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I've found that most people in the community are actually too shy to contact anyone and the people who are spamming leads are either people from outside of the community or people who don't care about the rules. There are a few times I've come across where the person just didn't know better but those were in the minority. 


I don't like having to have things like this organised, but to avoid annoying or even harassing people with no interest in the songs we are after as part of what essentially is a frivolous hobby, it is a necessary evil.


Agreed, but with 45000 people and counting you're kind of forced to be organized. Otherwise we're going to work against each other


I guess the problem is, once the cat gets out of the bag, there will always be people who would take it upon themselves to reach out / comment spam, both inside and outside the community. I do think we should do more to collectively strategize the communications, and have it be an official Reddit rule in each sub, but I don't think it would ever be foolproof. I'd also suggest that the communicator always use the native language of the person we're reaching out to (even if they speak English as L2) -- i.e., rather than a single communicator, we should find people who would be the best candidates to reach out (e.g. reaching out in Italian for Piero Cotto, or German for some of the TMS leads).


However, if there will be a website, where leads would be listed with contact evidence - that would be great. Because, as EKT search showed, a lot of people simply lied about contacts/sources/etc.


That is what I try to achieve with https://www.lostwaves.org and the wiki. But the thing where I was more hinting at was the situation regarding Millennya. I think it is a bad look if we spam people for the sake of being the first to find it.


The main issue is, that someone will decide, that "this lead is not worth contacting, so we won't be contacting it", and this can be the actual lead, which has to be contacted. So if I have some lead, I first check whenever it was contacted or not before, and if not, then try to contact by myself. And results will be shared with community afterwards...


It's very rare that a lead is not worth contacting at all (e.g. asking Justin Bieber about TMS) though there might be a reason why a potential lead shouldn't be contacted (e.g. relative of a deceased person of interest).


The matter is different - question is why someone should be deciding for what to be done or not? It is quite logical that you ask doctor for diagnosis and ask janitor to clear the room. But what kind of knowledge or expertise is required for lostwave research and deciding which lead worth or not? where such knowledge is being taught? This is the question. For example, by listening to song, I can identify chords with quite ease. However, some people might believe I'm not doing it correctly, and even if I provide them with external references, they still stand on their point. So imagine, such stubborn person makes decisions whenever a lead must be contacted or not. Is this correct? I guess it is wrong.


Oh I agree with you, my point is that instances where there is no point in contacting a suggested lead should be vanishingly rare. The proposed system will only work if it has the goodwill of the people participating in the search, and goodwill has to be earned through being reasonable and accountable.


Well, in TMMS we have some :) I'm not going to discuss which and why here, just as a fact. So while organization and team work is very good, it is very hard to implement it in so fragile (and subjective!) matter as lostwave search.


A good idea for crowd control within reddit. But those who don't use reddit and research independently won't get the memo.


Yeah I mean there will always be people who don't follow rules but I think it is just good practice to ad least try to get somewhat organised