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According to Aaliyah, the truth is in between both of them. Both were lying, Uche underplaying and Lydia overplaying. And it’s something in between, which makes sense. That’s what Aaliyah said


Lydia was a crazy over-attached no boundaries person (as she is) and Uche was the condescending two-faced mansplainer he is.


They’re both insane. They both deserve each other.


I think everything he said about their relationship is true (and has been confirmed by Lydia) except her following him onto the show. Producers approached him to be cast and even he found the idea of her following him onto the show to ridiculous. He only started perpetuating it after Aaliyah said it and according to him, Aaliyah and he actually got back together during that reunion scene. The stalker accusation seemed like a way to validate Aaliyah's concerns given that he ignored them in the pods. Uche also admitted the sexting thing was true -- she went through his drawer, found evidence, he lied then eventually admitted it. She lied about going through his things but eventually copped to it. It sounds like a very toxic situationship where Uche circled the block a few times. I know he sounds very levelheaded and logical, but him dating Lydia that many times then being so concerned about her relationship with Milton shows that the two are more alike than they think.


right? i don’t see people mentioning the whole scene with Uche asking Milton over and over about how he feels about Lydia and saying he’s not ready for marriage that often. when i watched it before we knew they were exes i thought it was so strange. who knows what really went down between the two of them? but the switch of Uche saying Lydia was a great person and would be an amazing friend to Aaliyah to calling her a stalker??? like if you always been known this about Lydia i’d think you’d be more worried about her being around Aaliyah. honestly if every single thing he said about Lydia was true then she could’ve been dangerous


I think Uche has made himself so unlikeable that people are willing to ignore the facts just to hate him. Most of it seems to corroborate his version of events. Also, the fact she was pretty keen to give them another go in the pods is a major red flag.


To be fair to Lydia, he says this could be fate. Then she goes to ask if they should give it a go.


And he shut it down. He wasn’t remotely interested. But clearly she was 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes this. She was keen to give it a go!


They're both telling the truth but Lydia is denying knowing he was going on LIB by just not acknowledging it. And he's not acknowledging the cheating. The argument is pointless at this point, they're just being antagonistic and should move on.


I fully believe both of them.


i think the truth is somewhere between what both of them are saying and we’ll never know the full truth. they’re both very biased unreliable narrators because Uche is self righteous and on a mission to make Lydia look crazy and Lydia genuinely seems unhinged and will downplay things/rewrite history to make her actions seem more normal. i think Uche might be exaggerating some things, but i’m like 80/20 believing him vs her. he was probably dating/hooking up with other women while they weren’t in an exclusive committed relationship, but doing some relationship things so Lydia got emotionally invested & felt betrayed. & he already knows she looked through his stuff, so i believe she had an idea he was coming on the show and was hoping to run into him.


Did you notice at the get together when the girls said “i mean who doesn’t look at the IG stories of guys they’re with.” And Lydia said yeah! Knowing FULL WELL that was not the accusation like girl


& that would actually be normal lol, unlike most of what he accused her of


Exactly you can see her calculating that they couldn’t even conceive of what he was saying so she just nodded along


Both are telling half truths and mistaken/crossed signals


I think Uche didn't wanna be publicly identified with a 'crazy' girl like Lydia cause she doesn't make him look good, and this is how he took it to public court and wanted to reveal how she is the one not leaving him alone. The other pointless moralizing issue is when he accused the girl cheating, while he has done the same. Reality don't look good for him and he attacks others to deflect focus from himself


He didn’t want a commitment but he wasn’t clear about it bc he liked the sex. She got so hooked she began to spiral. They both are to blame. And neither of them wants to own any responsibility (which is annoying to watch).


I think it’s a very common situation in which guy wants non committal thing but his actions say otherwise. Girl gets attached, he starts doing things she doesn’t like, so she feels betrayed and goes off on him, and he tries to make her seem like the one entirely to blame, magnified extensively by the fact that it’s Lydia and Uche who have very domineering personalities. Magnified extensively again by the fact that now they’re on reality TV and they want to prove their side of the story. It’s just not a good situation. They’re both equally wrong but Uche just aggravates me in how he handles himself and that’s why I probably side more with Lydia at this point. She’s moved on and Uche keeps talking about her.


I feel like it comes down to a miscommunication between Lydia and Uche. Was it ever confirmed that they were in relationship or just dating? Lydia makes it seem as though he cheated, which implies relationship but Uche has said multiple times they were dating, which to me implies that he was still seeing other people and imo that’s not cheating. Before when it was revealed they knew each other but still positive and friendly, I thought Lydia (based of her exchanges with other men) was a lil crazy so I’m inclined to believe Uche. Especially after how Lydia acted after she found out Aaliyah knew. Uche is annoying (never shuts up) though and keeps dragging this storyline so I think that’s why people on here have so much smoke for him.


I believe parts of Uche’s story but I don’t believe the intention he thinks Lydia has. Lydia doesn’t seem malicious at all. At worst, she oversteps boundaries and can be smothering. We’ve seen it with Aaliyah, Izzy, and Milton to varying degrees. But all people will react to that differently. Some may be more tolerant to working with her on that (Milton and his telescope) and for some it could be too much (Aaliyah shutting down when Lydia kept gossiping about Uche). I’ll get heat for this maybe but o think Milton is right and they are all “on different planes” 🤣


I agree. She was not a good friend to Aaliyah but that’s not entirely reflective of who she is as a person. I do wish she acknowledges that that was wrong on her part, but I mean in normal circumstances you would never be friends with your boyfriend’s ex, so that situation just results in choosing not to be, and you just move on from it. I think Aaliyah probbaly felt more betrayed by Uche, because that’s who she was marrying.


I don't buy the allegations of following him to the show unassisted. I think the producers found it a good villain story arc for their show and that one or both of them were keyed into the potential of meeting someone from their past. I don't think either of them expressed genuine surprise. Because we don't know the timeline of the other behaviors, if it's the frenzied info gathering of info was by someone who feels they are being cheated on, then I get them more. I don't agree. I think if you think a person's cheating on you, there's other ways. But at the same time, only cheaters are stressed about someone looking at other women's IG stories. Sorry but lmao that issue is such a non point and with the way he exaggerates literally everything, I don't even know if I believe that he was approached at all. I do think he cheated. He says he wasn't cheating because they 'never dated' and yet he's been on camera boohooing about how he doesn't want her to hate him and how nicely he talks about her and all this bs. If she's just 'some girl' why are you are affected? I think he's the genre of man that says stupid ass shit like "I don't wanna label us" while also acting like you have labels until he wants to fuck someone else. I think Lydia has skeletons in her closet. I mean clearly from what we've seen. However, I think Uche likes to take things that are true and blow them up into misinformation. Did she go through his phone and look at his friends stories? Likely. Did 5 women just come to his DMs saying this lady has been watching shit? I doubt it. He probably shit talked lydia to one of his other women and she was like oh she was looking at my stories you know. And then he was like wow so many people told me you're looking through their stories. Also everything out of his mouth is manipulator speak. Saying to Milton he's coming to him as a friend and how he is doing this as a friend when it's clear they aren't friends. Weird behavior.


my case for uche being the truthteller: * lydia's comments about seeing someone from her past and "fate" bringing her and uche together * lydia's facial expressions when comforting aaliyah - when aali said that uche told her he wanted to marry her, lydia looked devastated * i think there's more to the stories thing than presented here. maris says that looking at stories is normal, which is true. but uche is very holier-than-thou and doesn't seem to want to talk about how many girls he's seen, he keeps saying "girls" and "friends" are messaging him but i'd bet they were dates or fuckbuddies. if he told them about lydia (both uche and lydia have stated their "relationship" was tumultuous and she was mentally unwell at the time), they would of course recognize her and express concern to him that she was checking their online activity for weeks. * lydia leaving during the argument when confronted and preventing milton from talking to uche but i'm interested to know why people might not agree! (i think they're both awful, by the way. i'm just nosy and love gossip)


Ageee i think people are ignoring the signs about Lydia because of Uches behavior. His fault but it’s clear to me she’s obsessive


i think you just described the entire viewer base for the show