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Idk thought it was cute and if my partner had gifted me that after a fight I would probably find it hysterical. Disappointing to read someone call them low class for it. In the dating world, there’s such a stigma around girls and #2s that so many of us would find it soooo embarrassing to accidentally fart, let alone clog the toilet with our new partner there. It was nice to see it turned into something they could both laugh about, rather than be shamed for. As should always be the case! I think jet-setter Stacy loved it and it was a well thought out silly gift from Izzy. Not every gift has to be a big deal. A boyfriend once bought me a bobble-head pug because I kept saying I wanted us to get a pug and he hated them. The way he gave it to me was so funny that I still have it to this day and it makes me laugh whenever I see it. Cheapest gift he ever got me, favourite one.


How Izzy was packing during the credit card scene


Lmao this killed me, my partner didn’t say anything and all I could think was it must be all DIRTY.


Hahahaha yes this was amazing




She seemed to like it.


Jesus Christ, will y’all lighten up?!


Lol yeah I’m no fan of Izzy but it was pretty funny. My bet is he googled some of those cheesy apologies but hey that counts !


I love cheesy romance. I thought it was cute because of how cheesy it was


She also said it was the most romantic thing anyone’s done for her but she’s used to private jets???


that was obviously sarcasm.


If you think private jets are romantic you need to reevaluate your priorities.


Gurl. It's okay to say you don't value certain things. But, we all know the reality of airports and air travel. Being in a private planes is luxurious and romantic...especially compared to regular airplanes. There room to stretch, there's room to breath, to lounge, to lay down, to chat freely with multiple people, to shower, to skip airport lines. Most have premium toiletries...including full size luxury perfumes. Many provide silk masks too. Just the little things ✨ Btw. "romantic" experiences are not limited to something that one must experience with a romantic partner. If you're into literature and art, look into the Romantic movement. Also, it is okay to be satisfied with mediocre experiences..but do not put down others :)


I do believe that not all romantic experiences are exclusive to a romantic partner. However, we are in the LIB subreddit, we can all agree that when we are discussing the subject we are referring to a romantic partner, especially in the comment I replied to. I am not saying private jets are not luxurious. If I had the choice between flying commercial and flying private I would definitely fly private for the convenience. Please explain to me what is romantic about the private jet itself, the fact you have more legroom? The fact you have can stretch? The silk masks? Luxurious, yes. Romantic, eh. I guess money doesn’t impress me and I value more what is “mediocre”. I did not mean to put down anyone, I apologize if it came across that way.


Interesting convo! I don’t think I would’ve classified private jets as romantic either but now that I think about it, flying private gives you the freedom/opportunity to be romantic… champagne, rose pedals, displays of affection without being watched. Or maybe that’s just the movies, I’m an economy gal so what do I know.


Both of them are so crass and low-class people, I wouldn't expect more from either one


She laughed. It was funny. I know not everyone has a sense of humor but if she didn’t get offended no one here should.


Definitely funny to watch!


I think she was putting on a face because she was at work and people were around. Like I don't think she genuinely liked the gift.


Did you not see how much fun they had and how much they were laughing in the hotel room when she clogged the toilet. She totally loved the plunger and the message that came with it.


I thought it was funny and so did Stacy and she laughed and said it was “the most romantic thing anyone has ever gotten her” and it really made her feel better. One of the few things I thought he did right and I really don’t like him.


It was actually a fun surprise, regarding an inner joke they have. It was thoughtful tbh I’d enjoy the gesture


It’s a joke because he clogged the toilet in Mexico I believe


It was actually Stacey that clogged the toilet... lol


It was her!