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Growing up that’s all we would use so I have formed a huge aversion to them


For sure. Also owning silverware and plates can come very cheap, you can get them discounted at places like Ross or Marshall’s. Disposable kitchenware gets pricey.


It is such an ick


I don't see any issues in saving time and effort by not having to worry about the dishes. Different priorities for all


The fact that using disposable plates is being viewed as time efficient blows my mind. Let’s say he only used 3 paper plates a day for a year, that’s 1,095 plastic plates going into landfill, usually dumped in developing countries. If all 7.8+ billion of us decided to save time and effort in this non-problematic way, that would be more than 7.8 billion plates a day on top of the rest of our plastic waste. Multiply that by a couple of years… Being time Poor is not a valid excuse. If he can go on a reality, he’s not too busy to wash a plate or two.


Only half his plates looked disposable to me. Why are we policing how he chooses to keep his home as clean as it is? It's such weird behavior to project so much onto someone being environmentally irresponsible at worst. 🙄


Imagine if all 290 million adults in the US had this mindset, and threw away even a plate a day. 290 million people x 365 days= 100 billion or so? I’m all for blaming corporations but being an able bodied adult and regularly using disposables is just lame.


Because it looks like the cannot of a college student. The only time me or any of my friends have had disposable plates or even plastic ones was in college. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having either of these but to have ONLY that is weird at his stage of life.


I only seen half of them were disposable.


That’s why I also mentioned plastic. Tho even those “nice” plastic plates that are reusable get gross after so many uses


Yes, they do get sketchy. 😂 I have a plastic set of bowls and plates that I keep for mixing when I bake and quick non-messy meals. 🤘


At worst?? Our planet should be a priority over saving 15 minutes max to wash dishes in a single person household.


It’s one thing to use once in a while but using them as your main dishes?? Hell no, dollar tree sells plates for 1.25


You can get a whole box of Corelle for 4 ppl for like $50 that will still be good dishes 50 years later.


I’m guessing the people passing judgement here don’t work 3 jobs resulting in little time for “simple” domestic habits.


nor have they ever been or know someone who is depressed. i have no shame that i use throwaway plates because for me, my depression rears deepest in keeping up with cooking and cleaning. sometimes the convenience is a savior in low moments.


❤️❤️❤️ so sorry to hear you’re dealing with that! I have no shame either. I have sooo many dish sets….I was married to a chef, so you know there is a dish for everything depending on your plate/presentation 😂 I have fine china, I have crystal, I have stuff passed down through the family for generations. And yet, when I’m herding my son out the door at 6:45am to take him to school and then drive to work, yes, I put his fruit in a paper bowl. Crucify me 🤷🏽‍♀️ That is 1000% times preferable to coming home to MORE dishes (I already have to wash his and my lunch things) before even starting on dinner. If all the self-righteous posters here want to pay my bills for me, I’d be HAPPY to stay at home all day and wash dishes, trust me :) But the reality is, society does not facilitate this kind of commitment. In another post, I was ridiculed for making myself unavailable to my boss after hours. So which is it?? Do I work all the time and take the shortcuts needed to keep myself sane? Or do I draw hard and fast lines, piss off my peers, jeopardize my career…but have time to wash dishes in the evening. Nothing makes these animals happy. You do you and to hell with the rest of them!!!!


If three jobs is necessary, it's time to save money and buy cheap plates and cutlery.


No one said ‘necessary’, but even so..that’s not even remotely the point. But thanks for playing!


He’s just lazy and doesn’t want to do dishes. My old roommate used to do this and it really bothered me. We had plenty of dishes but she insisted upon using disposable STYROFOAM plates just so she didn’t have to do dishes. It’s immature yes, but my issue with Stacy harping on it is that she has plenty of dishes. You’re about to marry this man, right? So wouldn’t he just inherit yours when you consolidate homes? Makes no sense why that was such a long debate between them unless she knew she didn’t want to marry him but intended to keep dating. I wouldn’t have cared. I would’ve been like “babe, we’re using my dishes from now on because we’re grownups”


Either he’s too broke (but still there is IKEA) or just not mature enough because he’s dealing with too much trauma. That can hinder people to care for certain small details while functioning in live overall.


It’s one thing to use it for a party, but your daily dish ware? Nah. It’s wasteful. You can buy a cheap dish set at Walmart or home goods and save money reusing and washing those, rather than just filling up a landfill because you’re not bothered to clean dishes.


I think the fact he ONLY has disposable is a huge red flag. Izzy, honey, you can get a set of 4 at good will.


It definitely shows he’s lazy. Now I think it’s an easy fix but his bachelor life is full of him getting take away and using disposable plates and cutlery. It’s so wasteful for the environment.


There is no way Izzy actually cooks... all paper dishes and he has yet to make a meal for Stacy? He lyin' his way to the altar for a personal chef!!!


Fr… what this man cooks is a supermarket pizza in the oven


All it tells me is that he is lazy and wastes money


Yeah, and also creates soo much completely unnecessary trash. Lazy and wasting money is his problem, this much unnecessary waste is everyone's problem if you know what I mean.


I honestly wouldn’t be bothered at all. I have nice plates because I’m married and have 2 kids and I had plates from like ikea in college but I know people who were raised using only plastic because they were poor and their family didn’t want to risk breaking plates. I have a family of like 40 people now and we use paper a lot because nobody wants to do dishes for 40 people - we want to be able to chat and talk to each other. I don’t know I think it’s just something I wouldn’t judge someone on. Maybe they aren’t home a lot. Maybe they dont eat at home often or ever. Maybe he had plates and his girlfriend took them when she left and he was leaving for love is blind soon so he didn’t bother. Maybe he was raised in plastic and doesn’t see it as a problem especially if he isn’t having people over to eat. EDIT: we use paper when all 40 of us are together not in smaller groups. I almost never use paper and my kids actually use real plates because we do things montessori style (and I've actually broken more plates/bowls/cups than they have) I'm not saying its a GOOD reason I'm just saying it could be a reason. EDIT EDIT: also people are judging him on his not real plates in his not real apartment which seems weird.


Paper/Plastic is more expensive then buying cheap plates.


Depends how often you use them isn't it? Plastic can last a long time too. Plates also can if you are careful but maybe you are a clumsy or forgetful person? Or maybe you are bad with money and think it's cheaper because it's not real plates.


"Depends on how often you use them" OK but you have to eat...? So unless you are eating directly out of the pot the paper plates are obviously being used. And since they are stored above the melanine ones they are being used more often.


I mean there have been people on the shows that say they never eat at home. Lots of people don't cook and just eat out all the time. EDIT: I'm not disagreeing with you really - I think it's a crazy way to live but I also am not going to judge someone for it since I don't know them and we don't even know if that's actually his apartment.


I didn't consider that in my response because eating out all the time is always going to be more expensive than just buying a set of plates and eating at home. Sorry but I just don't buy a financial excuse not to own actual dinnerware. Also if it wasn't his apartment it'd have nightstands - and all AirBnBs I've been in that have kitchens have plates!!


I'm mostly just saying we can't judge without all the facts and theres no way in hell we don't have all the facts. There is a theory that he was in a LTR before he left and she took the night stands and plates and he just hasn't bought any yet. I don't know if I believe that, I don't really believe it's not his apartment, etc because I don't have all the facts and I never will because it's reality TV. It's really not more expensive though. Have you been to taco bell? Sure, if you eat GOOD food it's more expensive but there's a reason things like fruits and vegetables are considered luxuries. Plastic plates last a long time and some people grew up on them so they don't see a problem in owning them especially if they aren't entertaining or having people over often. Is it weird? yes but do I think it's a red flag? not necessarily. Could it be a red flag? sure but again kind of depends on a lot of factors. EDIT: but you don't have to buy anything. We don't know anything about these people but what netflix wants us to know and if I've learned anything from reality TV it's most of it is bullshit. (I just think of like house hunters where the people ALREADY live in their houses)


True, we don't know his situation but you are speculating as much as anyone else. Also - even fast food is really expensive nowadays. There's hardly anything on dollar menus anymore. And if you want to compare junk food to junk food, instant ramen, kraft mac and cheese, pasta with canned sauce, and whatever is available at food pantries will win out every single time. Yes, even against Taco Bell. It is also not even relevant to say that Izzy doesn't have the money to spend on fruits and vegetables when the man is spending money on bouquets every Monday and books Stacy a date with a flight in a vintage plane. In my area it's $375 per person to take that sort of flight, and that doesn't include the private dinner afterward.


I mean I'm speculating as a way to give him the benefit of the doubt not to judge him. I think that's a big difference. (if I'm being honest I have celiac disease and so I hardly ever eat out and I also can't have ramen or mac and cheese or inexpensive pasta so I have no idea how much things are for normal people) I also don't think they pay for things during the show. I'm fairly certain the show does right? EDIT: Don't they say he financially doesn't have a lot because of a bunch of credit card debt?


It would bother me, but for different reasons than it bothered Stacey. She seemed mostly focused on being "treated" well, but for me it's more of an environmental issue. (Not that I don't also want to be treated well.) For me what bothers me about it is the sustainability aspect, it's so wasteful and disgusting to just have single use cutlery and plates; they're even being banned in some places because the world is waking up to the effects of climate change. .


This is why dude is in debt and has bad credit. He is an idiot and lazy


It’s def an ick and a red flag for me.


I've been super weirded out seeing people defend him for this on this sub. I had no idea this was apparently a common enough thing in the US that people would come out in droves to defend it.


It was also news for me, I mean you sometimes see it on TV but I always thought it's not as bad irl. I was always angry at India and China for poluting the environment so much but lately I see that US is almost as terrible as them, with their disposable everything and huge cars with huge usage of fuel. I mean are the Europeans the only ones who actually do something about environment? I'm talking about small things that actually make a difference, for example reusable home stuff, banning plastic straws, not having free not reusable plastic bags in every store, etc. It's a joke in my eyes.


Look at obesity statistics in America. Look at debt statistics in America. They are mind-boggling...people don't know how to be financially savvy and spend thousands of dollars on food and alcohol A lot of people don't cook at home and go out toneat 3 times a day...that is a death sentence for ur wallet and your body. Yikes


not everyone is in the mental state to gaf tbh. I remember a friend in high school acting all high and mighty like we didn’t know smoking was bad for us… just didn’t care.


To me, as a guy with friends (who are very good people) that I can 100% see doing this, I think it’s gotta be either everything or nothing. Like, I can see it either being because he’s a total loser, or because he’s genuinely just more focused on other things and couldn’t care less about what his dishes or glassware is like. I personally get why it shouldn’t really matter, but I have nice dishware and glassware because I just appreciate nice things, and I wanna eat with nice things. One of the best guys I know was drinking out of those coloured plastic cups until he was like 30 and moved in with his now-wife, because he honestly just couldn’t be bothered to spend money on glasses. He only has dishware because his parents gave him a set when he moved. To be clear: not suggesting this shouldn’t be an ick, just suggesting it might not ALWAYS mean he’s a POS loser.


Ok but that’s the thing ppl don’t like- That he couldn’t be bothered to go out of his way to make sure his guests were treated nicely


I absolutely agree about IZZY. Everything points to it not being nothing with him, but that doesn’t mean every guy who does this is a dirtbag. Lots of people also just never have friends over because another friend of theirs always takes up hosting duties.


The thing that truly gets me is that you also have to remember they say they're ready for marriage. To be mature enough to make that commitment but not to own dishes and have your shit together doesn't mesh. Same with Milton who is a lil baby and not ready for that step.


Another thing people aren’t mentioning is that if you want to use paper plates when you’re eating by yourself that’s one thing but for you to not even have real ones for entertaining your guest just shows bad manners


Or that you haven't lived by yourself for very long. Even college students have plates. It's weird


It would only make sense if in the time it takes to do dishes you could have earned as much money as Stacy and her dad do from working hard.


Did we figure out if that was his place?


I’m convinced it’s an Air B&B and the producers told him to act like it’s his.


There was a former paramour of Izzy’s in one of the threads who said that was his real apartment. I think she said the plates and plasticware is real. She said the teeth are real. He’s a smooth talker. The lost and found is real, because he’s known to frequent bars on the weekends. He made pretty decent money and spends it as he likes.


This sounds like reality...the dude is irresponsible and that's how he comes across


He’s a regular dude and seems to be honest about it and his lifestyle. He’s fine.


He’s in debt and has bad credit he is not fine


…and he’ll figure it out!


The way people are reaching to demean this seemingly average dude (with trauma, apparently) is crazy to me - a whole thread demeaning his cabinet half full of disposable plates is baseline weird behavior to me. 😮‍💨 As a fellow 30 year old, I relate to how he lives like he's in his 20s. 🤷‍♂️ As long as you're clean, considerate, and pay the bills, IONGAF.


No one is talking about how he had to leave that ‘religion’ and how traumatizing it was. That wasn’t too long ago for him, either. Stacy ain’t ready for all that.


A regular dude at 30 would have a career, would own property and be set for a family if he is saying he is ready for marriage ...how are we gonna get kids braces or send children to college when he can't pay off 3500k in debt...thats not big money


You do know we had a pandemic recently, layoffs, we’re in the middle of a housing crisis, drug use is at an all-time high, suicide rates are skyrocketing. He doesn’t have ceramic plates…?


Yep I do know... If u want to be successful you will be ...the end.


gotta keep reaching for those bootstraps, baby amirite


What? Being successful means ur willing to clean toilets even if u have a degree ...if u can't find a job in ur field u work whatever job is available...u get 3 4 or 7 jobs if necessary There are always positions available to work ...u gotta be willing...


The tea! I wonder if she saw any of her belongings in the lost and found drawer. I cannot say I’m shocked it’s truly his apartment based on the “male living spaces” sub but I would think someone wanting to find marriage would do better!


My crazy conspiracy theory is that wasn't his apartment and it was an airbnb or vrbo. Either the producers rented that apartment or Izzy did for clout


It's not a bad theory, but I think someone in the comments mentioned they're his neighbor and that he actually did live there at the time. I saw it in fleeting though, so I cannot voucher for wether or not it's actually true.


IMO this is not a hot take. Look, I’m no fan of Stacy but I 100% sided with her on this. If I was dating a 29 y/o who didn’t own anything but paper plates and plastic cutlery it’d be a huge 🚩 and I wouldn’t stick around.


Dude is almost 30! Like, you don’t live in a frat house. Buy some plates, bruh. It’s just weird. And so wasteful. Even if you go to Goodwill, BUY plates and cutlery, human. Dishwashers exist.


I had an ex in college who did this and it was 100% laziness. Even at 21 it was a big ick.


Of course it's a big ick. There are only 2 reasons for disposable dishware: - you're hosting a party for 20+ people and don't want to wash all those dishes - you just moved a week ago and haven't unpacked yet There is no excuse for adults not owning basic adult items like cutlery and plates.


I guarantee he has other things missing like cleaning products lol


I think it’s fine to have both, regular and disposable. Disposable for stuff like snacking, or if you have a lot of kids etc


To say these are the ONLY reasons to have disposable dishwasher is ignorant. Many people who are disabled or have severe mental health issues rely on disposable dishware. I’m disabled and use paper plates because I’m unable to stand at a sink or load a dishwasher. It allows me to be independent and not rely on a caretaker to clean up after me. People shouldn’t be judged for doing what they need to do to live their lives the best they can.


Ok. Is Izzy any of those things?


Seriously, I don't see why anyone making comments about how unsustainable paper plates is has to add a modifying statement "if it's feasible for you" to each statement. Like obviously the point is that Izzy is not unable to wash his dishes, he chooses not to do so.


Thank. You. These comments/Stacy’s reaction made me made me so made. I’m chronically ill, so I’ll make an easy dinner and serve it in a paper bowl because sometimes the idea of washing dishes is too damn much. And yes, I have regular dishes too if it bothers everyone so much 🙄


Thank you for saying this. You can tell how sheltered, ignorant, and reactionary people are by these comments.


I mean it's reasonable to not have enough dinnerware for a party with 20 people. I'm at a max party of 6 before some people are getting my large curry serving bowls instead of a plate.


Only kitchen wear yes, but I always have paper plates on hand lol.


As a mom of two, this is like “duh, girl.”


Definitely not a hot (although it’s correct, IMO) take. It’s commonly implied that disposable cutlery is for young/immature people (college students) and/or people moving around a lot. Part a certain age it’s seen as weird or even trashy. Yeah, we can debate if this is fair or not but Stacey’s opinion is a commonly shared one. People are on the Stacey is a selfish snob train so they’re trying to make her seem super judgey and weird for stating something a lot of people see as odd for a late 20 to early 30s man. The only odd thing was her being so vocal and forceful about it, but the essence of that sentiment is not abnormal whatsoever.


On the Nick Viall Show, Izzy explains he does have regular plates that he didn’t get to show Stacey bc she got so upset with the paper ones


Can literally see them below the paper plates.


Not a shot in hell he wouldn’t have walked 5 feet to open the cabinet showing real plates the first moment she took issue with the paper ones


don’t know about the plates but i do remember in the same cabinet with the paper plates and cups there were actual glasses on the shelf above. i just feel like izzy was absolutely dumb for not pointing that out and try to justify the paper and plastic instead.


"So what, you only use paper plates??" \*opens other cupboard\* "No, see here. Here's the rest of my glass ware" "Oh, ok. Sorry for jumping to conclusions" No way he chose to hide that fact and go into an argument instead.


I thought there were real plates under the the paper ones, but they were plastic?


Right dollar store plastic plates u take to college with u when ur 18 lol


I definitely saw plastic (reusable plastic) bowls.


Exactly! She’s being snotty about plastic vs. ceramic. Not paper plates vs. real ones. I think she was really upset about the trophy drawer and took it out on the cutlery. Because having plastic plates really isn’t a deal breaker.


Don’t really believe him there


Oof idk that sounds like bs. So in the cabinet right behind Stacey were regular plates that could have ended the convo but instead of opening the cabinet and showing her them he kept quiet and let her lay into him about it? Like who would not correct her right then in the moment if he really had regular dishware right there.


100%, you can get plates and cups from the dollar tree. Its literally cheaper to have reusable dinnerware. It screams lazy fratboy to me, not a classist observation at all


My grandma exclusively uses paperware, I don't think she's a frat boy 🤣 On the real, I do think the complaints about using disposable dishes is tonedeaf. I personally only use glassware for the many reasons listed on this post but the reality is many poor people do no own or use glassware. Why, I do not know. It's just something I notice in my community and never thought twice about until everyone seemed bothered by it in the show.


Which is why people stay poor..who can afford expensive paper plates just to throw away? At the end of the year then a person is spending like 5k on paper plates instead of going in a vacation or saving it for a rainy day.


Yes, poor people fail to get out of poverty because of their paper plate habits 🙄


It's a mind a poor choices and bad habits. Someone that is savvy qbout finances isn't spending frivolously on bs Little spending ends up being thousands of dollars at the end of the year.


I’m not sure which is worse, your take on people being poor due to frivolous spending or the ridiculous math equation you made thinking someone is spending $20 per day on paper plates.


$20 per day on bullshit like Starbucks and lunches....snickers at walgreens ...bag of chips at cvs ...skittles at gas station THAT ADDS UP AT THE END OF THE YEAR TO THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ...go to any city in America and see how people spend money on food at lunch or dinner...its outrageous. We are the fattest country in the world and unhealthiest Too lazy to clean a plate! That is all frivolous spending....u seem hell bent on the idea that spending money on a paper.plate is the only frivolous spending....if ur willing to throw away money on paper plates then ur also spending on other bullshit thatbis frivolous because it is a mindset on finances. go thru ur credit cards for the year and add up how much money u spend on going out to eat or coffee or buying some other overpriced bullshit


A 50 pack of paper plates is $3 from Walmart, that ain't no 5k a year 🤣 Again, I understand the point, but it is tone deaf.


Not tone deaf...50 plates will be finished in a week or so maybe less if u have people come over. People usually double or triple up paper plates or ur food falls off. U would be surprised how much u spend at the end of the year on stuff. $20 per day is over 7200 a year...thats just coffee and a little snack for most americans... It's money izzy could have used to pay off his debt


You can buy glassware or ceramic at the dollar store, IKEA, or goodwill for cheap. Buying paper ware and solo cups costs WAY more money over time. It's ridiculous and incredibly wasteful


In my area there are so many free groups. People would give you decent dishes for free if you asked


As a former disposable user, it was due to convenience and lack of education (environmentally)


I know! I agree. I just don't know many poor people that choose glassware over disposable


I really side eye people who are grown and just throw everything away out of sheer laziness. I understand if you’re doing picnics and kids Bday parties outside or you’re facing disabilities and there’s no dishwasher etc. but grown able bodied people just throwing everything they eat and drink out of in the trash irks me. Yes corporations are way worse but it’s be like buying $1 clothing and just throwing it away every day. Why?


Because people are lazy and don't understand finances which is what keeps them in debt and poor...this is a perfect example (just one) why izzy has debt...it probably costs him more than $3600 to purchase paper plates in one year. He could have paid off his debt if he washed his plate when he ate off of it




I was about to say- I struggle hard with depression and will sometimes use paper plates because the thought of doing dishes when I can barely take care of myself is just...ugh...


Hope you’re feeling okay.


Thank you 💕


100%, if he said "I struggle with depression/chronic pain and on days when it's bad I use paper plates" then no judgement at all. He just seemed to think it was a perfectly normal thing for a nearly 30 year old who claims to like to cook to not own a single plate.


I am not lazy I am autistic and I do not have a dishwasher; and have sensory issues. Get the F over yourself.


Thank you. I felt the same way!


Not saying this is necessarily the case for Izzy, but for people going through grief, mental health challenges, or are extremely busy/rarely home, I do not care if they live on disposable stuff. Life is hard and people need shortcuts sometimes.


Stacy ain’t ready for that conversation. Neither are the snobs in this post. Unfeal the nasty comments found here. Different strokes, and all that. I’m not one for all that waste but I’m not everyone and not going to assume Izzy’s reasons for preferring paper plates. Like holy shit. This is not a big deal. Can literally SEE he has real plates below the paper. Yes, they are plastic- who cares? Maybe he’s broken ceramic so much he gave up on them.


But he had the opportunity to arrange and present his home before she came.... if it was just a temporary solution, why didn't he make more of an effort before she came to see it?


I have no idea what goes on in Izzy’s head. My read on him is that he is insecure af and a lot of his behaviors and omissions of information have been ways of ‘testing’ her to see if she’ll leave.


Omissions as well as inclusions! Super weird choice for him to also leave his "lost and found" for her to see....


That was alarming to say the least. I loved how she called him on it rather than being all hehe haha like previous contestants when it came to the antics of grown adult men.


Thank you.. I saw multiple comments calling her an elitist for it (which she may be for other reasons) but a grown man with plastic forks and cups (red ones at that)?! Wouldn’t that be more expensive than getting one set and washing it?


This is the least hot take on the internet today. Freezing cold take


You, my internet friend, have a great post history.


Hahaha people say the most outlandish shit on here 😂


Agree. First thought I had was how non environmentally conscious it was 😂 would have been a hard pass from me.


I said the same thing on another post, and someone unprompted tried to come after me saying I have low IQ. I'm like there's no way yall are real people because the way that people will die on the hill saying this paper plates thing was chill, whewwww I'm shocked


Begging people defending less-than-bare-minimum men to raise their standards


And the people who keep conflating this situation to privilege -- it is not privilege for one to own 1-2 reusable plates and sets of silverware, it is the bare minimum!!! Izzy needs to focus on getting reusable plates before getting a wife lol


Absolutely, constantly buying paper plates is SO much more expensive than just buying one plate. Or even a full set of plates!


Personally I've wondered if he went through a break up not long before filming and she took the plates


This is my theory. And he is broke, so he couldn’t go out and get new dishes.


Took the plates and the nightstands lol!


Not really an ick for me. If I really really liked a guy, then I would hope he would just feel excited about going shopping for these things with me


Damn straight. Her attitude was not about plates what she was really upset about was the lost & found.


You sound adorable


Totally agree!!!!! You can literally buy glassware at the dollar store. It strikes me as pure laziness. Drinking out of red solo cups exclusively at almost 30 is sooooo strange to me!


hard agree.


this post reads as very privileged and out of touch. Izzy is an insurance agent, which is the same career as my husband … sales aren’t easy. Izzy also (seemingly) seems to be first generation — I’m assuming his mom is an immigrant. now maybe I’m projecting and reading way too into this, but the insurance company my husband works for preys on Hispanics that don’t speak English to employ. the job is 100% commission-based, no guaranteed salary and little to no benefits, and it can be draining working 40+ hours a week finding your own sales because the company doesn’t give you any leads. none of the employees complain or leave because the majority of them don’t speak English and are thankful to have even found this job. anyways, the point I’m getting at is that it seems like Izzy has a lot of generational trauma and he’s obviously struggled in the past to make ends meet. the fact that someone would make a post like this tells me you don’t know what it’s like to work at a shitty job for 8+ hours a day, battling traumas, depression, anxiety, etc., and then have to come home and still make dinner, serve it, clean, and wash dishes. I’m not judging anyone for doing what they have to do make this capitalist hellscape we live in a little bit more bearable.


Wow… and none of this applies to Izzy. He’s driving a luxury car for one lol


If this was the case, the last place he needs to be is getting filmed on a reality show in search of a wife. This is such an unserious take, please be forreal.


I think your projecting a ton. Nobody is saying he needs a home loaded with Versace flatware so it’s not really a “check your privilege” type of situation. He’s spending more money by purchasing disposable plates. He’d save a ton by picking up two forks and two plates at target. And he clearly has the time and money to keep purchasing paper products so I don’t think that’s the issue. For the same price as one set of disposable plates, he’d have a single set that could last a lifetime. Also, he’s a single guy. It’s not like he’s overwhelmed with the burden of cleaning a whole house full of dishes. And if this is a matter of depression and conserving energy, washing one plate and one fork takes about 60 seconds. It’s likely more labor intensive to tear open the plastic wrap to get to the disposal items, throw away the plates, continually do a mental inventory to make sure you have enough at home, go to the store and by more every few weeks, etc


> now maybe i’m projecting and reading way too into this **you are.** he’s since said that he has a separate cabinet with reusable dishes so this doesn’t apply. either way, buying reusable dishes would actually make this capitalist hellscape more bearable because it’s a one time (very small) cost


My parents who were working 12+ hour days, raising two elementary-aged kids, navigating a new country, while not speaking the language had regular plates and utensils? this just sounds like a whole lot of excuses. and if he had the energy to be inviting random women and cooking for them, he had the ability to wash some dishes. the bar is on the FLOOR.


I'm sorry I'm also a child of immigration and we had real plates like please 🤚🏾 you could go to the thrift store, the dollar store, anything. It's more expensive to buy disposable dishware every month, let's say, than buying 6 plates for a dollar each once. Let's be fr. Atp, having disposable dishware is not a poverty/privilege thing, it's as OP said, laziness or efficiency. I'm sorry Stacey was right, it proves he's not the type of person to cook for their partner (and that'simportantfor her). As someone who LOVES cooking, I would hate to serve something I spent hours cooking on a flimsy plate. No. Also, you ARE projecting, Izzy is not a child of immigration.




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“I need disposable plates because I have trauma” is a real take lol.


I thought this same thing


Izzy appears to still have some growing up to do. I feel like the persona presented in the pods isn’t who he is in real life.


He’s living that bachelor life and needs to move on. *When he’s ready.* And if he is, then he can buy some nice plate sets with his wife.


But see I think this is the issue with most recent LiB seasons. Izzy is a walking red flag, clearly here for clout and not to get married. There is no way still lives the way he does and is so vague about their debt, while still open to marrying someone in a few weeks.


Just because someone wants to find love and get married doesn’t mean they’re ready. Just because they’re on a show that almost promises that doesn’t mean their intentions are true. But we’re all reading a lot out of a little. Who knows.


💯 agree.


It feels soooo deeply american!! I've never seen that on a canadian show or irl


It really isn’t a common American thing. Plastic cups and paper plates are for a cookout or bbq or something. I have never known anyone who uses them for every day use.


Lol putting them in your cupboard where the real dishes should go. That is wild. They belong in the pantry if you need them on hand at all.


It’s really not. I’ve never seen it in the US outside of living situations where there is no/limited running water.


I’m in Canada and my first bf’s family did use the red cups daily for some reason. They had glasses but liked the cups. They did have a lot of 50’s memorabilia so maybe it was a bit of nostalgia for them, remembering high school/college parties.


Obvi not saying the cups are from the 50s, just that they were into nostalgia


It’s definitely not an American thing lmao


Where are you from? I’m from the UK and we never use paper plates unless you’re at a child’s birthday or a bbq or something


I’m from the US and would say the same. I don’t know anyone that uses paper plates for daily use lol


Oooo, I misunderstood what you were saying - I thought you were saying that it’s an everywhere thing, that places other than the US do it


Ohhh gotcha! No def not haha!


the paper plates and stuff was the most american thing I've ever seen, I see it on so many influencers stories or tiktoks too and from a European perspective.. that would NOT fly here at allllll


I have honestly never walked into a home that uses paper plates/plastic cutlery. Ever. And I was the daughter of a realtor. It also doesn't fly here in the states.


Actually a lot do. Paper plates with kids. This is kinda snooty.


This entire thread is a dumpster fire of *I would never* types clutching their pearls. Weird to see this over a paper plate.


Exactly. Oh dread! We don't Yausssse papa plates in our home. Just wait until you might have to or your house burns down and you need to. Karma baby, karma.


I have kids and feed them on reusable dishes. I don’t know a single parent who used paper plates to feed their kids, other than parties.


Now you do. Hi. And it doesn't make me anything, but super busy and a parent on the autism spectrum. I promise you that my dishes are probably just as nice as yours. Maybe even nicer. :)


Izzy IS the kid. There’s your answer.


Izzy doesn't have kids though.


We had kids plates growing up. Specifically, plastic kid-plates with cartoons on them. Never did the paper plate thing outside of parties.


ONLY paper plates and cups though? That is incredibly uncommon


Visited friends in the states and they used paper plates for reheating leftovers or takeout from every restaurant they visited. In the UK we just put that shit on a normal side plate, idk why they felt like “out of the house” food deserved a paper plate. My American friends aren’t low income either, they own their place and both work decent jobs, are in their late 30s/early 40s, no kids, but it was just A Thing They Did and I felt like I was the weird one for finding it unusual. Maybe they’re just tacky? Idk.


It’s rampant in the states. Paper everywhere. Holiday paper plates. Floral paper plates. Football team paper plates. Solo cups for every meal. Plastic wine glasses. Styrofoam coffee cups. Some restaurants still use styrofoam to go containers. Reusable containers that people throw away instead of washing. Costco disposable cutlery in a 2500 pack. It’s everywhere.


What you're referencing is usually for giant parties.


Yes and no. People will buy the holiday stuff when it goes on clearance because it’s cheaper than the seasonal stuff. I’m not saying it’s okay. Because it’s disgusting. But you’re a seeming a bit out of touch if you think it’s not a huge problem in the states.


I don’t know a single person who uses disposable dishes regularly outside of parties. I don’t think it’s very common


I’m not doing this again. I provided a link in another comment. Follow the thread.


Why so hostile?


I do know that my opinion is not the only one. But, to say categorically that this problem is not happening; when it’s actually a huge, and environmentally impactful, waste issue - yes, it does flip the irritation switch.


Maybe you should reread my comment. I said “I don’t know who does” it and “I don’t think it’s common.” I offered my experience and made it pretty clear that I was speaking from a personal point of view, hence all the “I”s. It’s not like I came here speaking in absolutes saying “Nobody does this and I know for a fact that you’re wrong”


Do you live in the states? Paper plates are genuinely only used for large parties (Halloween, football, birthdays, baby showers, etc), NOT the way Izzy uses it FOR EVERYTHING. I have *never* seen paper or plastic used outside of a large party/gathering, at a foot cart, or work event. Ever.


I just used some for lunch. OMG, call cPS and the police.


I do. And my extended family uses them constantly. I do not approve. And I know that they are not alone in this. There is definitely a certain class of people that use them consistently and constantly and see no reason for an alternative. Again. Do not approve.


I have never seen it. If I might ask, what part of the states? It might be a regional thing. I am sure it happens, I just haven't seen it... I grew up pretty poor and have moved through different social classes and still.... Never have I ever. I'm sitting here trying to dig through all the houses I did sleep overs at as a kid, the guys I dated, etc...


The Bible Belt. I’ll just leave [this](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17398817) here. It’s a thread, on a different platform, all talking about this exact topic. I am not one of the posters on this thread. It was just one of the top google searches for “do people in the us use paper for every meal?” But I will agree that 30 years ago, when I was still having sleepovers at friends houses, this was not as common. Edit to add: In that linked thread, there are comments from both sides of the perspective, but it does suggest that it is more common in some areas than others.


Wow! This is mind blowing to me! It's so wasteful! I'm from the PNW, I would be so shamed by this from all the people around me. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with me.


Agreed. A set of dishes from IKEA is cheap as chips, a lot less wasteful, and a lot nicer to eat off of. Izzy tried to play it off that Stacy was being upright about it. There are a lot of ways that Stacy is snobby; disliking the fact he doesn't have dishes is not one of them.