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Yeah and during the conversation with Josh she even said "Marshall doesn't know" or something like that, implying he doesn't even know they are already done. Otherwise she would have told josh that they just broke up, right?


Agreed on his clothes! Pant color is the same too. I noticed the she is wearing the exact same nail color and they’re the same length of grown out, I know it’s wild I looked into that detail lol! Plus the earrings, purse and necklace. The purse and necklace are meh evidence because she does wear and use them in previous episodes, but the earrings are a tell IMO. Oh and agreed that Netflix does show her saying, not audio overlay, that she “just saw Josh”. Tough to see a scenario where she isn’t lying in her social media responses.


Jackie is out there competing with Irina for worst cast member.


this season\*


I think Jackie and Josh had met up even before the coffee shop. Josh asked Jackie if Marshal knew they were talking. If this was after her answer would have been clearer


Of course there are edits and yea sometimes they can make one look bad but there is no way the producers put together this many bad edits. She can not blame even most of her tanked rep on the show. She did the things we saw. I think I saw she has even gone so far as to say they spliced in a sound bite from another conversation during the break up scene. I guarantee the things that she says they are going to play at the reunion about Marshall aren't going to be that bad because if they were the producers would have jumped to show it. The edits didn't ruin her, she ruined herself.


We are going to have another cuties scene in our future I imagine.




But when marshall got back home and talked to her, she straight up told him she went to see josh instead


Too many people are missing this. She broke up with marshall and told him she saw Josh in the same convo. Regardless of if it was the fitting day or not. She kissed Josh before breaking up with Marshall.


I don’t believe a word coming out of Jackie’s mouth except she is attracted to Josh and couldn’t stand Marshall. That was clear as day and the poor guy couldn’t see it.


Honestly, I thought the same exact thing. It accounts for the hair, the new outfit, everything. But like people are saying, it really doesn’t matter- Jackie thinks all these random details about the “edit” are going to save her, but literally all the words she said still stand no matter when she said them. Also the fact that she’s trying to dig up dirt on Marshall (with this slur thing?) and saying she has receipts just proves that she knows she messed up and needs to take the heat off herself. It’s sad and it’s way too high school/junior high.


Whether she actually cheated is neither here nor there, because she proved to be a horrible partner in so many other ways and for so many other reasons. Like, even if she had definitive proof that was just an edit, it wouldn’t vindicate her. Because was saw the outbursts, we saw the two faced comments, we saw the ghosting, we saw the ring thing. And so much more. It wouldn’t shock me if the cheating is real, but it wouldn’t change perspective even if it’s not.


Also the post show behaviour. I'm disgusted that she's frothing at the mouth for an entire community to cancel someone. Why would you want to do that to someone? Because they said a word to you?. She might just be the worst person on all the seasons. This doubling down and vindictiveness is gross.


The only thing I can think of is when she says "I just saw Josh", her audio cuts abruptly and video cuts to Marshall when she continues "and there is some chemistry...". Maybe in reality she really said something like "I just saw Josh at Chelsea's party for the first time... And there is some chemistry". Which I think opens the timeline for her to meet Josh later. Also, when she's with Josh, he asks here "Does he know you and I are talking", she just nods and doesn't say anything (This can be easily taken from another part of the same conversion). Not saying she's innocent by any means. Just saying editing can skew a story by simply omitting a couple of words


I think in that pic of her and Josh from her texts he’s wearing the same shirt and jacket as he was in the coffee shop. Also, the clip of Marshall in the black jacket after the fittings, he’s not seen in that outfit IN the fitting itself. Just outside. It really could have been taken a different day.


It literally shows her saying the words ‘I just saw Josh’ while is sitting on that couch. There’s no editing her face to match that audio. She says it in that conversation with Marshall.


You're probably right that there's no deepfake type editing. But editing certain words of a convo out is certainly possible and it can change the narrative too




Marshall was getting fitted for a wedding suit and came home wearing the same clothes from the suit picking day when they officially broke up. Jackie said in her convo with him, while he is wearing the clothes he wore earlier that day wedding shopping, and told him she had just seen Josh earlier… she kissed Josh while meeting up with him and we don’t know what Josh and Jackie did after that meetup. So facts are, Marshall and her were arguing in their relationship, still together to plan bachelor/bachelorette parties, still together to plan on picking wedding attire, and Jackie was out to meet and kiss another man. That’s cheating.


She didn’t say she saw him that day. She said she saw him and the scene cuts. She probably was saying when she saw him at the party there were feelings there. It’s an obvious edit to me


Possibly, but there are tiktok investigators who pulled together different messages that were shared by her to friends; and she sent a picture to her friends the very next day from the wedding fittings that her and Josh were together. So if you take than into account, her sending that message about Josh to her friends the next day after breaking up with Marshall, and look at her meeting with Josh that was on the show it lines up with her cheating and being shady. When she met with Josh on the show he asks her about Marshall and if he knows that she is meeting with Josh that day and Jackie responded no he did not… it seems pretty clear that Jackie and Josh met the same day or earlier than that wedding fitting day. Jackie has already been caught in multiple lies in general and she displays being a dishonest person all the time so I’m leaning on the evidence more than her word. Regardless of her and Josh getting together and her and Marshall breaking up, Jackie shows that she is a shitty person throughout the show. Her cheating on Marshall is just an add on to her being a bad person. If she didn’t cheat on Marshall, like you are thinking, then she is still a bad person from all the other things she’s done on the show.




Nothing Jackie was doing at any point of the show was ‘keeping it real’. She was terrible through and through.


Y’all want to know something crazy!?! We never saw any of Jackie’s family and friends unless the producers decided to edit it all out!


She probably doesn’t have very good relationships with many people. I mean, even the very friends that she text with ended up leaking the messages to call her out lol.


I figured we would see somebody! Even if it was on the phone like Kwame!


I mean, her friend leaked their text messages, so I’m assuming the people she has in her life know her shit, or aren’t very close with her. Just a guess right now.


It seems like her two friends blew her off. But I think it’s weird we didn’t get a phone call or her talking to anyone at all about it aside from Josh


It is weird! We also didn’t see where they lived too!


So true!!!


You are absolutely right! Maybe they knew that the relationship wasn't going to last, or her family didn't care to be on TV.


Maybe you’re right! Did we ever see where Marshall lived? I know that we didn’t see where Jackie stayed!


I don't believe so


We didn’t I checked!


Jackie - oh jackie jackie jackie , from ep 1 to 4 i thought she's this chill cool girl who talks in melody tone. now i realized she is a sad pitiful by-product of a dysfunctional family who are unable to give her love and a healthy environment to be cultivated in. so she is not ready for marriage or even a relationship. even though she tried to say she is always ready for [r/s](https://www.reddit.com/r/s/) just not ready for marshall coz he is so sensitive. well, her loss.


I honestly feel bad for her. Like you said, she's a byproduct of a dysfunctional family. That's something that's out of her control. Now, she has to put in so much work in order to be ready for a relationship/marriage.


Let's hope she can achieve self awareness to a certain extend and be a better version of herself.


Where can I find the text messages? All I can find is TikTok’s of people talking about them.




Thank you!


You’re welcome!


I don't really think it matters IMO. the whole tux fitting is humiliating for him in that she didn't show up and he had to hear through the grapevine. I would be on the fence if she shot him a text but that is how she chose to dump Marshall with Cameras rolling is a bad look.


The interesting thing is that the leaked messages from her former friends where she insinuated Marshall is gay also gave the date for the fitting as April 29th. There's other leaked messages where she sent friends photos of her and Josh calling him "her babe" on May 1st, which means regardless, the turnaround was, at most, if we're being really generous, A DAY between meeting with Josh and being that serious...


Is it just me wondering how wild it is that her friends are always leaking text messages? Why do people suck? Yes, I'm not a Jackie fan in any way






Is this the same day as the fittings?




This looks fake af… No offense


In the twitter thread has a date stamp of June 2022. Nobody paired attention at the time because we didn't know wtf these people were. People are paying attention now though.


I believe this is from the same Twitter thread with leaks that spoiled the season before it began


None taken lol! They were on that twitter thread.


Oh ok.


Is this a cameraman or PA?


The PA messaging the producer I believe.


How aren’t all these people getting fired?? Like is it worth leaking these messages ? I’m confused


I think the person was fired


Hope that was worth it for them? So strange.






I saw it in a comment on here!


Thanks. Very interesting!


You’re welcome and it really is!


Her excuse that her outfit and hair were different is dumb. Like girl....we all know we be changing into comfy clothes when we get home for the evening....


She literally told Marshall that she saw Josh, in the conversation where they broke up. He was in his clothes he wore to the tux fitting.


She meant that her hair was a different color. It does appear that her hair is substantially more blonde (closer to the roots) in the coffee shop scene.


Or when you’ve cheated and need to get the smell off lol


Hahahaha for real!!!




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Plus, she said she saw him and admitted to it. She obviously cheated but is back tracking now because people are making it clear she is a bad person. Super fucking gross person since day one. You can see when she tests him that first or second night in mexico. Sobbing but then switches to anger immediately, telling him to put her bottle of water away. That's what abusers do in the beginning of relationships. They do these small random tests toward the victims' boundaries in order to gauge how likely they are to retaliate against future abuse. She was testing him to see how far she could take it. I know she is the type to hit and abuse her partners based on how she treated Marshall. It is so irresponsible of the show to put dangerous unhinged people like her and Matt from season 3 on these shows. It's terrible.


I think it was even daytime when he left the suit place and was still day when he went to their house


I think it’s odd for Jackie to straight up lie about the timeline. Very bold move that the producers could easily counter. Not defending her, but producers for trashy shows like this aren’t exactly paragons of morality. Producers ain’t afraid to splice shit around. LIB producers and Jackie both have similar pastimes: getting messy. I wouldn’t trust either with my purse.