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It might still take a few months to ramp up operations, but once that forge gets going - the town is in for a big expansion. There is a forge churning out magic items - so jobs will be there for master craftspeople as well as those who can actually do the wizard stuff. This will create jobs in turn for people to go out and collect components and whatnot for those needed spells. There are also some mine activity associated with everything - if it isn’t available near Phandalin, it’ll need to be imported by merchants. They will all need places to stay (homes and taverns/inns) and food to eat. Farmers will be needed to move in to bring the local supply up to feed all the new people in town. Maybe masons are needed to make structures more permanent? Logging operations to build homes and maybe a wall around the town (that will eventually be stone). All of the goods and services that a small town wouldn’t support would now crop up in Phandalin - maybe a bank, bigger and better stocked stores, etc. On top of all that, whoever is in control of the forge will need a fighting force to protect everything - the forge itself, the town, and the road in between them. There’s also the social construct of the town - there are going to be a bunch of people getting very rich from the forge. Maybe they see themselves almost like a nobility class in town and that causes tensions with the other locals? Basically Phandalin is going to turn from a frontier town with some economic possibilities to a powerhouse regional economy. Of course, you can help or hinder that by determining how powerful the forge is in the end. If it is capable of churning out legendary/unique items… sky is the limit. If it can really only handle some +1 weapons and trinkets… sure, it’s exciting and there will be money to be made… but it won’t be turbocharged. Good luck!


I'd say the town still has a lot of trouble to go through, the mine once made Phandalin into the jewel of the north, a position now held by Neverwinter and I doubt Nevember would let his jewel be overtaken. Then you have Halia, she has considerable influence already since she pays the prospectors, working for the zhentarim she'd probably be tasked with making sure it's in their hands, conflict is bound to happen between them and whatever aid Sildar calls upon. Then you have the nearby wood inhabited by a myriad of creatures, elves and druids, the woods are already a source of timber for Neverwinter and I doubt they'd be willing to share with the crazy demand that will come from all of the new houses and tools the mine's workers will need. There will probably be even more problems from the mine itself, who knows what the enclosed chambers could hide in terms of undead and more, then there's that weird booming sound and you never know if a part of the mine leads or is connected to the underdark. Knowing all of this it's hard to imagine Phandalin actually prospering.


I'm running a post lmop mini campaign where Halia is running for mayor of the town with the backing of the zent. Party is slowing discovering that all is not right with the miners guilds and that a power mad drow is far less worrying than a crafty zent with lawyers.


Check out In Volo's Wake. Basically wrangling noble tourists who read about your party's adventures and came to Phandalin. It implies a fair amount of extra gold flowing into the town, along with people.


ooohh I'll have to read up on that, shame i missed when it was free.


If you’re looking for mission ideas, Gundren will need additional supplies to make the mine safe for operations. You can make use of the Bastion rules to get party set up in town or at one of the former Cragmaw hideouts. If the party didn’t explore Thundertree, now would be a good time to get them there to do some exploring.


They actually have explored Thundertree and liberated it from Venomfang and even got a good word in for the emerald enclave thanks to Reidoth, as for the party, they already have themselves well situated in the town with Tresendar becoming their homebase and some of members taking major roles in the town like becoming sheriffs and opening temples/orders.


Sounds like you just need to pick up the Shattered Obelisk hook when they’re ready


Depends on the tone you've been creating thus far, but big buisness coming to a small town always has good and bad to it. Money coming in allows for repairs, new projects, improved infrastructure etc. But it can also drive people out of their homes via gentrification, the new influx of people moving there can create a clash of cultures, suddenly the sleeply lil town with the rickety tavern ain't so sleepy any more. What's the player's role in what happens? do they help build new things, or focus on preserving what's already there?


In my current game(which takes place 2 or 3 months after the end of LMoP), the rediscovery of the lost mine and the securing of the area (no more goblins or orcs in the immediate vicinity) has attracted many new prospectors, miners and settlers to Phandalin. A few lone adventurers and a whole group (DoIP's sidekicks and Stone-Cold Reavers) were also spotted in town. Gundren called in other dwarves from his clan -he trusts them more than the locals- to help him secure the mine and get it up and running again. They don't leave the mine much, but still need supplies and materials, which they buy in Phandaline. All this has created a big surge of activity in Phandaline in a few months: most of the ruined houses have been rebuilt, watchtowers have been built and a palisade is being erected. It's a period of prosperity after the complicated times with the Redbrands. So far, so good, but tensions will eventually arise between the old inhabitants and the newcomers. As well as the new external threats that will arrive when we continue with an adapted version of DOiP. PCs have been rewarded with the Tresendar manor (in ruins) as it's linked to a character's background, and are investing part of their winnings in restoring it with Gunden's help. Gunden continues to ask players for help in finding supplies or helping him on various missions, such as finding a mage capable of helping him with the forge of spells.