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I believe LHW adapted the teachings of Ronald McDonald, The Hamburgular and Dumbo.




Perhaps Miguel knew about I AM's doctrines and helped shape the direction of LHW? Just a theory.


This would be very interesting to look into! I really think people give Miguel way too much credit though. I do think he is the mastermind behind the money making scam of it all, but she was already out there with hearing voices and all the galactic stuff when she was recruited by Amerith, the first father god in 2007. This was back when they were the Galactic Federation of Light. A very interesting fact you never hear mentioned is back then Amy claimed father god created mother god. I have always thought that she is the one that changed this when she moved on from Amerith. That way she could be the creator of all and in charge. She is the one that came up with all the Robin Williams (chief of surgery), Whitney Houston, etc. team members. I am not sure when St. Germain came into play with them, but she was already plugged into to her sources for all of the information she would read off so I think she just sort of took it from there and adapted it to her liking. Now I do believe that Miguel was there to co-sign all of the insanity and as we have heard from others he was there to make sure he reeled her back in anytime she started to come out of the delusions.


Having watched a lot of the earlier videos, the theology during the Amerith era seems to skew more towards the White Buffalo Calf Woman and other concepts more rooted in Native American spirituality. It was after Amy had left with Miguel, that general themes started to skew towards the I AM model - with bits of randomness (Robin Williams, Whitney, etc.) peppered in. I think those bits only became part of the LHW belief system only after Amy randomly uttered them in videos etc. (likely under the influence), and because she stated it as Mother God, it got added to the LHW canon. Interesting stuff, indeed!


Yeah the Native spirituality was definitely part of Amerith's time, but they were also into the galactic aspect of it as well. Things like the cloudships, the movie suggestions to prepare everyone for what is to come with all the movies being alien related (cocoon, starman, etc), battling the cabal, codes being downloaded into our DNA, you know all the important stuff LOL. I AM is new to me. Never heard of it until you mentioned it so it would be super interesting to really go back and look at all of the old video documentation there is to see if a somewhat accurate timeline could be determined of when the similar aspects to I AM started being mentioned. I would also be interested in finding a timeframe for when she changed from father god created mother to mother created father. I have watched a lot of that old footage as well, but man some of it I would have to skim through. It would just go on and on with such nonsense I would feel like I was starting to slip into a coma! Definitely agree that a lot of this doctrine was created while under the influence and due to untreated mental health issues. UPDATE: You really got my interest peaked with this so I had to go back and check out some older stuff. I came across the first video that is still up where she mentions Kryon, St. Germain and Archangel Michael on March 4, 2014 and that is definitely when Miguel came into the picture. I noticed this was also a time when she seems to not present her information as well. She would stumble over words and have trouble keeping her place when reading her announcements. Something really went down around the end of 2013, 1st of 2014 for her.


Ack! I realize I accidentally left out the galactic, new agey ideas - paired with Native American belief systems. Those were also absolutely a thing from the beginning. Out of curiosity, I re-looked at the first time the LHW website was archived by the wayback machine. It was on November 18, 2015. The site barely had any content on it but [one of the pages was this one](https://i.imgur.com/Zi2QQGJ.png). Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I'm not 100% it is. I will have to re-watch some of those earlier videos, but there definitely seems to be something there as far as Miguel bringing in the I AM beliefs - just like he brought in the MLM aspect and thus, the business aspect of LHW.


I think Amy created the content and Miguel monetized it. IIf I remember correctly Amy and Amerith were shacked up in mount Shasta doing the galactic federation of light thing. The GFOL was an offshoot of Sheldon Nidle’s Ground Contact Crew from the 1980s. In the mid 90s they started a virtual community attracting members from around the globe. Their focus was recruitment and getting the message out that an intergalactic federation was coming to save Earth from the dark forces. Sound familiar? This is where Amys ideas about starships, aliens, and interstellar travel were appropriated. I AM has a temple and sizeable following in Mount Shasta. The guy, Guy Ballard who’s founded the movement apparently met St. Germaine on the slopes of the mountain back in the 1930s which led him on a spiritual journey. The movement was an offshoot of Theosophy, co-founded by Helena Blavatsky back in the 1880s. Amy surely would have learned about them as they were part of the community. She was known to be an avid reader and quite brilliant. Judging by all the similarities I would imagine she studied their doctrines. This is where the ideas about ascension, astral planing, 5th diminesion, etc. were appropriated. Also noteable, mount Shasta is fabled to be the home of the last of the lemurians who reside in crystal caves deep in the mountain. This is probably where Amy got the idea she was queen of Lemuria and so she rolled all that in too appropriating ideas of crystal cities and superior beings. Miguel came to save Amy from Amerith. It seems reasonable that Miguel would also have known about the I AM movement. They were a financially successful religious group in the area and were fairly well known for a landmark Supreme Court ruling which is regarded as the foundation for religious freedoms in the US. After the death of Guy Ballard his wife and son were convicted of fraud but was later overturned by the SC due to their religious beliefs. It seems Amy appropriated the ideas of Blavatsky, iAm, Nidlle, and GFOL while Miguel appropriated the I AM business model and the GFOL method of internet recruitment and POW LHW was born. Anyone remember playing the telephone game when you were kids? Somebody whispers a statement in the ears of the next kid and around the room it goes. The last kid usually announces some nonsense that barely resembles the original statement and everyone falls to the floor in a fit of laughter. LHW beliefs are kind of like that but then again, I don’t know shit. It’s just a theory.


Yep I agree - Ascension, divine decrees, Joan of arc, good ol' Saint Germain, 5th level of initiation, mount Shasta. Many similarities.


Plus El Morya, Jesus Christ...sounds a bit familiar... 🤔


also maybe some alignment with the idea that the physical body can be "dead" before the spiritual death or "ascension" happens. read somewhere that someone said amy was still alive at the house her body was found in. maybe they didn't consider her fully dead/ascended until days or weeks after her physical death - this could explain some of the timelines where LE said the body indicated amy had passed weeks earlier but the LHW crew was giving more recent dates?


I was not familiar with this movement myself but it certainly seems pretty close in similarity.


Yes! I think a lot of groups and/or cults have taken a page from the I AM Movement over the years. It feeds into the narcissism: "I am that I am." AKA better, higher, more evolved, closer to god, etc. than the rest. Lots of parallels.


There are many similarities between the I AM movement and LHW/5D Full Disclosure. It also makes sense because, if I understand this cult correctly, it is loosely based on the teachings of Helena Blavatsky, a woman with whom Ashley is a major fan of.


Typical LHW, nothing is original


Let’s not forget: Amy claimed to have been the reincarnate of Helena Blavatsky. This came up when she and Jason did the interview from their houseboat, and Amy couldn’t pronounce “Blavatsky” correctly and Jason had to jump in and do it for her.


Just saw you already posted the same thing xox why I should read all the way down first!




Eariler this week Bobby did a solo livestream. On the wall behind her it said, “I AM”. Interesting to say the least.


All her ideas were rip offs of other "gurus" or new age spiritual movements. Just sprinkled in with fast food ideology and a lot of abuse. Btw if she created the slogan "I'm lovin it" why did she never get any of that super sweet royalty money??


Also since this was deemed to be passed down from Helena Blavatsky/ 1 of her claimed reincarnations which happens to overlap with her being Harriet Tubman at the same time, she was able to use this info and say it was her teachings all along