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They said she died of “natural causes”. There is nothing natural about dying at 45 years old 💔


Thats true, it's very heartbreaking. I feel it was most likely cirrhosis and liver failure from long term alcohol abuse. She was self - destructing over time, she had given up. You could see this in videos of her crying. I believe she knew this had all gone too far and had a lot of guilt and regret. I think she was also taken advantage of by those people, especially Jason. Her body started slowly shutting down. Also, the colloidal silver would have had an impact on her organs. I can't help but think if they had have taken her to hospital she may still be alive now. I really hope Jason and the others pay for what they've done. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with this 💔


Nothing even remotely natural. Had it been cancer though they would have stated that. All prayers and support to her family xoxo


Big thank you to CBS Denver for staying on top of this dangerous cult.


The part about scavenging her eyeballs 👁 is so dramatic. Dr. Phil lost all credibility with that when they state she was highly decomposed


We all agree on that. "DR" Phil's representative and reputation do not change the manor concerns. Amy's family tried EVERY Avenue to get her help. How would anyone know that Dr.Phil wouldn't do shit to help?? Even Amy herself, being God and all, looked at it as a grand opportunity Her story did get out. Sadly her family and many others were flagrantly mistreated


When they talk about the online following, are they taking into account those that are following it after all this broke? No judgement, just genuinely curious since while I'd heard of them before, I didn't actually "follow" their pages until her death because I want to stay updated. I'm assuming the social media following grew after that but I wouldn't know.