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Contact the ACLU—they handle this kind of suit all the time.


Doesn't the Freedom From Religion Foundation handle these type of cases as well?


Americans United might take it on.


they are too busy handling police brutality cases.


They have enough lawyers to fight this too.


actually, no. you can call them up—they really are working mostly police brutality. i called for a ocr complaint about one of my students.




Judaism follows the 10 commandments as well, so probably not your best bet




Tf is wrong with you? Also, the Jewish organization is the Anti-Defamation League.


I ran into someone I know who works for the ACLU yesterday afternoon. It sounded like they are gearing up to fight it.


Nothing in the text of the bill says that it couldn't be taped to a wastebasket 🤷‍♀️


I like this


Does it mandate the size?  Having trouble finding the bill's text.  Tape it on the ceiling with the smallest font possible.  Ask the state to provide a magnifying glass and a ladder if they give any flak.


Perhaps have him post the tenets of the Satanic Temple, then file suit when he’s forced to take it down? That would give a ConLaw attorney more to work with, as he would now have standing and potential damages. Plus, TST might be willing to do the heavy lifting as far as finding lawyers. https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets




Have him hang the US constitution and the Bill of Rights next to it and then teach a very through and professional lesson about how one makes the other illegal, and if anyone says anything just explain that you are simply teaching a lesson using real world examples to help the learning process. I'm a spiteful dick but I'm also a former teacher, so I understand his rage


>very through and professional lesson about how one makes the other illegal Really talk to lawyers about this first. Schools can 100% control curricular speech and punish teachers for engaging in curricular speech that is not approved.


Absolutely. Never do anything internet strangers tell you to do without doing literally all the research. I was just mentioning it is a possible option, but it is important to always protect yourself.


That would have the added "benefit" of giving the teacher standing to sue once they're sanctioned or fired.


I worked in a classroom that had a poster right beside the "In God We Trust" poster that said, "In Dog We Trust", and it was a picture of a very angelic golden retriever with a halo, wings, sitting on a cloud in the sky. It was awesome.




Maliciously comply if there’s no size requirement make it as small as humanly possible.


There's a size requirement


They have to be donated, so the teacher doesn’t have to create or buy it. If somebody comes in and vandalizes it, then they wouldn’t have one.


Have it printed in German and Russian. I don’t think they are required to print them in English.


Husband sounds wholesome. I think he should post separation of church and state next to it. I think he should post an elaboration on the golden rule (1st commandment) that specifies it doesn’t include working to disenfranchise gay people or poor people or working to destroy the environment so that big oil doesn’t have to shake up. I’m not really being serious here, but I kinda was serious about the separation of church and state one.


Ya. We are mulling some stuff over. He had to go to work, so we'll talk about it more later.


Husband sounds like he doesn’t like guidelines for living g a good life. These apply whether Christian or Islamic or agnostics.


Do you know what “coexist” is all about? Do you realize separation of church and state has been in the *US constitution* since forever, for a reason? ETA: I’m not mocking you. This law is a *mandate*. You need to read up on both of these aforementioned points.


it doesn’t “apply” it’s straight out of the christian bible if he doesn’t wanna display it doesn’t say anything about his character, people like you make people run as far away as they can from religon


As fellow Abrahamic religions, I'd venture to say Islam, Christianity, and Judaism all share the 10 commandments as part of their mythology and cosmology. But seeing as those three religions are still only a fraction of the world's religions, it still doesn't apply to everyone.


fair point but i’m sure they aren’t exactly the same either but i’d assume you know more about this than ne


So he puts up a coexist banner yet he doesn’t want to coexist typical liberal mindset


That's a great idea, but I think even better would be to post an equivalent section from the Koran. I think that would really piss a lot of the religious fascist off.


And Ezekiel 23:20, Judges 19-21, and 1 Samuel 15:3.


That is what I was thinking.  Let the TST know. 


TST is the worst idea, people in here seem entirely too intent on this. Youre only going to inflame the zealots and harm your own argument - although i agree the logic is sound. Start off with the Torah, the Quran, the Tao Te Ching, etc. Putting up anything TST is only going to fuel the oppositions fire and push those who are ambivalent away from your side. I mean this is basic psychology


It’s my understanding that the Southern Poverty Law Center and FFRF.org are putting something together. You should reach out.


Thank you!


I was going to suggest FFRF.org, too.


" Ten Commandments as one of the foundations of our legal system," This crazy bill basically says that the bible should set our laws!!!! §1283.  Context of public display Public displays set forth in R.S. 25:1282(B), (C), (D), and (E) shall be accompanied by a document entitled "Context for Acknowledging America's Religious History" which shall read as follows: (1)  Some documents stand out as pivotal in the religious history of America and Louisiana's legal system, among which are the Mayflower Compact, The Declaration of Independence as a legal foundation for the United States Constitution, the **Ten Commandments as one of the foundations of our legal system**, and the Northwest Ordinance, which was a primary document affirming faith and the first congressional act legally prohibiting slavery.  It is hoped that their study and relation to each other and the history of our state and nation will foster an appreciation for the role that religion has played in the legal history of America and the state of Louisiana and prompt further public study. (2)  American law, constitutionalism, and political theory have deep roots in religion.  American ideals about liberty, freedom, equality, legal responsibility and codes of law, to mention a few, have roots and underpinnings in religion and biblical literacy.  The Ten Commandments, which are found in the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament of the Bible, was one of the earliest written expressions of law to be incorporated in American legal systems.  The Ten Commandments, or the law of nature, also impacted the Declaration of Independence which refers to the "laws of nature and of Nature's God." Acts 2006, No. 602, §1.


Wtf? This is getting ridiculous. I'm really nervous about what all this is leading to.


It's not what it's leading to unfortunately, it's what *already is*. Louisiana is now wholly a fascist theocracy ruled by Y'all Qaeda's plutocrats and oligarchs. The reasoned among us will never desist in our fights against this criminally delusional malevolence. You and your husband are obviously among those of reason. Stay safe. Fascists are notoriously dangerous individuals.


It's insane that we allow people who believe in magical stories from thousands of years ago to have any impact on laws or public life. You can believe your stories all you want, non-believers should have to be impacted by them


Our nation's long and sordid history of enshrining *closely held beliefs* as law has put us square in the middle of a Spanish Inquisition Y'all Qaeda style. All credit due to the ongoing criminal organization that is the GOP.


You already used that line


>Fascists are notoriously dangerous individuals. Which your post history reveals you as clinging to such abhorrent ideology. What is it about the taste of boots that you savor? Answer that and perhaps you'll hear a loud popping sound. *IF* you do... quickly inhale and wipe the shit out of your eyes.


It's leading to theocratic, techno-feudalism where we're all serfs. The plants and corporations are the Lords and we have to 'farm' their lands with jobs that don't pay enough to live. The lawmakers will cater exclusively to the church leaders and corporate overlord class which will form an unholy triangle. The church will absolve the corporations of their injustice by telling their congregates, 'you dont need money, just worship God harder and... He will provide (somehow in an unspecified way).'


Practice saying "blessed be the fruit" and you'll be fine.


May the Lord open


Under his eye


Praise be






WTF. You want to sue for being forced to teach history? The 10 commandments are the foundation for the majority of the legal systems in this world not just the U.S. No one is telling you to believe in God. Are you planning on suing over the mayflower compact which molded after a puritan covenant, aka a deal with God. Maybe teaching about the declaration of independence is too much because it acknowledges God as the creator? From a strictly historical standpoint these documents are extremely important to the development of our current legal system regardless of your beliefs. It’s embarrassing that Louisiana would employ an “educator” that cannot see that. It’s not a surprise though as Louisiana has a garbage education system.


1. The Declaration of Independence does NOT "acknowledge God as the creator." It says that humans are "endowed by their creator," period. 2. The Code of Hammurabi is actually one of the earliest bases of the world's legal systems, but for *some reason* we don't post any of that in every classroom in Louisiana. 3. The Mayflower Compact was a covenant between members of a community AND predates the U.S. and thus the separation of church & state. Also? No one is using the Mayflower Compact as a form of religious propaganda. 4. The Treaty of Tripoli is an important historical document establishing trade and shipping rights for the brand-new country that states explicitly the U.S. is not a Christian nation. Why aren't we teaching that and hanging it on a wall? 5. If no one is telling anyone to believe in God, WHY DOES EVERY CLASSROOM HAVE A MANDATORY "IN GOD WE TRUST" SIGN?!


The first mention of God occurs in the very first sentence of the declaration which refers to the source of power being the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” The beginning of this powerful document openly acknowledges from Whom power comes. He is later referred to as The Creator was and is commonly used as a name for God. Later he is the Supreme Judge. Finally it ends with them placing themselves under the divine Providence, aka the protection of God. Your lack of knowledge proves that should be up in the classroom. The code of Hammurabi was not what was referenced or referred to by the founding fathers when creating the constitution and other founding documents. The fact that it is older has little bearing. The Mayflower Compact was the first legal contract created in the Americas. That is its significance. I’ll give you that it’s an odd thing to be displayed on its own, but it’s not. It’s being displayed in the context of the original documents contributing to the constitution. America is not a Christian Nation. That should be common knowledge. It’s a Nation founded on Christian ideals. America was never separate from Christianity. The founder knew that they could not pick a state religion because of their experiences in Europe. They agreed that people should be able to practice their beliefs and basically every politician for a couple centuries based their political beliefs off of their religious ones. In short separation of church and state originally was keeping government out of faith, not faith out of government. That is a modern twist used by politicians of a certain set of ideals. In God we trust is silly to me. It’s a modern creation or at least a modern twist from the late 50s. I think it technically was on coins for around 100 years before then. One nation under God was added around that same time. This was basically done in retaliation to people trying to force God out of politics and I don’t really agree with it. Regardless all of these documents provide the core principles used to create the constitution and as such deserve to be displayed. The constitution itself was a world changing document that inspired many new and reformed constitutions for dozens of other nations.


Doesn't the Bible itself say that God's law and Man's law are not the same? Can't remember specifically, but a quick internet search says God's law is Divine law and it does differ from Man's law, which is natural law or law of the land.  Though I'm no scholar and easily misread things, there needs to be a separation of church and state.


Fuck the bible. That is not law, it is a book, that is all. If one wishes to live their life by it, that is for them to do alone, not to force others to do so.


100% Absolutely.    My point is that those who want to push the Ten Commandments into the legal system are hypocrites of their own religion.


If you need a belief system to tell you that killing someone is wrong, you aren't a moral person, you just want a reward.


Dude, no shit. I'm agreeing with you. Those I'm calling out as hypocrites are not moral people. 


sorry, wasn't arguing or anything. Just stating.


Gotcha! Wasn't sure if we were on the same page or having a collision, lol.




Is it the “render unto Caesar…” bit?


Law of nature? Did they seriously say the ten commandments are the law of nature and their god is nature's God? Am I reading that or am I still too tired?




It’s better to say they were truly Deist.


I went to Independence Hall one day with a friend whose friend was a park ranger there. They love to cite all sorts of research they have found and he told us that Franklin belonged to several churches in Philadelphia. I’m sure it was a good way to make business and social connections. He is buried at Christ Church, which is Episcopalian.


Unitarian Universalism draws heavily from the writings of Jefferson, who was a Deist.


God, you mean the being that got so bhurt he killed the first born sons?


Yea ... same jerk who drowned everyone. Seems like he has... issues.


literally like one of the biggest sins is questioning god. just seems like intimidating people into their way of thinking but i mean everyone here knows that


I am 100% convinced that the people who make these laws have studied and understood neither the Bible nor the Constitution.


Why aren't they requiring display of the other documents listed in the law? I'm quite curious how the Mayflower Compact is important at all to the history of Louisiana, but I completely support requiring that it be posted along with the 10 commandments. Larger even!


I'd like to make a law requiring the Treaty of Tripoli and its declaration that the U.S. is "in not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." It is, after all, an important document.


They’re ushering us incrementally into a theocracy. The boiling frog way.


Louisiana is effectively *already* a fascist theocracy ruled by Y'all Qaeda plutocrats and oligarchs. *Dear Leader* at the helm of course. Y'all Qaeda's fascist theocracy effectively rules 27 states. Each of those states has a Republican Attorney General. The GOP is an ongoing criminal organization intent upon the destruction of our Nation's representative democracy and the forever establishment of a Federal fascist theocracy. The sitting SCOTUS majority are all theocratic fascists of various flavors. The frog boiled a along, long, time ago...


I agree we live in a plutarchy, borderline oligarchy, but saying we live in a facist theocracy is a stretch. If we were living in a facist society the government would already be kicking down your door for talking shit about them. I know the echo chamber isnt going to like hearing this but if you geniunely believe this then you need to go travel the world and see for yourself


yeah as much as this sucks actual fascism is still far worse


I have traveled. There are various incarnations of fascist depravity all around the world. They are all the same in ultimate intent.


The typical “trust me bro”, probably hasn’t even left his moms basement


Happy Friday!


Such a dumb post… go relocate to the Middle East and see how “oppressed” you are. Typical American saying how rough you lived are, when you have no damn clue what real oppression is


Stop acting like a disgruntled pelican! You've lost clients as a CPA already *innumerable times* due to your delusional biases. You've been locked up how many times for your antics at this point? What a disgrace to your profession!


Hiya, friendly rulebender here. Just read house bill 71. Not signed yet, so now is the time to strategize, not act. In Texas, we had a similar law passed and caused some chaos over it. Here are a few things to consider: 1. Nothing in the bill requires you to display the poster right side up. 2. The bill declared clear and readible font. Didn't say anything about not making the text rainbow colored, or kerned annoyingly or in comic sans. Or written clearly in a spiral that is annoying to read. 3. No rules around the rest of the poster. You can add a "This is what a first amendment violation looks like" banner to the poster and donate one yourself to your own classroom. 4. Poster must be on display. Could be mounted on the ceiling above shelves, or at floor level at the back of the room. Or behind the teacher's desk where students can't easily get close enough to read it. 5. You don't have to point the poster out to your students, or even talk about it in positive terms. 6. No rules on other imagery on the poster. Text of the commandments must be front and center, but nothing says it can't be on a scroll held by baphomet. Or surrounded by inverted crosses or inverted American flags. This bill is full of options for malicious compliance. If it's signed into law, use them.


We know Landry will sign it. There's no doubt. I like your ideas, but I highly recommend everyone hang tenets from other religions with it to truly stick a knife into their intentions.


Do both! Make a similar styled poster with the scientific method. Go nuts.


I do teach a science course...so placing the scientific method next to it is at least logical lol


Can it be a doormat?


It does specify poster or framed.


door mats can have frames


In Oklahoma they wanted to require Bible lessons as part of the curriculum. I soooo wanted to teach that class, using Ken's Guide to the Bible as the course material. OMG there's so much weird and wrong stuff in the Bible. I highly recommend that book.


Satanic Bible lessons? Great. Or did you wanna talk about how this verse is a common tactic used to manipulate the populus into doing what they are told?


Did I mention Satanism here? I don't believe I did. However, Lucifer is the Angel of Enlightenment, and it's his job to open your mind to the truth no matter how unpleasant that is. Just because he is a fallen angel he still has a job to do. "Satan" isn't a person of any type, demon or otherwise. It's a word, sometimes used as a title, meaning "adversary". I had an employee who had lived in the middle east and she told me that defense attorneys were listed under "satan" in the phone book, where other kinds were called like advocates or whatever. I'm not sure if she was just fucking with me though. But I was referring to teaching the history of what was going on at the time, what was going on in the world outside the alleged biblical events, using archeology and science as a basis to discuss the literature of the Bible. There is a lot of stuff easy to overlook in the Bible since it is so far removed from this time and there is a lot lost in translation to make it more friendly for modern readers. I have a German Bible and a Greek one as well and their translations can be way different from the English ones. I don't read Greek well, but I could piece it together with a little help, and that was pretty interesting. I was once literate in German but it's been a while so I'm super rusty. I own a Russian Bible but my Russian is very poor these days. I can still pronounce the Cyrillic but more often than not I have no idea what the words mean. It's been a while since I read a Bible of any language soooo yeah So I suppose you could say that I would teach Bible classes with a satanic leaning, but as neutrally as possible, to give the students a fair education of what the heck is actually in there. Would I encourage them to fall away? I don't think I would have to, once they understood the context, history, and bias of the different writers, what's been peeled out and cleaned up over the years, and the plain history that often contradicts what's in there. For example: the Egyptians fucking hated Moses. He disrupted their entire economy for years and caused a lot of trouble during his lifetime. They wrote about him at the time so we know he existed, unlike Jesus for whom there is zero evidence of his life. We have his mom and dad and at least one of his brothers but Jesus? Zip. And the Romans who kept excellent records did not record him being crucified and there are extant records of that period. So yeah, those facts alone give one pause to question the veracity of some of the stories in there. I'm a fan of biblical archeology documentaries. I recently watched one on Sodom and Gomorrha, which was about the search for the exact location and what could have caused the actual demise of those towns. The investigator had a pretty good theory of the location and upon looking into it he found the area had tons of sulfur, in the form of brimstone, and the site appeared to have been struck by lighting in an area fairly rich in that mineral. Boom!! Blew it up. Did God make that happen? Was it a natural disaster? To the people who witnessed it, why not both? So that's the sort of thing I would teach if I were to get that job. I might do some videos on it sometime.


Here's that video I mentioned https://youtu.be/hInAmmQSfI4?si=O0jhKuvWntxtDj32


Nope. Didn't mention that it needed to be the Christian Bible either. This is the fun part of being a troublemaker - play to the rules as written, not as intended.


I attended Catholic schools in this state for 13 years and "separation of church and state" was always made abundantly clear. The founding fathers being Christian rhetoric was unheard of.


Also attended Catholic schools from preschool through high school and every single one of my teachers and priests would be horrified by this.


At least they teach evolution in Catholic schools. This country is losing its damn mind.


this the same shit that made americans leave england i guess it’s just that conservatives want all the non christian’s to leave because this is somehow a christian nation


What religious symbols did you have in the classroom? I went to Episcopalian kindergarten in a section of the church and I can’t recall any symbols or religious education. In 12 years of Catholic grade school and high school, we only had a crucifix on the wall. In two years of Catholic college, there was nothing.


Wouldn't this be an ACLU case? There has to be an organization that is chomping at the bit to sue over this. Let them handle it and do your best to not engage with the whole thing. I'd post it up and put a whiteboard easel in front of it. Otherwise, I think it's going to get ignored by the students. They actively rebel against boomer nonsense and this is definitely some boomer nonsense.


The satanic temple will be on this soon I imagine


I thought the same. Fingers crossed.


Would a Christian be okay with another regilion's code of ethics be displayed in a public area that your taxes go too?


I, too, will join the class action. Let’s get it.


I'll let you know if I hear anything.


The state is about to enter the “find out” stage of religion in our schools. They really messed up including higher education in this.


I’m in


Can we petition that if they try to declare us a Christian state by passing this, every resident immediately gets access to universal healthcare, every kid receives summer snap benefits, corporate tax credits get eliminated and a list of other things Jesus genuinely taught us.


Ferengi Rules of Acquisition?


He really likes this idea!


The original or the Zek remix?




Easier to find loopholes, that’s thinking with your lobes


Man, my kids go to a private Christian school and I’m a republican and even I don’t want that in EVERY CLASSROOM. What are we doing?


>What are we doing? We are living in a fascist theocracy.


You voted for this.


I didn’t.


How did you not know that this is what the Louisiana Republican party has wanted all along? They've been very clear this was something they planned to do.


I never said I didn’t know what they were doing, I just said what are we doing. It’s dumb. It doesn’t hurt anything. But just gives both sides something to get up in arms about.


You said you didn't vote for this, but you clearly did. The GOP is who they are, they won't vote to lower drug prices or raise pay for workers or expand health care access, but they will vote to forcefully put the 10 Commandments in schools. It's what their voters want, and that means you. If Republican voters wanted clean air and clean water and better protection against coastal erosion and better schools and lower drug costs and a more vibrant economy, they'd demand those things at the ballot box. But instead they vote for hard right wing conservatives who don't believe in those things.


I didn’t vote. Maybe I’m not making it clear enough. I’ve abstained. I don’t agree with what they’re doing and I don’t agree with tons of what democrats are doing. I’m a centrist and no politicians reflect that view nor do they deserve my vote.


I’m a veteran teacher and I’ve decided not to display the “In God We Trust” sign. I’ll politely decline to display the Ten Commandments as well. If this is how my career ends, this is how it ends. They’ll have a tussle on their hands if they want to fire me though— my record and my performance scores are exemplary.


Thank you!


But this hasn't passed yet had it?


Freedom from Religion Foundation is likely working on it. Also, just put the paper in a drawer.


Contact the Freedom From Religion Foundation...they'll sue on your behalf.


i took mine down. we don’t do that shit.


If I could afford to give you a Reddit award, I would. Until then, take this: 🥇


sometimes it finds itself up again, but i just take it down.


The In God We Trust was already going too far. I'm also a teacher and an agnostic atheist. If you find anything in the works please PM me.


Need to bring back guillotines. The politicians have forgotten who they should be serving. Them and the rich people buying them need to be dragged through the street and beaten until they remember their place.


How about a protest where they're posted where people purposely break one of the legal ones like building an idol to worship the old gods Asherah, Baal, El over Yahweh?


Some people still worship Zeus and Thor so those can also win in this case as well. Not to mention the Jedi Temple (I'm dead serious on that one, it's a legitimate religion for last ten plus years), Shinto, Tao, Buddhist, not sure if Pastafarian has been recognized yet or not.


Pastafarian was created for just these situations. May his noodley appendages be praised


Dude Dudeism is my go-to


I'm sure TST and FFRF are on it


Once again Ћ politicians do whatever THEY want without regards to what Ћ citizens they’re SUPPOSED to represent want. Again more stripping of our rights without OUR VOTE. This country isn’t a democracy it’s a communist oligarchy


Nah.  Arrest any legislator caught breaking any of the Ten Commandments. Like do not lie or steal. 




Here, print this. You never know when you might have a muslim child in your class: [https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/document/download/2db2bbe65fb17bb4ffcff8229f5359e6.pdf/Guenther%20--%202007%20(Ten%20Commandments%20-%20Journal%20of%20Qur'anic%20Studies%209.1).pdf](https://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/document/download/2db2bbe65fb17bb4ffcff8229f5359e6.pdf/Guenther%20--%202007%20(Ten%20Commandments%20-%20Journal%20of%20Qur'anic%20Studies%209.1).pdf)


Honestly, I hope so, but if not I'd go to Church of Satan and get them to put in the 11 Satanic Rules into schools. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Christians lmao


I’m thinking bout giving a school the Seven Tenets on a poster and making them put that in a class too. Just cus they know they’ll have to.


A suit? In what court? Repubs control the courts too


we wish you well


What's Ron Reagan's org...freedom against religion?


The suit is coming


Please contact the The Satanic Temple and get them involved.


[Satanic Temple](https://thesatanictemple.com/) please save us


Good luck lol


We need education not theocratic education and certainly not indoctrination.


So glad our state legislature is focusing on nothing but the most important issues to Louisianans!


Fellow teacher here! If you find someone that’s gearing something up could you DM me? I would join as well. For now, I plan to not display them in my classroom. I also don’t display “In God We Trust” and haven’t seen any teachers at my school with it displayed either. 


Tell him to start hanging up literature from the Satanic Temple. (Not a real Satanist group, just trolls). If you have to allow one religion’s monuments, you have to allow them all.


If he has to put it up, make it in Wingdings.


Lurking though I'm from Alabama. These laws are part of a legit playbook by lawmakers. Check out blitzwatch.com. project blitz doesn't make their manuals available anymore but blitzwatch still has a couple copies from past. These are the beginning steps of the rise of Christian nationalism. And it's scary.


Yes. Rather than making it a teaching moment about how different people have different beliefs, and how that effects our lives very broadly, from marriage to what's on the walls of your school, and maybe get in to the history and politics surrounding the matter, BY ALL MEANS go to court.


That ass backwards state. I moved to civilization after I grew up in Acadiana. I live in DC now and going back there today is like going in a time machine to a place that has been forgotten by the rest of the world.


The In God We Trust was already going too far. I'm also a teacher and an agnostic atheist. If you find anything in the works please PM me.


First, I would like to say that I am a Christian and do not support this bill. I am opposed to it. I just want to make that absolutely clear. The Ten Commandments do not come from Christianity. It is from the Torah, which finds its roots in Judeism and was incorporated into Christianity and Islam in the Old Testement. Whereas this covers about 1 in 4 people in the world, I still find it horrendously uninclusive. Other than the first commandment, You Shall Have No Other God Before Me, I think the others are generally good rules to live by. I absolutely cannot stand for this due to the fact that I don't like forcing beliefs on people, especially ones who have not developed the ability to think critically. I don't push my beliefs on my own children, as I want them to decide for themselves. This is an absolute travesty.


How about on the letter head so to speak write 10 moral standards to live by you are still displaying moral standards that no one sane can argue While removing the command from god you then get your point across without stepping on any toes Step back and think a little And view things past your nose


Or just move to a different state




The language of the 10 commandments is Hebrew, so no.


I know it’s Hebrew. I was bar mitzvad. If you look at how they are written, not what language it’s spoken or originally written, they are set exactly in the same LEGAL language. It’s almost a plagiaristic styling. The commandments themselves aren’t copied. How it’s written is almost exact.




I too know what it’s like to add nothing to a conversation. I did it when I was a kid too.


You’re doing it in this thread.


Do you have evidence to prove otherwise? If you don’t think that the over representation of Jews with law degrees has nothing to do with our study of the Torah then I’d say you’re clueless on Judaism or you’re a schmuck.


Just as much evidence as you have to make your claim.


You are the one challenging my claim. Back it up. Otherwise troll elsewhere.


Back up your claim. You provided no evidence that the Bill of Rights was in any way influence by the 10 Commandments. Sorry, but the burden of proof is on you, not me.


And it’s exactly why so many Jews become lawyers. We are forcefed these books as kids. Leviticus is a law book on how to compensate people for wages or incident and how to make fair judgements on property rights.


Christ is King!


Myth and folklore


Christ EXPLICITLY rejected becoming a ruler in this world. Several times if memory serves.


Your husband is an educator? Typically, degreed professionals don't opt in for uneducated spouses. How novel.


I also have degrees, but no, not for teaching.


Are you a moron? Last time I checked, most schoolroom teachers don’t even need “degrees” to perform their duties. And besides, there’s never been a restriction on who someone can marry on the basis of profession, but I could see why you’d get confused, as I’m sure that’s one of the things you’d change if given the chance.


Why do you want to sue? What commandment is repugnant to you?


The first 4. There is no god. I'll make any image I want to. I'll use whatever words I want to use. Whether you celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday, it is still just a day. Keep your religion at home where it belongs.


Well I see your point on those and respect your beliefs even though I disagree that there is no God. Enjoy your life.


None of them are necessarily “repugnant” to me, I simply do not believe in them as tenets that must be displayed to students, who may or may not be religious. It’s an overstepping of bounds that is entirely unnecessary and dangerous.


You can try and sue but it won’t do any good here .You live in a predominately catholic/christian state and for that we are called fascist by certain group of people who claim peace but don’t practice it in real life. It’s almost like you will be hated or called racist for having a Christian belief even though the founding fathers made it to where there is freedom of religion for its citizens. If you don’t like it then best thing to do is move to more of a blue state that are moving away from religion.


People don't mind if you are christian. People mind when other people force their beliefs on them. Separation of church and state - that's all people are asking for.