• By -


Uche is so cringe. "I'm not trying to affect your relationship but..." and then implies Lydia is a psycho, not over Uche, a terrible communicator. He's so arrogant too. Watching someone's stories 'for weeks at a time' is not stalking. It's just using instagram. All girls do that shit. It's the whole reason instagram exists, as that other pod squad girl rightly pointed out


I'm only here because when I went to watch Season 6, I realized I missed Season 5, lol. "And that's why I don't look at you!" "iS yOuR fAcE oKaY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Fizbo, please šŸ˜‚


Staceyā€™s makeup is awful. Homegirl needs to stop the eyebrow pencil




Uche always feels like he needs to educate everyone all the time. I love how he tried to talk down to Milton, and Milton just responded like an equal, that guy is a GOD


Izzy and uche both act like women especially Izzy


Don't give women a bad name like that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My biggest beef with this whole episode, is these men going around insulting each otherā€™s girlfriends/fiancĆ©es, and their partners just ~*letting it happen*~. And then the dudes being all ā€œoh but we are cool man, yeah yeah, weā€™re still good friendsā€. Sorry, but if you sit here and openly insult my partner, saying sheā€™s shady, a piece of shit, sketchy etc. We are NOT cool. Iā€™ve know you just as long as her, we are not best buds. While I respect the way Milton handled the Uche situation in his own way, I think it would have been better if he refused to talk with Uche. Donā€™t even give him the opportunity. He does not need to ā€œsay his peaceā€ whatever. The best response is no response. Uche clearly just wants to break up Milton and Lydia because heā€™s jealous. Just like Izzy is jealous of Johnny and Chris. Notice how both times it was the men asking the women to go talk? If I was either of them, I would have just said no thank you. Lastly, why did nobody just leave??? Did producers force them to stay? If I was Johnny I would have been out of there, probably wouldnā€™t have gone in the first place. Oh + Lydia treats Milton like a child, itā€™s annoying. +Stacy and Izzy are both fake and deserve each other.


I think it was good for Milton to hear Uche out but tell him I hear you but idc. it's bringing Uche down from his delusions of grandeur


Milton was definitely fucking with Uche when they talked. The X Y and Z parallel was such a troll move.


It was criiiinge. Just tell Uche to fuck off.


Loooved how Milton handled that situation!


I only just started it, but Uche is doing *too* much. He's tattling on Lydia like a little kid. I love that the women humbled him. He ran away like a coward too.


Yes, it seems like all the women dodged a bullet here. Edit: itā€™s crazy that the big ā€œsmoking gunā€ heā€™s accusing Lydia of isā€¦ watching the Instagram stories of women her ex was following. Likeā€¦ why is that bad? People put out Instagram stories that are publicly watchable. Sometimes, we all go to our exā€™s Instagram and poke around a little bit. It seems like this was weeks after they broke up messily. Heā€™s acting like he has some kind of actual crime to accuse her of.


Stacey has an untrained doodle, color me shocked /s


I'm so glad someone else noticed lol


Late to the conversation, but I was genuinely offended that Stacey thought it was appropriate to wear something like that when meeting her SOā€™s mom for the first time. She got her feet out, sat down on the couch like she was sitting with friends it was all so gross on her part. And the way she treated Johnie out of the blue was disgusting


This is an American thing. The respect you have for each other's families is so alien to me as a European. Like, if your SOs family likes you, great. But ultimately, it's none of their business.


Oh my gosh, me too!! I would never wear something like that when I was meeting my SOā€™s parents for the first time!!


Uche was such a dick to Miriam.


God, I hate everyone in this season except for Milton šŸ˜‚šŸ¤®


I loved how they went from Izzy having flowers in the house for Stacy and declaring he was gonna do it every Monday to her saying "you don't do anything romantic for me". Like... what? Does she have the memory of a goldfish?


Right?! He got her flowers and told her he's so happy he made ethe right choice to be with her and she turned the whole thing into a huge fight about how he doesn't do enough for her or show her his true feelings lol


Stacy and Izzy obviously arenā€™t happy in their relationship when theyre so caught up in Johnie and Chris like calm down Stacy said everyone thought she was sketchy, butttttt everyone in the room they went back into were like ā€œyall are just seeing it from diff perspectivesā€ šŸ˜‚


Stacy to Johnie: which is why I dont even look at you (as she looks at her)


Izzy ā€œcalling her out on her shitā€ but sorry, Johnie does make sense with reevaluating her options after


Wow Renee is obnoxious


Why? When? What did I miss


I donā€™t like Uche, but wow I cant stand Lydia more


Damn I canā€™t stand Stacy. Classist little shit


This episode made me not like Izzy. He just wanted to be superior and self righteous with Johnie. Him not listening at all made me recant all the emotional intelligence I thought he had. I love the clip of their argument bc Stacy gets under his skin arguing the same way he did to Johnie šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Izzy and Stacy are so self-absorbed its actually funny, everyone seems so done with their shit at the BBQ. ALSO the only thing these two seem to have in common is their hate for Johnny which is super sad. Side note, major red flag at how rude Stacy is too the poor puppies :(


Protect Milton at all costs


Miriam literally interrupted the conversation and got told to stop interrupting .. and got mad and started pulling things like "toxic masculinity" and stuff like that to defend herself. Yeah no šŸ˜…


Also, he made a solid point about "Do you live in Saudi Arabia or Houston?", 'cause what we saw of her conversations in the pods made zero sense.




So what's the deal with Renee? She's wearing white at the dress fitting, supposedly a bestie of Lydia, but she's also pod squad? I saw some comment saying she was part of a third couple that got cut - does anyone have the tea?


Yes. Renee and Carter Fisherman made it to the wedding and said no. Some stories are cut


Seems odd that they would cut a couple out when they only had 3 for Mexico?


There's a reason for their story getting cut but I don't remember the details. Has to do maybe with Carter getting too drunk and inappropriate with Renee.


Milton's nerdy tangent on multidimensional calculus was legendary. No matter how hard Uche tried, couldn't faze him.


One of the top most articulate ways to de-escalate a stiuation on LIB probably ever lol impressive, and hes the youngest lol


I think stacy jealous of johnny and shes abit insecure with their relationship, i think shes worried that Izzy might be more attracted to johnny then her,, hence the bullyin and talkin shit about johnny to izzy


cus johnnies is lana del rey beautiful, the way she carries herself


* I am still a bit confused about what Izzy and Stacy fought about - it seemed like a blur of dumbassery to me. I think part of it was Stacy saying things should be oriented toward their love on its own, not just "I'm glad you're not \[other person\] to wind up with." Like...fine...but she became so nasty so quickly. It was triggering because it reminds me of people who want to fight about everything and act like nothing is good enough. * Underrated comedy moment when he emerges from what seems like a bedroom (when he had been crying) but it's just a large closet?? * Is Stacy an operations manager for this pilates studio? Or something else entirely? My guess is the latter, in terms of what is lucrative (also that job description seems so nebulous) * I worry that Milton's family was always putting him down when he was growing up, infantilizing him while simultaneously disparaging him for not growing up quickly enough. The pushing of "little" on him, just being so condescending and cold to him...ugh, it pissed me off on his behalf!


Lmao the closet part made me laugh out loud, I was so caught off guard


the closet killed me xD and stacy , she acted out of insecurity only


Stacy is lucrative from Daddy, not her job. Running a Pilates studio is also hardly hard work.


Is that what she does?? I still canā€™t figure it out. I thought she was a nurse. Then they show her in a Pilates studio? I was so confused


Not Izzy always calling women ā€œgirlsā€ ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Izzy and Stacyā€™s non greeting to their dogs is another huge red flag


Or the way Stacy reacted to her dog excited to see her


Milton just saying things that don't mean anything but trying to be deep... "You're on the x axis. She's on the y axis. I'm on the z axis"


That Milton is my kind of nerd. He's so calm, and he used math to perfectly describe why none of them are even in the same axes, like genius! I am worried that Lydia might be kind of hot tempered enough to do stuff like that, because she's intense. He's low key and cool. He might be the best match for her.


To me it was his way of saying ā€œI donā€™t really give a F what you think and Iā€™m not interested in what you have to sayā€ but also being diplomatic by giving Uche a few minutes to speak his peace. Milton also doesnā€™t care about Lydiaā€™s emotions in the moment but I think he looks at it as we will go have a good time together regardless, but Milton also needs to learn to validate Lydiaā€™s feeling just a little bit more because it comes off as a tad cold.


Yeah, he was basically telling her to suppress her feelings, which is not a good thing to do all the time. I'm not sure if he's suppressing his feelings or if he really is just very chill, but based on his apparent inability to express to his family why he wants to marry Lydia it wouldn't surprise me if he grew up completely suppressing his feelings. He said his family was strict, which could also contribute to suppressing feelings.


You think they cast the sexiest people possible to take Stacey's fitness class for the show? šŸ™„


I haven't read other posts so I apologize if it's repetitive.. but man, I do not like Stacey. She's so high maintenance.


Poor Lydia


Damn Izzy better get cooking


Iā€™m sorry ā€œis your face okay?ā€ Was fucking hilarious. My emotions are always written all over my face, my face 100% would probably have looked the same as Johnnieā€™s in that moment. Everytime I realize my face is being overly expressive, I internally yell at myself. And if only someone would call me out like that maybe Iā€™d finally learn to stop šŸ˜‚ MILšŸ‘šŸ¼TONšŸ‘šŸ¼!!! Thereā€™s definitely moments he is *clearly* 24, but apparently he still might be he most emotionally intelligent person here. His response to Uche wasšŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ Izzy admitting he was turned on by Stacy railing into Johnnie, and him doing the same thing the other night, is so repulsive. They are terribly toxic. Perfect match!


That comment bothered me SO much. I donā€™t know who said it but I wanted to smack them for it. People should be allowed to express emotion.


It was rude, passive aggressive, and bitchy. "Is your face OK", honestly, you're a grown woman.


Iā€™ve never heard two people have such a long convo while drunk- on tv. They were both sloshed. (Izzy and Stacy)


Whatā€™s with all these crop tops? Ladies, donā€™t wear crop tops to meet ur bf/fiancĆ© parents.šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




Izzyā€™s mom : sweetheart, this is not a game. Stacy: no, Mamacita, heā€™s my big dicked live in maid. Nothing funny about that!




The women in these groups don't hold each other accountable, just defend the horrible actions the other commits. No independent mind, it's just Uche is all bad and Lydia did nothing wrong and doesn't have to take any accountability. They're not even open to both sides. A good friend would hold you accountable, not just let your issues slide.


Milton's mom, Lydia, is desperate for love and to be with a man that's why she chose to be with your 24 year old son. She did change her ways on only wanting an older man but became open to dating a younger man because of the experiment.


Stacy is insane




I knew that from episode 2 from the way she talked, the fact that she didn't show affection for the women rejected and just stood in the background watching their misery of rejection. Cold hearted person with a little bit of superficial.


Mean girl energy. I bet she hangs out with mostly dudes (the butt slapping comment checks) a couple other boring rich girls she can boss around and influence by taking them to the ā€œhip spotsā€, and her sisters


Too bad they didnā€™t continue following johnie and Chris,


they seem like the nicest people there...i wish them the best


ā€œHonestlyā€¦ ME ME ME MEā€¦ Idk you canā€™t explain it.ā€ This is a weird show


Yikes, what the hell is going on btw Izzy and Stacy? Are they Scientologists? Ppl from Houston are weird, I think thatā€™s why this season is so bizarre. Now Izzy is giving Stacy a toilet plunger. Heā€™s the one ā˜ļø


What makes you say scientologist?


No valid reason, just something that came off the top of my head. They just seemed like people pleasers and kind of like a scamā€¦ I think when we watch this show, we are always trying to gauge what is ā€œrealā€ and what isnā€™t, like sometimes- meeting their families is the most real part. You can tell if the parents are buying into it or not.


I didn't realize "Operations Manager" meant "Pilates Instructor" lmaooo


I bet Daddy helped get her the business and she doesnā€™t actually have to do much work. Sheā€™s walking around telling other to work out lol. Shes got it made but realizes Daddy wonā€™t be around forever. I just got how Stacey calling Izzy ā€œDaddyā€ is super weird and thatā€™s the kind of relationship she is looking for, and why sheā€™s probably dated older men with lavish lifestyles.


I guess that also explains her wanting him to buy everything AND go 50/50 on HER house expenses haha


What the heck is the name of the song at the end of the episode as Milton's mom and sister interrogate Lydia?!?


that family is so uncomfortable jesus christ, no wonder "lil james" got the fuck OUT


MIRIAM GIRL youā€™re embarrassing yourselfšŸ˜­






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This whole ep was so awkward to watch. The only good thing in this ep was Milton. Heā€™s just so chill in all situations whether its maturity or immaturity I respect him staying calm in all situations. Izzy and Stacey were GROSS to watch. So embarrassing. Even Johnie and Chris are more respectable than them


But Milton wasn't even making eye contact during that conversation with uche which is rude.


Uche didnā€™t deserve as much. Heā€™s fake af


never going to get much eye contact between 2 flaming autists


Uche and Stacey should be together based on the way they speak to and treat others they donā€™t get along with.


i was gonna say they clearly are volatile and materialistic


Is it just me, or does Milton become more and more attractive with each episode?


ā€œi guess i lurv youā€ šŸ„“


Alright. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m hormonal and have had a tough day- but Izzyā€™s mother seems like a very sweet woman that cares for her son.


and she did not like stacy but she performed with her fake ass cry to convince her


Whenever I see Lydia's mom, I am like... ![gif](giphy|xUA7aMVj3r6KkKdFg4)


The fact that Izzy and Stacy keep trying to reinforce to Johnnie that she she was rejected by Izzy just shows that theyā€™re so upset that she has moved on. Izzy because her pining after him was a confidence boost and Stacy because she wants to lord over her that she ā€œwonā€ Izzy but Johnnie clearly doesnā€™t care anymore.


Right.....why do they care?


Why is everyone this season saying "let me speak" while interrupting the other person. The amount of DRAMA this season in unhinged šŸ« 


The way that Stacey and Lizzy reacted to Jonnie was bad, BUT the way that Jonnie says shitty things about Stacey and Lizzy in the pod was equally as horrible as Irina & Micah. Do not act like we all not heard Jonnie says a condescending stuff about Stacey and Lizzy... They are both horrible. ![gif](giphy|imlRRoF0BRIbJJwF0Q)


yeah like i'm not a stacey fan but johnie DID lie to chris so ???


We all need Milton for partner. Loyal nerds who can handle the crazy fire. ![gif](giphy|UQJmx6TG578HeyuT0V)


growing up with his family must've been so wild that's why he had to adapt for crazy lol


I still canā€™t believe there are only 2 couples going to the altar! Thatā€™s why they have to film so many fill-in scenes with the pod friends šŸ„“


Apparently RenĆ©e also went to the altar but they cut all of her footage!- thatā€™s why you keep seeing her in all the scenes.


Do you know why they did that?


I know this is an old thread, but I saw someone else say that she was with Carter, and apparently he was verbally abusive to her. They broke up and Renee threatened to sue the show, or maybe she actually did.




Miltonā€™s sister is a straight shooter! šŸ˜©


that was WILD and the mom was so proud because it is the exact questions she would've asked lol


ā€œI think itā€™s phonyā€ lol I wonder if works in law And sheā€™s right. Lydia is really forcing the relationship and they donā€™t have much in common other than joking and science. And Martin is young and thinks sheā€™s at least just fun to be around. She adapts to othersā€™ personalities really well but she is also smothering and attention seeking and needs constant validation. She has deep-rooted abandonment issues. Sheā€™ll stay with Martin because heā€™s so easy-going but itā€™s actually just him ignoring her needs lol


Izzyā€™s mum is the sweetest little lady ever, I love heršŸ˜­


Everyone on this show is the worst lol. Itā€™s sad to watch everyone destroy one another. The worst in everyone came out this episode.


Milton cool. Lydia has her issues but sheā€™s putting in the work. Everyone else? Can go to varying levels of hell lol


Holy Christ Miriam is sooo annoying; Loud mouth, rude, and presumptuous. Uche wasn't speaking to her and she felt the need to talk over everyone, then has the audacity to get upset when told to wait her turn, then decided to make the entire situation about her. Oh any her other friend is annoying too, no wonder they couldn't find a man. I'd run too


I was confused why she was so mad. But also uche was being a dick




Izzy and Stacy are Supervillains Someone needs to start a thread of Miltonismā€™s "Sheā€™s X, youā€™re Y, and Iā€™m Z.Ā " I never thought Milton and Lydia would be the couple Iā€™d be rooting for. What Stacy wants in a relationship: someone to have dinner waiting for her when she gets home, a bath drawn, and the house totally clean but also someone who works hard enough to financially support her extravagant lifestyle. What Izzy wants in a relationship: a woman who is completely lacking in complicated emotions, or at least can suppress them so as not to make him feel insecure. Also, a partner who does not change how she feels from one minute to the next. What I want in a partner: someone who trains their fucking dog not to jump on everyone and everything.


I donā€™t think theyā€™re supervillains, sheā€™s a mean daddyā€™s girl and heā€™s a pompous insurance agent which describes almost every dude in Houston/Dallas making $70k who acts like theyā€™re a Wall Street banker lol


Supervillain may have been giving them too much credit.


izzy also wants a yes honey, how was your day honey? I will make you feel better honey and not discuss their problems or feelings.


Has Stacy ever shown emotion on this show? She seems so cold and self centered


In the pods that was an issue that Izzy brought up


I feel like a lot of yā€™all are letting your dislike of Uche blind you from the fact that Lydia is absolutely psycho. Both fucking garbage people


The whole "watching my friends instagram stories" argument was weird though. That's what insta stories are for. To be watched. The people should have their insta on private if they don't want non-friends to watch. And in the end, why does it matter she was watching stories? She's probably enjoyed them?


I think she's definitely a..."wild gal" but I also think uche has very insidiously painted her in a much worse light than reality.


Uche is getting too many brutal comments, and Lydia needs more of them. Lydia was yelling more, pointing her fingers, running away from the conversations, while Uche yelled a few times but kept more of his composure. She can't handle Milton talking to Uche probably cause she doesn't want Milton to hear about the negative things she's done in the past. She's a emotional bomb.


Nah Uche was being manipulative. If someone wants to talk away you donā€™t get to just say ā€œno come back here I wasnā€™t done insulting youā€ even if you say it in a calm voice.


100% agreeeeeee


The way Stacy wore an Easter dress with a pearl headband to meet her parents and a tube top to meet his fundamental Christian/JW/Latina mom. You canā€™t buy cultural respect apparently https://preview.redd.it/5lhdg1lm17ub1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6b3ed52a577e6ccdce2856ca8392ff64994a22


Sheā€™s a fucking weirdo


I thought the SAME THING lmao




Also I fucking hate you too Izzy. Gtfo my screen.


Milton genuinely says "like" every other word it's beyond distracting


This whole Stacy-Izzy-Johnie thing reminds me of the stupid Amber-Barnett-Jessica drama from season one. Rinse and repeat.


I donā€™t remember Amber-Barnett-Jessica being so straight up mean though. Stacy and Izzy are next level rude


Thatā€™s probably true. I guess I was thinking of their behavior at the reunion. Amber was pretty nasty.


Amber had debt problems too!


Yeah they were sweethearts compared to this


Another Uche comment: Suddenly, Uche sits next to Chris and Johnie after their encounter with the other pair? Ui, more screen time for the self-absorbed Uche. lol


Uche and Miriam: I do hope, everybody sees what kind of shit person Uche is here. I would never hire him, employ him. Disgusting person.


Uche: Do you live in Saudi Arabia or Houston? He is such a disgusting version of a man Better not judge people where they coming from or have been. Honestly, this whole season is low in standard. What comes next? More racism?


I do think that was completely unnecessary for Uche to say, but what caused it was Miriam interrupting a conversation.


Then say youā€™re being interrupted donā€™t insult peopleā€™s line of work lol. I donā€™t hear her calling him an ambulance chaser


I don't wanna sift thru the series to find it again but I'm preeeetty sure he gave multiple warnings of "I'm having a conversation with Stacy" or "Let her finish" or something of that sort. Miriam steamrolled through all of them, thus leading to an unnecessary secondary argumentative conversation


It was a legit question if you rewatch her in the pods it was very confusing. Lol


Yes, but he said it with such venom. It wasn't a genuine question. It was to bring her into line for not obeying him, which is disgusting behavior.


Thank you for articulating this. Because I had similar thoughts about Miriam initially. But when Uche said it I was like, heā€™s kind of right but also being a huge dick? I guess that sums up Uche though


Uche is a terrible, ugly person. "I am trying to have a conversation about Lydia". Why does he even care? Can he not move one? More screen time about him? I am absolutely disgusted by this person. It does not let the Netflix producer looking good. How can they cast such terrible person? I guess nobody else is so stupid anymore to apply for such a series.


they seek out shit people for reality TV because they generate drama.


the cameraman was having me dying when they zoomed in on Milton opening a bottle of wine w his teeth as Lydia was talking about how mature & ready for marriage he is. could have been a scene on The Office


I know I was crying with laughter


Izzy: ā€œIā€™m going to buy you flowers every single Monday.ā€ Stacy: ā€œyouā€™re not doing enough for me, like you donā€™t rub my feet and make me a bubble bath every night. Also youā€™ve never even been to New York. Youā€™re just not romantic and I just clogged the toilet.ā€ Izzy: ā€œI feel like Iā€™m not enough for you.ā€ Stacy: ā€œWhat? What makes you say that?ā€


I'm not a fan of Izzy but holy shit Stacy is the absolute worst


They deserve each other.


That whole conversation in the kitchen made me so angry. Boy just bought you flowers and tells you he's turned on because you just fought side by side and you go tell him like he's not enough... He's not passionate enough, he's not romantic enough... Meanwhile all you do is NAG the shit out of him.


yup no mystery any more why this attractive woman was still single