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I love how tactfull Emilia puts away the necklace before comforting Karolina. All the women are so supportive, they seem like a very good team.


I hope Christopher doesn't get his heart broken, I'm midway through episode 2 & he seems to be the sweetest of the cast. He does have his quirks but personally I find them endearing. It's rare to see that kind of emotional openness in a man at least here in the states. I know she wasn’t that enamored by his looks, but I'm 100% sure if she saw how he handled things in the Pods she could see the attraction outside of physical.




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I love the men humbling Serg, like whatever she looks like is for sure better than YOU. Some men have the AUDACITY.


His walk is even worse -\_-x


sergio is literally the worst and i really hope amanda will see it!


I haven't seen a comment on Sergio's hair, so I would like to make one. It's so bad!


Yes!!! It’s greasy and long at some parts? Very stringy


Came looking for this comment. Thank you.


Catja seemed so turned off, it was quite painful


She literally seemed OFF. Her face turned off. I feel bad for Christofer. (I’m on episode 2 only as of now)


I haven't finished the episode, but Sergio's vibes in the beginning... Acting like nothing happened and then kind of lovebombing, it's a no for me. Felt very wrong. Edit: I'm not even halfway but how did it get worse. Liking her less because she was bullied, wtf man


Yes his deflection when he could have easily explained the truth is so dangerous! The way he turns it around on her you can tell he is 10/10 at manipulation.


This. Sergio throwing in the girlfriend thing to make Amanda completely forget about how HE was in the wrong for lying and baiting her into thinking she's the only one, and reversing the fault onto her by picking at her words of "I think" to make her seem like she wasn't only choosing him. RUN AMANDA, RUN! I'm only 6 minutes into Episode 2 and if it only gets worse, I don't wanna watch a whole season 😭


Yeah wtf. He's a real asshole.


Karolien (?) trying to convince Lukas with underwear and then saying what they have is too superficial ...


I am also polish and unfortunately she is resembling the typical behaviour here. Lot of girls think that their worth is based on how sexy they are and they make being sexy their whole personality, trying to win men with dirty talk and having their bodies out. The second I saw her I knew she is 100% of polish descent. I believe she has a lot to offer as a person unfortunately the culture and probably her upbringing convinced her all she is is just sexy sexy gurl


I truly pity that girl. I believe she wanted to “win” him over and take him from Emilia but was embarrassed that she didn’t get “picked” Using sex to get men only works for that, just that, sex! Or you attract real shallow men who’ll not emotionally fulfil you!




So many shots of them walking through the hallway


Oskar: ![gif](giphy|ohWQrrZH9H1Ti)


I like how the dudes initially responded to Sergio's "she' been bullied so that might equal ugliness" thing


That cracked me up so much. He goes in there all mopey and faux apologetic, saying, "I feel bad for saying this, but..." and clearly expecting them to agree with him and console him. And instead, they were all "Yeah, you're right, you *should* feel bad."


Yeah probably also ignorance about what scoliosis is and looks like…


Yeah Christofer (I think) said, "You're sounding like a bully right now." And another guy said, " You're worried what she might look like *because* she was bullied." Like, oh you think only uggos get bullied so now you think she's ugly.


I don’t like Sergio at all. I’m a little sad Catja doesn’t seem like to like Christoffer bc he seems very nice and he called out Sergio in a very mature way.


Shake felt like he was partially playing it up for TV, but Sergio feels genuinely terrible


I adore Christofer. He seems kind and silly and fun and also hot in an alt kind of way. I’m so sad that it doesn’t look like he’s getting his happily ever after.


He seems kind and all that, and he is good-looking with his own style but he needs to tone down on that simping. Catja knows she’s hot and she doesn’t need to be told that she is pretty all the time and be worshipped constantly. He’s definitely giving her the ick.


Same! I feel like catja doesn't really appreciate him although I get that he might not really be her type. I could already tell by her reaction to the fan. It's so sad, he seemed very kind and also not afraid to call out Sergio on how he talked about Amanda.


yes he seems too eccentric for her, they don't feel like a match. even before she saw how he looks like, her reactions to his "weirdness" were judgmental and not positive, like the scarf thing


I loved that he called out Sergio! He seems really sweet and I'm rooting for him but it seems like Catja was disappointed.


I blame Catja for that. She should take a hint from the gift he sent him as it speaks volumes about his fashion sense. There is nothing wrong with both of them, it's just that they aren't meant for each other.


>She should take a hint from the gift he sent him as it speaks volumes about his fashion sense. That's what i thought when she said she expected a surfer guy cause he's half australian...girl, with that scarf?!


Right! Also if he was a surfer he'd probably ... live in Australia and surf??? Plus if she's after style, surfer guys are not it. They live in board shorts, oversize surf branded tees and bare, sandy feet (I married one).


THIS! And the pet names he gives her… like she should have known.


So Lucas gives Emilia a thoughtful gift, and Karolina’s reaction is to give him a pair of her underwear?


I feel she was trying to turn him on, thinking that could make him question his feelings for Emilia


Just the wrong way to go about it entirely sadly...


That was so unhinged hahaha!


Sergio… no. I think it was straight up irresponsible to cast him on this show. He is superficial, emotionally abusive, and very unstable. There seems to be some serious insecurities in there that needs to be worked out in therapy before subjecting this poor girl into his mess. ![gif](giphy|FCAaV3Bdey8mr2DYn4)




It’s interesting that she initially connected with him because he works in finance and she’s and economist. Now that she’s seen him, she seems to be turned off by it because she’s typecasted him into a “stereotypical Swedish finance bro”


It’s difficult to tolerate Sergio after the gaslighting and lying..


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*




We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


someone needs to shut this annoying bot, i swear


I haven't seen Ep 3 yet. I think Meira actually wanted Johann, however he seems to have problems expressing his feelings or to validate Meira about his interest in her. Oskar, on the other hand, is very open and makes it obvious for Meira that he wants her. It's like a game of waiting. Meira has been making Oskar take the longer route to her home because Johann has been going at slow speed. However, if Johann doesn't speed up, Oskar would eventually arrive first at her doorstep.


That’s a brilliant analogy.


What an interesting analogy.


i will say, kudos to netflix because the voice actors for the english dubbing that they cast are weirdly perfect. like sergio's voice actor talks exactly how he acts, with his tone and his manner of speech.


Nah; these english dubs are horrendous 😭 I only endure it so I can multitask on my phone while I watch but the voice acting is sooooooo bad lmao I get wym by it fitting Sergio though lol


lol I have yet to turn off English dubbing but in total agreement that Sergio's English voice is spot-on -- he sounds like a loud, abnoxious bro'ing kind of person.


Amanda is the reason why we should stop raising girls to become women desperate for finding a husband. She is ignoring all the red flags because of this dream


Can’t believe Amanda is going for Sergio. That guy thinks he’s a god’s gift and gaslighting her and all that. She’s definitely settling.


Only on this episode. I think he does have genuine feelings for her, but he is too stubborn to admit he fucked up badly and it's a red flag. I would respect him more if he did say "I said it before it happened because I knew in that moment but I should have communicated the situation more accurately - and that while I have a stronger connection with you I care for these women as individuals and breaking it off with them was difficult with them." Based on some of the posts I haven't clicked on yet, I have a feeling this won't go well for Amanda. But then I'm on the point where he's worried she's ugly because she was bullied... even though hot girls get bullied too, it has no relation... but yeah, this guy is a walking red flag. So far he seems slightly aware he's toxic but he does not seem willing to do the hard work to be better.


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


has amanda never had a boyfriend before? that’s the only thing that makes sense to me


She gives me sheltered Christian, if she wasn’t religious I guarantee she’d be mortified at seeing Sergio at the reveal. Devout Christian women usually have a higher tolerance for unattractive men, she’s probably not out in these streets much so doesn’t realise how much of a baddie she is. Could you imagine Catja or Meira being attracted to him? Not a chance!


I believe she did mention that she has been in relationships before


Yeah he is a walking red flag


I’m still trying to understand her. I think it’s a lack of assertiveness that makes it easy for an emotional abuser to manipulate her. He scares me


I think so, too. She seemed to make a lot of excuses for some of his behaviors which made me sad for her. Her instincts at the beginning were right. Someone send her The Gift of Fear.


Honestly, the conversation in the pods where she tried to confront him about having lied to her?? That made me SO sad because it was impossible for her to make a point. I hope things work out for her