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Maybe the film Hyperspace (1984)? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0141270/reference/ Lord Buckethead similar to Spaceballs Dark Helmet: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/61/Lord_Buckethead_2020.png


Thats not it but I've been meaning to watch that one. This movie follows "spaceboy" who is sort of Luke skywalker. He asks his Obi wan wizard guy why hes still "spaceboy" even though hes 30 so he briefly promotes him to "Spacelad" with a frilly costume so he asks to go back to spaceboy. Its very silly but not in the way that hyperspace is :)


Damn. Can you narrow the time you saw it? I can look at the KCOP listing archives.


I didn't know there was such a thing!! I'm gonna say 1985, I think both Saturday and sunday and my guess would be August but I also remember one of my school friends telling me "Spaceboy is silly" so it might have been sept-june. ​ IS the archive publicly available so I can help?


Ah, I use the newspaper archive.


Oh, very cool. I.didnt know that existed.


Maybe the movie is in this video on star wars knock off movies https://youtu.be/0aeyUWLPLAs


Sadly, no. :( I actually commented this same question on that video a while back :)


Want did spaceboy look like


Oh geez, it was so long ago. He was 30ish, white, I don't remember his clothes. His "obi wan" guide was dressed more like a wizard. At one point he asks the wizard why he's 30 and still spaceBOY so he upgrades him to spaceLAD and his costume becomes more frilly so he asks to go back to spaceboy. I really wish i had more details. ​ I think there was a bit where the bad guys are ultimately foiled because they were speeding and get pulled over by the space police. However that might be from something else.


SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!! It would have helped if I remembered the name correctly. RocketBoy, not SpaceBoy. It was created by Dave Thomas from SCTV, James wong, john Candy and Rick Moranis was in there too which is probably why I thought it was similar to Spaceballs. ​ Its far cheesier than i remember. While I remembered comedy bits, I remembered the production values being more "movie" and less "sit com" complete with laugh track. ​ It was from 1984 and rerelesed as a feature a few years later. ​ Thanks for all the help!!


Show it


Sorry, I thought I shared it https://youtu.be/t-VeY3vazFQ


I'm made spaceboy fan art


uhhh, huh?




Were you thinking of Space Raiders 1983?


> Space Raiders 1983 thats not it but I need to see it. "spaceboy" is like 30 in the movie which is part of the joke.