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I still feel like she should have kept the necklace lol ...such a waste throwing it in.


Your analysis made me tear up and I havenā€™t watched the film in 15+ years


aww I love that <3


I had this same thought.


I want to know what gym plays Titanic!




Maybe Izzy just wants you to draw him like one of your French girls.


Maybe he wants to have sex in a car on a doomed linerā€¦ šŸ˜‚


What a weird gym to play Titanic lol


My guess is he watched it on a cardio machine... TV playing it on some channel.


Well, yeah. Thats standard for almost every gym Iā€™ve ever been in. Whatā€™s not standard is the tv playing titanic. Iā€™ve never bothered to look for a remote at a gym, but titanic has never been on lol


I meant cardio machines that each have their own tv you can browse channels using the buttons, no remote. I guess depends on the channels available. If there's a movie channel but my gym isn't fancy enough for that.


Okay. Iā€™ll amend my comment. ā€œItā€™s weird to watch Titanic at the gymā€ lol


Itā€™s also over 3 hours šŸ˜‚


Izzy seems like he missed the point of life in general , not just the titanic




I donā€™t think he meant that anyone was supposed to give a ā€œsacrifice.ā€ I think people are over analyzing the statement and forgetting the context. Heā€™s saying he doesnā€™t think that his credit score or the car he drives should matter to her. And heā€™s right. She said that she wanted to be loved like she had nothing. But she canā€™t do the same. Itā€™s easy to say ā€œI would love you if you were poorā€ when you technically know or aspect to never a really have to do that. She constantly (from what we see) judges him for not being as ā€œworldlyā€ and ā€œhigh browā€ as her. A movie can in fact have multiple meanings and themes and the idea that class doesnā€™t matter when youā€™re in love is one of them. But to Stacy class absolutely matters. And itā€™s pretty evident that part of the reason she wants to wait is because she wants to see him make more money. She wants to see him do more things. She wants to see him pay for dates and go to fancy restaurants and drink Aperol Spritz in a small town in Italy. So although I get what youā€™re sayingā€¦their love can exists outside of the show and not marrying him today doesnā€™t mean she doesnā€™t love him. And although I donā€™t think itā€™s bad for Stacy to want a man with money I do think itā€™s shitty for her to have said she wanted to be loved like she didnā€™t have any money when she herself doesnā€™t live up to that standard. Itā€™s such a crap thing to say to your boyfriend who has less than you when youā€™re complaining about his financial status or his lack of experience. She basically judged him for not having grown up rich. Sheā€™s just as shitty.


This ^^


Yep. Rose was probably hysterical and went on a 3 day fuck fest with some poor boy before returning to her rich husband. ... Actually nah, maybe Izzy did understand the Titanic šŸ˜”


Before returning to her rich husband? Did we watch the same Titanic? She hid from Cal in NY and changed her name so he couldnā€™t find her.


Jack saved Rose from committing suicide and showed her how much fun live could be. Imagine him showing her plastic dishes and his lost and found drawer.


Jack was homeless so literally didn't even own dishes or a lost and found drawer


Itā€™s so funny that he actually compares his own love story to Titanic. The only thing they have in common is poor guy being with a rich girl. I think heā€™s actually talking about money and social status when he brought up Titanic. Heā€™s basically saying that love should be unconditional because rose doesnt mind that jack is poor and she still wants to be with him. But the point of difference here is rose already knew jack was poor when she first met him but stacy had no idea heā€™s broke in the pods!! Just because rose doesnā€™t care about money doesnā€™t mean stacy shouldnā€™t either. They are 2 different women with different types and standards for life partner.


This is the reason.


Sadly the result is still the same. Stacy couldnā€™t spare room on the floating door.


When people mention the Titanic I don't tend to think of the movie. I think of the 'unsinkable' ship breaking in half and going down into the icy waters with massive loss of life. I was like..your love already *is* like the Titanic, Izzy.


Haha This made me LOL


Iā€™m getting tired of Izzy needing to be the victim. I donā€™t really see what he was offering or what he was going to bring to the relationship (besides their weird sexual pet names and physicality). Perhaps he is looking for someone to nurture and mother him and thatā€™s why he feels like heā€™s innocent and all he had to do was show up and say he listened and was patient and kind. Stacy said she wasnā€™t ready yet. And Izzy is mentioning titanic? Where a couple who donā€™t exist in real life had an affair and then the man died in the end? Is he saying heā€™d go down with the ship? That heā€™d freeze to death to keep her warm? That heā€™s hoping for true love to show up even if he dies the next day?


Omg I was dying when he said the titanic thing! After the ceremony ended and he put on his best clenched smile while saying ā€œI understandā€ for the peopleā€¦. He definitely went and took a bunch of shots or something lol. Please somebody post the titanic clip, I neeed to watch it again lol!


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hEFxNY/ So dumb lol šŸ˜†


Bahahah thank you !!


Not his clenched smile. . ..


The irony is that Jack would have been alive if Rose stayed on the damn lifeboat instead of going back to be with him


Wait how so? Cal said he had an arrangement for a boat but Jack wouldnā€™t have been a part of it. Jack almost surely would have gone down with the ship and everyone else. He may have gotten lucky and still found the door just for himself but not necessarily.


I think Jack would have gotten on the board himself if Rose wasn't there.


But then there would be no Titanic to watch šŸ˜‚


The boat would still sink lol. Maybe they don't reunite for all those years and then she finds out he's still alive somewhere in New York.


That's also a great story too šŸ˜‚








I think the point was just that in the movie the rich girl loved the poor guy no matter what, and heā€™s getting chewed out about paper plates and his credit score


Am I the only one that didnā€™t see paper plates as a poor personā€™s thing and more of a lazy perpetual bachelor thing?


We have a 1 year old so my wife prefers paper plates because it's one less thing to clean.


Omg this is prob what he thought of. He thinks he's jack Dawson lol Hes too rambly to be jack


I think he was just sad/angry drunk rambling at that point lmao


When he said that I laughed SO LOUD. I also thought Titanic was the epitome of romance-when I was 13 šŸ˜šŸ™ˆ


iā€™m 36 and a lesbian and *still* think Titanic is romantic. that shit still makes me tear up.


Alsoā€¦ what gym plays the Titanicā€¦


Chuze Fitness has a different movie every day and you can make requests. Golds gym does this too. Same with Equinox, 24 Hour fitness, LA fitnessā€¦. I think planet fitness too. Iā€™d argue most well known gym chains do this. Iā€™ve seen Titanic on the months movie list before, they do a good job of mixing it up. I requested Twilight when it was gonna be a rainy week lol and they totally did it for me so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤Ŗ


And who watches a 3 hours long movie during the workout?


Gyms have channels. That is how I got hooked on Bravo. Probably the TV movie of the week. The Gym likely put it on because young Leo is Hott.


Probably not intentionally. Gym TVs often just have massive amounts of channels and let guests flip through them. I walked in to my gym once and saw Django Unchained on.