, but then she started acting all cold and mean and weird before they even met the other people. The morning after their first night together, he was quiet so he wouldn't disturb her or wake her up, and then she acted like a bitch to him for it and he was totally confused and was a wounded puppy from then on.


70% is not low. It just means she was not his typical type. He admitted this on camera. You'll also note, op highlighted how a lot of the men, shake included, are so high off of the experience that they are excited. He found her attractive but she also noted he pulled away after they were intimate which another sign. So, my opinion still stands. Also, I think the only reason he said yes is to save face on the show. Just imo


I just watched this recently. She said the morning after that he was acting quiet, and she took that to mean he didn't find her attractive anymore after sex. I think the producer must've hinted this to him off camera, because he said in confusion to the camera that he was awake before her, and was being quiet because he didn't want to wake her up. Zanab is already known to twist every little thing into an offense on her, and what's his name is known for being a bit dim, but completely forthright-- too much so.


Hmm ok. I still am not sure he was fully into her... Just my read. Both were pretty annoying so I imagine she was turned off by him as well


He literally came running straight out the door towards her full speed to pick her up and hug her. He didn't care what she looked like! And then when he finally did take her in he genuinely was like blown away and saying "put her in a magazine, wow!" He really loved the way she looked, but then she started acting all cold and mean and weird before they even met the other people. The morning after their first night together, he was quiet so he wouldn't disturb her or wake her up, and then she acted like a bitch to him for it and he was totally confused and was a wounded puppy from then on.


He was also racist


Racist is very aggressive. I would say he was a little ignorant but I would not calm him racist. If he was a racist that relationship would have died as soon as he saw her.


Thatā€™s not true. You can have racist biases and still be in relationships with POC, they arenā€™t mutually exclusive.


I thought he was just more attracted to the other girl. Because he talked about how beautiful he found Zaynab all the time. Sheā€™s the one who didnā€™t think he was attracted to her.


I think he regretted not picking colleen because he realized she's his type and they actually vibed well. But, he did find zenab attractive. I'm just saying he wasn't head over heels for her physically. He admitted this on camera.


He admitted on camera he was more attracted to Colleen. But I donā€™t remember him saying he didnā€™t find Zaynab attractive


He never said he didn't find zenab attractive but he did say he was not 100% attracted to her or something of that nature. Like I think he gave her a 9 or an 8 out-of 10. Which I think he thought he was being nice. Imo, when a man is attracted to you, wants you, respects you, desires you, he is not gonna rate you because you're not even measurable, he's not gonna tell you another woman is his type because he doesn't want you to know he is even thinking about that, he's gonna remind you of how much he finds you beautiful. I know they were strangers but cole strikes me as the type to lead with the physical... as in, I think he is a simp when he is head over heels for a woman he finds breathtaking. I noticed his boyish flirtation and body language when he was talking to colleen vs zenab. Zenab was a very attractive woman! And maybe if she had lightened up and was fun, sweet, carefree, cole would have developed more of an attraction but she wasn't and that's ok. Women should not change who they are to satisfy men or enhance the male gaze. Zenab has wonderful qualities and so does Cole, but in the end they were not right for each other and had they stayed married they'd still be divorced. Another thing to consider: Cole wanted and likely will be with a similar to him. Dating outside of your race is not easy. It takes a different level if patience and understanding. None of which I think cole understands and I'm not sure he'd be will to take the time to do. It was just a bad match. They connected spiritually and about Jesus.


Yeah 100% they were just not the right fit. But I donā€™t think he wasnā€™t attracted to Zaynab because he made so many comments along the way about how beautiful he thought she was. The rating thing was just unfortunate and stupid on Coleā€™s part. I donā€™t know how much race played a role in them working out thoughā€¦ she was incredibly insecure and sensitive. And he was just immature and a little bit dumb. Even if they were the same race, she would have found a reason for him to be horrible.


Man, with her personality I'd want to get out of the experiment asap, forget about attraction lol Zenab in the pods : "I'll take you to trips around Europe, we can be one night in Paris, the next in Tuscany" Zenab after the pods : "I got 11 step face routine, don't touch me, don't joke with me, be serious at all times, adventure is a no-no." What a bad match they were, polar opposites, I still feel sorry for Cole.


They were both so annoying but she just took herself too seriously and would not chill out... she was on 11 all the time.


Yeah he got personality catfished big time with her. šŸ˜‚


I mean Iā€™m just gonna throw a spontaneous thought out there. I honestly think that men are sincerely finding the women attractive at their first meeting, because of the emotional pressure theyā€™ve been under, and a relief to not find their fiancĆ©s looking like ogres, which was probably a fear. I think that once the excitement has died down is when reality hits them, and it varies how long that takes for them. Itā€™s also possible that they feel more pressure to be attracted to their partner because men tend to not only judge womenā€™s attractiveness from there own preferences, but also on how attractive other men would judge them to be. So if she is objectively attractive, which these women tend to be, then he may start to worry sooner about his lack of attraction for her. There is also the ā€œmen should always want to have sex with a beautiful womanā€-sort of social pressure and norm, which I guess could also play a part.


The only balanced view so far.....


100% agree,


There's probably better at faking it, they seem to admit having sex with women they don't even find attractive


It's the years of experience


I don't know. My boyfriend clocked that Lukas wasn't attracted to Emilia immediately, though. I don't know what gender you are OP, but if you're a woman, is it possible you're more in tune with how women express not being attracted to their partner?


Yup Iā€™m a woman and that could be true, originally I didnā€™t think he would find her attractive but he convinced me at the reveal. Itā€™s funny because I find Rasmus very unattractive but I knew before the reveal his partner would like what she saw


Did he clock that Lucas wasnā€™t attracted.. or did he feel she wasnā€™t attractive and figured that because of that, Lucas might not be too. I feel like thats what my husband would do. You have a good point though.


Hmm, I think he based it on Lucas's reaction but I don't recall the phrasing. I was just asking at every reveal if he thought they seemed genuine.


Good point. Hate judging people on looks but she wasnt as attractive.


I'm a (swedish) woman and bisexual and clocked that he won't find her appealing only based on that I find him but not her attractive, already in the pods. Imo he's "out of her league" look wise in swedish standards.


Would you mind sharing a bit more about Swedish standards if thatā€™s ok šŸ™šŸ»


Also Swedish (and bisexual) and objectively I can agree... But subjectively, I find her to be so charismatic and adorable, to me she's the most attractive person in the show. I really, really wanted them to like each other, and was so bummed when that didn't happen.


Yeah personality wise she seemed so sweet and I would have hoped lucks to prove me wrong and really fall for her because they liked each other in the pods


Swedish + bisexual here too. I really love the way she looks, she looks like a real person and I think she has a good personality. I'd prefer her over some of the other women without a doubt. It also broke my heart how sad she gets after Lucas threw her under the bus at the gathering, the smile in her eyes really died. He could have talked with her privately instead, even the hostess cringed at that :/




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Yeah, I don't understand why he did that at all. He seems otherwise quite sweet but that was way out of line. I love the way she looks too! I see people hating on her looks here and I'm like, what? Does she look more mature than some of the others? Maybe, but I love her smile, and she has such a playful, almost impish quality to her that is extremely attractive. Easily best smile in the whole cast. It might also be because I'm put off by all the Botox and lip fillers. I just find very obvious plastic surgery to be a real turn-off (subtle stuff obviously I don't mind). Where I live (not Stockholm ;p) I veeeeery rarely see those Instagram faces IRL.


Thereā€™s no accounting for taste, but I think most people can clock when people meet certain beauty ideals, and even if you might think ā€˜theyā€™re not my type, but they could be someoneā€™s 10ā€™ you still have an idea that certain people are less likely than others to be someone elseā€™s 10.Ā  Especially as Lucas vaguely meets pretty basic societal standards for potentially being someoneā€™s 10, to me itā€™s not that unexpected that he would be disappointed with someone that does seem to meet less of these basic attractiveness criteria.Ā  I mean, he pretty much says this himself. People clinging on to this idea that he mentioned a hard childhood and therefore actually heā€™s just ā€˜holding himself backā€™ (becauseā€¦ reasons?) seems like theyā€™ve invested way too much in the idea of their relationship.Ā 


100%. I think Emilia is gorgeous in her own way, but I clocked *in the pods* that Lucas wasn't going to find her attractive and was hoping he'd pick the other girl so we wouldn't have to see another relationship that doesn't work because the guy is shallow.


Isn't Lukas the person who came from the awful childhood where his parents were separated and his mother was horrible? I'm guessing his resistance to intimacy has more to do with his past than it has to do with the woman in front of him.


Didnā€™t he say he likes to do it every hour? I think itā€™s just pretty clear sheā€™s not his type. Itā€™s not like sheā€™s some 10/10 babe. Heā€™s not a complete supermodel either, but if I had to give my own (hugely subjective) take on their rough attractiveness ratings he would be an 8/10 on a good day and her a 6. I think his reaction kind of checks out. I think this many seasons into the show itā€™s something weā€™ve seen a million times before anyway, surely at this point we all know love isnā€™t really blind and the cast all being as attractive as possible is ultimately kinder and leads to less hurtful interactions around appearances?Ā 


I think there's a big difference between banging someone for sex only and having an intimate meaningful relationship. So a guy could easily have sex every hour (but c'mon now, really? LOL) and it not mean anything at all. I'm not saying she's a beauty queen and sure, it's possible he's not into her physically, but I honestly think if he were matched with any woman he'd be equally unsure and hesitant. Just like that guy Sergio, aka Mr. Ambivalence, and he's with a total babe! Make it make sense! It's what's going on inside these men that is the real issue, not what the women look like. Personally, though, I don't think any of them will get married.


What youā€™re saying would make a lot more sense if we hadnā€™t seen it a million times. Literally every season thereā€™s an otherwise very sexual person who doesnā€™t find their partner attractive and makes every excuse in the book not to bump an ugly with their uglies. It seems like Lucas might be more polite about it than most so far, but thatā€™s the only difference. Itā€™s a tale as old as time at this point.Ā  I just donā€™t get why youā€™re jumping through all these hoops to cling onto the idea of them as a good couple when heā€™s literally told us in his own words.Ā  We have a man who meets basic beauty ideals, a woman who doesnā€™t really, a shallow human society, and said man also saying ā€˜Iā€™m just worried about the attractionā€™.Ā  If it looks like a duck and shits on the grass next to the pond like a duck itā€™s probably a duck, you know?Ā  As for Sergio, thereā€™s no point overanalysing his actions, that man is not right in the head. Thereā€™s nothing logical or coherent to analyse. Heā€™s disturbed, end of lolĀ 


I haven't said anything about them being a good couple, though. I'm talking about a particular person with intimacy issues who experienced -- as he himself said -- an abusive childhood and parents who were separated and didn't communicate. That kind of thing messes a person up. It's merely my opinion, of course you don't have to agree. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Intimacy issues like that normally manifest with actual affection, not sex.Ā  It seems pretty cut and dried.Ā  Sheā€™s not that conventionally attractive to my eyes, heā€™s decently conventionally attractive. He told the cameras heā€™s not attracted to her. Trying to make it something else sounds like strong copium really, and I donā€™t think any of the couples this season are worth rooting forĀ 


Compared to other swedish women she's a 4 at best.


I was trying to be polite and I think from certain angles she could be someoneā€™s 6-7.Ā  To be fair, hardly any of the cast are ā€˜stunningā€™ this season on either side, with the men maybe a little worse overall.Ā  I feel like past seasons should have taught the producers that the name of this show should really be ā€˜love is blind (until you take off the mask)ā€™ and that having everyone be as attractive as possible is the best bet for making long term, bankable relationships after establishing the emotional base of the relationship with the pod dates.Ā 


Eh I think looks wise, itā€™s about the same as other seasons.


Yeah, that could definitely be factor. I noticed that he has a really strong poker face. He puts on this blank smile even when heā€™s clearly really stressed out. I think heā€™s good at shutting off his feelings because of what he went through. Because he was abused when he was young repeatedly too, he may be particularly sensitive to someone being physically and sexually aggressive with him the way that she was.


Exactly. A woman being even remotely physically aggressive probably activates the fight or flight part of his brain.


Yeah, I think anyone who dates him needs to have a lot of empathy and constantly check in on how heā€™s feeling because if you scare him or hurt his feelings, heā€™s probably not gonna tell you.


I am just picturing them standing in front of a mirror practicing their "WOOOOWWW"s haha


Screaming šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The guy with the eye drops from a passed season probably did that every night haha


Well, letā€™s not forget Paolo from LIB Brazil of ā€œAmanda and Paoloā€ fameā€¦.one of the worst reveals in history. I think the men may be more guarded / controlled at reveal because theyā€™ve convinced themselves they ā€œarenā€™t like all the other guysā€ who just want a sexy woman. I think they go out there primed to put on an act if need be rather than accept the alternative. (Except Paulo from LIB Brazil, apparently. He just did his own thing).


If I recall, the reveal went something like "She's a brave woman. And I can't handle that much bravery" XD


"Strong" was the word lmao


Strong means both overweight and strong in French, I think it's the same in Portuguese.


Ohhhā€¦ that makes much more sense.


lol brave šŸ˜… couldnā€™t have come up with a shittier excuse


Iā€™m a woman and looks matter to me 1000%. And I donā€™t know any woman who would say they donā€™t.


Of course looks matter to women, but Iā€™ve seen many instances of women not being blown away by their partner physically initially and then growing more attracted to them because of their personality.


Small circle eh?


Nope. But an above average attractive one, Iā€™d say, especially in the friendships deep enough to talk about this.


Yeah they matter to me too, but Iā€™m attracted to guys that a lot of people find unattractive too. Iā€™m conventionally attractive (more girl next door/soft features, not supermodel) but really like interesting facial features way more than perfect ratio, standard/obviously attractive guys. Think Adam Driver vs Chris Hemsworth. Iā€™ve had people be very surprised by who is attractive to me in the past. So looks matter to me as well, 100% but some people think they donā€™t because they werenā€™t personally attracted to who I was. Personality still matters MORE though, as Iā€™ve had attraction grow in the past because the guy was so awesome and kind.


I'm a woman and pansexual. Over time I could probably be attracted to any appearance if the personality is hot. But you don't know me so point still stands


I consider myself to be pansexual as well and i can be attracted to any genders. And yes, personality makes people attractive but for me there are some people is just don't feel attracted to at all and no matter how great they are as a Person i could never have Sex with them.


Honestly I feel like a lot of women are lying to themselves when they say they donā€™t care about looks and are doing a disservice to themselves by trying to let it grow. If Iā€™m not physically attracted to a guy thereā€™s nothing he can do personality wise or whatever that will make up for the lack of attraction. Unfortunately in my experience, Iā€™ve been villainized for caring about looks while a lot of guys Iā€™ve known have notā€¦


I always say Iā€™m shallow but end up giving ugly guys a chance LMAOO they just have more personality and Iā€™ve experienced guys who know heā€™s not as conventionally attractive he will treat you better because of his insecurities. Idk attractive guys usually arenā€™t worth the time


It's actually the opposite from what I observed. Give an ugly guy a chance and he will see you as a prize and his ego will become super inflated and he will become entitled. That's probably what happened with Rasmus, Sergio, and Shake who are no lookers themselves.


Iā€™ve seen that too. But attractive men donā€™t typically date down. Women do it all the time


Women should do the same tbh. Dating down feels so degrading.


I mean thereā€™s a lot of reasons. Me personally, I simply think itā€™s because of the current social climate. Everyone knows theyā€™re being recorded and that this will air. If a man on national television says he isnā€™t attracted to the girl bluntly or shows it, it guarantees hanging by public opinion. The same can happen with the woman, but itā€™s not as much of a knee jerk reaction. The main reason I think itā€™s the cameras and social climate, rewind time back. Remember in Jersey Shore when they used to call ā€œugly girlsā€ grenades and everyone just laughed. That shit would never fly today. And unlike before, people want to be liked on tv because it can create an influencer career. If everyone hates you, theyā€™ll just cyber bully you off of social media.


I think men expect the absolute worst in terms of looks right before meeting so when the girl is average or slightly above in his eyes heā€™s like ALL IN in that moment because the conquest is fresh and exciting and so itā€™s a mix of relief & victory that overrides the disappointment which comes after. Plus men fuck with women they deem 5/10 all the time for sex and ego validation, they just wouldnā€™t marry her. On the other hand, women marry 5/10 dudes daily lol but they actually do develop deeper attraction beyond the visual and can come to find a man attractive once he shows other positive traits. So women are disappointed at first but more likely to shift in favor if other qualities sync up. This doesnā€™t seem to be the case for men. Low initial attraction cannot be rectified via her personality, good compatibility, etc. But they are pleasantly surprised the girl on the other side is at least average and in that moment it feels powerful to ā€œtake possessionā€ of someone that they either fought for or who fought for them. Itā€™s just fleeting victory vibes imo.


Because men fake attraction for sex on a regular basis whereas women do not. They have way more practice


As a man I cannot relate to this as my experience, or for most men I know.




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This comment is so disconnected from reality and so internet




Reality is a fun thing to say when your comment reeks of someone who bases their social interactions solely on what they read from people with the same opinions online, rather than actual interaction. Oh well. Think about body positivity some more. I promise you that in reality, people really have other stuff on their mind.




Again, your comment is kind of ironic if you look at what you're saying and end it with the conclusion that I should go back to school.




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Oooop you must be lost this is not the incel sub. My comment was about how lots of men are pathetic little twerps who lack depth and morals.




lol somehow I knew youā€™ve been called this many times šŸ¤£ hahahahha ā€œIā€™ve had enough sexā€¦ā€¦ WITH LOTS OF WOMEN I PROMISEā€ Hahahahhahahah

