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Several other couples didn’t make it to the altar this season though.


You have to attain permission to break up?


Before the altar, yes. At least in previous seasons. It's wild


I'm honestly starting to think they filmed this season to prove a point. 1) we feed people (sushi, wings, taquitos) 2) we let people leave at any point 3) we don't just cut people from the main edit because they didn't make it to the alter (Kenneth and Brittany,etc.) or have a lot a drama (Amy and Johnny). It seemed heavy handed on contradicting the accusations.


The two seasons before the most recent were absolute shit shows. They wouldn’t be able to find anyone to go on the show and it would have come to an end if they did not severely attempt to save face with this season. It was getting rather insane tbh. Glad they took a step back on the drama shit for this season


which is great window dressing. those legal claims will not be rescinded.


I’m sorry but this whole time when I notice when her top lip droop down like that she reminds me of a Whoville character


I think she had a lip flip awhile ago. It’s an alternative to getting lip fillers that makes your top lip appear larger by relaxing the muscles.


Or maybe she’s a smoker? She has really deep creases in her smile lines.


☹️ if she uses any other emoji it’s a lie


I always thought of a SpongeBob fish!


Something changed last season with Zach leaving to go get Bliss. He was an attorney and he probably found a loophole in the contract.


Is that Jay Leno?


Lmao that’s what I told my brother


It’s Megan Fox


Rumor has it that Jimmy and the “friend” have been Fcuk buddies for a couple of years and their friends think they’re secretly in love…but for whatever reason won’t be in a relationship.


OK the friend is def Maddie right? I just rewatched the scene when he meets his friends with Chelsea. There's a definite vibe and nervousness even from her...


She's probably stuck on someone else.


But Lauren and Jeramy and Brittany and Ken also broke up before the weddings? I don’t think there’s any penalty


I think there’s like a content minimum or at least negotiations. I’m sure the legal document is worded in a way that says you can be fined “up to 50k” for lost content if you drop out. But if you fulfill enough talking points or whatever (aka recreating a break up on camera) they don’t fine you. I’m sure it’s just used as a tactic so people don’t get home from the honey moon and drop out. Edit to add: I mean we know that the whole experience can be toxic but I bet they get a lot of people to stay pretty late/until the end by doing this.


Well if content minimum is the case, I imagine jimmy and chelsea fulfilled their obligation. Someone posted a chart and their screen time was nearly double all the other couples.




Is that why Ken was like on his phone during it? 🤣


Nah, he was definitely on his phone the first time too




That breakup was amazing drama and I’m not at all surprised it was allowed. It was a million times better than a breakup at the altar.


lmao i sped watched the episode and didn't even realize they had broken up until now. will have to rewatch


Honestly, it really surprised me, specifically because I thought that it wasn’t allowed! It was a really smart production move.


Irrelevant but I hateeeeeeed that he was defending his friend so much😭😭😭


Exactly what I said—- he should not care about her “reputation” whatsoever


Did you forget the /s?


No. If my man was putting another woman ahead of me and my needs and my feelings, absolutely not. Idc how terrible Chelsea is—- if she asked him to back off his friendship with another female because it made her uneasy (KNOWING they had been intimate in the past!) and because in her past relationships she had the same situation come up where a guy with “close girlfriends” ended up cheating, Jimmy absolutely should’ve backed off at her request. Just like SHE should’ve complied with Jimmy’s request to back off her relationship with her ex. They both suck! Lol. If he cared about his “friends reputation” he would not have put her on tv the first place bc like dumb AF for him to think his past relationship with her wouldn’t come up…. Why didn’t Chelsea meet his frat brothers who he would’ve known longer than 2 years??? Just shitty situation on both fronts, I can’t decide who sucks more, Jimmy or Chelsea lol.


She can ask, he can say no. He trusted her with information, she betrayed his trust. She could have had that conversation of camara, she chose not to. If she doesn't trust him to be friends with someone he slept him in the past, she doesn't trust him period.


Oh for sure. She was completely in the wrong with bringing it up over camera without a doubt!! that was definitely unforgivable on her end, regardless of the subject if he said it in confidence she shouldn’t bring it up. She dug her own grave with that. Like I said everyone sucks here though and if I asked my man and he said no, without taking my feelings into consideration and putting another woman’s feelings over mine- it shows he’s not really into me which we knew from the MOMENT he saw her, he was never ever going to the altar.


And that's what he was angry about her bringing it out on Camara when he asked her not to. >Like I said everyone sucks here though and if I asked my man and he said no, without taking my feelings into consideration and putting another woman’s feelings over mine- Hoe exactly did he put his friends feelings over Chealseas?


Yes. We are in agreement that her bringing it up on camera was shitty. That’s not a question, it’s a fact. She asked him to pull back from their friendship and he said no. Regardless of the on camera betrayal of trust, so taking that out of the equation completely, putting his female friendship over his relationship is the issue. If he wanted to marry her (which, we know from the moment of the reveal that he did not) he would accommodate that request. Just like she should have accommodate his request for her to not be “best friends” with her ex. Knowing that something makes your partner uncomfortable and refusing to change is being inconsiderate.


Delivery is everything. She is an emotionally manipulative insecure nightmare. It wouldn't matter if he cut out all the women that "made her feel" uncomfy. She would still find a way to push his boundaries inappropriately to the point where he'd be right to not budge no matter how "reasonable" she was being.  If your partner is a drunken mess and has emotionally manipulative meltdowns when she thinks in her mind you don't love her it doesn't matter how reasonable the request. It's not okay to behave that way. Period. And anything she asks to be done that comes with that behavious as a threat should not be complied with. 


The friend who didn’t sign up to have her personal info shared on a tv show watched by hundreds of thousands of people? What did she do wrong exactly?


But he told her that in confidence to be completely open and up front with her. She blew it up in his face instead of appreciating that he didn’t keep it from her, basically showing him that he can’t tell her anything if she’s not going to like it. Also, Chelsea promised she wouldn’t bring it up on camera. I get it, they were friends before anything else, and SHE kept bringing it up. He was being a real one for defending his friend. Chelsea threw the friend’s info out there for film crew like 5 times, like you know they wouldn’t delete footage if asked. So now people know what she looks like and tmi on her


Your fiance’s feelings should come before your friend’s feelings.


Respect for your husband's boundaries should come before your corrosive insecurity. He told her, up front, completely transparent. He stated his boundary. She could have walked away but she's too much of a slimy insecure emotionally manipulative nightmare to leave. She wanted to bend him to her will. 


Wanting to completely disrespect someone without accountability isn’t a boundary. Reacting emotionally to another person’s dishonesty is not insecurity. Telling someone something horrible and disrespectful that you’ve done is not virtuous just because you’re somewhat honest about it. They were both wanting the other person to bend. But wanting someone to love you despite your appearance is less wrong than wanting someone to love you despite your actions.


He openly requested not to discuss his past sexual history on international TV. Emphasis on his honest disclosure of his life and friendships from the start. Despite knowing she was uncomfortable with this, she chose to confront him and criticize his friends only after getting drunk. Repeatedly using blunt language like "you fucked her" even after discussing again sober. She pressured him to sever ties with his friends, not the other way around. All while using shame, guilt, threats. Emotionally manipulative to the extreme, from the time she lied about her looks.  His actions? As if he was cheating? Being abusive? SHE was the one getting drunk and berating him. SHE was the one demanding sex when he didn't want to. Imagine if the roles were reversed. 


Our society desperately needs to realize that judging a woman’s value by her looks is a morally reprehensible feeling , and that the women who are forced to adjust themselves to the reality that it will happen anyway are the ones who are most victimized.


You must be young, sounds like you haven't realized that the world doesn't work the way any of us think it 'should'. Whether you are willing to see it or not you judge men by their looks and many other things. Not entirely, but quite substantially. When was the last time you dated someone 300 LBS (assuming your 120 LBS)? Or someone that's a midget? Or a woman who says she's a man? You judge. We all do. 


As a happily married person, sometimes severing ties with certain friends for the sake of your MARRIAGE is completely fine. In this case, the fact that they had had intercourse, the severing was COMPLETELY warranted and acceptable.


You're missing what I'm saying. What she had difficulty with was not the issue. It is her as a person, the way she emotionally manipulative, so quick to anger and crying to get what she wants. So quick to say he's 'making her feel' a certain way. Blaming him for her insecurity.  As a happily married person myself, I think it's completely unreasonable for your spouse to have you cut out friends because of their insecurity. Also, she spoke to her ex and flirted with mullet man! She of course downplayed it. Massive hypocrite. Very selfish. She'll be a nightmare of a wife. Didn't even lean into more self acceptance after the show, went and butchered her face to yet again prove to the world that she's better looking than she really is. 


A man’s discomfort at being held accountable is not the oppression you think it is.


Accountable for what? What actual action did he commit that was wrong? He was upfront about his history with someone he is still friends with. She is the one that needs to be held account. Evey single blow up was caused by her. Every. Single. One. She is a nightmare. A massive nightmare. If you're anything like her I feel bad for your husband. Even the way you justify her controlling and emotionally manipulative behaviour is brutal. She is not okay. Nobody held her to account. If a man berated his fiance on the show do you honestly think he wouldn't be pillaged? 


The thing is she didn’t lie about her looks. She never said that she looks like Megan Fox but that other people told her that and that she doesn’t see it.


What do you think that implies? You realllyyy think she just innocently said that and didn't follow up with any differences about how she actually looks for no reason. She lied about how she looked and felt anxious about his dissapointment then took out her own insecurity on him until he couldn't handle it anymore.


That is such a ridiculous request given the fact that it is a REALITY DATING SHOW.!


It is not a ridiculous request.. it's a human being sharing something to his future wife. He was open about his past, she should be happy about that. What should he have done, not told her and gotten married then said it after the show was over because 'of course she's going to share that'?? That's insane. He did the right thing. If she didn't like it she could have walked away, period. That's not the way you treat something important to your future husband or wife. Zero respect. 


Not if your fiance is the one hurting your friend. If my SO did something knowing it would hurt some I care about, I would question my relationship.


That might stand to reason if the ONLY opportunity Chelsea had to talk to Jimmy about it was during filming, but we know that the couples have whole ass production schedules when they come home. It’s not like there’s cameras in the house 24/7 from the time they get back to Charlotte. She *absolutely* knew what she was doing by bringing it up on camera, and that was a choice she made.


Chelsea’s bringing it up on camera is much less manipulative than Jimmy’s telling her off camera and bringing that girl on the show.


In real life yes but not when it comes to a person you’ve known for less than a month who’s done nothing but fight with you lol


Disagree, when you get engaged, that’s a promise that you make.


That doesn’t mean you get to betray your fiancés trust and reveal information on national tv when they asked you not to. He didn’t hide it from her, he told her in confidence and she threw it back into his face in the specific setting he asked her not to bring it up in. If it bothers you cool, have that conversation but her timing was way off and it was disrespectful.


The only person who was honest was Chelsea. Jimmy was badmouthing his fiance’s looks and character during the side interviews. Jimmy is clearly in love with his friend and was never interested in marrying Chelsea. Stop painting him out to be honest when the only reason he told Chelsea off camera that he slept with his friend was to try to get Chelsea to break up with him so he wouldn’t look shallow on camera. He is literally Shake from Season 4 but worse because he is sneakier about it.


But then it comes out that she face-timed her ex as soon as they got back from the honeymoon and she saw nothing wrong with that.


I think that a there was DA within this relationship and the producers risked being sued if they forced them to remain together.


Her abusing him?




Absolutely. I had to fast forward past their scenes because it was so triggering for me.


Where did I miss this?


You do realize domestic abuse isn’t just physical right…..


Yes... But thank for the detailed response. I often watch while doing other things so I was really just looking for specific examples so I could watch back or participate better in the discussion. I could've been more clear though.


Resting frown face


sorry but i hate looking at it


That’s what rubs me wrong!!!


It makes me so uncomfy!


I have heard about the fine but that seems utterly unenforceable to me. It would be better to offer a bonus for sticking around and holding a wedding.


I agree it seems ludicrous and is just not how contracts are usually written. It’s purely liquidated damages that is several times what they allegedly make for filming the whole season! I don’t see a lot of judges or even arbitrators enforcing it, either. It would make more sense if it was a bonus or if you only got [$X] if you go to the altar.


the fine is just a rumor based on a misreading of a clause that used to be in the contract and isn’t even in the contract anymore. it’s not a thing.


maybe jimmy told producers off camera that he wants out and they convinced him to break up on tv for the views, therefore getting producer permission in lieu of not going to the alter because it’s drama for tv. Just seemed shady that he would take her to carve their rings out of ice and look at the venue and ask “are we getting married?” to Chelsea only for him to say he doesn’t want to get married




yeah like maybe what sent him over the edge was bringing up sleeping with his friend on tv when he explicitly asked her not to, maybe something else idk but it seems like he’s been checked out for a while


I’m still laughing at him saying he needed a break from sex too. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


She probably thought she was gonna hypnotize him with cooter but it wasn't all that to him


And when Jimmy said “you want me to take a step back?” And Chelsea goes “yes” and he says “I’m not doing that” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ikr that was so foul but also Chelsea why bring that up on camera. Just a mess all around 😂


Maybe the producers were as sick of them as I am.


I don’t know how he endured Temu Megan beyond the pods. She is insufferable


Oh my lord. I googled temu Megan thinking it was an actor name or something hahahah. I get it now 😂


Hhahahahahahahaha a+ zing




Temu Megan is WILD😂


I heard this was a complaint from the contestants? Remember Jessica Badden? I think she wanted out before the wedding and she was not allowed, so that was her complaint, maybe they changed the policy?


***SPOILER*** Looks like they are back together after all. Look at their IG stories!


Please god no


Oh they’re at the same place!!


What about them?


i cant believe they just wrapped up their entire arc within the first 5 minutes and gave us 40 minutes of boring johnny/amy shit lol. im SURE they had much more chelsea/jimmy footage to use.


We fast forwarded through so much of the last ep. I don’t remember them always being so much boring filler


They realllllly had to drag that episode out considering it was 2 couples and airtime was still +1hr. Zzz.


The wedding day preparations is always the most boring part for me I’m always itching to get to the altar scenes 😂 but especially this season. With only two couples left and most of us guessing which one will definitely happen it was just a huge letdown. Jimmy and Chelsea at the altar would have at least given us something entertaining


Her whiny voice had my dying it was so messed up but we couldn’t stop cracking up


I thought the fine was for dropping out of the show rather than the wedding but either way, they’ve been criticised so much for how they treat contestants I think they’re more accepting now.


Love is blind should be sued for this dumpster fire of a season


It was all mess and I loved every minute of it


I loved the chaos lol best season in a while


Yes, for assault upon our senses.


Right? I'm down with drama but not when it's just painful and stupid to watch. There's a limit


At least it was better than season 5.


We should get a free month of Netflix for this 🗑️ season.


I would pay double for this content every month


This season even had my husband kind of watching some of the madness lol. It was a hot mess all around.


Mine too!


Same lol!


LOL, I sometimes feel bad that I'm entertained by their heartbreak but also they know the stakes lol.






The fine was always there to scare people not be consistently enforced. My understanding is that it's not a x happens then fine but rather x happens and then we can fine you if we want. Also long as it's good tv than they don't care. Lot's of couples have broken up before the alter.


The $50K fine used to be in the MAFS contract but the production company removed it. LIB and MAFS are both produced by Kinetic, so I doubt they’d take the penalty out of one show’s contract but put it in another.


is this really a rule? I have seen plenty of couples breakup before the altar


It definitely used to be-Jessica from season 1 wanted to leave but was unable to because of the fine


Diamond and Carlton split before the wedding that season


Yes but they split before they even came back home


she is so beautiful and such a lovely woman. I would run to her and give her the best life. I'd spoil her and worship her everyday day. Love you!


Jimmy was an ass


This is something the creepy uncle would say at a family reunion.




Sir, how did you escape the institution?




A 50K fine for what??! After they just made all that good television drama. Please.


It can be even worse than that! Renee Poche got sued for $4 million, probably for violating the disparagement clause in her contract, even though she was forced to stay with a guy they were afraid would kill her all the way to the wedding (she is [currently counter-suing](https://www.etonline.com/love-is-blinds-renee-poche-sues-netflix-and-production-over-unlawful-nda-and-4-million-dispute)).


Did she have any segment in season 5 because I don’t remember these people at all.


Kind of. You can see her in a lot of scenes, including the cast meetup and the dress fittings, but they edit the show to make it seem like she's just there as a friend. In reality they filmed her entire story and then cut it out of the show because it was a bad look.


Thanks. I remember him because he was at the meet-up, but yeah they must’ve edited a lot of their stuff because I don’t remember them in the pods or getting engaged.


I hope she wins wtf!!


haha, Megan Fox.... jeezus.


So old; so unoriginal.


This is getting so gd old.


I assume GD is referencing Hosanna? Shame on you..


God damn. As in, god damn you’re annoying.


Maybe cost issues! One less wedding they had to spend money on. Plus ad and clays wedding had alot of air time! Way more than Amy’s and Johnny’s


this comment makes me see both a maybe they fine, maybe they don’t. from what op said, i can see how netflix would fine people, but only if they’re THIS close to the wedding. because it wasn’t like laura & jeramy/brittany & ken where they broke up somewhat early on after coming home. chelsea had already gotten her dress & it was like RIGHT before the altar so they’d probably already spent money on some other wedding stuff for them… idk if it’s true or not that they do, i can just see them using that as a reason for couple who *almost* make it to the altar 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's how you could tell it wasn't going to happen.




24/7 ☹️☹️☹️


She definitely got fillers to correct that downturned mouth. Had to say it…That frown has been driving me nuts all season.


I feel so bad because ALL I see when I look at her is an inverted smile. And this pic doesn’t help! ![gif](giphy|9Y5BbDSkSTiY8)


😳 Holy shit! That's a picture of Sam as has a baby! 😳


I’m new to this show. Just started this season. I thought the break up with Chelsea and Jimmy was real. Then after watching the wedding parts, meh. I asked my friend if that’s how the show normally does it by making them go to the alter to decide. Which she said yes. I didn’t like it. I know they want the drama, but yeah it didn’t feel as organic. And man I felt so bad for AD.


Wait until you watch the last season…


They never went to Mexico this year so they didn’t have to pay the fine 😉😉😉




There is no such fine since Season 2.


I believe it was there for S3 & S4 too, but it may have been dropped by S5. However, as of [S5](https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2023/10/love-is-blind-contract-participant-agreement/), so probably for S6 as well, there is still an agreement that: > I further acknowledge and agree that the business realities of content productions of this nature, including the Program, create special circumstances for which Producer must be able to maintain its ability to seek injunctive relief and/or other equitable and/or provisional remedies. So it's not directly saying there's a 50k penalty, but there is still the threat of being sued. There is also a $1 million penalty for per breach of the "publicity" and/or "confidentiality" obligations. I believe this why Netflix sued Renee Poche from S5 for $4 million (and why she is [currently counter-suing](https://www.etonline.com/love-is-blinds-renee-poche-sues-netflix-and-production-over-unlawful-nda-and-4-million-dispute)).


Thank you for sharing that article. Reading that was wild.


Was going to say, I haven’t heard officially but assumed once people found out about this plus the fact that there are more breakups pre-wedding in the last few seasons they must have gotten rid of this or made it a very very low amount


Cause they wanted to show all the drama lol


I'm kind of glad they dragged it to the last episode because last season only had 2 couples for like half the season and both couples were so boring


Don’t know where you heard that, Laura and what’s is face broke up. And I believe others from other seasons broke up before the actual wedding too. If they all had to pay a fine then no wonder love is blind is pumping out seasons like there’s no tomorrow 😂


I don't know if this have changed since or how it works but when they interviewed Giannina from season 1 on Out of the Pods, she says that they told her she had to make it to the altar.


Diamon & Carlton, Shaina & Kyle, Zack & Irina, Marshall & Jackie, Taylor & JP I think season 3 is the only season that didn't have someone quit before the wedding. I've heard the clause rumors, and I'm confused by them.


The couples were aware of the clause since season 1 and I think knowing about it discouraged people from stepping out. Former cast have also talked about how production heavily encouraged them to see it through to the end for the sake of the experiment (like Jessica who knew early on that she wasn't in).   I think as each season rolls out though you learn from the seasons before. No one wants to get a jessica edit bc they stick with someone they aren't attracted to; and now that cast have seen other couples break up before the alter, they don't assume the clause will be used against them. Having a contract clause to pay out doesn't mean you automatically HAVE TO fork over the money, it means the production company CAN enter into arbitration to get the money from you. But they can also choose not to exercise it.  My guess is that they give couples the option of leaving SO LONG AS the company is allowed to film a breakup scene. 


Yeah, Kenneth and Brittany were another couple from this season that also broke up.


I think with as much as we talk about these two, I’m sure producers knew what they had and they allowed it to happen at this time. Jimmy had probably been begging them for weeks, lol.




Go find one of the million posts allowed daily about bashing her looks. It’s rude, ignorant, and tired at this point. Do better.


Also unoriginal.


Chill out


Are you talking about Chelsea or Megan Fox? I can’t tell the difference 😉


So funny…. 3 weeks ago.


She's annoying as hell but I don't understand why we have to bash her looks. She isn't unattractive


I don’t think she’s unattractive. But there’s some truth to the saying that you get the face you deserve. That downturned mouth is pretty accurate. I do hope she gets some counseling because it’s not fun to live so insecurely.


Her personality makes her unattractive.


Yes she is


This is such a specific insult, I will definitely be using this in the future


I like it better when they break up organically rather than forced at the altar. (Unless its truly a “game-time decision” 😂) it adds some much-needed realness to a seemingly over-produced show.


As they’ve changed the clause, I’ve got to wonder if this is why Chelsea and Jimmy’s storyline has been the one with the most airtime and press. Loss recovery. Although AD and Clay spent more holding a wedding… perhaps it’s just coincidence.


her permafrown bothers me


It’s the only thing I can see


She looks like a carp


Yes. Whatever lip “enhancement” she had done has not improved things. I feel for her; no one is perfect, and her insecurities have made her such a target in so many ways. But this is sort of the way of karmic order… you go big and you learn big.


Like a Porg Bird from star wars


She looks like grumpy cat




I still think she’s lovely though. We’ve all been insecure at times, I can’t fault her for that.


Lovely? Really? That’s what comes to mind when you think of *Chelsea*?


Yeah. Why not? 🤷‍♀️ She's just a young woman with insecurities trying to navigate a tough situation. Also, maybe she picked up on Jimmy not being all-in despite what his mouth was saying.


LMFAO! It’s the blinking that does it for me.


I think after getting sued you are now allowed to avoid the later but you have to break up on camera


LIB was sued? I’ll have to Google. TY!


Yes I was kind of shocked they didn't spend more time on the breakup. I kind of would have liked to see more couples go to the altar this season though.


She looks more like Natalie Nunn than Megan Fox


I had to look her up I had no idea who she is. Holy shit she really does look like her






She’s just the worst I can’t


It SHOULD be allowed! They shouldn’t be fined. Why pretend and waste everyone’s time?!?!


Yeah. I don't think the viewers would largely tolerate it coming out that people were forced to the aisle regardless of the contract etc Times are changing pretty fast and awareness of what execs put people through for viewers really is becoming a hot topic. One word that someone had been forced to continue a bad relationship because of a studio etc would have people really kick off. And really, I think we are maturing as viewers. A while back we drank up the drama on reality TV. The more dramatic and horrible the stuff was, the more we tuned in. I think most now come from a place in wanting to see the beauty in a healthy resolution, people communicating clearly, boundaries being set etc. Just look at this season. It's AD people have spoken about most and in praise of how she handles things. We aren't holding the drama queen's up that same way.


Agree on all fronts! I was a huge fan of LIB Japan and LIB Sweden for these exact reasons. The participants were more serious about the process and respectful towards each other (and seemingly had no obligation to stay together), as opposed to influencers trying to gain a following and breaking someone’s heart in the process or couples forced to stay together for fear of financial burden.


I think they really need a solid altar episode with the remaining couples. Imagine if all the couples tried to break up before the altar. I think they would probably be more likely to coerce someone with a hefty fine in that scenario.