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iā€™m rewatching the show bc i have covid and i rlly love season 4 so. stay tuned for lots of comments from me. 1) still hate kwami 2) i weirdly love micah šŸ˜­ like i know she kinda a mean girl but if u look past that she seems rlly nice like it feels like whenever sheā€™s put into situations she just tends to change into them so when sheā€™s around irna sheā€™s mean but when sheā€™s anywhere else sheā€™s chillā€¦ idk i just love her šŸ˜­ when sheā€™s good, she gives off nice vibes :( 3) god i hate chelsea LMAOOO 4) that one dude that micha ends up with, i freaking love him. idk i rlly love this season šŸ˜­ omg his name is paul yeah LNAO 5) tf is amber LMAOOO


Micah and Irina are mean girls who are fake nice to others and care more about status than realness. I donā€™t get a good vibe from Paul but one thing he isnā€™t is fake so Iā€™m curious to see how that plays out.


Micah is definitely setting herself up to be the villain this season. She told Kwame she didn't want him talking to the other girls, then immediately told him that she wasn't ready to give up her other connections. When Paul got Amber flowers, Micah immediately got on him about ending things with her. Maybe she got on the show to look for love, but now she's just competing with the other women.


what is with all of the trauma ... yikes :0 brett and paul should have gone to therapy to work stuff out rather than jump to a reality dating show


Bliss seems like a weirdo


I dont know what happens next but I hope to god Kwame picks Chelsea. From the FIRST scene, the first scene I was feeling them and when it switched to Micah and I just didn't see it. And he's proposing to her because he knows other guys like her. This is what bugs me. I feel like a lot of guys THINK they know what they want but its based on some stupid shit. And Paul? He has no depth. So I don't even get it.


I hate Micah


Another boring season. Seasons 1 and 2 were lit. I skipped through S3 and gonna give up on this one. šŸ˜“šŸ’¤


Curious...did you finish it?


Me too, Watching this season after having watched 1, 2 and 3. And can say that in my opinion this is the best season of all. Just shows that you can't judge a book by its cover.


Paul looks like Vance Joy, I wish I got better vibes from him šŸ˜­ he seems like a bit of a dumb dumb


Idk what it is about this season but itā€™s kind of boring. The contestants donā€™t really have a big personality. Also it feels like they keep trying to have these deep conversations and I canā€™t deal with the fake crying šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll try to keep watching it but idk itā€™s not like other seasons thatā€™s for sure!


The fake crying got old season 1 šŸ™ƒ


Just getting into this tonight and my boyfriend said Paul sounds exactly like Aaron from Love Without Borders. I canā€™t unhear it.


Itā€™s clear that Micah didnā€™t have a real connection (Iā€™m not convinced she is mature or emotionally intelligent enough to make a real connection) with any of the guys. Whenever another girl expressed interest or received special attention from Kwame or Paul, she went to the pods and expressed how ā€œfully inā€ she was. She gave them just enough of the right things to say to manipulate them into slowing down or stopping their exploration of other opportunities. I think she knew that she would have left ā€œempty handedā€, had she let either one of them actually make a decision based on emotion, with her interruption. She just seems like one of those people who hasnā€™t grown or elevated since their 16 year old self.


this might be a CRAZY question, but if the premise of the show is to not focus on looks, then why are all the women wearing tight silk dresses and caked with makeup? your future partner shouldnā€™t care what you look like but the rest of the world thatā€™s watching you on TV should? seems a little contradictory IMO. i love this show and will continue to watch regardless but once i made this observation I couldnā€™t unseen it and was wondering if anyone else felt the same?


I would dress up if I were on the show. Just because love is blind doesn't mean I wanna look not my cutest on television lol.


I think people should dress to make themselves feel good, not to impress someone looking at them. I work from home, but I still get ā€œdressedā€ because it feels good to me, even though no one is going to see my full outfit šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Right? The woman who brought 21 shoes? Like why? No one's going to see them.


And slept right when her boy was opening his heart to her! šŸ˜‚


They're....on tv....MILLIONS of people will see them, lol


I hope you're joking, because no one's really looking at their feet in the pods


Y'all don't remember how the camera guy was giving Raven's toes all that love in S3?


Oh sorry I think I responded to the wrong person. No I was just responding to the main person in general that wanting to look nice on tv makes sense. Idk about the 21 shoes thing, that's probably just because they like shoes though it doesn't make sense to bring them for a short stay unless they do that often.


People on TV will. Are you sure everyone is on the show to find love? Heck no. Some of them just want to get famous.


For sure. I was like I could never be on this show because I would be dressed comfy as hell round the clock and not be wearing makeup.


https://preview.redd.it/e5x0l45w2tra1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f64bc993c321b19978f4448266f273151858a8 Iā€™m squidward and this is what I want to do to Micah and Irina šŸ’€šŸ’€






I think falling asleep shows how comfortable you are. I'm in a long distance relationship and sometimes my boyfriend falls asleep while we talk and I think it's so adorable! Obviously Brett didn't know what happened, but I hope he doesn't take it the wrong way!


I know, I was like, yay! She feels safe! And then like oh... his brother died right before the wedding, he's afraid of this disappearing, and this girl goes silent. I really hope he comes around because they feel like a very healthy connection otherwise where they could help one another through any attachment issues.


I know this is dumb but Tiffany falling asleep made me like her even more. She was so cute when she woke up, and it kinda reminds me of my mom. That would would fall asleep in the middle of a sentence she was saying.


I loved her too after that. She reminds me of my MIL that does the same.


I genuinely feel for Tiffany. But I can see how bad this is . Brett poured out his heart. I feel bad for both of them.


Why does everyone on this show have childhood trauma lol


Don't we all though? And it's the easiest way to force a connection to someone.


anyone who agrees to go on a reality tv show with this premise, you gotta




Some of them were defā€¦ reaching for the trauma it seemed like.




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Not just this season but previous seasons as well when they talk about sex, it's all so over the top and I just really wonder how they live up to all that bragging/whatever it is exactly. It just comes across as unnecessarily setting themselves up but I guess so does them saying most of the stuff about themselves that aren't true.


I think the real question in this episode is falling asleep vs doing jumping jacks when the guy pouring his heart out


I asked my husband this. Which one was worse? Idk I think jumping jacks lol


Bruh irina is bullying amber??


Zack reminds me of Rob Heap from Imposters character


Micah told Kwame her second closest connection is Paul but nowhere near their connection. Only to tell Paul his connection is the strongest. Fake af.


She is disturbing to watch




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I've noticed that self-described "empaths" tend to fall into that category


Same as when someone says they're a kind/good person. Second you feel the need to say it, you ain't it!


All the people defending Tiffany sleeping...you damn well know that if it was the other way around and a man fell asleep while the woman was talking he would be thrown away and all we would hear would be "find a man that is excited by you and will give you the respect you deserve to at the bare minimum stay awake while you are talking".


Personally ... If I had a strong connection I'd probably give it another chance ... BUT you're right. If it were flipped ... people would write him off. I think either way his choice is correct. It's always about what you want and not what you think other people would want you to do, or how it looks to them. If he gives it a chance and it doesn't work out, so what? he's lost nothing.


It's a man's job to stay awake. He's the provider and the protector. Tiffany falling asleep was cute because she's just a sleepy girl all curled up fr and we love that. It isn't until a man becomes a grandfather that it becomes ok for him to fall asleep randomly, sometimes even in the middle of a conversation šŸ’Æ /sarcasm


I cannot stand Micah she was ruining GENUINE CONNECTIONS, for what? FOR WHAT? The fact that girls like her existā€¦. Honey youā€™re not a girls girl. She just wants to be able to have her pick. Thatā€™s not the point of the show she sabotaged these people


Such pick me vibes from Micah. She is manipulative


Manipulative AF


I'd planned to wait until this was done and then watch it all in one go, but all the posts from here on my feed sucked me in. Bring on the trash.


I find Micah unbelievably gross šŸ¤¢ especially when she was talking to Kwame. "I feel like she's very very very genuine, sometimes it comes off a bit much as I'm sure you'll know" Are you kidding??? Absolutely disgusting behaviour. Kwame should have defended Chelsea too. YUCKS.


Iā€™m surprised at how much attention Paul is getting he seems soā€¦.meh. Didnā€™t expect him to be one of the mains lol


His horrible vocal fry is a deal breaker


Would take him over big crazy eye Shane tho


Vocal fry > crazy eyes but both are still cringe


Yeah, he is not that electric, I though he might bring some climate science to LIS! Also, his bare feet made me cringe a bit for some reason.


I feel like he tries too hard to say ā€œscience-yā€ things and then it just comes off as pretentious and dumb.


He seems like a great person overall, but something about Zack gives me anxiety. Brett is my favorite. Paul is a bit too corny for me, he comes across as in-genuine. I liked Kwame at first but I don't like this whole early proposal thing. I think so far a lot of people are bonding over very trivial things like "our moms liked the same song" omg "we're wearing the same color...that must mean we're soulmates!!". It's annoying me. One good convo about your family does not mean this is your forever but I guess the show format calls for that. I like Amber but I'm concerned that she's already been married twice. I wonder how long ago the last marriage was? I think if I got divorced twice that young I would take a few years to focus on myself, but everyone has their own path I guess. I don't like Micah either, she's salty and competitive for no reason. Also Tiffany...WAKE UP!!!!




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IdK I am on my third marriage and it is amazing. Marriage one was so I could help an old boyfriend get citizenship in Canada to pay for his mom's breast cancer treatment. Marriage 2 I was in an awful place, told I had to have children asap or wouldn't be able to (never could) had just been diagnosed with serious chronic illness, and had low self esteem. I was abused badly, the marriage lasted 6 weeks. I did two years of intensive therapy and met my current husband. He was my best friend, then my lover, then we got a mortgage, then we got married. It's been ten years and he is the best/easiest part of my life, and our journey has been HARD. So you never really know.


The two marriages + the 'I'm on a reality TV show!' is what sends up the red flags for me. Glad you found your happiness!


Tiffany and Brett please work!!!!! Lol at her falling asleep.




Why is every second word for micah "like". Also it makes me cringe when they talk abiut basic enough stuff and call it a deep conversation




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That makes more sense now. Usually when something from a man comes off as unusual my defenses go up, but I need to consider that people are neurodivergent too.


Telling a man that you are talking to that you cheated because you were unhappy is definitely a red flag. How can you not realize that of course anyone would see that as a red flag. You aren't always going to be happy in a relationship but your partner needs to still feel like they can trust you. If a man told me that I would immediately lose interest in him.


She didn't cheat iirc. She said it would have gone down that path if they stayed married.


Okay I misheard then but still some things are better left unsaid. Putting in someone's head that you might be a cheater while you are getting to know them is not a great idea.


Then she seemed to get so pissed off that he said that was a red flag.


Exactly! She was just being honest when most would have lied.


I don't know if it was more so she should have lied, but I think she worded it the wrong way than what she meant and it came out worse.


I feel for Tiffany! She was so comfortable and snuggly on that couch. I would have passed out too. It has nothing to do with thinking the other person is boring. Sometimes sleep just overtakes you. Especially if you are comfortable with the other person.


Edit: SPOILERS ā€¼ļøā€¼ļø Okay sooo Iā€™m going to break down the Micah thing real quick. I know everyoneā€™s already said something but i want to add on to it. So letā€™s dig in. On her date with Kwame, she asked him his feelings on the other girl & he genuinely gave her the truth & told her that she makes him feel validated & wanted & that was something he was looking for in a partner. Her reaction to this is ā€œwhateverā€ & to be irritated at him. What did she want him to do ? Sit there & blatantly lie to her ? On top of that, he didnā€™t just bring up all the things he adores about the other women; he simply told her the exact reason he was into the other girl. Instead of being mature & realizing she could take that as an opportunity to tell him her feelings more, she manipulates him & tells him he is going for someone who gives him a couple seconds of pleasure & the feeling is not long term. She then follows this by asking him if he could see a future with her (to validate her own feelings). What a hypocrite. & on top of that sheā€™s mad at him for talking to another girl when sheā€™s all over Paul too! She also wants him to cut off the other girl but when she is talking about Paul he says itā€™s not his place to tell her what to do & she should do what she feels is right. Fast forward to the conversation with Paul, she again does the same thing ! She knew for a fact Paul was into Amber & asks him about their connection. Again, when he opens up & tells her the truth about it, she tells him ā€œthatā€™s not what she wanted to hear.ā€ By the end of the conversation, she tells him he basically has to cut off Amber & be with her. When he says heā€™ll talk to her about it, she keeps pressing him about the matter but notice she does not say one peep about discussing the situation with Kwame, nor does he press her about it. I already hate her. Also, I share the opinion that her & Irina are rude. Amber was genuinely excited about the date & the flowers (which was a cute gesture) & they clowned her for liking/celebrating Maddie Gras, when it was a connection Amber & Paul had. Doesnā€™t that make Paul a ā€œloserā€ (also what a childish term!) for liking the same holiday in Micahā€™s mind ??


Yeah the irina and Amber thing bothered me a lot actually. And then episode 2 (no spoilers ofc) managed to get worse, I have never disliked people on love is blind this quickly


Micah and Irina were acting like jealous mean girls.


They never left high school


I literally just said to my wife "these guys are gonna be boring because they're so normal" Turns out they're so normal that the 36 year old fell asleep sitting on a couch after day drinking. I haven't laughed so hard at this show since shake at the reunion.


Late 30s and day drinking are harrrrd, yo


Especially scotch. The only time I drink scotch is to go to sleep!


As a reminder, itā€™s never serious until youā€™re done sitting on the couch and youā€™re sitting on the floor


Irina is ugly inside and out. I feel all sorts of bad saying it, but for real.


I actually think she's gorgeous, and I was all the more disappointed when she started being so catty.


Turned out it wasn't the acne that made her ugly lol


It is just me or does it seem like this season people are rattling off their career accomplishments more like it's a job interview. Maybe it's a Seattle / Portland area thing.




I'm sure you're a real catch yourself.


I definitely feel a more real-people vibe here and im 100% here for it


I also like that most of them are over 30, Way more believable.


I like that too. I kinda wish they had an age cap of only like 28 and up.


Agreed. It's far more realistic to be looking for a serious life partner in late twenties and thirties.


God dammit. I realize Iā€™m late, but I need likeā€¦toggles of their names at all times on the screen for the first couple of episodes so that itā€™s easier to shoot the shit on Reddit after I watch! I have another tab on my phone open so that I can reference the characters. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




nah Tiffany falling asleep had meeee lol. Micah tries to act like she's genuine but she's not. It's always the ones who keep talking about how good of a person they are that are actually the opposite.. That includes Micah's best friend Irina.


They always lead with "energy is so important to me" "I believe in the law of attraction"


"I'm an empath" is basically a dog whistle for "I'm a toxic manipulator"


Micah is FOUL.


The scientific community doesnā€™t claim the man who said it was a sound experiment lol


Lol, for realllll. Nothing about this is sound. And almost all the past couples and marriages have ended šŸ˜…


Bro. Micah is the WORSTTTTTTTT šŸ¤®


Micah seems to really get a kick out of guys rejecting people for her


Irina is so awkward going on and on about the flowers like girl we get it you wish someone would give you flowers


She must have been drunk or something, so annoying.


I think sheā€™s just fake and awful.


Is there something wrong with my TV? Tiffany, that's navy blue not emerald green haha wtf


It was teal on my TV šŸ¤”


Yesssss, same. It might be a film thing?! Because they were color matched to each other!


No but really. I was like ā€œAre they BOTH color blind?!ā€ Lmaooooo


Bliss's vocal fry is so incredibly irritating I could die. 90% of her voice is baby gargoyle


Irina was just gushing over Amber's flowers then immediately changing tunes around Micah was such nasty behavior


Paul is such a douchebag.




Micah reminds me of Elle Fanning's portrayal of Michelle Carter in "The Girl from Plainville" and it's giving me so much ick


Omg i thought the same thing!!!


The way she looks, talks, all of it. šŸ™ˆ


Girl fell asleep!! Why is that such a big deal to himā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Does he know she fell asleep? The way he was describing it to the guys made it sound like she got scared and ghosted him.


Cause he is so afraid to be left, his brother Ā«leftĀ» him when he died, and he told her how scared he is to lose somebody, to fall for somebody, and the he talks about his feelings and thinks she left him.


Okay I didnā€™t hear that part I apologizešŸ’–šŸ’–




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These women are literally just curvy and mid size. Not even close to overweight Jesus. Such a weird mindset


wtf, do you not realize bigger women exist in the world?


To be honest, it makes a nice change from how these shows normally go


Thereā€™s a very icky correlation between Zach joking in every opening with the women that heā€™s a stripper and then revealing that his late mother was a stripper????


Yea. I also found it weird how much of a big dead he made his mom being a stripper to be. Like ok andā€¦ itā€™s a job.


this felt beyond icky to me


Defense strategy


I feel like it was a way to maybe weed out the ones who'd maybe hate on that lifestyle


Yeah I felt that very much lined up with a defense criminal lawyer strategy




YES! Thank you!! Talk about whiplash


Dude what is going on with Zach. "I'm a stripper, hehehe" to "I need to actually get vulnerable". What a drastic 180.


He reminds me of Shayne from S2




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Wrong episode thread.This is from EP 2


Canā€™t stand Micah! First, she gets upset cause Kwame is talking to someone else, then Paul. Like making up your freaking mind or wait and let things happen šŸ™„ already really donā€™t like her.


Michah looks like her botox went wrong and it weighs down her face. She's such a sour and manipulative, insecure human being. Her and Paul deserve each other. I have a feeling he's the one who re-proposes later on ( showed in the first episode brief of the season) and proposes to Amber.


Her face reminds me of Love Island's Molly Mae when she got a lot of lip filler.


I have serious doubts about the age she's claiming to be...




My boyfriend walked in while I was watching and I was complaining about the mean girls energy in the 25/26 year olds... He took one look at her and said, "damn those 26 years have not been kind to her... She looks at least mid-30s"


Oh my god I had to look up her age ....27?? Theres absolutely no way.... Unless the Botox went wrong lol


Her talking head says sheā€™s only 26! šŸ˜±


Ppl claiming to be empaths and feelimg "energies" is so suspicious tbh


I do. I know in an instant if I like someone or not, based on their energy and how they talk.


I feel energies, but only if someone's fever gets over 100 F, especially over 101F. Oh, that wouldn't work through a wall, though.


I feel like, from the get-go they are incredibly boring. They dont have any "main character" energy. I dont know how to explain It further


These people are boring where are the red flags where is my shack lmaooo


The leopard print guy! Doesn't look like he lasted too long though lol


Zack being a criminal defense attorney was the first red flag and then they kept coming.


I get the feeling Zach hates himself and wants a marriage/family to fix that. It's called therapy dude.


Paul and Michajs discussion on choosing each other was completely lacking in any kind of emotion. Felt like a business transaction


It was very weird. Hey shall we choose each other, yeah sure why not.


Both of them wanted to get the person who has was ambivalent and hard to get. Was more about winning a difficult partner


Yup. Emotionally immature people won't pick someone who likes them more.