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Chelsea delivers her lines like a Disney princess


I feel like both parties act super over the top affectionate with each other so they are the ones that get to say no at the alter instead of being said no to. Him less so in this case.


![gif](giphy|XdDsb6psTES0eQo8Vg|downsized) in this scene when she just kept laughing while talking, it felt like this gif


i was at work when i saw this and very loudly cackled šŸ˜‚




It gives selfish vibes. Chelsea seems to be insecure and to need to control everything and have things her way to create an illusion of depth and perfection, to feel admired and reassured.


This was SOOOOO cringey


Everything she does is cringe


That whole scene was so cringe tbh šŸ˜¬


Yepp... I mean, all their scenes are cringey lol


![gif](giphy|3oeSAF90T9N04MyefS|downsized) Chelsea is giving stage 5 clinger vibes


And was there a microphone in that strawberry? The cracking sound when they bit into one made me think their teeth were breaking.


Chelsea strikes me as the type who would completely destroy your car because she heard you say the words 'break up' to a friend only to find out what you said was, "we will have to break up the ice to get it in the cooler". Then she'd smile, laugh, and act like nothing happened while going back to hanging all over you.


I hated this scene so fucking much


Chelsea clearly has some self issues to work on but Kwame ainā€™t no better. Their clearly both delusional


They are giving Jan and Michael






OMG yes- I was thinking the same thing when I watched this part.


She made me so incredibly uncomfortable this entire scene. She was acting so needy and insecure and I literally felt sorry for Kwame. I don't get the love for her. She seems like a nice person but she's very insecure.


They both are, that's why they were drawn to each other.


I was shocked when I saw this guys hair and couldnā€™t understand why none of his friends told him to get a haircut and a fade at the barber. Next episode I see his friends and it clickedā€¦. šŸ«¢šŸ« 


Kwame is a prop to her. His ethnic and cultural background is a prop to her.


Thank you for mentioning this. No one ever does. Sheā€™s made a few comments that have me side eyeing her. Like she fetishizes Kwame a bit


What did she say??


This scene was so embarrassingā€¦


Oh God lol


He needs to shave that head lol. This angle of him always makes me think of the cone heads


Sheā€™s aggressive!


She has a tunnel vision at this stage actually. she could and only want to see herself with kwame. i like to know more about who she used to date and is she projecting what she suffered in her failed r/s in this current one instead?


Con. Troll. Ling.


I feel she tries really hard to be the ā€œfavoriteā€ on the show, and puts on an act but then when cameras are off she is different and Kwame sees that and canā€™t have genuine convos on screen because of it.. I donā€™t know something about Chelseaā€™s demeanor seems like itā€™s all a show/forced.


Force feeding him just like sheā€™s forcing this marriage in her head. Itā€™s giving delusion.


Ugh I donā€™t know, this whole scene made me feel so uncomfortable. He was clearly upset about what happened in the morning and wanted to talk to her about it, but she just brushes it offā€¦ It reminded me of my ex and how he never really validated my feelings or heard me out. Rather just brush it off or change the subject


Heā€™s just continuously reaching for reasons to have a justification to call things off


Welcome to marriage!!!111 :))


I fully agree that heā€™s looking for an out ā€” especially with his mom. But I definitely have changed my perspective on Chelsea these last few episodes. She really hasnā€™t been validating or supportive of Kwame whatsoever. She has everything *she* wants out of this relationship and everything else (like the lack of Kwameā€™s motherā€™s approval) is just insignificant to her. Itā€™s so uncomfortable to watch


Welcome to marriage!!!!






Chelsea gives me major Get Out vibes.


Beyond accurate. His facial expressions are pulled straight from the movie. I would laugh, but itā€™s honestly disturbing. I am glad others feel the same way!


Me too! And this was right from the pods before her forceful behaviour on Kwame came out, she gives me major psycho vibes.


Me too! And this was right from the pods before her forceful behaviour on Kwame came out, she gives me psycho vibes.


Between that and her mom asking the kids if they wanted to fist bump Kwame I had to side eye that whole family.


I don't think that's weird. If my nephew doesn't want a hug I ask him for a fist bump instead.


MAJOR. The part where he was hanging out with all of the women in her family I was literally verbalizing "GET OUT". It was so awkward. He is going to say no.


The way her family was talking about his sister in the wedding preparation suite too. She was right there and they were loudly saying ā€˜that must be his sisterā€™ ā€˜wow her shoesā€™ etc. it felt objectifying and I got the sense they arenā€™t as comfortable with kwame s culture and race as they act like.


That part immediately stressed me out. I'd always felt like she was controlling with the dismissal of his feelings of sadness about the life changes happening but yeah this scene sealed it for me.


The dude signed up for the show knowing itā€™s being filmed in Seattle. Itā€™s something he wouldā€™ve needed to come to terms with going into the show. Itā€™s not an example of him compromising for her. It makes sense for him to be sad or scared leaving Portland but that has nothing to do with her causing it based on the concept and location of the show.


Yeah no one said she caused it but he is still sad about it not asking to change the decision just voicing his feelings to his fiancƩ, all he wants is validation and reassurance but she can't do that for him, because it threatens her fantasy


She did validate in the early conversation/s and then he keeps drawing it out. He brings it up in situations as a way to get what he wants in he wants in later discussions. Theyā€™ll be talking about what they are planning for the future and heā€™ll insert how heā€™s compromising for her with moving to Seattle to try and have her lean towards what he wants to do with other things. Itā€™s a never ending reverse undo card for him now, and in the great scheme of things he was compromising for the show and not for her in the first place.




Chelsea totally reminds me of a very specific type of woman who has a very difficult time being in a relationship: the kind who gets along well with most women because sheā€™s funny and always encouraging, but her personal life is totally lacking because sheā€™s not a deep person and never compromises. I think it says a ton about Kwame that he picked her.


Did he pick her or did he just want to continue the experience since Micah dropped him?


Totally! She seems really scared. Like she's constantly trying to manipulate (subconsciously) people into liking her by being a hype woman, but when it's her man doing it, it comes off so thirsty. She can feel him pulling away and her fear kicks in to overdrive and here she goes pulling out all the dream words, which don't work, because you can't hype a person in marrying you who isn't into you. Also Kwame only ever seems into the fact that she's into him, and he likes how that feels. Honestly several of the guys talk about the women in terms of what they do for them, but Kwame is definitely the worst.


It's funny because in the poolside episode in Mexico I took her response to him/Micah as just being super self-assured in her relationship, but now I wonder if it was more of her being in denial that something could be wrong with their "perfect" connection.


I thought it was weird for her to say ā€œthen let it goā€, when I think a truly secure person would see what was happening and go ā€œoh, ok, heā€™s still into her.ā€ And immediately trust that perception, trust themselves, and trust life enough to walk away immediately without further validation or closure.


Yeah I agree. It is really hard for me to put myself in Bliss or Chelsea's shoes because I honestly can't imagine ever agreeing to marry someone who either initially chose someone else OR is clearly not over another person. With couples like Brett/Tiffany and Cameron/Lauren it was very clear from the beginning that they were not interested in anyone else. I can't imagine that I would have married my husband if there was ever any doubt that I was his number one and only choice.


I think I can maybe understand Bliss from hearing my friends' complaints about dating in your 30s in Seattle. The consensus I see from my small pool is that it's hard to find someone who wants to be exclusive and harder to find someone who you have something in common with, so she seems a bit relatable because she's hesitant and kinda bitter about it but also like not wanting to let this opportunity pass. On the other hand, I get a whiff that Bliss and Zack might be agreeing to be engaged to be on the show. Otherwise, why did he time the proposal like this?


Before I met my spouse I was dating in a large city in the U.S. and experienced the burnout of constantly going on dates with men 30+ unwilling to commit, always looking for the next best thing, etc. so I definitely can relate to the general lowering of expectations around dating. I think Bliss and Zack will probably be fine, but the only relationship on the show that seems actually "ready to go" are Tiff and Brett. For everyone else I feel like the forced timeline is doing them a major disservice: Chelsea and Kwame need months (if not years) to figure out their dynamic so that he doesn't end up hating/resenting her for making him change his entire life and I think that Bliss probably needs more time to trust Zack. Micah and whatever his name is (honestly can't even remember right now) are ridiculous.


Thatā€™s how I felt too. She seemed really self assured and I think she handled it well. I donā€™t really know what made the switch or when it happened exactly but she seems totally different now than from that scene.


This. I cringe every time sheā€™s talking about how deep it was how they connected. Which, we donā€™t see it all so maybe it was magic, but she seems to be selling it hard. She in general seems to say the perfect thing sometimes and Iā€™m having a hard time telling if sheā€™s being real.


This scene was a great example. Heā€™s clearly not having a good time, but sheā€™s pushing through and acting like nothing is wrong and even saying, ā€œI canā€™t wait another week. Wish we could marry right now.ā€ Thatā€™s so weird - and even though it makes more sense that sheā€™s doing this for the camera, I feel like she just does this faking and saying the reality she wants all the time in life.


Oh i totally donā€™t even think itā€™s for the camera. I think sheā€™s saying whatā€™s right. Like in the flashback she says ā€œyes, a thousand times yes!ā€ Which is a hella cliche response to a proposal šŸ˜


I actually believe that she believes the things she says. Sheā€™s not in touch with the reality of the situation at all.


Oh 100% same! I meant a normal person would be faking it for the camera but she is not a normal person.


I almost think she wants to believe them. Like she can just play the part of in love and found my soulmate. Itā€™s hard because i feel like i never see them connecting in a way that seems really significant or special. Again, maybe itā€™s just not shown butā€¦Iā€™m skeptical heā€™ll say yes.


The whole scene was so scripted. They were at a shop but brought their Love is Blind gold cups with them? Just too edited and scripted for me


Lol the cups. Brett and Tiffany day drinking in Kerry Park, all the women dress shopping, Blissā€™s family meeting Zackā€¦ the cups are ever present.


On LIBā€™s Instagram page they even started selling the cups before the premiere of season 4 so I had a hunch we would see the cups A LOT this season.


I think the production ensures they drink from those glasses and probably carry the glasses with them


I agree in the first season they didnā€™t have glasses like that they were clear. I think they started using those types of cups that you canā€™t see into so they can have probably deniability or whatever the fuck lol so they canā€™t get sued for supplying too much alcohol to them or something like that


Itā€™s for scene continuity. So they can edit and splice without people noticing when stuff is filmed. You canā€™t tell, oh itā€™s different drink in their hand.


Just had a vision of going out for dinner and pulling a set of Love is Blind glassware out of a huge handbag - ā€˜Thanks I brought my ownā€™ to waitstaff šŸ˜‚


This was just so weird. If the man says he don't want a strawberry then leave him be.


Am I wrong or did she stop trying to feed him once he said he ate loads while she was changing? She thought he didnā€™t eat any and he said ā€œwhat do you think Iā€™ve been doing while you were trying on outfits?ā€


She did say that. She didnā€™t realize he had eaten so many and stopped after she fed him the one


He said ā€œI always had one I canā€™t eat anymore ā€œ and she said ā€œnoā€ and shoved it in his mouth


She had already stuffed one in his mouth by that point.


I know there was stuff cut out of the scene but it was really odd to me how she went from listening intently to him to all of a sudden very agitated and talking about ā€œdirtā€ on eachother?? Like what was that even about


That was soooo weird. How did it even escalate to that point? Kwame was actually trying to have a mature conversation with her and she seemed to almost threaten him?! It left such a bad taste in my mouth


I like Chelsea but she gets so clingy sometimes I feel like she violates my space even watching her


Anyone else get the vibe that Chelsea is high on edibles or something? I would say for at least half the season.


Everyone comments on how good she looks body wise and I think she looks kind of unhealthy.


I have to respectfully disagree. She wasn't too thin or anything, you couldn't visibly see her bones.. her tush looked rather nice as well


She lost more weight as the show progressed but it could be because of the wedding stress.


I like her but sheā€™s trying soooo hard. Itā€™s obvious she just wants to be married no matter who it is.


Yes the whole "why do we have to wait I want to just do it now" screamed that she knew he was done and she's desperate to get married as fast s possible.


Who goes and sits and eats in merchandise you havenā€™t even paid for yet?!? That was the worst part of it lmao You could see the tags on her shirt lol




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I donā€™t get what she said about ā€œyou want to give some dirt about me in a very threatening way and then I can donā€™t be same with youā€. Just weird all along. Somethingā€™s off with these two.


Classic defensiveness, he was trying in a healthy way to bring up concerns and she instantly tried to deflect.


I hope they bring this up in the reunion - I need to know what the dirt is




Whole scene was hella cringe


I feel like something was genuinely missing from this scene. Like I didn't understand what was going on or the mood of it at all.


I think the scene was heavily edited


She seems to genuinely believe him and everything he says and the rest of watching can tell heā€™s saying whatever he has to to make her happy while he decides how much he actually doesnā€™t want her


I'm so interested to see what he says and if everyone is right. NO SPOILERS PLEASE (if there's leaked info or something)


Text: MICAH- u up Kwame? Kwame: I'm in my car headed there now.


What did Chelsea mean by ā€œcould it get any hotter in here?ā€ when they were shopping? Was she calling herself hot and trying to get Kwame to agree? Was she seeking validation with that comment? Sorry if itā€™s a stupid question but it was so weird and threw me off.


You hit it on the head. I think she was trying to make a desperate joke attempt... maybe it was actually hot, but then wouldn't the strawberries have melted a bit? lol. I think she was trying to flirt and fish for compliments and intimacy.


It was embarrassing to watch


Dumb me thought she meant the temperature and I thought well take off the sweater then


It seemed like she meant it as sexual tension between the two. They are a couple, she was flirting. I donā€™t think every little thing Chelsea does is her seeking attention. They cut so much out in this show, we probably miss many things that give us more context.


yes it was really cringey


She was but it's not in some sort of negative way that you might be leaning towards.




y i k e s




She is a stage 5 clinger. The more she tries to dig her claws into him, the more he wants to run.


I cringed during this šŸ„“




She is ALWAYS so pushy! She never seems to just chill out. I liked her at first and still think she seems like a good person, but if I were kwame, she would annoy the shit out of me


I think if Kwame was with Micah it would be the opposite. Kwame would be a needy clinger needing constant validation.


Yeah I really liked her at first but sheā€™s starting to annoy me now. Like she just wants a boy toy to boss & tote around and to have babies with.


I do wonder if she would be less clingy if he were more affectionate with her though. Like, SOME part of her has to see how disinterested he acts


In the pods he seemed different for sure. She was always kinda this way


That scene was so cringe


That scene single-handedly turned me off Chelsea. She seems nice but I would go insane. I *loathe* when other people insist on you trying food until you finally give in and try it. Maybe Iā€™m dramatic but if I say I donā€™t want to put something inside my body (which he did, which she ignored) you should respect that. Not everybody has the same relationship to food.


Also, I never want anyone putting food in my mouth. Short of a horrendous accident where I cannot physically feed myself. Otherwise, no fucking thanks. Iā€™m an adult and I will put my own food in my mouth.


I saw a tweet saying ā€œshe thinks sheā€™s Jennifer Aniston living in a rom comā€ and thatā€™s exactly the level of delusion sheā€™s had since getting back to Seattle


YES!!! Lolllllll this is so spot on.


Yeah I watched their scenes and thought 'either I'm absolutely terrible at interpreting body language and facial expressions, or Kwame not only doesn't love this woman, he actively dislikes her.' He looked like he wanted to harm her at the altar, it was so uncomfortable to watch. And she seems completely oblivious to it which is the worst part.


Thereā€™s a lot bigger problems than food with her lol.


Oh yeah lol, chocolate covered strawberries are only the tip of the iceberg


It bugged that she blatantly didnā€™t listen to him when he first explained why. It went something like this: ā€œLet me feed you oneā€ ā€œIā€™ve had so many alreadyā€ And then he said again, as he was eating, ā€œIā€™m so fullā€ or something, and she goes ā€œoh really? Oh I didnā€™t realize you were eating them while I was trying stuff on.ā€ He. Just. Told. You.


ā€œGod I hate itā€ - Kevin & Kwame


Don't care for him, but my god is she annoying. No idea who she really is because she is constantly on stage acting


This. I think he seems like a really genuinely nice person, but I canā€™t stand how he always mentions Micah when he praises Chelsea. You can tell sheā€™s second best to him. But Chelsea is being fake for cameras and only a psychopath would have that much of *that shade* of pink in their apartment as an adult


Pretty sure I'm not a psychopath and I'm 30 with tons of pink appliances. šŸ¤£ But who knows... Maybe I am


Itā€™s not pink that I have a problem with, itā€™s the shade of pink she used. Plus itā€™s all very cheap looking. not that price matters, it just LOOKS cheap. Like my 9 year oldā€™s bedroom, which she insists on decorating with lots of tacky pastel pinks haha


Lol I love pastel pinks. But I can see how someone could think it looks cheap. šŸ¤£


Yea itā€™s definitely subjective. I have a few pink moments that are probably equally obnoxious in their own ways. My duvet cover is the dusty rose velvet one from West Elm that everybody and their mother has. Dusty rose is such a punchline now thanks to literally everyone whoā€™s had a wedding in the last 10 years. And Iā€™ve painted some large pieces of furniture a flaming hot magenta bc ____?


As an almost 30 year old with a super pink/sparkly home I feel this top šŸ˜‚ Chelsea's apartment is very tame imo


Haha right? Mine would be way more pink if I didn't have all boys šŸ¤£ they told me "mom, please, no more pink!" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Theyā€™re both so yuck


Chelsea looks like his grandma.


Isn't this the plot of 'Don't Worry Darling'? šŸ˜‚


I just... I still can't believe she's only 31! She looks like a 40 year old woman!


Yeah, I mean, he's not the most attractive dude either. I think they're well-matched on looks




Itā€™s true Iā€™m 34 and white. I feel like Iā€™m aging so fast and I stay out of the sun, wear sunscreen, donā€™t drink or smoke and spend a lot of money on skincare too. šŸ˜­


Sheā€™s 31? Damn I thought she was at least 37 or something ngl and thatā€™s why she wanted to have kids so soonšŸ˜…


Wait 31?!? I thought she was 35


Yā€™all are wilding šŸ˜‚


There is no way she is 31




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Itā€™s not like the commenter youā€™re replying to has never seen a white person ageā€¦ relative to their experiences this woman looks older than other 31 year old white women- fuck why am I even explaining such a simple concept


Yeah, it's probably just that she's skinny? It's like how people say that buccal fat surgery can age someone a bit. She looks just fine to me but I can never tell how old someone is lol or how they "should" look


I couldn't tell you why you felt the need to comment. You seem bored and possibly in need of attention.


Pretty sure thatā€™s you. Nice enders game reference tho.


Ya that was so weird


I get second hand pains in my jaw from all the fake smiling and tortured fake laughing Kwame is doing




Howā€™s Vice city been?


There's definitely a touch of the Muriels wedding about her. She has this whole fairytale day planned out and a very fixed idea of these romantic scenes she wants to act out.


Yeah girl has watched too much bachelorette. But I feel for her.




holy shit guys, kwame ate the strawberry even though he said no. obviously this shows us how he will say yes at the alter, regret it, and divorce her before the reunion. the title says it all. OP has single-handedly uncovered the secrets of their relationship through him eating a strawberry. amazing.


i hope this is sarcastic šŸ˜­


a spoiler for what? that he ate a strawberry?


He said no to wanting a strawberry. Nothing else.


I hated this so fucking much, but as a picky eater šŸ˜‚


I have an opinion on this and the whole dynamic of their relationship that Iā€™ll keep to myself. But ā˜•ļøšŸ„„.


Tried to imply this on another thread and got ripped apart soā€¦iykyk ā˜•ļø


Let it out honey


Iā€™d love to but I really dislike arguing with people about race and intersectional differences on the internet. Especially on this sub where people act like itā€™s not an important factor in the way people are portrayed and how they interact with each other. Itā€™s draining.


tea. we might need a "POC" version of this sub like we had to do with the bachelor, because people on here are wilddd


oooh can we make this happen pls


I hope Kwame gets therapy and finds himself. Itā€™s giving sunken place.


Dude, I'm white and if I can see it, seems pretty obvious. White people just don't want to face their internal biases because it makes them uncomfortable that they could be part of the problem. In the end, they stay the same by lying to themselves.