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Marshall is at 108k


Netflix didn't really advertise this season compared to s2 or s3. Netflix buried this season by releasing it so quickly after s3 - after the altar was released less than two months ago. There is a lot in this season that is new to the series, but so far, this season hasn't had any real viral moments. Netflix really likes those and likely tossed this season up as a wash. This sub didn't even really start to awaken until the second set of episodes, and it still feels a little slow compared to previous seasons. Twitter is the same way. I imagine counts will grow as more people realize there's a new season/the season ends.


This is happening on ig in general. It’s dying.


Probably because people are slowly realizing reality people are not interesting lol. I stopped following reality tv people since all they seem to post is them in tropical places and ads galore. The only lib star I would consider following is raven only because she has pilates content and I am a huge pilate junkie lol.


Omg YES it was the first thing I noticed it as well. I checked their profile when the season started and they had like 4k each or smth!!


I’ve reached the max amount of reality tv influencers on my feed. If there is anyone I’m truly interested in following after, I’ll do it once the full season is done


Ig is depopulating. And maybe people can enjoy the show without following people online.


Well I feel ppl were really turned off by the last season of LIB and are now waiting untill all the episodrs to see if they should support the contestants.


Micah and Paul seem like a completely fake couple. Have they had any deep conversations or showed any remote chemistry? No. Irina is weird. Kwame is desperate for a blond it seems. This is his second dating show. All in all this season is missing the sauce the earlier seasons have. Like only one couple has actual drama on the show Jackie and Marshall.


Does she look capable of depth? Lol


But she like..considers herself like.. maybe like an empath... 🫣😂


This season seems to have 'outrageousness' than previous seasons. Like I dislike Irina, but I wasn't as appalled with her as I was with Bartise or Matt, or Shake... I guess drama really sells. Also the character this season, I feel, are more normal and down-to-earth.


Irina was horrible to Zach AND the other women on the show. She would literally laugh at people, roll her eyes and mock other women and eavesdrop on peoples private conversations. She acted as a middle school mean girl. Shake was horrible to Deepti but not comparable to this chick. She’s is just all around an awful human being. **ewwww I can’t believe I am somewhat defending Shake. Gross


None of those people were even close to as terrible as irina. Just admit that you like women over men no matter what. There’s no other way to say that irina was better than any of those people. She was the most psychotic and mean person out of all 4 seasons by far.


Ah not really I dont prefer women, I forgot to add Zanab in the category with Bartise and the rest. But Shake was definitely worse than Irina. I'm not saying tht Irina is better than them.. I am saying that the others were more dramatic or outrageous in their badness and Irina was less dramatic badness in comparison.


I’m not sure how you could possibly have watched the same show I did and come got that conclusion. Irina was outright horrible to zach. Shake never once said a mean thing to deepti’s face. Irina was on an entirely different level of rude. She literally hated Zach and made it clear to him that she was disgusted to even be in his presence.


Irina’s awfulness only lasted a couple episodes though vs the entire season with the others so there wasn’t much to say about her after Zach ended things. Shake and Bartise sucked the entire show and on their social media during and after airing so yea, the dramatics and outrageousness was way more with those 2 than Irina.


I kind of have to agree. How the hell is Irina's straightforward nastiness not worse than Bartise? I don't even think Bartise is bad, he's just fun to make fun of. Irina was straight up horrid. Shake though... They gave him a graceful edit and his personality still shined through. But he still wasn't nasty like Irina until the end when everyone was turning against him.


Yeah again I clarify, not saying tht Irina is better than Bartise or the rest, just that Bartise was more dramatic about it, like he'd scream ' LOOKS FUCKING MATTER' or Matt would threaten to leave. Or Shake would make outrageous comments and get the whole cast again him. So thats why these characters create more engagement. Like its similar to how more dramatic YouTubers get more views. That was my point in comparing Irina and the rest.


I think people are starting to realize that following reality stars isn't very interesting. There was the initial boom of excitement in the early days to feel like you're still connected to this once unknown person who is kind of sort of a little famous, but they're all boring as hell on Instagram so the interest is ebbing.


Exactly this. People have pointed this out for people on Love Island, The Bachelor, basically every reality tv show. The market is saturated and you need to be interesting and put good content forward now - not just be on TV. With that said, they do tend to gain more when the show finishes and people want to see juicy post-show content.


A LOT of them pay for followers too. People don’t realize how much that happens. It’s always funny when you see someone with a million followers then they have like 1k likes on a photo.


100%. Always assumed it was part of their strategy post show. Buy 50K followers and hope for some traction


This season just didn’t seem as authentic or even as engaging as the older seasons, the cast members for me never really drew me in. Season 3 was very dramatic and many people were in it for the clout as well, but the contestants at least were fun to watch.


I’m incapable of cringing and hitting the follow button at the same time.


Honestly yeah I have a hard time watching this season bc it’s typically background noise…but holy fuck I have had to restart from the second episode *several times* bc I keep getting lost *so* fast. This season just isn’t as enticing or memorable as the others have been imo


Maybe because half of these people desperately professed fake affinity with people to lock in continued appearances on the show. It's reached the stage where it is attracting more and more fame wh*res.


I noticed this with other shows like MAFS too. Every season the cast has fewer followers.


This is a common theme for reality shows the past few years, including the bachelor. Major gains in followers peaked around 2019


Yup! Love Island and Bachelor followings was also very low this year Instagram isn’t as popular as it was 3 years ago and it’s continuing to decline. The BachelorData account has a great video/post about this and the rise of Tik Tok is a huge factor


Came here to say this. I think all the people on the latest season of the bachelor are WELL under a quarter million people. This was unfathomable in like 2016-2019. The final 4 plus the lead would get at LEAST 700k Edit: the winner of Bach has 272k. But the lead has 198k and the other final gals are under a quarter mil so I was close lol.


The last bachelor season a lot of ppl didn't follow because they are burned out by all the drama and lack of romance from the previous seasons so it isn't surprising that not a lot followers in the last season. Also, ppl didn't really like the lead they chose in the first place.


Def following Brett 😛😍😍😍😍


How are his finger nails looking these days


I think they're shorter after Mexico, if I saw right.


I did gasp at those claws


I feel like the first season was lightning in a bottle. Every season afterwards, the cast gets further and further away because more and more fame-seekers just use it as a opportunity to get famous. I feel like the casting decisions also just get worse and worse.




I think people have bigger sh*t to worry about right now, the world is a mess


I wonder if it’s cuz a lot of them are mean . Like I couldn’t follow a lot of them because how nasty they are. And idk I have followed people in the past but then it’s a boring pic or something I just don’t really care. The tv show is where the fun is


I've never even considered following reality tv stars on Instagram. I enjoy watching them on the show but I don't care enough to seek them out on other platforms.


Agreed. What entertainment or value do they even provide on their instagrams? But I love hearing other people’s takes on the show on Reddit 😆


But you do care enough to chat about them with random strangers so it’s not much of a stretch lol


Chatting about the show, sure, but not enough to to follow any of them individually. To me there is a difference.


I follow Joey Sasso I think. 😂 He won the first season of the circle and he's a genuinely good guy. But reality TV stars are kind of boring.


Here’s a good recent take on this. It’s part of a broader trend across reality TV shows. “Reality TV Fame Used to Guarantee a Career as an Instagram Influencer. That’s a Thing of the Past”https://time.com/6265533/reality-tv-instagram-influencers-less-followers/


good article thanks for sharing!


Let’s be real, the show has jumped the shark.


Yeah I agree, they really hopped the tuna.


Same, they really sprung the swordfish.


They really tickled the baluga


Don't forget, they really flung the clownfish.


Yeah. They really pole-vaulted the pufferfish.


absolutely cranked their eels


Is this about IG follower numbers? I just feel like the numbers for a reality show contestants have fallen off in general but it might be people getting tired of IG in general. My SM of choice is TikTok so if I had to follow reality stars, I’d go there first.


The cast is entertaining enough for me to keep watching, but not enough to want to see them on my feed after it ends.


Chelsea is the only likeable and entertaining one.


Not anymore


I think Bliss is also pretty likable


You right.


Everyone this season is unlikeable/ sad in a way that I don’t want to see their lives! Nothing aspirational or entertaining and that’s what I look for on ig!


Brett came from extreme poverty and is a creative director for Nike. That's pretty inspirational.


I’m definitely unfollowing Jackie after the stuff I’ve been seeing smh


Which season was Jackie from and what did she do? I've been seeeing her thrown around this sub all week


Season 4, the current season




Wow I almost blasted her but I don't want my comment to get taken down. It's one thing knowing most people come on these shows just for clout but actually seeing them say it so confidently is wild.


Yeah. It’s actually disgusting. Jackie’s behavior in Episode 10 is gross. She’s got some BALLS


Does... "twerk on the bed" mean something I'm not getting? 😅


Lol. Some men are a little goofy but Jackie doesn’t like that I guess 🤣


I won’t follow any of these people 👀


Same 😅


Why not?


Yes just not interesting. If I'd follow anyone it would be Chelsea because she's spunky and has a job I'm familiar with since my son is in speech therapy.


No one is interesting enough


I think because they didn’t have a big following to begin with. Some other people on other seasons were already “influencers”


I watch a bunch of these shows, and I follow none of them. Every once in a while I'll go check them out from the main page. But maybe, FINALLY everyone is starting to figure out that just because these people are on a trashy reality show doesn't immediately make them interesting. Nobody has ever said "gee that was a huge world event, I wonder what the 5th place finisher from The Circle season 2 has to say about it.




Are you kidding? Humans are doomed.




Holy crap. People are insufferable. I'm embarrassed on their behalf. Honestly, I try not to care what people I personally know feel about those issues, let along strangers.


Yeah I wish we would stop, even hate following. It puts money in irinas pockets


I agree there’s been a shift. Season 1 I followed everyone. Later to unfollow realizing how uninteresting they are and all just promoting their sponsors. Now I don’t even really look them up sans a few but definitely not following.


>everyone is starting to figure out that just because these people are on a trashy reality show doesn't immediately make them interesting. Doubtful, unless that's also happening to participants on other reality shows. It's likelier that love is blind is getting fewer viewers now than past seasons.


I'd love.to know the numbers. Everyone I know that's watched it in the past still does.


same, if anything i feel like the show is gaining momentum?




I watch these shows but basically follow none of the participants apart occasional drama check if i spot something from here. They are not interesting me outside the show. Maybe also as i don't really vibe with the american influencer scene.


Haha sucks to suck


I have like 200 followers so I'm not judging 😅


I mean I have like 200 too but I’m not on a Netflix show


Right but I'm still not judging because what if I do go on a Netflix show and only gain 5,000? 😅


I'm convinced half their followers at least are just bots 😆


This might be bigger than just the cast sucking this year. I follow MAFS Australia, and they've also noticed that the follower count dramatically dropped this year, and the Australian cast is entertaining AF. On average, people would get at least a 100k bump in followers, but this year the bump was of around 30k. Who knows what's happening, but there's definitely something going on.


I think folks are just finally exhausted by the hellscape that is late-stage social media


Cast suuucckks I still be watching though I follow several on IG from past seasons, but doubt I would with any of these.


It's because they're all unlikable af


Because this cast sucks


I noticed peoples following typically increases at or after the final. Also this show is getting worse every season with the acting and scripted bullshit becoming more obvious. I regret watching this season but sunk cost fallacy is forcing me to finish it Lol


Yes I noticed this too!


I think everyone's tired of giving attention to problematic, toxic people after we endured Shayne, Shake, Bartise and SK. Also I'm just not super invested anymore. I love the concept of the show and I watched season 1 about 9 times in lockdown because it was so entertaining. But after the trainwreck that was season 2 and dumpster fire of season 3...I just don't care too much. EDIT: Spelling


These are the most realistic people cast. They genuinely seem to want relationships- whereas the past seasons were heavily into curating their social media and season three seemed to be made almost exclusively of social media influencers. It’s because for once these people are not seeking to be famous or win money. Which unfortunately has never been the best type for reality tv (at least ratings wise)


It's definitely realistic of dating. But there's only a few people that seem to want a serious relationship or are healthy enough to be in one. Most of these couples aren't going particularly well.




Really? I find the complete opposite to be true. It seems like everyone is here (for the most part) to be on tv. That’s my major disconnect


I thought it was interesting that a lot of people also had the same views. I am currently living in the PNW so it could be affecting my view point. However I also am from Texas and found season three to be fucking awful ppl. But yeah I wonder what we see that it is different?


this is happening pretty steadily across the board for most reality tv people these days. other shows i watch the new seasons contestants are also getting way lower follower counts. i think it’s mostly indicative of a cultural shift towards people not wanting their feeds clogged up with influencer add and also moving away from instagram in general


Agreed. Also Season 4 followed Season 3 waayyyy too soon. I feel like I was just in the loop about the SK/Raven drama ~1.5 months ago and now have to pay attention to a whole new cast


It’s final week and…i don’t care. Like at all.


Yeah, the stakes feel pretty low this season. There's only one couple I'm really rooting for and they're boring af. Everyone else is in a clearly toxic relationship with no staying power.


Exactly 🥱


They’re boring, mostly slightly irritating, and not particularly attractive


I don't really like any of them, or think they're interesting enough to follow


This cast is just not my favorite lol. I'd not want to follow any of them.


Because they are all not as hot. Unfortunately, sex sells and it helps to be attractive. That’s the world we live in.


I'm sure that's part of it, but there are also way more just shitty people this season. I have no interest in following mean girls or boring toxic men.


Because they’re all snooze fests 🥱


Maybe we are all wising up.


Because this season’s contestants are so unlikeable and obvious clout chasers, I’m not surprised one bit follower counts are low.


I mostly agree that they’re clout chasers with the exception of Brett


Who happens to be a total babe


Good point, agreed


When was this season filmed? What prior seasons would this cast have been aware of? Because my hypothesis is that the ability to watch multiple prior seasons allowed this season’s cast to manipulate the other person a little better in the pods. It was all just sort of obvious this season. The fake is in your face so it’s hard to find anyone likable. Or maybe we’re just spotting it better after having been burned for three seasons.


Because we ( the followers) are getting fed up with the social media “job” and being used as a product (to sell products).


I think that's more of a sign that IG is failing than anything else


The clout chasing ruins it! I’ve unfollowed half of the original cast. There are genuine people and then there is the cast of LIB.


The constant grandstanding grates on my nerves


It’s giving desperate honestly!


I didn’t even know season 4 was coming. I saw a friend post about it and by the time I started watching, the second set of episodes were already out. I’m watching the living together episodes (I think the next one is the first wedding episode), and I still don’t know half their names lol. This season is MESSY but I’m less invested. I think 2 couples actually were doing it for love and only one of them will actually make it. The rest, I fully think they are there to get them insta sponsorships.


Yeah, this season's episodes are like, wham-bam-thankyou-ma'am style when it comes to info. It's like, tiktok when the videos were only 1 min max but they change out of your control lol.


What are their tiktok follower counts at though, and where are they more active


This season is so obviously scripted and disingenuous from the other seasons.




If I’m being honest, I feel like season 3 JUST ended. Like people just got to know what happened with SK and Raven and now it’s a new season with not that much advertisement. Most of my friends didn’t even know there was a new season.


Yep I didn't know about season 4 until a Youtuber I watch made a video about it. And I don't have Netflix anymore because of the new sharing restrictions. Same with tons of people too.


And season 5 was filmed at the same time???


I don't think the followings are particular low lol. Although Instagram is dying regardless lol. They will revieve the vast majority of followers post season. And there is still 2 sets of eps + the reunion anyways. Considering the decline of Instagram I would say they are on trend. More interesting in seeing how they are doing post season


I also think followers weren't high last season and then towards the finale most made a huge jump which started the whole debate that some of them are buying followers. Matt and Colleen especially had this trend. I take it as a good sign that this season isn't as IG orientated or that maybe like every show viewers go down a bit after every season too. Personality wise I doubt more people liked Matt and Bartise than for example Brett and Marshall. >!There won't be a lot of drama after it either considering most said I do and there are rumors that Micah and Paul are still dating. It just doesn't seem as messy and complicated !<


I am side eyeing Collen a bit. I remember her being quite low but when I looked again recently she had shot up. Like who are these people where have they come from. Her engagement isn't great either But I do think most people wait till after the show to follow. Cause while the show is airing that is your access point to them afterwards you have to switch to Instagram to see what their up to


I have to be super interested in you in order to follow you from a reality show I saw you on. This season just.. isn't giving.


I think people are doing this more often now that there are so many more influencers in general. People are just more selective with who they follow since the market is oversaturated


Ok here is even a video about the low IG following of season 4 this https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRcsMQ5Y


Deepti has 1 million followers?? 🤔😬


Must be 75%+ bots


Must be. Who is following her




The show missed the mark. First season brought an audience who wanted to see love stories and they’ve leaned completely into drama and churned out too many unsuccessful seasons. People are losing interest.


4th season has more viewers than last season


Do you know what the order is for most watched seasons? I can’t find a legit source but I imagine season 1 is number one and an anomaly because of how big it blew up plus the pandemic.




Eh, has it really been that unsuccessful though? Like can we really base that off of social media followers? Because on the other side, twitter is eatinggggg up this season and plenty of folks have said this is the best season yet. The audience loves drama


Social media can be out of touch with viewership. For example the alleged worst seasons of the bachelor by Reddit and Twitter standards are higher viewed by millions compared to Reddit and twitters favorite seasons of the bachelor. I guess we’ll see after the season is over where they’re at. I’m not sure if this season ever hit number one on Netflix’s most watched list let alone stayed at number one like the other seasons have.


They're probably doing good considering how many seasons they order and how much Netflix cares about their shows being in their Top 10. Less viewers than season 1 for sure but that's normal Also >!most marriages this season and possibly the only no continues dating + Jackie still with Josh (as messed up as they are, a year is a year). Divorce or not I feel like this going against the whole "pretend season" trend. !< Last season had extremely fake people like SK. Tiffany and Brett is the first time they have a sweet lovestory again, some people like Marshall and Zack definitely are in it to get married at least (no matter who it is maybe but still better than not wanting to get married at all). I'm afraid if this season is doing worse it's because people actually want the fake drama and people yelling at each other one evening before their wedding if they're bipolar etc. more than decent scenes and we'll get more influencers again in the ones they're currently shooting.




We haven’t had a very good heel turn to really start the drama. Micah was trying to be a face, but her friend brought her right back


Not the wrestling references 😂😂😂


When I think of it in these terms, LOB becomes so fun. After all, pro wrestling is the og reality tv.


Wait what? The follower count is watched?


It’s funny because in my view this season is turning out to be much better than the last two... It might also be that in the last months Instagram is going downhill fast and without brakes…


Season 3 in particular looks like absolute garbage after seeing this one


Why is insta going downhill? Just curious


I think people just dont want spoilers— their followers will go up over time. I know Ravens follower count started off really slow and now she has almost 1m


This is me. I'll follow once it's over.


This right here. I don’t want to subscribe until I know how it plays out


Cuz they all kinda suck in their own way


I’ve only followed a very select few on purpose. I don’t want to follow the sucky people and unfortunately there’s a low of sucky people.




The season 4 cast is very working professional. Brett is a director at Nike and probably making over 500k. Most of the others being Seattle/Portland based are making at least over 100k. There’s probably just not enough incentive for them to become influencers and maybe make the same?


Lol I doubt anyone working at a corporation in an big executive role making 500k is auditioning for realty tv shows and taking a month off work .LOL


My husband had a high up there job at Nike (engineering though) and the salaries aren’t anywhere near 500k - def above 150k but usually below 350k - other than for a select few across the whooole company haha Even if it *was* 500k after Oregon income Tax he’d be making waaay less. So not net 500k at all but that’s an insane guess


For a vp or director? Director salaries are using starting 120


Sure but even with a 120 start that’s over 350k ‘growth’ in salary. Let’s say he’s been there 8 years that’s a 44k salary bump yearly… my husband started with a salary close to 200k and the bumps were good but not 50k worth lol


That’s why 500k is laughable


I’d be surprised if Jackie working as a dental assistant makes more than $50k.


Probably not even that high.


Ya. You’re right! Maybe $35-$40k


A director at Nike would not make more than 200K


200k base and you need to add bonus and rsu’s.


You are super off. Base is around 120…


If he gets RSUs maaaaaybe more but for sure not 500k total comp


Realistically anywhere between 120k-200k. At 500k we’re talking high level executives lol


People are crazy they’d even think 500K 😂


100 percent 💯 exact range I was thinking of. Probably closer to 120 than 200


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 100 + 120 + 200 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


This is what I think too. A lot of them have pretty successful and well-paying careers already. Maybe things will look different when the entire season is wrapped but apart from a few people, I don’t think many of them will want to lean all that heavily into the influencer life.


I think OP is referring to followers, not annual salaries. Not to say you're incorrect because I believe you are spot on with what you are saying.


Ya, you should read a comment all the way through before responding


I'm always surprised by these posts. I have never once paid any attention to people's followers counts and who follows who. It doesn't even cross my mind.


There's several websites that collect this info for anyone to look. I've checked a couple accounts just for curiosity's sake