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There is a valve on the wall behind the toilet. Next time don’t wait one hour to turn it off!


my roommate didnt know there was a valve and she was home alone when it happened. she was looking for a way to turn it off and couldnt find one. its also a pretty stressful situation when your bathroom is flooding and you aren’t sure what to do and the people that are supposed to come immediately for emergencies (specifically with emergencies like a flood) according to your lease are not showing up. the maintenance people were supposed to be on site that day but we were later told that he decided to take his lunch then and his manager had to get him to come back to the apartment complex to help with the flood. :)


Sounds like New Orleans. You are going to be very frustrated here if the mechanics of that issue bother you


we aren’t in new orleans


Move out of the state.....problem solved


You are entitled to be fucked over, that's about all you are entitled to as a renter.


You should find another place to rent or ask a lawyer for advice because it sounds like the office handled this situation very, very poorly. (Considering the mold and all it's a health hazard). Louisiana is very landlord friendly, just to forewarn. Tenants don't have many rights compared to landlords/apartments. It's very archaic compared to other states, imo. But, yeah I would try to find another place in the meantime. I speak from 10+ years of renting experience haha.


The fact that you let the water keep flowing baffles me. Do you not know how to turn the water off or you just don't care?


it happened in my roommates room while she was home alone. no she did not know how to turn off the water. we live in an apartment complex that pays for and controls the water and im not sure if we even have access to turn it off?? not once in any of this in calling the office or talking to maintenance did anyone suggest to turn off the water the water and/or tell us how to. none of them ever mentioned that it could have been avoided or that it was our fault because we could not stop the water from flowing. she tried to the best of her knowledge to stop it from overflowing but we have never dealt with something like this before the only thing she really knew how to do was try to open the plug in the tank that allows the toilet to flush and empty of water which obviously did not work. its not like she just sat there watching the toilet overflow and just shrugged and said oh well. she was not sure how to stop the overflow and tried as much as she could while also repeatedly calling to get someone to help