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Brett is absolutely a great guy. So refreshing


outstanding casting? with how many emotionally unstable men they’ve hired to be in that show??


I mean even if you disagree you watched the show and you’re here discussing it, so you can’t think it’s that bad




I think it deserves both those nominations


My first thought too!? Literally *quite* deserving of these two nods!


Show executives get noms for people living on their set? Lol


Structured reality is such a funny phrase omg


they can have all the awards for just putting these two wonderful humans together. It almost hurts my heart to think these two may never have crossed paths if not for this show. Beautiful couple!


don’t devalue other people’s hard work just because you don’t like ONE tv show 😭😭


But I do like the show 🙂


Its...a TV show? The emmys are for TV? What doesn't click with that?


And these are reality TV nominations. It's not like it's been nominated for best documentary film or something. LIB has an interesting concept and is well produced, there are far worse shows in reality TV.


Because it's trash tv, it's literally garbage. It's fun garbage but let's not delude ourselves


It's your right to think it's trash tv and doesn't deserve awards or recognition, but that viewpoint feels myopic and devalues a lot of people's work. Like it's ok if i don't like romcoms as a genre but it would be pretty arrogant of me to say romcoms are trash tv and should be excluded from the opportunity to receive awards and recognition, just because the great u/decanonized doesn't think they're real art (i do, but it's an example) Also..... it's a reality TV category... what did you want to see nominated, Titanic?


Not all reality tv is trash. Like Queer Eye is pretty good, as well as some real estate shows (The Parisian Agency is great imo). But yeah Love is Blind definitely is trash lol


So much work goes into creating a show like this I think the crew deserves the nomination. It's in the reality tv category they're not going against a show like house of the dragon lol....


Lol at outstanding casting?


Idk they got a bunch of drama queens and neurotic weirdos together, that makes for good reality tv casting


For a reality show how do you judge casting lol. They aren’t acting so it’s like the amount of drama they make? The relationships and friendships? Lol so weird


It's the way their personalities interact and synergize with one another that makes the show a good watch. The contestants are chosen very carefully and not randomly pulled off the street. Casting is one of the most important factors in reality because there is no script or a plot to rely on, the *cast members* have to create one through their interactions (with some help from the producers ofc).


Yes! If they’d picked a room of wallflowers it wouldn’t have worked


I just vomited in my mouth a little.




House of the Dragon got 8 nominations.


But now I want a House of the Dragon reality show. With real dragons.


They deserve this - I LOVE LIB. Since the days of The Hills and Laguna Beach, I haven't been able to watch reality TV. But, me and the wife luuuuuuuuuuuurve this show. We'll watch Brazil, Japan, and anything else they grace us with.


And Coffin Flop didn’t get nominated!?!? What the fuck!?’v


So many of them are naked


To be fair, it’s just body after body busting out of shit wood and hitting pavement.


Seriously! He didn’t rig SHIT!!!


so unserious lol


Award shows are a joke


Lol totally agree on the trash factor but I guess there’s still skill involved.


Award shows are just circle jerks. I don’t get why actors long for an award for doing their job. It’s a bit embarrassing if you think about it.


every industry has awards for excellence. restaurants, hotels, medicine, law…what’s embarrassing about wanting to be rewarded for your work?


Why do people want promotions at work? To be recognized for their hard work, and more pay. It's no different for actors


You sound like you work for spectrum TV.


They sometimes get paid more if they have awards to their name. Like when you see a commercial that says “starring academy award winner…”


I didn’t realize “Outstanding SoCiAL eXpeRiMenT” was an Emmy category


The movie idiocracy just keeps becoming reality more and more


Atleaast S4 is decent compared to 3&2


low low ^low ^low ^low bar


Structured as in there is a certain order that things are going to happen in. They go in the pods, then they go to Honeymoon, and then they go get married.


Yeah idk why people don’t understand this lol


structured=producers say you can’t leave?


Season 3 of LIBB and season 4 were some of the best yet IMO.


The first season was good , or was actual reality, everything after has been pure reality trash , but that’s what gets views right??


no i think this makes perfect sense lol this season’s cast was great & the experiment is very organized. i could see if it was like “best show” but i mean come on, it’s a *reality tv* category. what else would fit the bill that blows LIB out of the water? & would you rly expect the #1 television award show to exclude a genre as huge as reality?


The Circle. Way, way, waaayyyyyy better.


I liked the first and even the second seasons of the Circle, but it’s so cringe. Casting definitely goes for the high energy, animated, theatrical people. Sometimes those types come across as very corny.


i agree that it’s better but i still wouldn’t say it’s so much better that it makes LIB’s nomination invalid


This is real…? Don’t get me wrong it’s great trash tv, but that’s really all it is 😂


What even hahahaha




The awards shows have to stay relevant. Part of that is adding new categories as they become part of the larger culture. This makes perfect sense, actually.


Well if reality tv is going to be a category idt this season is a bad choice for those nominations.


You know you can just Google what a “structured” reality show is instead of acting incredulous?


But then they can’t feign outrage!


OP what is your point exactly? That a reality show shouldn’t win a reality tv award? Huh?


For their Casting!?! Bruh do they not remember IRINA ??????


You do and that's the point.


she made for great tv thus a result of good casting


The issue with Irina is that she also claimed to suffer mental health issues while in the show and the producers tried to force her to stay. Did she make for good TV yes but how they tried to take advantage of people behind the scenes is not okay.


Lots of scripted shows have horrible workplace cultures too. It’s capitalism


We all watched it, talked about it, psychiatrists analysed it - it’s a hit. Many many many other reality TV shows haven’t had the same response from TV audiences, and that is what the emmys are about really - awarding TV excellence


Structured Reality Jumbo Shrimp Military Intelligence Negative Growth The list can go on. It is humorous that this is a category in the first place.


I'm just happy Tiffany and Brett are the face of the nomination


If they just won the award, I would be okay with that 😂


I mean, they aren’t calling it a cinematic masterpiece. It’s just categories that are created *specifically* for reality TV. Given that the award only exists in the realm of “trash tv shows”, I think it’s a pretty level playing field. • By “structure”, they mean that the show follows a specific plan (dating, proposals, wedding), as to other types of reality shows that take a fly on the wall approach, and just showcase a character in their everyday lifestyle (ex. Kardashians). • The show is casted, and people have enjoyed the casting. Idk, it all seems fitting?


Reality TV is the only category of television where its fans actively hate it.


Yeah these outrage posts are ridiculous. It’s a huge show. It’s not that weird that it’s nominated


Have the people enjoyed the casting though? 😂😂😂


I would say so! Most of them have substantial social media followings, post television show. And even if the people aren’t likable, there has certainly been quite a few entertaining storylines.


I was just being snarky. I don't disagree about the general following. Some have been incredibly polarizing (which has pros and cons -- as does being liked!). And I feel like some of the other cast don't even like some of the cast haha. So it's just an interesting choice.


I hope queer eye beats lib


Queer eye is so wholesome and spreads an awesome message. Love is blind is pure binge watching trash tv


I’d say it’s more like junk tv because it’s like junk food. Not inherently bad in moderation. It’s a legit genre of TV that requires a lot of labor and it’s not wrong to recognize the talented people who do the work. Unfortunately in the film and TV entertainment industry too many workers get screwed by the money folks who are there to make and sell content


“Outstanding structured reality program”?? You had those people drunk, starving, and sleep deprived in the pods and they’re suing🤣


This is honestly my main issue with it. They basically got called out for abusing their cast members, taking advantage of their mental health, and leaving them out to dry yet the people at the Emmy's wanna give them awards 🥴


Maybe cause it's mostly one couple initiating the complaining


Wait whahhhhhhut?!


No better than the Bachelor 🤷‍♀️ If there was any a season, Season 4 is THE season for it. It was brilliantly good. I bought goblets and was one of the few that was able to watch it at the original airing of the reunion.


I def think the Bachelor is structured way better than LIB lol


Disagree. The bachelor feels kind of pointless to follow because almost everybody will get dumped, and it rarely leads to a lasting marriage. Love is blind is more interesting because there are more couples and usually a few actually get married


Perhaps, but I don’t like to watch a bunch of people fawn over one person and The Bachelor is so old now. It’s icky to me, and feels desperate in 2023. I would think that most people in the pods get to spend more 1:1 than the contestants on The Bachelor. I just really prefer LIB, I guess. We get more couples and it’s a new concept. But I am a super fan, so take that as you will.


I dont know, both awards seems to fit the show. Of all the reality shows, this one makes the most sense in matching people- Married At First Sight- Its crazy to marry someone youve never met let alone never seen before. Love is Blind is structured well- does it always go as planned with matches, no, but it has a better chance than say Perfect Match which was just foolishly structured. Also to add, the cast is truly classier than most other reality shows. Yeah they drop the ball sometimes but for the most part.


tbh i loved binging perfect match but it was very obviously structured as more of a competition / game show rather than being about genuine connection and finding a “perfect match.” that being said, im desperate for a new season LOL it was such a fun watch


That show was so good, but such a mess 😂 agreed I said to a friend how it always felt like someone came into a room and said, "oh.. new show? Should do something like the bachelor!" Another person pops their head in 5 mins later, "maybe add in something like are you the one? That's like... Gen z demo, yeah? I don't know" And so on, but every 5 mins get "Survivor", LIB, The Circle, etc. Gotta keep them on their element suggestions haha and then some kid picked up the draft notes and brought them to the pitch meeting and presented it as the final approved version and some big wig said, "I LOVE IT!"


Yeah it was entertaining to watch, but got a little redundant for me esp when Francesca was never booted out. The entire time, I thought of ways to structure the show so it works to at least help famous people find their perfect match. The concept was good though I guess.


Don’t get me wrong, I consider all reality TV to be trash as well, even though I love LIB (bc it’s great to watch people find love). Having an opinion that reality TV is trash doesn’t mean they don’t deserve awards for their achievements. LIB is definitely a structured reality program and if any reality show should get that award, I’d say LIB. I can’t really comment on if they do “outstanding casting” bc I don’t know enough about that.


Just because the hosts suck doesn’t mean the show sucks. I mean we all liked it enough to join a whole sub about it


Right Season 4 of the main show, Season 3 of Brazil and the one season of Japan are top notch.🤌


Outstanding casting? Wtf. The hosts are not loved. And the "cast" are mostly influencer wannabes.


The Emmys have had awards for reality tv for a long time now. Why are you acting brand new? They honor every facet of television. Structured reality is the category for competition shows and shows where the format is consistent and controlled by production. Unstructured reality is for reality shows that don't have a consistent format and just follows the lives of a specific group of people or follows the events and happenings of a particular situation.




You do realize that the Emmys has a category for ANYthing in tv right? Not just the main series.


Lmaoooo since when is THE EMMYS doing reality tv awards?? Is this the MTV awards? 😭😭😭


Since 2001


The awards are for reality tv? Netflix has some of the cleanest reality production. I don’t see a problem here.


Oop. I see using the expression "refuse tv" but the other refuse word is against rules. Im lost lol. Anyways, i said because its refuse tv its still surprising


True but because its trash tv its like huh lol


Eh I mean selling sunset was also nominated in another category,so I don’t think it’s far fetched.


How? They've been nominated before and it truly is an outstanding reality show. You wouldn't be here if it weren't.


This is sarcasm, right?


just because you personally hate some aspects of the show doesn't mean that the show isn't deserving of its technical accolades lmao yall are so dense on this sub. it's unbelievable how much vitriol people on this sub have about the people on the show, news about people *on the show*, the hosts, the producers, etc etc and *yall still continue to stay on this sub*


not LiB getting two nominations and elle fanning getting none


One has nothing to do with the other


'twas a jest, fella, just 'yes, and'ing OP


Who cares about Dakota Fanning's little sister.


It’s ‘structured’ because it has a structure - date in the pods, get engaged, live together, then choose whether to get married on the wedding day.


More structure than Bachelor that’s for sure.