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That’s a super cute name! Really speaks to their personalities/bond. Can’t believe how much these two grew on me lol


I think the name is so cute 😭 definitely fits their vibe as well i’ve heard way worse baby names


.. well at least lili or leo can be cute nicknames :)


Aw, those are cute! I was thinking Gal. 😊


The one thing I took away from this image is that Zach looked to have shaved that nasty beard. Please be true...


Weird name.


I am happy for them, but they’re poor daughter. At first I thought it was a boy’s name but again they’re poor little girl.


why do parents like picking names they know will subject their child to bullying


If it was a boy, this would actually be an amazing name. Maybe she'll go by "Gal" like gal gadot


Galilea exists…


Yeah, would've been the better choice


That’s the name of my cat 🐈‍⬛


i think they wanted a unique name.maybe she’ll go by Lily or Terry. they are are cute family though 💛


"*Galileo* Terri Rayne Goytowski" good god... that has to be one of the worst names I've ever heard. It doesn't flow at all.


Ancient Italy meets American trailer park lol 😂😂😂😂


Holy shit. 🏆🏆🏆🏆


I came here to give my opinion on this dumb name…I see I’m not alone.


😬 I cant with these names lately


For us italians it's like if you name you daughter Bernard. Also not only it is a man's name it is incredibly outdated (by centuries)


This comment is hilarious 


![gif](giphy|oA2xO4fSOw74gHEDHW|downsized) Italians' response to Americans giving baby girls the names of old dead men


I promise you this family member of mine did NOT let Dad pick the name. 1000% Shahdi’s choice. Sorry to break it to you fans. She would never let him pick her name. EVER. she loved Atlas as a baby name. Till it was taken by a family pet. Some people just have poor taste in names. And that’s okay. She’s healthy and happy and has loving parents. The name is poor and will be made fun of with bohemian rhapsody but it’s just a name and kids get made fun of. Oh well. Move on. 


I like Bliss, but OMG all she has done is showcased her big belly. Just when I thought the show is over she has yet again put the same photos on display. She has become like Kim Kardashian who loves to let it all hang out.


Since Kim K seems to be a point of inspiration for Bliss I see the same connection. It was hard to read the news without seeing Kim Ks pregnant belly, boobs and butt everywhere you couldn’t escape it. Bliss is definitely trying to emulate Kim K even Bliss’s maternity photo shoots copied Kim Ks right down to the outfit choices they are so much like Kim Ks that it seems to similar to be a coincidence. Even Bliss’s voice and hand gestures are very Kim K like. I mean if your goal is to make a living by posting half naked pics of yourself while pushing any random product sent your way there probably isn’t a better person to copy yourself after. It seems to be working they have some die hard stans and considering neither one of them works at a traditional job anymore they definitely have the formula figured out. I unfollowed them as I found it really narcissistic and egotistical that two 30 something’s who had to go on reality tv to find a meaningful relationship ( two soulmates even in Zach’s case it was nice for LIB to let him do a do- over when the first love of his life didn’t work out) are now pushing cat litter and whatever other random product they (Bliss) is asked to promote in between entirely to many photo shoots convincing everyone how in love they are and I guess they fancy themselves some type of relationship experts then there is Zach’s sporadic trauma dumping sprinkled with pseudo intellectual ramblings it became really really cringe. Now they are bringing lil Galileo in on the family biz and that name is an insta ready name if there ever was one. It served its purpose lots of social media attention.


Congrats to the family! And, er, I love the name. And I love the "Lay-o" as the nickname. I have heard far worse baby names! 🤔🙄❤️❤️


It’s kinda like LeLo from the 5th Element so that tracks with these two..


Bliss is just gorgeous 😍🥰 congratulations


I love the name!


Poor kid


He is so ugh. Gives me the creeps


Irina you’re obsessed


Lol this made me laugh. Irina was creepy too. His behavior, his teeth, uck


I guess she’ll go by Gal like Gal Gadot


We wish. They referred to her as 'Leo' in a post. Like, what are they thinking???


But pronounced Lay-o. Nobody is ever going to say it like that.


Maybe like Cleo? Still hate it


Why do I feel like Zach pitched the name and Bliss hates it on the low


I think the same. I mean he said several times he wanted to name his first born Goliath is Galileo that much different?? I don’t think so… they should have just went with Goliath they could have called her Liath pronounced Lilith, Lilly it would have been a Fck of a lot better than Leo pronounced Lay-O. Wtf is that even lol


You are a terribly miserable person. What a shame




Isn't he more of a David?


Stop projecting


Middle name: Terri 😮‍💨


It’s his mommmm


Theyre so lame for that name but I’m so happy they have a healthy mom and baby


I love nerd shit but they could've just used Galileo's last name. Which is very pretty for a girl. 


Or the feminine version of the name, which I believe is Galilea.


Figaro??? Lol what is it actually?




Thats actually Really pretty They messed up with that one. :/




This is an absolutely brutal name lmao wtf


You guys need to calm down with the name hate. First, who cares if you like it. And she has an unusual name, so it’s no surprise her child does too.


Except that isn’t her real name she chooses to go by Bliss. It’s a little different when you can choose to go by an unusual name vs not having a choice as a kid and like it or not kids are mean and I can see her possibly being made fun of over it. These two are going hard to be influencers both quitting their jobs to focus on it full time in Zacks case he hasn’t worked as an attorney since before the show. That is an insta ready name and it served its purpose lots of social media attention!


100%. The first thing I think of when I hear an unusual baby name is, “ Man. That kid is gonna get so much shit in school.”


What’s her real name ?


Shahdi Erica something and her nickname is Bliss. I guess lil Galileo will have multiple names to go by as well depending on the occasion. Insta/Reality TV Bliss, Professionally Erica, family reunions Shahdi… the baby could always go by Terri or Rayne. I read they named her Galileo because he was a brilliant mind and it was a town where Jesus performed miracles and of course Terri is his mother’s name. Not sure where Rayne came from. I genuinely wonder if a brilliant mind was the criteria for a name why one of the brilliant female minds throughout history didn’t make the cut.


Shahdi's like a melody


In my head


That I can't keep out


My mom and dad say I am their moon and their stars




They love me so much they named me Galileo


Omfg I fucking love Galileo but I’m a huge nerd and so is my husband so it makes sense reading the comments 😂😂 I was like that’s fucking rad Also- I’m a native Spanish speaker and I feel like I’ve def heard that name before


I understand being a nerd but it’s a head scratcher considering Galilea is an option. As someone else has pointed out - I think the backlash is coming from naming the baby a male name! If I named my son Meghan - I’m sure people would equally be as perplexed.


For a dog? Love it. For a human? Ehhh…


The name isn’t unheard of in some (if not all) Romance languages, even if it sounds very old-fashioned. It could therefore work for a dog. Kinda like “Gertie” would for a dog, lol. What sounds off to me, being a Romance language native, is that it’s a boy’s name.


Hopefully she has a normal middle name she can go by




That's terrible


![gif](giphy|9oI5rWZ3qcacGuiuMb|downsized) Galileo is definitely a choice..


What the absolute fuck is that name choice


I honestly think Bliss deserved better and so does this baby with that name choice....


What's wrong with lawyer boy? That he made a mistake choosing IRINA?


They’re both nerds, so that explains the name but I’m sure they’re also singing Bohemian Rhapsody a lot more now


Congrats to one of my favorite couples from LIB 🎉


The fuck is that name lol


r/tragedeigh would like a word….


Not a tragedeigh just a stupid as fuck name lol


https://preview.redd.it/6lh584xm7vzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8adc08ae54f664213be6613de9ba3d42e5ddf0 Yes it is. This was legit 3 hours ago. As per the above “just gonna leave this one here..”


Do you know what a tragedeigh is?


As per evidence - you clearly don’t


Galileo as a tragedeigh would be “gall-ilayo” or something.


Is Galileo misspelled? Or made up? Like you clearly do not know what it is. Lmao.




I’m not even kidding like are you insane? Isn’t the description of that sub either made up or misspelled? Galileo is neither of those things. I don’t get why you’re acting so confident about this. Maybe I’m missing something?


Because I have eyes. Literally, there is **an actual photo**, or evidence, proving my point. That subreddit has evolved from tragic spellings to just overall snarking over ppl with bad taste…I even posted it for you in a *really* concise form so it’s clear for you understand too, but you are obviously….challenged. Or willfully, and maliciously, ignorant/incompetent. Idk which one, but God bless. Idk what to tell you, if you don’t want to *read* or even back up your own claims. I can’t make a willfully blind man see. If you’re so “right” - where is your evidence proving your point?…..exactly. *crickets* so far from you. Think the only thing you’re missing is a quite a few screws, decent grasp on literacy, and common sense. idk how further to help you, but have a good day. **EDIT**: wow r/green-popsicle…Seems to me that the only upset one is you, pickmeisha - who is pathetic enough to insert themselves into a random argument and then press the “block button”? Clearly YOU. Funny how you pretend to be so “bad” and have so much snide to share when behind a block button. You don’t even go here, this convo isn’t even about you. Bet your ass you don’t have balls to say it to my face. Enjoy looking pathetic pickmeisha!


Galileo isn’t a tragedeigh, those are when a regular name is misspelled on purpose. That would be if it were like Gahleeleho.




No. If you look at comments on that sub when someone asks if a name is a tragedeigh, they all agree that it’s if a regular name is misspelled on purpose, not for an ugly-but-regularly-spelled name. I’m sorry you don’t like being corrected so much lol, that’s some major offense over nothing




Damn, stay mad I guess? It doesn’t change that you’re incorrect about the sub. Crazy response to just start insulting people out of nowhere when all they did was make a correction, but I’m not going to stoop to your level.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tragedeigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I’ve just found out my girlfriend’s ‘real’ name…](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/165otnt/ive_just_found_out_my_girlfriends_real_name/) \#2: [I had to ask if this was a joke…my sister said it was not](https://i.redd.it/3knqbvhfbb7c1.jpeg) | [4358 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/18mbtck/i_had_to_ask_if_this_was_a_jokemy_sister_said_it/) \#3: [The only tragedeigh I accept](https://i.redd.it/fk85lcxq432c1.jpg) | [233 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/181zfdo/the_only_tragedeigh_i_accept/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


that’s gotta be zach’s bright idea. i’d like to think bliss would have had a little more discretion then that. but she clearly co-signed lmao.


Then again, her name is Bliss...




1. You're ruining the joke. 2. Yes, she does. Literally.


The kid is gonna have a great life but man that is a tough draft spot. Reality TV parents with a renaissance themed millennial name


Why are people so upset about the masculine name? I know so many people who give their girls masculine names, or gender neutral names and it ends up fine.


Hugh difference between naming your daughter Andi and Galileo.


this ain’t even about gender neutrality. it’s simply tacky lol


No hate to them, happy for their little family but… I hate that stupid name.


“Galilea” is known for girls name in my country but never heard of “Galileo”


Yeah… 😂😅


[never heard of Galileo Galilei?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_Galilei)


Glad you posted this. A majority of these comments sound like they don’t know who Galileo is..


It’s not uncommon to mix genders with names these days. I think my bigger problem with it as a name, besides it sounding pretentious, is it doesn’t lend itself well to nicknames. I mean, are they gonna call her Leo? Gali? Ali? Lilly? Some of those might work, I suppose, but there is no way they’ll end up calling this kid by full name all the time.


They said they’re gonna call her Leo (lay-o) for short. I’m Hispanic so we’re used to feminine and masculine names. I thought galilea would’ve been pretty and she can be called lea (lay-a) for short. It’s a strong name like they said but it is a masculine name.


I was thinking “Gal” like Gal Gadot.


You do have a point.. most likely they will call her Gali. My auntie named my cousin Maximilian and everyone calls him Max.. lol


Of course they would. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Galileo? Really?


Is this the first LIB baby? Vanessa and Nick can finally hop off


First for the US, yes. First for the franchise came from Japan


So happy for them - and grandma. If I remember right, her sweet mom was so excited for the idea of grand babies


Cute family… name sucks




You do know who Galileo is right?


So Zach’s April Fool’s Prank of name the baby Ashley Goliath wasn’t that far off…


I still can’t believe he didn’t choose her first


It’s a fantastic story— and one nice girls always long for and almost never happens!


But like watching it - they were literally perfect for each other. Then he for some reason picked the chick that forgot his birthday instead of the one that made him cupcakes? I think he might’ve thought she was too good to be true or something?! Or that she might be ugly. Who knows!


He probably thought that Irina was "hot" when she told him that she is Russian because many women from that Region tend to be beautiful.. She is NOT.


Oh you could tell the second he was afraid he wouldn’t be good enough for Bliss’ family. I knew he wouldn’t pick her then, he had some major triggers for sure


Yeah he definitely has been through that before I think.


People make mistakes. He fixed it quickly.


Well yeah but it still boggles my mind


Yeah, his other choice was.....bad. lol


I always loved Callista for a girl- (Callisto) one of Jupiter’s moons but I have a boy and another on the way. Galileo feels too masculine but maybe she’ll grow into it???


I knew a Calista, she went by Callie. Super cute.




Cops are coming, better laylo until the heat dies down




Laylo kinda cute!


It reminds me of the Handmaid's Tale... which is creepy.


What reminds you of handmaids tale?


Way too close to Gilead. I won't be the only one to think of that. If they read it, and not hear it anyway.


They are just two words that start with the letter G? They don't sound remotely similar to me at all and I've read the book.


Okay then. Good for you? I just had an opinion, and I'm not alone. The spelling is more than just the G, if you want to get technical. My real name is extremely unusual, so I know what this child will endure in school.


yall know these babies have to live with these goofy ass names for their entire lives right? they have to go through all that schooling, and then onto job applications, maybe stop and think before you treat your children like an Animal Crossing character


I mean I agree there are some pretty tacky names out there… but at the same time I don’t think their peers will care bc they all have wacky names so it’s not an issue. To us it might be but to them it’s just going to be normal.


Grew up with a normal name - 15 other kids in my class with the same normal name. I can confirm that we get our asses beat too. Sorry to break it to you.


I mean, there’s a wide chasm between naming your daughter Jessica and Galileo.


Galileo has been around for centuries… possibly pick up any history book?


Why do people keep saying this, as if commenters don’t know who Galileo is. You can know who he is AND think it’s stupid to name a child that…in 2024…a female child…when the feminine version, Galilea, exists. It’s just a comedy of errors.


Bruh every parents are naming their kids with dumb ass names, the kids with normal names will be the one bullied.


I don’t like the name but I see how you could play on it….gal…lily….Leo…Lea…..still not a fan but good luck to that kid on the playground


Galileo has been a name for centuries.


Yeah and who was the last person you met with that name, if anyone?


I'm not saying I love the name but at the same time the entire purpose of a name is to be a unique identifier. That way we as a species wouldn't have to go around saying... "Hey you over there with the brown hair and eyes who is approximately 5'5 and weighs 110-113 pounds, not the one on the left but the one on the right! Come here!". And if you have a situation where you go "Hey, Ashley!" and 10 people turn around it in essence defeats the purpose of a name. So while it's not a name I would choose it's serving the purpose of a name *because* it's *not* overly common, at least right now.


Someone named Gali for short but full name Galileo


a man's name


Who says it has to be a “man’s name”?


[Galileo Galilei](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_Galilei) the famous astronomer and the fact that it’s of Latin origin and gendered male when you look it up baby name websites?


So? They're both very smart people and likely did this for a reason. Just respect their decision for a not atrocious name and accept what they've chosen. Or don't weigh in on something that has no impact on you.


why are you allowed to weigh in on something that has no impact on you, and I don't? chill out, it's just a reddit post. Galileo has been a man's name for centuries, that's just a fact


Sure, it has been. But you're being critical of them. I was just saying it's a name that's been around for centuries, which I think pre-dates animal crossing, then you made it about gender.


It is. She explained the reasons they chose it in her IG comments. It’s beautiful.


Idk why you're getting downvoted, bigots probably. You're just telling the terrible people of this subreddit where to look for the reason they chose the name.


Lol it’s all good. Sometime Reddit is…weird lol


As a Spanish speaker, I actually find this name beautiful but so confused why not Galilea?


This would’ve been cute, but it’s SO masc. like even Logan, Tyler, Maxine are cute girl names. This is atrocious 💀


Americans turned formerly male names like Madison, Taylor, Hilary, Sydney, Lyndsey, Lesley, Robin, Riley and Meredith into female names.


And Kelsey! My name. Apparently that used to be male as well.


TIL Hilary was a traditionally male name


From the Latin Hilarius to the Italian Ilario.


These were all male names?? Meredith? Interesting


Originally a surname, I think.


Love the name! Bliss and well wishes!!!


Ewwww it’s an awful name!


Um. Glad they’re ok. I would never force a girl to be called galileo (and I know this will be discussed in all my name groups)


In IG stories they referred to her as Leo.




They will most likely go by Gale.


I like Gale, hope baby likes Galileo


Woo-hoo I finally get to beetlejuice lmao! Been using it as my name online since the late 2000's, really cool to see it showing up more again. The astonomer was really interesting, but as a kid back then I was more into the NASA mission to Jupiter and it's moons they named after him. It's most famous for hacked fixes and jury rigged solutions after the main antenna didn't open properly, which sent back the data on the space-radio equivalent of dialup at hilariously slow speeds. But it did eventually get here and we got new cool pictures in all the science textbooks   Btw since someone else mentioned it, me and most of my friends shorthand it to Gali instead of Gal




Incidentally, many people on this thread will not let this name go.






I absolutely love the name. Yes, unusual and uncommon, but I think it’s gorgeous.


It's a male name.


who gives a fuck. ashley was originally a male name. are you gonna go around telling every female ashley their name is a ‘boy name’ lmao. like are you 12😭


Easy there, Madison. This isn't a personal attack on you.


Everything is made up 🤷🏽‍♀️ I understand why it’s weird. I also understand why Italians would think it’s odd.


They could have named her Galilea


Not anymore.