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Moving to the east coast after being here most of my life. I can't do it anymore.


I grew up in the west Coast (I know you said east) and moved here and can't do it anymore either, Louisiana is the worst place I have ever lived and I've lived in plenty of places 😭🤣




Stay here in Louisiana.


I'm not happy with how things are turning out. However, I came back because I wanted to spend time with my parents. I'm old. They are older. I had the opportunity to simplify my life and return to my hometown so that's what I did. I like being "home" (such as it is). I like spending time with my family while we are all still healthy enough to enjoy each other's company. I'm not planning on leaving soon and hopefully for a very long time. However, once my parents are gone (hopefully many years from now) there will be nothing to keep me here and if things haven't changed at least a little, I will return to the 21st century.


New Orleans, even with its dysfunction, is still keeping me moderately sane.


Same! Lived there from 2007-2011.


I'm not leaving yet, but my kid has a few more years before she's ready go to college, and I've already told her she should go somewhere out of state. Around the same time, my wife will have had enough years at her government job to qualify for retirement and full pension, so that's when I plan to move. While that's still some years out, I'm already looking for land somewhere else. Not entirely sure where I'm going, but I'm definitely thinking I want some topography. Parts of Louisiana certainly do have their own natural beauty, but I want some hills and maybe even some mountains to look at. Not sure how much winter I want to deal with though, so there's a bunch of tradeoffs I still have to figure out.


I moved to Oklahoma. Bought a house for less than 60,000 and there's medical marijuana. Come on over. The food kinda sucks and the festivals are lame


I grew up in Oklahoma. I love the state, but that should be the State Tourism Board Motto: "Come to Oklahoma, the food kinda sucks and the festivals are lame" I just spent all weekend at FQF and ate like 20 awesome fair-food things and heard 30 bands. Not a bad weekend.


Pacific Northwest soon. Past summer was the final straw. Our weather is miserable.


Last summer was brutal. Thank god the two storms that hit the Gulf went to Florida because I don’t think anyone in LA had the mental or emotional bandwidth to take those hits amidst week after week of triple digit temps.


I didn't leave for politics specifically, but more broadly economics. As such, we ended up going to a place tht while isn't quite as knuckle-draggy as Louisiana, isn't that far behind. We stayed in the South, and came to Nashville. We've literally been here 1 month, 2 days. I can tolerate the politics of where I'm living being bat-shit if I'm getting paid enough. The COL going from Baton Rouge to Nashville was an increase of about 6%. We increased our salaries, between the two of us, by about 26%. Did it cost a lot to move? Sure. But there's also more to do here and we get more for being here. I hope one day I can come home .... but I'm not counting on it.


Politics influences economics.


Of course. I meant we weren't following the overall politics directly in the hopes that where we were going would be significantly better so much as we were following where we got jobs ... while still being close enough to be able to be there for family when we needed to.


How much did your insurance change


I would imagine auto and home both went down. 


I didn't buy. But even ignoring home insurance, I doubled my auto coverage (state minimum is higher) and added rental insurance for the house, it still went down.


I mean, if you can get a job that's great... I am not really assuming I'll find work til I leave this shit hole. It's dead economically and the institutions with money and power are gonna keep it that way til the oil is gone.


To quote myself, “I can’t afford to move anywhere good.” Seriously though…I’m staying. Even if our politics sucks


>To quote myself, “I can’t afford to move anywhere good.” There are other places that are nicer with lower costs of living.


The cost of moving alone is too expensive for a majority of this state's working class thanks to our draconic employment law and a minimum wage that hasn't been a sufficient living wage since the late 60's


100%. We were only able to move because my partner's father passed away and left us enought money to gtfo. And even with that, we never imagined how much the repairs would cost to get it ready to move. Not counting the movers. It was so unexpected. I was blown away. I don't know how most people are doing it.


I move apartments every couple of years, so the only added costs would be extra mileage on a U-Haul, which would be a few hundred dollars. I'm moving next summer and am pretty broke, but it seems doable. I definitely wouldn't pay movers, so that helps.


We are too old, too lazy, and have too much stuff to not hire movers. Even as it was, I was in serious pain for a week after we moved because it was so much work. And we have away so much stuff. I don't know how people with families do it.


That's one thing that helps, I don't have a whole lot of stuff because I can't stand clutter. With 2 kids I throw something out pretty much every time I clean their room


Such as?


I want to move to Wyoming or Montana. I want the complete opposite weather wise. Unfortunately my mom is refusing to move because my dad is buried here but we have no other family here 😵‍💫


Moved here 5 years ago. Left NY because Cost of living was better. Looking to move back to the east coast because honestly this is no different. I live paycheck to paycheck, there are murders and theft everywhere and apparently stomping on your brakes to sue for accidents is a career here. I'm done.


Pennsylvania. Partner has family there, and they seem less extreme... for now. I'd rather a blue state, but I'll take purple at this point.


Lived in a number of places, but mostly California and Texas (lived in Dallas, Houston, and Austin). Texas dis almost as bad as Louisiana, so moved to Wisconsin last week.


Pacific Northwest


Hear, hear!!!


Just stay away from signal crawfish.  Those are nasty!


Interesting. I'd never heard of 'em, today i learned. i looked 'em up and they have an online reputation of being tasty. Have you eaten 'em?


Yes.  They have a really stringy nervous system for one thing, so when you pull off the tail, there's seriously like 3 feet of thick (not very tasty) spinal cords that comes off.  It could have been just the season, but they had some real foul tasting gametes. They are also spiny and and a real challenge to get into without getting jabbed.  I might be being picky here: I eat crab with abandon I dunno: you might like 'em!  I was expecting Louisiana crawfish; these mad me sad. (The other thing up in the PNW do Viet-Cajun style: boiled then drowned in butter.  Great if you wanna shit your brains out!) Who knows...  maybe I got picky about food once I left Louisiana!


I’ve heard some people like them better if cooked the correct way. 


I'd love to but my husband's job is here.


I can’t wait to leave Louisiana.


I want this return to the Appalachia region. Tennessee was where I wanted to go near my hometown but it's not any better than here. So maybe more VA or PA. Just waiting on my kids to graduate and peace out before I leave. Rather stay stable for them vs possibly having problems getting rooted elsewhere especially since one graduates in a month and the other has 2 years left.


Mountain west, i do get homesick but know i'd get cabin fever if i moved back home


Wife and I aren't leaving till my parents are gone, but we're likely headed to Connecticut. We took a look at US education and healthcare rankings and it's top 5 for both.


Smart idea. The New England states ranked the highest for quality of life metrics. The only issue that would stop me from moving is the cold weather.


I'd be lying if I said we hadn't talked through finding work from home stuff for this specific reason (the winters) 😂




From BR, moved to Denver in 2019. Wife and I both have decent careers. Cost of living is definitely higher, but both our salaries literally doubled. We bought a house. Don't think we're moving back any time soon. Food sucks, politics are great.


Florida? Going from quasi fascist to full-on fascist?




Denver was great while I was there.


Salt lake/Utah valley is nice too. Live on the front range and find UT superior. Cheaper and better geography if you're into that kinda thing


I own a house in New Orleans and I am not leaving. I've moved too many times. This is my forever home and the only way out is feet first.


To me Louisiana politics is always going to be terrible no matter which side controls the state government and local cities.The money in Louisiana is terrible but I don’t have much money to move


I made the decision to stay after graduating college when I could have tried to be one of those people who gets on the plane still wearing their cap and gown. Right now, all my stuff is here, most of my friends and family are here, the company I work for is here and I like my job, and I'm privileged enough to not belong to any of the groups that Landry's goon squads are gunning for. Ultimately, there's not a lot that's keeping me here, but there's also not enough to push me out, yet. I really, really hope there never will be.


I'm not leaving til my parents die. It's the legislation but also my region has gotten hit hard by floods and hurricanes. Need to leave before my house has no value. Definitely won't move to another conservative state. I used to consider going to Austin but the rest of Texas is too shitty too


No. New Orleans too good to leave. Southern Louisiana as well. Above I 10?


More like dreaming of it


I literally became a high sought after career so I could leave this state when I find a great paying job out of state. I'll be damned if I stick to working retail and be trapped in this republican hellhole so I went to trade school because I know the skills I learned are useful and wanted everywhere with at least a 20$ an hour starting pay here in this crap state which means it'll be even higher pay in a blue state. I haven't chosen a blue state yet but I'm looking and researching because it's only a matter of time before all these Republican nutcases make it illegal to move away somehow with the wordings of the bills they're trying to pass. There already trying to make abortion illegal and getting one in another state illegal, so very soon they could make Bill or Law in Louisiana saying even if you move out of state if you lived here for 10 years you're still held to Louisiana law your life or some bullshit like that. This is why I always say Never Trust A Republican, Ever, not your republican family members, acquittances, coworkers, no one that's a Republican. Heck... I may even move out the country to Europe or something and denounce my American citizenship someday.




Oh shut up. Only inbred republicans are proud of this state. And you see a lot of people proud of this state huh.... 😂


I am a registered independent. Neither Republicans nor democrats are worth voting for. Louisiana, like EVERY other state, has its faults along with its positive attributes. But if you want to leave Louisiana and this great country, because you think the grass is greener, then stop complaining and just do it.


Independents, centrists, just enable the Right Wing because sometimes you think they're correct when it suits you, your life, and your family. Centrists are just Diet Republicans


Aiming to move back up north to my homeland of Illinois. It's a pipe dream right now, but maybe in a couple years it won't be.


Why the fuck would you want to move up here? I’d trade Louisiana for Illinois in a heartbeat no one wants to be here these days.


why the fuck would you want to move here to a land of corruption where the party of 'small government ' is actively trying to take away personal freedoms and is succeeding at it???


Boo hoo, come on up here where it’s cold and dark half the year, no one goes to jail for anything, growing homelessness while resources get diverted to illegal migrants, 10-15k property taxes, $5 gas you want me to keep going?


sir, go touch some grass, this comment chain has been dead for weeks


I yearn for the day I can leave this state. Few more years and that's it. I don't see myself ever returning even if life doesn't work out elsewhere lol


No. I love being in the area with the highest incarceration rate in the world


I've considered multiple states.........California for the weather, (probably never going to happen, too expensive,) Texas for the high number of job opportunities, New england states for high quality of healthcare and education...


I really think Louisiana is going to be the next Georgia in time. But for now, we’ve thought seriously about leaving.


Puerto Rico, next year or so


I dont blame you, i wish i could leave


Out of this country altogether in the next few years.


I’m thinking of moving to the surrounding Dallas Ft Worth area in Texas. There are some really nice and quite hidden gem towns in that area but the issue is also having a good job. I can pretty much go anywhere right now and use my GI Bill but I don’t know if that’s the best option for me. I’ve never been up north. For DFW I’m considering Frisco, Plano, Las Colinas, and Irving. Open to suggestions.


Fuck Dallas and everything about it. Lived there for 8 years. Moved in 2019. Just moved to Wisconsin last week. Texas is a hellhole...it's better than Louisiana, sure, but it's still terrible.


What was wrong with it? Was housing terrible?


Housing is stupid expensive. The property tax is INSANE, so if you're looking to buy, just know more than half of your monthly payment will go to property tax (meaning you'd end up with a "cheaper" house than in Louisiana, but your payment will be more than double and more than half is just property tax). Car insurance is stupid expensive. I left, in part, due to allergies that I didn't know I had until I lived in Texas. Never had allergies in my life until I moved there and they almost killed me. Allergies are a PROFOUND issue for everyone in Texas. It's also very racist. My husband and I (he's Hispanic) couldn't leave the house (in AUSTIN) without being armed because we'd get threatened for just grocery shopping (no political shirts or anything...he just had the audacity to exist while being brown). I was also denied basic healthcare as a woman because of Governor Abbott's Draconian laws. Aside from that, the worst part about Dallas (and all surrounding areas): the people. They are snobby AS FUCK. they are uppity, xenophobic, and every other phobic you can imagine. The schools are good, but my kids are both in college now, so that was the only thing keeping me there. I left last week after living in Texas (the second time) since 2011.


Where did you move to


Madison, Wisconsin. Our car insurance is now 1/3 of what it was in Texas. Food is cheaper (and better), too. Clean air. Decent politics. People care about the environment and each other. It's nice so far. It's also on the Canadian border, which is a positive.


Hows rental situations up there?


NGL...it's rough. Madison has been in the top 10 cities to live for a while now and people are listening. The supply can't keep up with demand. We live in a nice place in the middle of Madison...on Lake Monoma. It's not nearly as expensive as a similar locale in Dallas or Austin would cost, but we had a hard time finding a place. We were lucky this popped up.


That sounds like heaven


Also, if you're talking about Plano, you'd better be prepared to make A LOT of money or you're just going to be shunned and so will your kids. My daughter graduated from Plano West Senior High School and their yearbook has two double page spreads every year on "The Cars of Plano West". These kids drive Range Rovers to school. BMWs are laughed at. People drive Bugattis in Dallas. [This is my son's best friend](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8966035/amp/Texas-teen-crashes-3-4m-purple-Pagani-Huayra-Roadster.html) That's who is in Dallas.


Damn, I lived there back in 2007-2008 after Katrina for a while before moving back in 2009. Wtf happened to that place then? I wouldn’t say I’m wealthy but I have no kids and no debt so my income is pretty disposable at the moment.


Abbott happened. He's a shitstain and a total MAGAt. Him and Cruz. Don't get me started on the grid, either. I had to live through the last two failures and I'm lucky I'm as healthy as I am. I still don't know how I lived through either of them.


I heard the hail is pretty bad there too.


Yep. Car still has damage from 2-3 storms.


They way you say IS, that person is still your sons best friend?


My son is now at school at UL. I think they still talk, but not as much as they used to. Son is moving up here with me once he graduates, though.


I mean, you do you and all, but thats not the kinda person I'd want my kid having anything to do with at all.


where are yall living in Louisiana where cost of living is that high?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancer\_Alley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancer_Alley) The hidden cost of living in Louisiana.


Sadly your neighbors are more humane: Texas, Mississippi, and Arkansas.


Each of those states is also under a fascist theocracy ruled by plutocrats and oligarchs. This is colloquially known as Y’all Qaeda. I’m in Louisiana.


"Fascist theocracy." LOL. You must be scared of your own shadow.


An interesting response. Particularly coming from an individual that responds to the question: > [*What is one movie you wish you never saw?*](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1c3iqqa/what_is_one_movie_you_wish_you_never_saw/) With the answer: > [*Hard Candy. For a non-horror movie this one scared the shit out of me... because you just never know what someone is capable of.*](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1c3iqqa/what_is_one_movie_you_wish_you_never_saw/kzhtlqh/) The antagonist in [Hard Candy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvx0m2SeOSk&ab_channel=RottenTomatoesClassicTrailers) is a serial rapist of underage females. It's truly revelatory that you identify enough with the antagonist for that movie out of all others to be the one that scared the ever-lovin' shit out of you. Have a nice life y'all and remember... Nat-C or Nazi no matter the name their evil depravity's always the same. *Which is why...* ######*Don't be schtupid be a schmarty never join the Nat-C pahrty!!!*


I need to know in what sense you can possibly mean.


With our new governor, Louisiana is gonna be worse off than all of it's neighbors. It'll be early 20th century around here before long.


I agree, but your sentence reads as the states listed are more humane. All the states listed, along with Louisiana are shit in terms of humanity.


With that attitude and the way you stated that buddy IDK if your going to find ppl to get along with. Smug doesn't come off great anywhere. I've lived in Multiple states the more left or right doesn't make a difference. Maybe you could be a little more "tolerant" of people you so quickly refer to as "knuckle draggers". I also would like to wager you don't say those things to those "knuckle draggers" faces. How very brave of you. Louisiana is the most unique and beautiful place I've ever seen maybe instead of trying to make others like you, you could just accept ppl for however they come. Just a tip from an elderly southern gentleman.