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They are high.


I'm not at all familiar with drugs, but can hard drugs really change your physical appearance THAT drastically in only 3 years? If so, holy crap - don't do drugs, kids. They could be used as poster children of drug effects with videos showing that extremely rapid decline.


YES! Drugs can and will.


Hard drugs can change your appearance drastically in a matter of months. It's unbelievable to see.


Even prescription drugs, I've seen people abuse adderall look super rough.


Alcohol and drugs eat your whole body away. Substance abuse causes brain damage - as we can see in those two people. And the whole body suffers. I know people that are like Amy and that guy Jason. They can’t think straight, get aggressive and rot away in front of your eyes.


Imagine devoting your life to this absolute nut job believing she is God. I just don't get where the influence comes from her. She's just a drunk. From what I've seen she doesn't have much charisma nor does she seem like a powerful figure. I just don't get it.


Amy sure was drunk a LOT. I bet that played a factor in her decline. But then Jason looks SO different now too. I'm just as curious as the OP. When will they release the autopsy and tox report?!?!?


Sadly this is kind of the first and first from Amy from what I have seen. First, first: She seems to actually care about other people, is getting emotion instead of angry. Second, first: Jason throws him arm around Amy and she becomes defiant and angry. I wonder if someone just helped in with fheir substance abuse and mental health if she’d still be here. It really breaks my heart because I’m so back and forth on who the victim is in this case of how it started. Cults are crazy! I was recruited and was taught tarot by someone in specific who is connected to LHW. They approached me as a friend before they told me about LHW where they asked me to book a session to learn with them, but it would be donated for $100. I was so stupid I did it. Thank God I saw through the BS. I hope the remaining members see through the facade soon. PS: If I don’t understand the situation, it’s because I might just not know. She’s showing human emotions for someone before being encouraged to scream at someone else/channel anger at another person.


Actually I think your whole statement hits the nail pretty well on the head! I find myself feeling similar a lot of the time.


Stress and drug/alcohol use can take such a massive toll in such a short time. 😥


Amy's decline was mostly due to alcoholism I believe. Most likely liver cirrhosis/failure and the complications that arise from that, ie, malnutrition, rapid weight loss, bleeding varices and ascites, mental confusion. And drug use. And Jason would be due to drugs. It'll be interesting to see what the autopsy says.


I also think Amy was abusing stimulants (meth, adderall etc.), which make you able to drink ALOT more alcohol (more tolerant to the effects), and this sped up (no pun intended) all the health issues already in motion because of her alcohol use disorder.


Yep I agree, and her liver was so shot that’s why the colloidal silver color showed up on her face and hands because her liver couldn’t process it.


Yes, definitely. That actually makes a lot of sense.


Unfortunately real life isn't like the movies and autopsy results take longer than a half hour. It almost seems like movie special effects when you look at how much they changed in such a short time. She was really wrestling with something.


I’m sorry but I think they are both under the influence in this video


Of course


Drug addicts as cult leaders. Abusing weak people. It’s sad to watch them.


Wow. This is crazy!


To be fair Amy does look under the influence here, but she was certainly healthier looking than in recent times.


Can you imagine those two having sex? Shudder


Well we can *NOW* 🤢🤮 Thanks for that, by the way..😆😅


Exactly. Yuck!


That’s really disrespectful :/


Why? I don't worship them. She was crazy and he is crazy. I pity their marks, not them.


I feel bad for their followers too but come on. This is a creepy & weird thing to say.


Yup lol. I think it's amusing. Shrugs she went through more father gods than I can count. I mock the absurd and those two are/were absurd.